Ethir Veliyeedu
Contemporary Authors In Tamil Literature
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View Rights PortalIn seinem Manifest »Eine Ohrfeige dem öffentlichen Geschmack« forderte Velimir Chlebnikov 1912, »die alten Großen« – Puschkin, Dostojewski, Tolstoi usw. – »vom Dampfer der Gegenwart zu stoßen«. Der Begründer des russischen Futurismus, Generationengenosse von Franz Kafka und James Joyce, von Kurt Schwitters und Raoul Hausmann, träumte von einer radikalen poetischen Erneuerung der Sprache. Er war Wegbereiter der konkreten Poesie und des Surrealismus. In seinen Gedichten kombiniert er die »Sternensprache« mit der Alltagssprache, den »Zaum« (eine Sprache der Laute und der Zufallsschöpfungen) mit der »Zahlenrede«. Der Reprint erscheint zum 100. Todestag des Autors und zum 50. Geburtstag der legendären Gesamtausgabe, die Peter Urban 1972 im Rowohlt Verlag als exzeptionelles übersetzerisches Kollektivunternehmen realisiert hat. Mitwirkende waren u.a. H.C. Artmann, Paul Celan, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Ernst Jandl, Friederike Mayröcker, Franz Mon, Oskar Pastior und Gerhard Rühm. Ein anarchisches Experiment, in dessen Bahnen sich die translinguale Poesie heute bewegt.
On the occasion of the 135th anniversary of Velimir Khlebnikov, Boris Trofimov's creative workshop presents an art project: a bilingual edition of the super-story “Zangezi” in Russian and English (translated by Paul Schmidt). The Russian-speaking and English-speaking parts are united under one cover, just as the star language unites different worlds. Languages meet each other halfway and meet in the middle of the book, where there is a large typographic block: "Architecture from words", quoting Khlebnikov himself. This is work with the system of sounds of the prophet Zangezi, a canvas of music and rhythm, graphic transformations. "Architecture from words" is an attempt to visually comprehend supernatural by means of typography. "Zangezi" is the central work of Velimir Khlebnikov. This is indeed a super-story, as Khlebnikov himself defined it. That is, the totality, the focus of the poet's multiple aspirations, his reformatory searches in the field of speech. The name Zangezi goes back to Nietzsche's Zarathustra. At the same time, Zangezi is an alter ego of Khlebnikov himself. This work traces his long-term search. It is a search for meaning at various levels - from auditory to visual. The first creators of visual parallels to the super story were Pyotr Miturich and Vladimir Tatlin. Later Serafim Pavlovsky, Stepan Botiev searched for and found their own approaches to visualization of "Zangezi". And now a new approach was shown by young artists of Boris Trofimov's workshop. The polyphony of Khlebnikov's texts gives space for the entire creative group of the workshop. Fifteen participants, including executives, united by a common interest in Khlebnikov's ideas, put their impressions into a publication that becomes an extensive artistic expression in a universal visual language. The world of "Zangezi" is built at the intersection of languages, and the artists are building this intersection.
Provocative cultural readings of avant-garde literature and art.