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      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2015

        Roaming in Aesthetics

        by Zong Baihua

        The first edition of Roaming in Aesthetics was published in 1981, which was reprinted many times and sold to this day. It is a classic and must-read book for Chinese aesthetics. This print was an illustration collection and was kept in its original form. Only some statement omission was revised, and more than 150 illustrations were added to make the book more embossed, giving readers an immersive aesthetic enjoyment. We missed the figure that was holding a cane and squatting on the shore of Weiming Lake; we tasted the brightness of walking sound. Please go to this aesthetic journey, “walk slowly, appreciate!”

      • August 2011


        by M. NourbeSe Philip, other Setaey Adamu Boateng

        A haunting lifeline between archive and memory, law and poetry

      • November 2018

        Oral History of 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up

        by CHAI Yanfei

        The book records the experiences and feelings of more than 40 leading figures in the political, economic and cultural fields of Zhejiang. These narrators include Li Zemin, Chai Songyue, Lv Zushan, Li Dexin, Li Jinming, Qiu Baoxing, Zhou Guohui, Shi Xinsheng, Zong Qinghou, Lu Guanqiu, Jack Ma, Xu Wenrong, Zheng Shusen, He Shuifa, Yu Jianxing and etc. They witness the progress of reform and opening up and have made their own contributions to this cause.

      • October 2019


        by 陳怡君 / Pei-Lin Lee / Lain Findlay Melville

        第一本專屬餐飲人才的華語教科書囊括餐飲職場必備華語字彙、句型與會話一次精通專業餐飲華語,提升職場競爭力! 本書涵蓋主題:1. 餐廳用餐 4. 烹飪課程2. 飯店餐飲服務 5. 應徵餐飲工作3. 傳統市場採買 6. 餐廳客訴 本書特色依餐飲主題編排,完整囊括餐飲服務情境全書共6單元,依據餐飲工作主題情境編排,包括餐廳用餐、飯店餐飲服務、應徵餐飲工作與處理客訴,甚至是針對華人傳統市場,介紹購買方式與食材種類。完整學習餐飲專業人員必備的華語能力,輕鬆學會應對進退! 系統化學習流程,循序漸進好吸收每單元分成六部分,按部就班掌握重點:• 準備活動:學習正課前,先透過準備活動思考問題、暖身練習。• 對話:每單元編列兩則對話,依餐飲主題學習實境會話,快速身歷其境。• 對話單字:精選對話單字與例句,聚焦學習重點單字與用法。• 對話練習:配有情境對話練習與相關參考句型,實際演練更上手。• 實用句型:豐富詳盡的實用句型,並按主題分類,各種情境都能對答如流。• 主題小知識:為國際學生精心編寫道地語言文化相關小知識,輕鬆消弭文化隔閡,增進文化新知。 搭配彩圖學習單字,快速掌握單字意義大量彩圖解說單字,讓國際學生一目瞭然單字所指何物,學習更有效率。 專業華籍老師親錄MP3,精進餐飲華語聽說能力全書錄有MP3音檔,針對詞彙、會話與實用句型加強聽力訓練,有效提升餐飲華語聽說能力。 前言本書是專為在台灣學習餐飲專業的國際學生設計的任務取向華語教材。以筆者在國立高雄餐旅大學任教期間,為在台灣修習餐飲專業國際學生上課時,學生們在初學華語到實習前常常詢問到的華語問題,再以寂天出版社出版《食尚英語》一書中的主題選編而成。本書為在台灣從事餐飲專業的學生選編了六個實用的主題:1. 餐廳點餐 2. 飯店餐飲服務 3. 傳統市場採買 4. 烹飪課 5. 餐廳客訴 6. 應徵餐飲工作。其中 3、4 兩單元是國際生在台灣學習中式料理時,最想要知道的採買句型,以及各種度量方式的華語說法,其他四單元為國際生從事餐飲服務業所需的對話和句型。本書亦同時介紹台灣華語的特別用法,讓學生學習華語同時也認識台灣。 本書內容主要以實用句型為主,適合華語已有基礎級(A2)以上程度,對華語語法已有初步認識的學生,利用本書作為引導手冊快速應用。學生可參考書中提供的句型和生詞,應用在餐飲課堂學習或工作場域上。  由於各地使用華語習慣會有些許的不同,也希望使用教材的教師,在相關語法點和句型解說完成之後,也能和學生討論他們在工作場域上所聽到的的華語用法,更貼近學生在實務上的真實用法。

      • March 2022

        The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng

        Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China

        by Alison Hardie

        The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng: Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China is the first monograph in English on a controversial Ming dynasty literary figure. It examines and re-assesses the life and work of Ruan Dacheng (1587–1646), a poet, dramatist, and politician in the late Ming period. Ruan Dacheng was in his own time a highly regarded poet, but is best known as a dramatist, and his poetry is now largely unknown. He is most notorious as a ‘treacherous official’ of the Ming–Qing transition, and as a result his literary work—his plays as well as his poetry—has been neglected and undervalued. Hardie argues that Ruan’s literary work is of much greater significance in the history of Chinese literature than has generally been recognised since his own time. Ruan, rather than being a transgressive figure, is actually a very typical late Ming literatus, and as such his attitudes towards identity and authenticity can add to our understanding of these issues in late Ming intellectual history. These insights will impact on the cultural and intellectual history of late imperial China.

      • History

        Messages from the Past: History of Taiwan in Letters from the 17th to 20th Centuries

        by Lung-chih Chang, Yi-fan Lin, Wen-cheng Shih, Yin-yi cheng, Feng-nan Su, Sheng-chuan Chuang, Po-zong Chen, Sian-wei Zeng, Jen-tzu Huang

        Letters used to be an important medium for communication in the past, transferring information, recording events while also carrying feelings and thoughts of individuals. To understand the history of a period, letters provide appropriate source materials. In this book, eight letters are selected to reconstruct the history of Taiwan, including official letters of the governor-general of the Dutch East India Company, postcards from a Taiwanese Imperial Japan serviceman, and family letters from the son of Chi Hua Ko─a victim of the White Terror era. The book covers a time spanning from Dutch rule in the seventeenth century to post-war Taiwan in the mid twentieth century. Every letter reflects its historical background and tells an intriguing story. Interpretation of history is often affected by external factors like politics and is frequently manipulated or twisted. Still, history serves as an important basis for self-identity. With letters as sources, this book intends to take a serious and deep look at historical materials and view the history of Taiwan in a new light.

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