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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        October 2016

        Big Data’s Big Potential in Developing Economies

        Impact on Agriculture, Health and Environmental Security

        by Nir Kshetri

        Big data involves the use of sophisticated analytics to make decisions based on large-scale data inputs. It is set to transform agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare in developing countries. This book critically evaluates the developing big data industry and market in these countries and gives an overview of the determinants, performance and impacts. It provides a detailed analysis of technology creation, technology infrastructures and human skills required to utilize big data while discussing novel applications and business models that make use of it to overcome healthcare barriers. The book also offers an analysis of big data's potential to improve environmental monitoring and protection where it is likely to have far-reaching and profound impacts on the agricultural sector. A key question addressed is how gains in agricultural productivity associated with big data will benefit smallholder farmers relative to global multinationals in that sector. The book also probes big data's roles in the creation of markets that can improve the welfare of smallholder farmers. Special consideration is given to big data-led transformation of the financial industry and discusses how the transformation can increase small-holder farmers' access to finance by changing the way lenders assess creditworthiness of potential borrowers. It also takes a look at data privacy and security issues facing smallholder farmers and reviews differences in such issues in industrialized and developing countries. The key ideas, concepts and theories presented are explored, illustrated and contrasted through in-depth case studies of developing world-based big data companies, and deployment and utilization of big data in agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare. ; Big Data has the power to change all aspects of agriculture, environmental protection and healthcare, especially in developing countries, by allowing new levels of analysis and tailoring of impacts. The capacity to develop infrastructure and the practical implications of data security are examined in depth ; Chapter 1: Big Data in Developing Countries: Current Status, Opportunities and ChallengesChapter 2: Big Data Ecosystem in Developing CountriesChapter 3: Big Data in Environmental Protection and Resources ConservationChapter 4: Big Data in Healthcare Delivery and OutcomesChapter 5: Big Data in AgricultureChapter 6: Big Data’s Roles in Increasing Smallholder Farmers’ Access to FinanceChapter 7: Data Privacy and Security Issues Facing Smallholder Farmers and Poor Communities in Developing CountriesChapter 8: Lessons Learned, Implications and the Way Forward

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        March 2020


        by Nir, Baram

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        My Street Cats: Their Personality & Social Behavior

        by Dr. Raphaella Bilski

        They live beside us. They need our help and attention to survive. Most of us accept their presence without questioning. Part of us ignore them entirely and part of us give them food and water. These are the street cats. What do we know about them? – very little. This book is ought to show the reader the special and interesting world of the street cats focusing on one community for about 14 years (of observation). Here you will read on the social life, on hierarchy that exists in their community, on their leaders and various social behavior. The reader will also meet the heroic acts of various cats, the wonderful friendship relations between them and their very special patterns of motherhood etc. At the end of reading the book the street cat who was for most readers just an anonymous animal spending a lot of time near garbage cases will become a familiar animal, interesting and liked.   Raphaella Bilski has been a member of the Department of Political Science in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. She specializes in modern political philosophy, welfare and social policy and in the subject of happiness. Her most known books are "Every Individual – A King, the Political and Social Thought of Zeev Jabotinsky" (Dvir, Tel Aviv and Bnai Brith, New York). For this book she got The Jabotinsky Price. Her second known book is "The Lure of Happiness" (Carmel, Jerusalem). She was the director at the Van Leer Foundation (1977-1980) and an advisor on social and welfare policy to the Israel prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Yitzhak Shamir and Shimon Peres. From 1990-1992 she began taking care of street cats who constituted a community in her garden. This book is based on 14 years of observation. She continues to take care of street cats and is about to write a second book on this subject.   An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 pages , 15x 22.5 cm

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        Meine Straßenkatzen

        by Dr. Raphaella Bilski

        Meine Straßenkatzen: Persönlichkeit und soziales Verhalten Dr. Raphaella Bilski Sie leben unter uns. Sie brauchen unsere Hilfe und Aufmerksamkeit, um zu überleben. Die meisten von uns sehen sie, denken aber nicht weiter über sie nach. Einige ignorieren sie völlig, andere geben ihnen Nahrung und Wasser. Es sind die Straßenkatzen. Was wissen wir über sie? – Sehr wenig. Dieses Buch soll dem Leser anhand der 14 Jahre dauernden Beobachtung einer Population die besondere und interessante Welt der Straßenkatzen zeigen. Hier erfahren Sie mehr über das soziale Leben, die Hierarchie in ihrer Population, über ihre Leittiere und über verschiedene soziale Verhaltensweisen. Der Leser erfährt über Heldentaten einzelner Tiere, die wundervollen Freundschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Tieren und ihrer ganz besonderen Verhaltensweisen beim Aufziehen des Nachwuchses. Am Ende des Buchs wird der Leser mit anderen Augen auf die Tiere sehen, wenn mal wieder eines neben einer Mülltonne oder in einer abgelegenen Ecke entdeckt wird. Raphaella Bilski war Mitglied des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft an der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem, Israel. Sie ist spezialisiert auf moderne politische Philosophie und Sozialpolitik und auf das Thema Glück. Ihre bekanntesten Bücher sind „Every Individual – A King, the Political and Social Thought of Zeev Jabotinsky“ (Dvir, Tel Aviv und Bnai Brith, New York). Für dieses Buch erhielt sie den Jabotinsky-Preis. Ihr zweites bekanntes Buch ist „The Lure of Happiness“ (Carmel, Jerusalem). Sie war Direktorin der Van Leer-Stiftung (1977-1980) und Beraterin für Sozial- und Wohlfahrtspolitik der israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Yitzhak Rabin, Yitzhak Shamir und Shimon Peres. Von 1990 bis 1992 kümmerte sie sich um Straßenkatzen, die in ihrem Garten eine Gemeinschaft bildeten. Dieses Buch basiert auf 14 Jahren Beobachtung. Sie kümmert sich weiterhin um Straßenkatzen und ist dabei, ein zweites Buch zu diesem Thema zu schreiben. Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2014 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 242 Seiten 15 x 22,5 cm

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        An Israeli Political Novel Predicting a Civil War

        by Daniel Gelleri

        CIVIL WAR IN ISRAEL!  Though it is seemingly impossible, world media are screaming the headline. Has the greatest experiment in democracy utterly failed? As the Arab world gloats, the United States – the world’s only surviving superpower – is faced with momentous agony. On the stage of international politics, did it back the wrong actor? One hundred and ten years after the birth of Yitzhak Isaac Isserlish, descendant of a prominent East-European rabbinical line, in Krakow, Poland, his great-grandsons are at war with one another in the hills of Jerusalem – a war that may truly prove to the world that Armageddon is at hand! Following the government's decision to return Israel to its pre-1967 borders, ideological controversy tears apart the paper-thin fabric of what the world has always viewed as a beacon of hope, a secure monolith in a sea of discord. What was formerly whispered behind closed doors now explodes onto the streets of every major city and town. Each side is adamant in its view of the final shape of the country. Each side is also intent upon achieving its desired goal. The greatest fear becomes reality: CIVIL WAR! Israeli citizens confront one another, brother against brother. They all love their country, all have its best interest at heart, and all fear for its safety, but conversely and tragically each finds his opponents' vision to be an abomination. In a tiny nation that has faced the enemy without fear for seventy-five years, the impossible is happening: the enemy is within. The enemy is not at the gates; the enemy is inside the gates! Each side is fighting for its own justice, its own faith, its own truth, and its own vision of a Biblical Israel redeemed. In a tightly-woven transgenerational saga, Daniel Gelleri, author of the popular novel Iris, traces the lives of five generations of one Jewish-Israeli family whose members share not only time, place, hopes, and dreams with their forefathers, but who are deeply affected by the nightmares and fears of their own lives.  Daniel Gelleri, a senior officer in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) Reserves, was originally a secular Jew, who became Orthodox at the age of 25. He lived with his family on the West Bank settlement of Bat-Ayin for ten years. When Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist, Gelleri began to reexamine his faith and beliefs. After a period of soul searching he returned to his original secular life style and abandoned the religious world in which he had lived. His first novel, Iris, was received with great success.

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        Suis-je, moi, le gardien de mon frère?

        by Daniel Gelleri

        Suis-je, moi, le gardien de mon frère? – Roman par Daniel Gelleri La guerre civile en Israël ! Bien que cela paraisse impossible, ce titre fait la une dans les médias du monde entier. Est-ce que la plus grande expérience de la démocratie a finalement échoué ? Tandis que le monde arabe triomphe, les Etats-Unis – la seule superpuissance encore survivante – sont confrontés par un effroi considérable. Sur le champ de la politique internationale, ont-ils parié sur le mauvais cheval? Cent dix ans après la naissance à Cracovie, en Pologne, de Yitzhak Isaac Isserlish, le descendant d’une lignée de rabbins d’Europe de l’Est de premier plan, ses arrière petits fils sont en guerre l’un contre l’autre dans les collines de Jérusalem – une guerre qui pourrait réellement prouver au monde que l’heure d’Armageddon a sonné! Dans une saga transgénérationnelle finement tramée, Daniel Gelleri, l’auteur du roman populaire Iris, retrace la vie de cinq générations d’une famille juive israélienne dont les membres n’ont pas seulement hérité de leurs ancêtres le temps, l’espace, les espoirs et les rêves, mais en sont profondément affectés dans les cauchemars et les terreurs de leurs propres vies. A la suite de la décision du gouvernement de faire revenir Israël à ses frontières d’avant 1967, la controverse idéologique déchire le tissues fragile de ce que le monde avait toujours considéré comme une lueur d’espoir, un havre d’unité dans un océan de discorde. Ce que l’on chuchotait auparavant entre quatre murs explose désormais dans les rues de chaque bourgade et ville importante. Chaque parti reste inflexible dans sa vision de la forme finale que doit prendre le pays. Chaque parti, aussi, a l’intention de réaliser l’objectif désiré. La plus grande crainte devient une réalité : LA GUERRE CIVILE ! Les citoyens d’Israël se confrontent l’un l’autre, frère contre frère. Chacun aime son pays, ils ont tous à cœur ses meilleurs intérêts, et tous ont peur pour sa sécurité; mais d’une manière paradoxale et tragique, chacun trouve la vision de ses opposants être une abomination. Dans une nation minuscule qui a su affronter l’ennemi sans peur durant soixante-quinze ans, l’impossible arrive: l’ennemi est à l’intérieur. L’ennemi n’est pas aux frontières; l’ennemi est à l’intérieur des frontières! Chaque parti combat pour sa propre justice, pour sa propre foi, pour sa propre vérité, et pour sa propre vision d’un Israël biblique libéré. Daniel Gelleri, un officier supérieur de réserve des Forces de Défense d’Israël (IDF), était autrefois un juif non pratiquant, qui est devenu orthodoxe à l’âge de 25 ans. Il vécut avec sa famille dans la colonie de Cisjordanie de Bat-Ayin pendant dix ans. Quand le Premier Ministre d’Israël Yitzhak Rabin a été assassiné par un extrémiste juif, Gelleri se mit à refaire l’examen de sa foi et de ses convictions. Après une période d’examen de conscience, il revint à son style de vie non religieux d’origine et abandonna le monde religieux dans lequel il vivait. On premier roman, Iris, a été reçu avec beaucoup de succès.

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        January 1991

        Nirs Stadt


        by Neumann, Ronnith

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        June 2016

        Gute NIR-Praxis

        Moderne Infrarotspektrometrie in der Apotheke

        by Link, Andreas; Wätzig, Hermann

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