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Spanish literary fiction. House founded in 2015 in Valparaíso (Chile). We want to provide a haven for readers in times of storm. Now that the arrival of new titles is overwhelming, at Kindberg we are committed to a detailed rhythm, to slow-publishing instead of disposable titles. The books we choose are the ones we like and that is why we believe in them and we want other readers to like them. And yes, we only publish fiction, because "poetry, beauty, art, love are the things that keep us alive".
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Promoted ContentMedicineMay 2018
Bovine Pathology
A Text and Color Atlas
by Claus D. Buergelt, Edward G. Clark, Fabio Del Piero
Illustrated with over 1000 color images of the highest quality, Bovine Pathology: A Text and Color Atlas is a comprehensive single resource to identifying diseases in dairy cattle, feedlot cattle, and their calves. With summary text describing key features, the book correlates clinical information with pathology and differential diagnoses. The text covers naked-eye macroscopic appearance, through to microscopic pathology, and the immunohistochemistry of infectious agents and tumor markers. Structured by major organ system, the disease entries follow a consistent format and clarity of display. This, combined with an integrated E-book, handy fact sheets, summary boxes and key points, helps aid understanding. Key features include: - Over 1000 superb color images to illustrate the pathologies - A thorough review of mainly western hemisphere diseases of cattle covering macroscopic appearance, microscopic appearance, and immunohistochemistry - Synoptic layout, fact sheets, summary boxes, succinct legends and key bullet points supports its use as a field guide or revision aid - Organised by major organ system which ensures that vital facts can be found quickly - A unique chapter covering calf-hood diseases Serving as an essential reference work for veterinary pathologists who perform bovine necropsies, veterinary residents and students, the book is also practical enough for bovine practitioners who need to investigate sudden death losses of cattle on the farm.
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 2024
by Carla Felgentreff, Ramona Wultschner
Pups-Alarm! Puuuuuups! Was war das denn für ein Geräusch? Und was stinkt hier so? Wie peinlich, die Eule hat gepupst… Aber müssen wir das nicht alle mal? Kaum umgeblättert, muss ein Tier nach dem anderen pupsen: Grille, Frosch, Adler, Igel und Hase - dem Schaf entfährt sogar ein lauter Rülpser. Am Ende der Geschichte kommt der ansteckende Pups wieder bei der Eule an und das Pupsbuch geht von vorne los. Ein lustiges Pappbilderbuch für Kinder ab 2 Jahren rund ums Furzen und Rülpsen. Mit seinen witzigen Reimen lädt es zum Mitsprechen, Nachahmen der Pupsgeräusche und vor allem zum Lachen ein. Ganz nebenbei unterstützt es Kleinkinder dabei, sich vor einer ganz normalen Sache nicht zu schämen. Pi-Pa-Pups-Parade - ein tierisch lustiges Pupsbuch Zum Schieflachen: Die Lieblingsthemen Pupsen, Furzen und Rülpsen für Kinder ab 2 Jahren, humorvoll inszeniert. Tierisch witzig: Eine freche Geschichte mit kurzen Reimen und lustigen Illustrationen. Geniales Konzept: Zum Immer-wieder-von-vorn-Lesen, ganz ohne Sound und Schnickschnack. Geprüfte Qualität: Das Buch unterliegt strengen Sicherheitsanforderungen und regelmäßigen Kontrollen nach europäischer Spielzeugsicherheitsrichtlinie. Die Pi-Pa-Pups-Parade ist ein lustiges Pappbilderbuch, das Eltern und Kinder ab 2 Jahren viel Spaß macht. Die freche Geschichte mit den kurzen Reimen kann immer wieder von vorne gelesen werden und zeigt: Pupsen, furzen und rülpsen ist ganz normal und kann richtig witzig sein!
Trusted PartnerJune 2021
Workplace Health Handbook
by Zhou Shenghua
This book is organized and compiled by the Hunan Provincial Health Commission. The book is divided into seven chapters, covering the prevention and control of risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (three highs, obesity, and hyperuricemia), common chronic diseases and management, and regular health check-ups. The significance of the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases and tumors, the performance and treatment of common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies, psychological adjustment and mental health, traditional Chinese medicine health preservation and health care, daily first aid tips, ideal health index target values, etc. Common chronic diseases involve coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, gout and other diseases. Health checkup involves regular follow-up visits for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, early screening for lung nodules and lung cancer, early screening for gastrointestinal tumors, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer Diagnosis and treatment, early prevention and treatment of breast cancer.
Trusted PartnerVeterinary medicineOctober 2004
GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science
by Edited by Peter Durr, Anthony Gatrell
The use of geographical information systems (including remote sensing) and spatial analysis in public health is now widespread. Its importance and potential for the monitoring of animal diseases has never been greater with the recent outbreaks of BSE and Foot-and-Mouth Disease. GIS and Spatial Analysis in Veterinary Science is the first book to review how such practices can be applied to veterinary science. Topics covered include the application of GIS to epidemic disease response, to companion animal epidemiology and to the management of wildlife diseases. It also covers the parallels with human health and spatial statistics in the biomedical sciences.
Trusted PartnerJune 2018
Appreciation of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi’s works
by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi from the Caowei Dynasty
This book incorporates poems by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi from the Caowei Dynasty. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the QR code on the page.
Trusted PartnerScience & MathematicsDecember 2016
Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery
by Harsha Kharkwal, Harsha Kharkwal, Anupama Dhiman, Srinivas Janaswamy, Srinivas Janaswamy, Neerupma Dhiman, Ram Prasad, Monika Joshi, Deepshikha Pande Katare, Kumud Bala, Wong Tin Wui, Anirbandeep Bose, Heather Sheardown, Ly Le, Ali Demir Sezer, Erdal Cevher, K.H. Basavaraj, Zeenat Iqbal, Krutika K Sawant, S G Gattani, Vishal V Pande
Natural polymers have been utilized extensively in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, oil drilling and paint industries. Their non-toxic and inexpensive attributes readily enhance their commercial acceptability and make them potent agents in lieu of synthetic polymers. This book explores the opportunistic utility of natural polymers in developing effective drug delivery systems and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of their source, chemical structure and mechanism of action. Covering novel polymers for drug delivery - in particular extracts from plants, microorganisms and proteins, as well as water soluble and water insoluble biodegradable polymers - it presents an encyclopaedic overview of natural polymers': - quintessential roles in binding drugs towards enhancing bioavailability - modification and derivatization for targeted delivery - role as active drugs Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery is an invaluable resource for researchers, students and industrial scientists in the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacology and food science. ; This book provides an overview of the source, chemical structure and action mechanism of natural polymers. Focusing on their utility in developing effective drug delivery systems, it covers polymers’ role in binding drugs towards enhancing bioavailability, modification and derivatisation for targeted delivery, and modification as active drugs. ; 1: Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery: An IntroductionSection I: Drug Delivery Based on Different Classes of Polymers2: Cellulose-based Polymeric Systems in Drug Delivery3: Hydrocolloids-based Hydrogels in Drug Delivery4: Water Soluble Biodegradable Polymers for Drug Delivery5: Polysaccharide-based Drug Carriers6: Polymer-based Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Systems and Cancer Therapeutics7: Polymer Nanocomposite-based Biosensors for Drug Delivery ApplicationsSection II: Polymeric Interaction and Conjugates8: Polymer-Drug Conjugates: Targeted Drug Delivery9: Protein-Drug Conjugates: A New Class of Biotherapeutics10: Microencapsulation for Controlled Gastrointestinal Delivery of Probiotics and PrebioticsSection III: Disease-specific Drug Delivery Systems11: Chitosan in Drug Delivery and Targeting for Cancer Treatment12: Polymers as Biodegradable Matrices in Transdermal Drug Delivery13: Ocular Drug Delivery Systems14: Natural Polymers Targeting Habitual Disease15: Bioengineered Wound and Burn Healing Substitutes: Novel Design for Biomedical and General Applications
Trusted PartnerMedicineApril 2018
Bovine Tuberculosis
by Mark Chambers, Stephen Gordon, Francisco Olea-Popelka, Paul Barrow
This book is contemporary, topical and global in its approach, and provides an essential, comprehensive treatise on bovine tuberculosis and the bacterium that causes it, Mycobacterium bovis. Bovine tuberculosis remains a major cause of economic loss in cattle industries worldwide, exacerbated in some countries by the presence of a substantial wildlife reservoir. It is a major zoonosis, causing human infection through consumption of unpasteurised milk or by close contact with infected animals. Following a systematic approach, expert international authors cover epidemiology and the global situation; microbial virulence and pathogenesis; host responses to the pathogen; and diagnosis and control of the disease. Aimed at researchers and practising veterinarians, this book is essential for those needing comprehensive information on the pathogen and disease, and offers a summary of key information learned from human tuberculosis research. It will be useful to those studying the infection and for those responsible for controlling the disease.
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by Basil Porter
ROLLENWECHSEL: Der seriöse Arzt wird zum seriösen Patienten Basil Porter Der Autor, ein Kinderarzt, beginnt sein Buch mit einer Beschreibung seiner lebhaften Erinnerungen an einen schlimmen Fall von Blinddarmentzündung als kleines Kind. Er beschreibt weiterhin eine Reihe schwerer Krankheiten und Traumata, die er als Erwachsener hatte: einen unentdeckten Tumor im Kiefer, ein Zugunglück mit schwerwiegenden Schäden an Wirbelsäule und Nervensystem und dann die unerwartete Entdeckung einer Leukämie, die seine Leidensfähigkeit als Patient auf die Probe stellt. Besonders anschaulich stellt Prof. Porter die zusätzliche Herausforderung dar, die auftritt, wenn der Arzt selbst zum Patienten wird. Er schilderr die erstaunlichen Fortschritte in Medizintechnik und Wissenschaft, die ihm mehrfach das Leben gerettet haben, und macht auf die mangelnde Empathie der Fachleute aufmerksam, die er auf seinem Krankheitsweg so häufig verspürte. Als Arzt wurde von ihm häufig erwartet, dass er seine Probleme toleriert und tapferer ist als ein Durchschnittspatient. In Wirklichkeit ist der Arzt in solchen Situationen auch nicht mehr als ein Patient. Der Autor legt nahe, dass ein Großteil der Lösung in jedem von uns liegt und dass eine positive Einstellung zum Leben und eine gute soziale Unterstützung viel dazu beitragen können, dass wir Schwierigkeiten überwinden. Dieses Buch ist kein Lehrbuch für die Ärzteschaft, sondern das erzählerische Geständnis eines Oberarztes, der aus Sicht des Patienten mit mehreren Prüfungen im Leben konfrontiert war. Basil Porter ist ein Kinderarzt mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der akademischen Medizin und im Management von Gesundheitssystemen. Er ist emeritierter Professor an der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Ben-Gurion-Universität des Negev in Israel. Er ist außerdem ein versierter Geiger und Bratschist. Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link, um den entsprechenden Artikel anzuzeigen:
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A Sugar Figure for Grandpa
by Pi Kou, Duzi Dudu
"Rat-a-tat, a little drum turns like a windmill faster and faster. Puff-a-puff, an old man blows a sugar figure harder and harder." As soon as Little Douzi’s grandpa shouts out, the lane is alive with kids coming out. With the passage of time, Litte Douzi grows up, while Grandpa gets old and sick. Little Douzi and Dad carries Grandpa's sugar load, and blows, kneads, pulls and cuts the sugar syrup. Then a sweet sugar figure warms the bleak autumn, cold winter and the sick Grandpa. Love will finally overcome all difficulties.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2021
Cancer nutrition and dietary guidance
China Chronic Disease Nutrition and Dietary Guidance Series
by Li Zengning
The audio-visual products and series of books of "Nutrition and Dietary Guidance for Chronic Diseases in China" were compiled by the Nutrition and Metabolism Management Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Health Care and Nutrition and nine major hospitals. This book describes the relationship between various foods and tumors, and how to eat for tumor patients. Recent studies have proved that environmental factors may be an important factor in the incidence of tumors. Among them, eating habits, insufficient nutrient intake, excessive intake or imbalance between nutrients are all important aspects. The tumors affected by the above factors mainly include esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer and lung cancer. The pollutants in the diet, such as aflatoxin, aggravate the lack and imbalance of certain nutrients, thereby enhancing the carcinogenic effect. Nutrient intake is directly related to tumor occurrence, development, treatment effect, quality of life and survival period.
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Trusted PartnerFebruary 2021
The Bread Phone
by Pi Zhaohui
In "The Bread Phone", the Story Alley Elementary School is on winter vacation. The small bakery does not need to deliver meals between classes for pupils. As a result, the business becomes sluggish. Pete and grandpa get a good idea to ask Dr. Bald to develop a "bread phone". It can be eaten after having been used for two hours. This invention was warmly welcomed by kids. However, shortly after, the drawbacks gradually emerged. Those children bought a lot of bread phones and kept playing games. At the end, grandpa decided to stop the production of the "Bread Phone" to help kids.
Trusted PartnerDecember 2023
Bread Wolf Medical Checkup
by Pi Zhaohui
This book consists of a number of short fairy tales, each story is independent, but also coherent as a whole. Story Lane Primary School first-grade students for physical examination, the bread wolf Pete also came to check the body, but he is sometimes too high, sometimes too fat, blood pressure and heart problems, which can be the big ears of the doctor worried about bad. It turns out that Pete is a big bread, can not be measured by the standards of elementary school students, only the old grandpa can do the physical examination for him. After the examination, the old grandpa judged that Pete was not only a healthy big bread, but also a capable assistant.
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Trusted PartnerDecember 2023
Forest Train Station
by Pi Zhaohui
It consists of short fairy tales such as "The Forest Train Station," "The Bread Wolf's Neighborhood," and "Mr. Muddle and the Muddle Thing," each of which stands on its own and coheres as a whole. Pete the Bread Wolf owns a tiny bakery in the forest. His house is especially large, as spacious as a soccer field. The railroad runs through the bakery and Pete opens the door for the train every day. Later, the bakery became the forest train station and Pete was the station master. Every day, passengers get on and off the train, and lots of funny things happen that will make you laugh.
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