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        Founded in 1969, Tusquets Editores is well known as a trademark of quality literary fiction, as well as for literary essay, poetry, history and social sciences books. List includes Murakami, Vuillard, Irving, Kundera or Márkaris.

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        Arena Verlag

        Arena Publishing is one of the major publishing companies for children’s and young adult fiction in Germany. Founded in 1949 by Georg Popp, its place of business has been Würzburg ever since. Georg Popp had been the head of the company for thirty years. Since 1979, Arena Publishing has been a part of the Westermann Publishing Group situated in Braunschweig. Ever since the company’s establishment, the name Arena has been standing for knowledge and entertainment, for sophisticated, informative, and simultaneously thrilling children’s and young adult fiction. As the first publisher in Germany, Arena launched a paperback series for children and young adults in 1958. The publishing house receives the German Children’s Literature Award for Otfried Preußler’s “Krabat” in 1972, as well as for “The Long March of Lucas B.” by Willi Fährmann in 1981. In 1981, Arena pioneered in developing a pedagogically thought-out, multilevel concept for learning to read, which is today known as “Bookbear First Readers Collection”. Since 1987, the children’s and young adult fiction programme of Zurich publishing company Benziger belongs to Arena.In 2000, Arena took over Ensslin Publishing, a publisher founded in 1818 with a programme steeped in tradition.Arena started its own audiobook programme in 2006 labelled “Arena audio”. With about 2,000 available titles, Arena Publishing nowadays keeps a diverse range for infants, children, and young adults on hand.Arena is a partner of the picture book prize “Der Meefisch”.

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      • Biography & True Stories
        January 2018

        Putting the body

        by Bibiana Ricciardi

        Putting the body. Bibiana Ricciardi Cancer is still incurable in many cases. But I belong to the group of those benefited by the progress of science. A couple of months of radiation therapy, a few years of Tamoxifen, regular check-ups, and something else. Or, rather, to bear the collateral damage of hormonal medication. But I am alive, and I have my tits. What changed between me and those mutilated? Clinical research”, Bibiana Ricciardi writes in this book, which is, at the same time, a personal story - the author - and a collective one: about human beings who enter into scientific research protocols in which the test drugs that afterwards will be developed and will arrive at the pharmacies, from an analgesic to a cancer treatment. Through testimonials from patients, laboratory leaders, public officials, researchers, and doctors, Ricciardi delves into the world of the pharmaceutical industry and asks herself an awkward question: Is cruel the only way science found to test the efficacy of new drugs and procedures? Do people who put their bodies to it do so out of altruism, out of desperation, because it is the only way they have to access a cure that would otherwise be unattainable? Do they all have sufficient information to assess the risks to which they are exposed? Putting the body is the diary of a disease, a chronicle, a journalistic investigation and an excavation as delicate as it is deep in a minefield.

      • Biography & True Stories

        The passion to be a woman

        by Eugenia Tusquets y Susana Frouchtmann

        A bel canto diva who chose to devote herself to loving happiness; a philosopher who influenced 20th century thinking; a First Lady who transcended the stereotype and became a social reference; a nun who decided to realise her dream of getting closer to God without worldly interference. Diverse individual examples for the same underlying reality: women who became aware of their own being and acted taking advantage of their abilities, often clashing against the inertia of a world marked by the male stamp. This book brings together a dozen female testimonies with a common link: the will to excel and the ambition to exist to the full. Maria Callas, Hannah Arendt, Eleanor Roosevelt and Teresa de Ávila share pages with Virginia Woolf, Remedios Varo, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Anaïs Nin and Mercè Rodoreda, among others. Eugenia Tusquets recreates that facet of their lives that has transformed them into a character worthy of attention, that revealing episode that has remained hidden behind the cloud of their fame and the sometimes ambiguous narration of their existence. Susana Frouchtmann delimits the context in which this private transformation takes place, in the form of a journalistic-biographical chronicle that completes each profile and makes comprehensible the true scope of what would otherwise appear to be a mere anecdotal account. At some point, they all had to decide whether to follow the path set by the society of their time or the one imposed on them by their inner selves. The rest belongs to history.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        The lost letters of Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina

        by Eugenia Tusquets y Marga Iriarte

        The lost letters of Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina mirrors the soul of the protagonists in the homonymous works of Charlotte Brontë and Leon Tolstoy. In this epistolary dialogue, Anna portrays herself escaping from the novel to reveal the secrets of her adulteries and her erratic pursuit of ideal love, while Jane is more agreeable, but never ceases to be critical of the world she lives in. Each line shines with the passionate impressions the two women share about their loves, travels, social and artistic lives... There is, in addition, an ominous murder that Jane will try to solve relying on her wit.   These letters forge a friendship between two friends who will never see each other despite their fervent desire to do so, and reveal what life was like –both in Russian and in English society– at a time of great technical and social transformation. This is an imaginary correspondence that honors the memory of Jane and Anna, representatives of a vanished universe that lives on in modern desires and fears.   The authors, Eugenia Tusquets and Marga Iriarte, have had the wisdom and courage to brilliantly recreate an unconventional epistolary that will fascinate admirers of the two famous novels, Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina. This book plucks every woman labeled eccentric and indecorous from obscurity.       Editorial Funambulista, 2021 288 Pages Format: Paperback ISBN: 9788412237177 Language: Spanish Asunto: Biografías literarias

      • Fiction


        by ELISA FERRER

        The discovery of an original and singular voice, awarded the Tusquets Editores Prize for Novel 2019 and the 2020 Critics Prize in Valencia, and shortlisted for the 2020 European Union Prize for Literature When Nuria, an artist for a satiric magazine, is downsized as a result of the economic crisis, she must confront the wasps that slumber in her childhood. A phone call is the sting that sets everything in motion. Her true father, whom she and her brother Raúl lost track of years ago, has reappeared. And he’s in the ICU. Her idyllic childhood with her father, her confrontations with her mother, her fear of wasps ‒a terror that Nuria purges by drawing them obsessively‒, all of that erupts forth, marking a contrast with the insecurity and precariousness of her life at present. Nuria will finally discover the hidden story of her father, the reasons he abandoned them, and perhaps will understand many other things, giving herself a second opportunity when she goes after the last wasps’ nests in the garden.

      • Fiction



        An improbable love story that becomes an unforgettable tale of redemption, by the author awarded the 2018 National Prize for Narrative that has sold over 130.000 copies in Spain alone In 1954, the young psychiatrist Germán Velázquez arrives at the Ciempozuelos asylum for women in the south of Madrid. He escaped from the Civil War with his father’s help and took shelter with the Goldstein family in Switzerland, where he studied. In the asylum, Germán will meet a patient, the extraordinary Aurora Rodríguez Carballeira, a highly cultured schizophrenic parricide, and her assistant, María, a modest young woman whom she has educated and taught to read. Attracted by María, Germán grows disturbed when she avoids him and refuses to see him alone, and he suspects that she harbors many secrets she can only speak about outside the hospital’s walls. Maria’s humble origins as the granddaughter of the gardener, her years as maid to a powerful family in Madrid, her disenchantment with her first lover, her relationship with Aurora and the nuns, will become clear to readers as they learn in parallel of Germán’s life in Switzerland, where he witnessed the devastation suffered by a Jewish family amid the ravages of the Second World War. Soulmates yearning to flee their respective pasts, Germán and María want a new opportunity. Unfortunately, they come to see they are living in a country on its knees, where every sin is a crime and puritanism and repression provide cover for abuses and vileness of all kinds.

      • Fiction


        by ISABEL BONO

        In this raw story, Diary of Disgust examines, in extremely sensitive prose, the meaning of life in a society where happiness is an obligation. Mateo comes back home with bandaged forearms and the certainty that he’s failed at everything: family, marriage, work, and even killing himself. He’s not crazy, he’s just a normal guy who doesn’t really feel like living. But Mateo is, above all, a responsible man who feels obliged to return to what was his home. Not only will he have to live again with his father’s neuroses; he’ll also have to reside with the ghost of his deceased mother and his absent brother. When life seems to ease into routine and tedium, he will meet Micaela, a teenage neighbor, dark and luminous at the same time, and the two of them will become friends in secret. Almost without knowing it, Micaela will become a fundamental and decisive factor in Mateo’s life.

      • Fiction

        LIGHT RAIN

        by LUIS LANDERO

        A family tale that drags the reader inexorably toward an unpre-dictable ending, named best book in 2019 by Babelia-El País, El Cultural-El Mundo, Forbes and La Esfera de Papel / Audiovisual rights sold to Alea Media, producer of Patria for HBO After a long time without seeing them, Gabriel decides to call his sisters and bring the whole family together to celebrate their mother’s eightieth birthday and try to heal the old wounds they all harbor and that have pushed them apart through the years. Aurora, sweet and even-keeled Gabriel’s wife, the confidante of everyone, the only one who knows how many of the demons from the past are still alive, tries to dissuade him, afraid that this attempted reconciliation will fatally aggravate the conflicts they have repressed up to now. The first phone call leads to others, to conversations that start off innocently and veer further and further into rage, and this introduces us to the lives of Sonia, Andrea, Horacio, Aurora, Gabriel himself, and their mother, showing the family history from the siblings’ childhoods up to the present day. Just as Aurora feared, old disagreements reappear like a light rain that threatens to turn into a storm and sweep them all away. Light Rain is the most moving and unforgettable novel by Luis Landero, with a force and determination that destine it to be a classic.

      • Fiction


        by GINÉS SÁNCHEZ

        What if all the sudden men felt insecure with women’s reactions in the defense of victims of gender violence? A very contemporary theme, a unique and literary approach to female empowerment In a place that could be any city in any Latin American country, one where we can see the shape of our own societies reflected, violence against women is structural and abuses occur day after day, rising to a level of six hundred women murdered in one month with neither the police nor the state doing anything about it. At this moment, a protest and assistance movement arises, formed of women from all areas of life who want to shed light on the situation. Their numbers keep growing, and at first they are passive, patrolling during the nighttime to protect women walking alone and giving support to the families of abused women. But soon some of their leaders will radicalize and will issue a call to action using the same violence that has been used against them. “The Revelers” will be the name of one of these violent factions, and this novel will tell the story of the group and of the four women who serve as an example for the rest.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Damaged Deer. Anthology

        by Rafael Rubio

        This poetic anthology by Rafael Rubio, without a doubt one of the most relevant poetic voices nowadays in Chile, is of greatest relevance to invite teenagers to approach to poetry and helping them to face directly their pains and joys, with that which tears the apart and also with that which enlightens their path. This anthology includes a selection of poems made by the author himself. It includes poems published in Arbolando (1998), Luz rabiosa (2007), Mala siembra (2013) and Viernes santo (2019), as well as 17 unpublished poems.

      • Fiction

        The Hours Taken From Us

        by Mónica Castellanos

        These are the days of Franco and Hitler. Among the thousands of refugees from the Spanish Civil War, Guillermina Giralt and Francesc Planchart, two young Catalans will live one of the most moving stories in their attempt to survive the French internment camp in Argelès-sur-Mer. But they will not be the only ones. Thousands of men, women and children, intellectuals, artists, peasants, workers will leave their homes, face inhuman conditions of life and fight to preserve the most precious thing they have: their lives.  In that uncertain future a man will emerge, the Mexican consul Gilberto Bosques who risking his life and his family’s, will suffer the arrest of the Gestapo and go beyond his diplomatic functions to save thousands of people from the most cruel and harrowing persecution of history.

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