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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024



        by Valerie Fritsch

        August Drach wächst in einem Haus am Dorfrand auf, das Hölle und Paradies zugleich ist. Der Vater, von sich und dem Leben enttäuscht, misshandelt seinen Sohn, Zärtlichkeit hat er nur für die Hunde übrig. Trost findet August bei seiner Mutter, die ihn liebevoll umsorgt. Doch als der Vater die Familie verlässt, verwandelt sich die Zuwendung der Mutter: Sie mischt August heimlich Medikamente ins Essen, schwächt das Kind, macht es krank; von seiner Pflege verspricht sie sich Aufmerksamkeit und Bewunderung. Erst Jahre später gelingt es August, sich aus den Fängen der Mutter zu befreien, ein unabhängiges Leben zu führen, erste Liebe zu erfahren. Doch wie lernt ein erwachsener Mensch, das Rätsel einer Kindheit zu lösen, in der Grausamkeit und Liebe untrennbar zusammengehören? Wie durchbricht er den Kreislauf von Lügen und Betrügen? Und was passiert, wenn sich dieser Mensch, Jahre später, an den Ursprung des Schmerzes zurückwagt? Sprachgewaltig, in packenden Bildern und Episoden erzählt Valerie Fritsch in ihrem neuen Roman von der Ungeheuerlichkeit einer Liebe, die hilflos und schwach macht, die den anderen in mentaler und körperlicher Abhängigkeit hält. Ein Entkommen ist nicht vorgesehen, es sei denn um den Preis, selbst schuldig zu werden.

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        October 2003

        »Sieh dir die Liebenden an«

        Briefe an Valerie von David-Rhonfeld

        by Rainer Maria Rilke, Renate Scharffenberg, August Stahl

        "Nach der Ausgabe des Briefwechsels mit einer jungen Frau wird jetzt Rilkes frühester Briefwechsel, mit zahlreichen Gedichten, erstmals veröffentlicht. Seine frühe Liebesaffäre mit der um ein Jahr älteren Nichte des tschechischen Dichters Julius Zeyer, Valerie von David-Rhonfeld, ist bekannt. Rilke begegnete ihr, als er sich auf das Abitur vorbereitete und zugleich kontinuierlicher als bis dahin Erzählungen und Gedichte zu schreiben begann. Viele der in Leben und Lieder veröffentlichten Gedichte sind aus der Begegnung mit Valerie hervorgegangen. Rilke machte großartige Entwürfe für ein späteres gemeinsames Leben, doch nach bestandenem Abitur und mit Beginn des Studiums trennt er sich von Valerie. Sie hat Rilke um Jahre überlebt und ist keine neue Bindung eingegangen. Die Originale von Rilkes Briefen an Valerie liegen in Krakau, das Corpus umfaßt 122 Briefe, sie sind bis auf einen (und auch dieser nicht vollständig) noch nie publiziert worden. Bislang wurde eine Veröffentlichung vermieden; man fürchtete, das Bild des Dichters Rilke könne durch die Briefe des Gymnasiasten René verkleinert werden. Doch diese frühesten Briefe zeigen, aus welchen persönlichen Verhältnissen und literarischen Anfängen sich Rilke zu einem der bedeutendsten Dichter der Moderne freigeschrieben hat. Diese Ausgabe macht auch 77 Jugendgedichte, die in den Briefen enthalten sind, zum ersten Mal zugänglich."

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        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Country Uncultured Books

        by Bogdana Tytariova (Author), Diana Strokan (Illustrator)

        This is the debut book of the nine-year-old dreamer and imaginative soul Bogdana Tytariova, a book that will captivate children and adults alike. Together with the heroes of Bogdana’s exciting stories, readers of these funny tales will travel the world and encounter fantastical creatures and magical animals, finding themselves in the land of uncultured books. The work is recommended for family readings, and these adventures are definitely going to brighten up every family gathering. After all, every once in a while, parents need a reminder that they  were children too!   From years 5 to 8, years, 8360 words. Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Disciplined agency

        Neoliberal precarity, generational dispossession and call centre labour in Portugal

        by Patrícia Alves de Matos

        Since the mid-2000s, the harsh reality of call centre employment for a generation of young workers in Portugal has been impossible to ignore. With its endless rows of small cubicles, where human agents endure repetitive telephone conversations with abusive clients under invasive modes of technological surveillance, discipline and control, call centre work remains a striking symbol of labour precarity, a condition particularly associated with the neoliberal generational disenchantment that 'each generation does better than its predecessor'. This book describes the emergence of a regime of disciplined agency in the Portuguese call centre sector. Examining the ascendancy of call centres as icons of precarity in contemporary Portugal, this book argues that call centre labour constitutes a new form of commodification of the labouring subject. De Matos argues that call centres represent an advanced system of non-manual labour power exploitation, due to the underestimation of human creativity that lies at the centre of the regimented structures of call centre labour. Call centres can only guarantee profit maintenance, de Matos argues, through the commodification of the human agency arising from the operators' moral, relational and social embedded agentive linguistic interventions of creative improvisation, decision-making, problem-solving and ethical evaluation.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Hugo Gardners neues Leben

        Roman | Eine bittersüße späte Romanze – lakonisch und unsentimental

        by Louis Begley, Christa Krüger

        Als Hugo Gardner, einst ein erfolgreicher Auslandskorrespondent für ein renommiertes Magazin, erfährt, dass seine – wesentlich jüngere – Frau Valerie sich nach vierzig Jahren Ehe von ihm scheiden lassen will, fällt er aus allen Wolken, hatte er sich doch auf einen ruhigen gemeinsamen Lebensabend eingestellt. Während er Valeries Beweggründe zu begreifen versucht, trifft er auf einer Reise nach Paris seine frühere Geliebte Jeanne wieder, die er immer noch hinreißend findet. Die beiden nähern sich einander wieder an und genießen die gemeinsamen Stunden – doch kann ein Neuanfang nach all den Jahren und angesichts alter Verletzungen wirklich gelingen? Louis Begleys neuer Roman entführt die Leserinnen und Leser in die Stadt der Liebe und erzählt von einer bittersüßen späten Romanze – lakonisch und unsentimental.

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        The Arts
        December 2024

        Addressing the other woman

        Textual correspondences in feminist art and writing

        by Kimberly Lamm

        This book analyses how three artists - Adrian Piper, Nancy Spero and Mary Kelly - worked with the visual dimensions of language in the 1960s and 1970s. These artists used text and images of writing to challenge female stereotypes, addressing viewers and asking them to participate in the project of imagining women beyond familiar words and images of subordination. The book explores this dimension of their work through the concept of 'the other woman', a utopian wish to reach women and correspond with them across similarities and differences. To make the artwork's aspirations more concrete, it places the artists in correspondence with three writers - Angela Davis, Valerie Solanas, and Laura Mulvey - who also addressed the limited range of images through which women are allowed to become visible.

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        Children's & YA

        Three Pieces of Young Ginger

        by Chang Xin’gang

        Three Pieces of Young Ginger is a novel about growing up. It tells stories of three boys of the same age, Xijia Kangrui, a fan of animals, Wan Juan, who enjoys fantasying, and Meng Da, a football fan. Like three pieces of spicy young ginger, they express their dissatisfaction with life, taste their respective sadness, and grow up in the way they like. Though look alike, when you get closer, you realize they are as different as you can never find one identical piece of ginger.   Three Pieces of Young Ginger is one of the typical growing up fiction books of Chang Xin'gang, reflecting the realistic home-school life of contemporary children. Through these painful, hopeful growing up stories, the author conveys his profound thought on the education system and family relationship and calls for more spaces for children to express, to make choices, and to try and fail.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Boy Who Saw the Color of Air

        by Abdo Wazen

        In his first YA novel, cultural journalist and author Abdo Wazen writes about a blind teenager in Lebanon who finds strength and friendship among an unlikely group.   Growing up in a small Lebanese village, Bassim’s blindness limits his engagement with the materials taught in his schools. Despite his family’s love and support, his opportunities seem limited.   So at thirteen years old, Bassim leaves his village to join the Institute for the Blind in a Beirut suburb. There, he comes alive. He learns Braille and discovers talents he didn’t know he had. Bassim is empowered by his newfound abilities to read and write.   Thanks to his newly developed self-confidence, Bassim decides to take a risk and submit a short story to a competition sponsored by the Ministry of Education. After winning the competition, he is hired to work at the Institute for the Blind.   At the Institute, Bassim, a Sunni Muslim, forms a strong friendship with George, a Christian. Cooperation and collective support are central to the success of each student at the Institute, a principle that overcomes religious differences. In the book, the Institute comes to symbolize the positive changes that tolerance can bring to the country and society at large.   The Boy Who Saw the Color of Air is also a book about Lebanon and its treatment of people with disabilities. It offers insight into the vital role of strong family support in individual success, the internal functioning of institutions like the Institute, as well as the unique religious and cultural environment of Beirut.   Wazen’s lucid language and the linear structure he employs result in a coherent and easy-to-read narrative. The Boy Who Saw the Color of Air is an important contribution to a literature in which people with disabilities are underrepresented. In addition to offering a story of empowerment and friendship, this book also aims to educate readers about people with disabilities and shed light on the indispensable roles played by institutions like the Institute.

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        Children's & YA

        Kozy Korpesh and Bayan sulu

        by no author

        Heroic eposes are one of the genres of Kazakh nation’s folklore. The epic poem «Kozy Korpesh and Bayan sulu» is one of the most popular among them. It describes the pure love of the two young people as a symbol of love and faith. The story brings us back to that of Romeo and Juliette. There are several poetic versions of this epos, this version is adapted for children of middle and senior school age. This edition is published in two versions: in Kazakh and English, as well as in Russian and English.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Dad and Me

        by Dmytro Kuzmenko (Author), Oksana Drachkovska (Illustrator)

        Who are the ghostinosours? What are clouds made of? How to prepare trubel and what may happen if you do not limit yourself and do everything you want? My Dad and Me’s main hero is about 4 years old and seeks to find answers to all these questions. His life is full of adventures: he is a dreamer and make-believer. He often disobeys his father and dislikes brushing his teeth. All in all, every young reader can find a bit of themselves in this little one. My Dad and Me is a treasure book of honest, warm-hearted stories about the close connection between father and son, about little things and great discoveries in the eyes of children, about trust and adventures they can share, and fundamentally, about mutual understanding. Even when someone can’t pronounce “r " yet!   From 6 to 9 years,  4883 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2016

        Jenes andere Leben


        by Nuruddin Farah, Susann Urban

        Als Bella vom gewaltsamen Tod ihres Bruders Aar bei einem terroristischen Anschlag in Mogadischu erfährt, bricht die erfolgsverwöhnte Modefotografin umgehend auf, um sich der halbwüchsigen Kinder des Bruders anzunehmen. In Nairobi, wo Aar mit den Kindern lebte, übernimmt sie tatkräftig die Verantwortung, denn Valerie, die Mutter der Kinder, hat die Familie bereits vor Jahren verlassen, um mit einer anderen Frau ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Jetzt aber erhebt sie ihre eigenen Ansprüche, und zwischen den Frauen entspinnt sich ein gnadenloser Machtkampf … In seinem neuen großen Roman erzählt der Nobelpreiskandidat Nuruddin Farah das bewegende Schicksal einer Familie in Zeiten des politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Window that Flies

        by Vasyl Holoborodko

        The first and the most diverse edition of the selected works of the famous poet, laureate of the Shevchenko National Literary Prize of Ukraine collected under the title “The Window that Flies”. It includes all the best that was written by the author on the eve of his sixtieth birthday. The ancient world of native mythology and fairy tales comes to life in the work of the most prominent post-sixties poet Vasyl Holoborodko. Probably, this search for something nationally specific, which stretched on for years continues to this day.

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