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      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Jurisprudence of the Economic System of Islam (Volume I)

        by Mohsen Araki

        The present book is a research in the field of economic jurisprudence written by the efforts of Ayatollah Araki. The main purpose of the author is to provide an example of jurisprudential efforts in order to present the Islamic economic system based on books and traditions. In the income of the book, the author first defines the main words of the discussion such as economics, economic system, economic worldview, economic school, etc. It then discusses Islam and the economic system. It then raises the question of what is the meaning of the jurisprudence of the economic system? And then, he introduces the sources of inference of the Islamic economic system and at the end he explains the method of inference of the Islamic economic system. The first chapter, entitled Economic Worldview, examines the economic worldview of the three schools of Marxism, capitalism and Islam and explains the role of Islamic economic worldview in the economic system. Motivations of economic activity and goals of the Islamic economic system are other topics in this chapter. The second chapter also discusses in detail the Islamic school of economics.

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