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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Die Hinweise, die Lias’ verschollener Vater hinterlassen hat, führen euch in einen exotischen Urwald. Dabei stoßt ihr auf ein altes Flugzeugwrack. Was hat es damit nur auf sich? Kannst du Lias helfen, die Spuren richtig zu deuten? Die Rätsel im Expeditionstagebuch seines Vaters weisen euch den Weg. Schon bald findet ihr heraus, dass ihr einem großen Geheimnis immer näherkommt. Wäre da nicht die schreckliche Bestie, die es auf euch abgesehen hat … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Oder folge Cookie & Mojo durch Feuer und Lava. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Explorer Team. Gefangen zwischen Feuer und Lava

        by Berenz, Björn; Dittert, Christoph

        Werde Explorer! Löse Rätsel, knacke Codes, werde Teil des Teams und entdecke ein einzigartiges Bucherlebnis! Für alle Fans von Escape Rooms, Exit Games und spannenden Geschichten. In diesem Bucherlebnis von Björn Berenz und Christoph Dittert kommen Abenteurer und Rätselfans ab 8 Jahren auf ihre Kosten. Jeder Band enthält ein neues, farbig illustriertes Tagebuch mit Rätseln und Hinweisen zum Knobeln, Kritzeln, Schneiden und Basteln. Folge Cookie & Mojo durch eine Welt voller Feuer und Lava. Jahrelang haben sich die Zwillinge alleine in Kathmandu durchgeschlagen. Bis ihnen das mysteriöse Vermächtnis der Hüter in die Hände fällt. Es ist ein Buch voller Rätsel und der Schlüssel zu Cookies und Mojos Vergangenheit. Kannst du ihnen helfen, dem Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen? Aber Achtung! Euer Weg birgt zahllose Hindernisse, von denen manche nur mit einer großen Portion Sprengstoff überstanden werden können … Am Ende kannst du selbst entscheiden, mit welchem Explorer du ein weiteres Abenteuer bestreiten willst: Jage mit Lias durch die vergessene Welt. Oder entdecke mit Tashi das ewige Eis. Viele spannende Rätsel und Fragen erwarten euch! Jede Mission führt die Explorer ans Ziel und du bist mittendrin. Schnapp dir deine nächste Mission: Explorer Team. Verschollen in der vergessenen Welt Explorer Team. Jagd durchs ewige Eis

      • December 2018

        A History of Art in Twenties century Tibet

        by TseWang Tashi

        It is the first monograph on history of modern art in Tibet! By using the academic theory of art history, the author sorts out and presents the development process of modern art forms in Tibet during the recent half a century and their considerable development and remarkable achievements.

      • October 2018 - October 2023

        The Holy Monk and the Spirit Woman

        The Great Achiever in the Himalayas or The Pilgrims' Song

        by Xuemo

        The Holy Monk and the Spirit Woman Xuemo translated by J.C.Cleary.   The hero of this novel is based on Khyungpo Naljor, one of the greatest figures in Tibetan history.He is praised as ‘The great achiever in the Himalayas’,Therefore, the book can also be called the Pilgrims' Song. Written in an magical realist style,the novel is a biographic story of a great achiever after going through a long journey to find authentic selves and towards enlightenment. It is full of mystery beyond the mundane but deeply rooted in the worldly life.From the perspective of historical and cultural research,the book may have filled in a blank in a specific historical period of Himalayan culture and the interaction between cultures of China, Nepal and India.   The book is very different from biographies that is popular nowadays.It is filled with abundant dialogues between characters and rich details about characters’ spiritual quests.It not only contains secret guidance for people to transcend worldliness to attain self realization,but also elaborates the pitfalls that one might fall into when faced with tough choices as well as effective methods to deal with them.You will thereby understand that a great person, a hero, is never born to be an unusually blessed extraordinary person,but rather a person with flesh and blood and emotions.Each chapter has different stories, as well as different symbolic meanings,which not only vividly shows how a pilgrim went through his journey to seek enlightenment,but also provides a good example for those who leave their hometown to search for a home for their souls.With this book, you will have the code to understand your innermost soul,and possessing a wisdom to face your life’s hardship gracefully.   The following people will like this book:those who yearn for distant places and love pilgrimage,those who are interested in foreign cultures, religions, and philosophy.and those who find themselves lost in life, wanting to improve and perfect themselves.In addition, it is also a great book to learn about the history of the Shangpa lineage as an example of the treasures of Chinese culture.Now the book has been published in English, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.

      • Science & Mathematics
        November 2020

        Plants for Novel Drug Molecules

        Ethnobotany To Ethnopharmacology

        by Bikarma Singh & Yash Pal Sharma

        The present book is based on twenty five excellent scientific contributions of seventy researchers from topmost research organizations. The book begin with plants used in Sowa-Rigpa system of food and medicine, followed by traditional uses of plants as medicine among Khasi tribe living in northeast India. This compilation contains several research techniques highlighting methods and analysis of documented data, and procedure for scientific validation of findings. Methods for assessing traditional knowledge of highly threatened plants such as Hodgsoniaheteroclita, pharmacological applications of family asteraceae, ethnobotany of family apiaceae, plants used in managing leucorrhea, plants as animal care, phytochemistry of Arisaemajacquemontii, Andrographispaniculata, Blumealacera, Boerhaaviadiffusa, Hemidesmusindicus, Pterocarpussantalinus, Rauwolfiaserpentina, Rauwolfiatetraphylla, and several other ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological parameters used in studying current science is described in this book. Besides, it is followed by several research topics focused to the clinical arena, plants used in relation to cancer, diabetes, skin disorders and many other aspects relates to animal and human health care. Todays food supplements derived from plants are of high demand, and this compilation also highlighted several plants used as nutraceuticals. It has been observed that herbs contain many bioactive compounds with powerful antioxidant properties as evidence from the scientific data, and few research on lianas, lichens and role of allylisothiocyanate as a bioprotective agent also discussed added more value to this compilations. Focused theme such as ethnobotanical trends and techniques, phytochemistry, biological activities, ethnopharmacology and clinical studies is adding and contributing a lots value to this book in discovering leads for medicine formulations.

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