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      • Naufal Hachette Antoine

        In 2009, Hachette Livre (# 3 publishing group worldwide) and Librairie Antoine (one of the most renowned Lebanese bookseller groups) joined their strengths to set up Hachette Antoine, a joint-venture based in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the JV between Hachette Livre and Librairie Antoine was to create a leading trade publisher in the Arabic speaking world, covering the Middle East (Levant and GCC) and North-Africa regions, with a business focus on high potential markets. Our strength: • Large-scale distribution channels in the MENA region with warehouses in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt. • Strong PR and Media connections throughout the region with efficient online and offline marketing tools. • The only Arab publishing house to provide professional and exhaustive editing on both translated and original Arabic books. • Full financial transparency: All audit assertions and financial statements are served by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Our imprints Naufal: is dedicated to fiction and non-fiction. Our list includes well established classical and contemporary authors from the Arab world among which the best-selling/phenomenon Algerian author, Ahlem Mosteghanemi, Syrian novelist Khaled Khalifa, and Lebanese journalist and women’s rights activist, Joumana Haddad. Fiction/translated: In translated fiction, our strategy consists of publishing authors from Arab origins who write in languages other than Arabic, alongside international best-selling authors. We also leave room for a few “coups de cœur” by debut authors. Thrillers and suspense: Include names such as J.K. Rowling aka Robert Galbraith, Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Coben, Anthony Horowitz and others, and providing quality translations. Non-Fiction: Biographies and Memoirs: Becoming, A promised land. HA Kids: Licenses: Hachette Antoine is the official licensee of Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Nickelodeon, Ferrari... in the MENA region, with more brands to come. History and Topical books, Illustrated, Inspirational stories, HA Lifestyle, HA Education, HA Reference

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        Pantalones azules

        by Sara Gallardo

        Pantalones azules is a novel with a deceptively simple appearance. As Leopoldo Brizuela has noted, fifty years after its first publication, it "reveals itself as the recounting of a process infinitely more subtle" than an impossible love affair, which was the key interpretation by its contemporaries. On the contrary, Pantalones azules is a story of multiple disillusionments: those of Alejandro, the young protagonist from a well-to-do family, Catholic and anti-Semitic, who encounters the limits of his convictions upon meeting Irma, an immigrant with a Jewish mother who lost her parents in the European war; those of Irma, who receives not compassion but the inhuman brutality of Alejandro’s convictions; and those of Elisa, Alejandro’s virgin fiancée, who must decide her position within the patriarchal family structure and whether to accept her role as a future wife subjected to the tacit violence of her fiancé. But more than a story of love and disillusionment, Pantalones azules is a prodigious representation, for its freshness and vitality, of the distances that separate social groups, cultures, generations, and genders within the same time and place. A prime example of Sara Gallardo’s extraordinary ability to bring her characters to life with wisdom, humor, a touch of malice, and a surprising economy of resources, this second novel by the author also broadens her perspective on the landscape: the countryside, the city, and the river are depicted here with unusual accuracy, possible only for someone who has experienced landscape and language as a unique amalgam, a defining characteristic of her works. First published in 1963, Pantalones azules has circulated only minimally since then. Fiordo is proud to bring this superb novel by one of Argentina’s greatest writers back to readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Hatred of Jews

        A never-ending story?

        by Sebastian Voigt

        — An overall presentation of the history of anti-Semitism based on the latest research — A necessary book that helps to recognise (and combat) anti-Jewish attitudes and patterns of behaviour even in the present day The Hamas attack on Israel is further aggravating the situation in the Middle East, and will continue to intensify anti-Semitism. And this plague, combined with Israel’s denied right to exist; the attacks in Brussels and Paris; the aggressive violence against everything Jewish in the Islamic world – is as dangerous as ever. Hatred of the Jews is old, vast and strong. The anamnesis began 2500 years ago in the Middle Ages, and came to head in the 18th and 19th centuries. It culminated ideologically in the Wannsee Conference, and became murderous in Auschwitz. Historian Sebastian Voigt provides a dense history of the hatred of the Jews – and combines it with a passionate call for courageous resistance.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Imagine Being a Jew for One Hour

        Stories against anti-Semitism

        by Kurt Oesterle

        Hatred of Jews is long-standing, widespread and powerful. After Auschwitz, the lesson used to be: “Never again!” However, anti-Semitic resentment, like an epidemic, still grips the bourgeois middle-class in our society. In his book “A Jew for One Hour”, Kurt Oesterle convincingly demonstrates how hatred of Jews functions in aesthetic and emotional terms with no empathy whatsoever. He also shows that for the past 200 years of German literature a line of tradition can be acknowledged “in defence of Jewishness”. Kurt Oesterle accounts for this in his book of stories with an impressive depth of knowledge, with a generous heart and mind and incredible commitment. A truly significant book.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Right-Wing Judges in Germany

        AfD judges, prosecutors and jurors: a danger to democracy?

        by Joachim Wagner

        — How politics are increasingly influencing the rule of law in Germany — Systematic failures of democracy to protect itself — Based on numerous interviews with different members of Germany's legal system Ever since the right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD) secured representation in the Bundestag and in all state parliaments, Germany’s judiciary is facing a new challenge for which it is unprepared: AfD-affiliated judges and public prosecutors are attracting attention through right-wing biased decisions and investigations. Other members of the legal system cause further damage by ignoring the right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic background of crimes and thus punishing offenders too leniently or not at all. Both the judiciary and policy-makers have so far underestimated the new danger from the right. As a result protection against the appointment of right-wing legal professionals has been insufficient. Joachim Wagner systematically analyses numerous examples from German courts in recent years. He calls on the democratic judiciary to remember the principles of a well-fortified democracy.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2014

        Farewell, Aleppo

        by Claudette E. Sutton

        The Jews of Aleppo, Syria, had been part of the city's fabric for more than two thousand years, in good times and bad, through conquerors and kings. But in the middle years of the twentieth century, all that changed. To Selim Sutton, a merchant with centuries of roots in the Syrian soil, the dangers of rising anti-Semitism made clear that his family must find a new home. With several young children and no prospect of securing visas to the United States, he devised a savvy plan for getting his family out: "exporting" his sons.In December 1940, he told the two oldest, Mea¯r and Saleh, that arrangements had been made for their transit to Shanghai, where they would work in an uncle's export business. China, he hoped, would provide a short-term safe harbor and a steppingstone to America.But the world intervened for the young men, now renamed Mike and Sal by their Uncle Joe. Sal became ill with tuberculosis soon after arriving and was sent back to Aleppo alone. And the war that soon would engulf every inhabited land loomed closer each day. Joe, Syrian-born but a naturalized American citizen, barely escaped on the last ship to sail for the U.S. before Pearl Harbor was bombed and the Japanese seized Shanghai.Mike was alone, a teen-ager in an occupied city, across the world from his family, with only his mettle to rely on as he strived to survive personally and economically in the face of increasing deprivation. Farewell, Aleppo is the story–told by Mike's daughter–of the journey that would ultimately take him from the insular Jewish community of Aleppo to the solitary task of building a new life in America.It is both her father's tale that journalist Claudette Sutton describes and also the harrowing experiences of the family members he left behind in Syria, forced to smuggle themselves out of the country after it closed its borders to Jewish emigration. The picture Sutton paints is both a poignant narrative of individual lives and the broader canvas of a people's survival over millennia, in their native land and far away, through the strength of their faith and their communities. Multiple threads come richly together as she observes their world from inside and outside the fold, shares an important and nearly forgotten epoch of Jewish history, and explores universal questions of identity, family, and culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2021

        Anti-racist scholar-activism

        by Remi Joseph-Salisbury, Laura Connelly

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021

        Vienna’s ‘respectable’ antisemites

        by Michael Carter-Sinclair

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Anti-racism in Britain

        Traditions, histories and trajectories, 1880-present

        by Saffron East, Grace Redhead, Theo Williams

        Concepts of 'race' and racism are central to British history. They have shaped, and been shaped by, British identities, economies and societies for centuries, from colonialism and enslavement to the 'hostile environment' of the 2010s. Yet state and societal racism has always been met with resistance. This edited volume collects the latest research on anti-racist action in Britain, and makes the case for a multifaceted, historically contingent 'tradition' of British anti-racism shaped by local, national and transnational contexts, networks and movements. Ranging from Pan-Africanist activism in the 1890s to mutual aid women's groups in the 1970s, from anti-racist trade union marches in Scotland to West African student groups in North East England - this book explores the continuities and interruptions in British anti-racism from the nineteenth century to the present day.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Race talk

        Languages of racism and resistance in Neapolitan street markets

        by Antonia Lucia Dawes

        This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. Race talk is about language use as an anti-racist practice in multicultural city spaces. The book contends that attention to talk reveals the relations of domination and subordination in heterogeneous, ethnically diverse and multilingual contexts, while also helping us to understand how transcultural solidarity might be expressed. Drawing on original ethnographic research conducted on licensed and unlicensed market stalls in in heterogeneous, ethnically diverse and multilingual contexts, this book examines the centrality of multilingual talk to everyday struggles about difference, positionality and entitlement. In these street markets, Neapolitan street vendors work alongside documented and undocumented migrants from Bangladesh, China, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal as part of an ambivalent, cooperative and unequal quest to survive and prosper. As austerity, anti-immigration politics and urban regeneration projects encroached upon the possibilities of street vending, talk across linguistic, cultural, national and religious boundaries underpinned the collective action of street vendors struggling to keep their markets open. The edginess of their multilingual organisation offered useful insights into the kinds of imaginaries that will be needed to overcome the politics of borders, nationalism and radical incommunicability.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Antisemitism and the left

        by Robert Fine, Philip Spencer

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Jewish refugees and the British nursing profession

        A gendered opportunity

        by Jane Brooks

        This book follows the lives of female Jewish refugees who fled Nazi persecution and became nurses. Nursing was nominally a profession but with its poor pay and harsh discipline, it was unpopular with British women. In the years preceding the Second World War, hospitals in Britain suffered chronic nurse staffing crises. As the country faced inevitable war, the Government and the profession's elite courted refugees as an antidote to the shortages, but many hospitals refused to employ Continental Jews. The book explores the changes in the refugees' status and lives from the war years to the foundation of the National Health Service and to the latter decades of the twentieth century. It places the refugees at the forefront of manoeuvres in nursing practice, education and research at a time of social upheaval and alterations in the position of women.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2020

        Howard Jacobson

        by David Brauner, Daniel Lea

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Out of the depths

        The first collection of Holocaust songs

        by Joseph Toltz, Anna Boucher

        Available for the first time in English translation, this collection of songs is a powerful memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. In June 1945, before the full devastation of the Holocaust had emerged, a team of researchers embarked on a remarkable project. While documenting the experiences of Jewish refugees, they began to collect songs composed and sung in the Nazi camps and ghettos. The resulting book, Mima'amakim (Out of the depths), was published in a short run of 500 copies. Today, only a handful survive. Out of the depths: The first collection of Holocaust songs presents the contents of this extraordinary document for a new generation of readers. Based on a copy of Mima'amakim discovered in 2013, it contains not only the songs' melodies and lyrics, the latter in a new translation by Joseph Toltz, but also short biographies of the composers, drawn from painstaking original research. Introductory essays provide historical and musicological background, deepening our knowledge of this terrible event and the creative means by which the Jewish people responded to and endured it. Described by the original editor, Yehuda Eismann, as a 'memorial stone for Polish Jewry', the songbook is a timeless document of a people's despair, hope and strength.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2020

        Play time

        by Daisy Black, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

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        Under A Dark Cloud

        by Françoise Hoffmann

        Following its declaration of independence in 1948, the State of Israel is credited with “making the desert bloom” as well as integrating millions of Shoah survivors and those in need of escape from the cold winds of antisemitism. This courageous country, proud of its many Nobel Prize winners, has fallen foul of biased media reports fed by propaganda that succeeded in blemishing the positive world image of Israel and has impeded its diplomatic relations.  This testimony describes the impact on the often dramatic daily life of the author by opening a window into intimate human scenes, under the dark cloud that appears in blue skies to announce a violent storm. The cloud serves as a symbol of the paradox of a life of freedom and prosperity on one hand, and never-ending violence on the other.   Israel’s short history is traced step by step by the French Israeli author who has lived in Israel since the seventies. The author unveils a patchwork of myths and falsifications that have created a fake reality now encoded into the awareness of new generations. Reading this book requires an open mind that allows readers to discover a whole new intimate and poignant world.  Françoise Hoffmann was born in France during World War II. Vichy laws made it impossible for her parents to stay in Paris, so they found a safe place to hide. The whole family survived the war. The author lives in Israel and has pursued a lifelong career in social work. 384 Pages, 15X22.5 Cm.  A french synopsis is also avialbe in the following link:   A L'OMBRE DU CUMULONIMBUS: … Témoignage d’une franco-israélienne …

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2017

        Bauman and contemporary sociology

        by Ali Rattansi

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2023

        Marian maternity in late-medieval England

        by Mary Beth Long

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