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Michael O'Mara Books Ltd.
The Michael O’Mara imprint has illustrated and non- illustrated non-fiction titles for adults on history, sciences, marketing and management, biographies, humour and gift. The Buster imprint develops activity and reference titles for kids. The innovative range of this list develops the curiosity, knowledge and artistic fibre of our little ones. Finally, LOM Art includes a carefully curated list of artist-led titles. We have collaborated with talented illustrators from around the globe to create exquisite titles on drawing, painting, colouring, dot to dot, stickers and so much more!
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Promoted ContentSeptember 2002
Cross Ownership und publizistische Gewaltenteilung.
Rechtstatsächliche Grundlagen und rechtliche Zulässigkeit der marktübergreifenden Eigentumskonzentration in den Medien. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Dogmatik der Cross Ownership Beschränkung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des § 26 Abs. 2 Satz 2 RStV.
by Tschon, Michaela S.
Promoted Content2024
My Italy with Berlusconi
And what has become of it. Essays, conversations, reports
by Michaela Namuth
The political era of media entrepreneur and multi-billionaire Silvio Berlusconi began in 1994. German journalist Michaela Namuth also arrived in Rome at that time. He became prime minister, she became a freelance correspondent for various newspapers. She spent the long period of his government with him. During this time, the populist Berlusconi not only paved the way for a far-right government, he was also an ice-breaker for other right-wing populists in Europe and elsewhere. What else happened during and after Berlusconi's time in power is told in 20 chapters of articles, reports and interviews. The result is a colourful mosaic of contemporary Italy. It is about publishing, design, crime fiction, the mafia, a women's factory, the south and Nutella. Under Berlusconi, the country has changed. Many speak of “Berlusconisation”, by which they mean the gradual weakening of democracy. It is a critical book, but also a declaration of love to a contradictory country whose name still has a special ring to many ears.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1989
In Memoriam S. Fischer
24. Dezember 1859-1959
by Herausgegeben von B. Fischer, Brigitte; Herausgegeben von Bermann Fischer, Gottfried
Trusted PartnerMay 1985
S. Fischer, Verlag
Von der Gründung bis zur Rückkehr aus dem Exil Eine Ausstellung des Deutschen Literaturarchivs im Schiller-Nationalmuseum Marbach am Neckar
by Herausgegeben von Zeller, Bernhard
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1983
Märkischer Dichtergarten / Vertraute Briefe von Adelheid B. an ihre Freundin Julie S.
Ein Roman. Werther Parodien, zeitgenössische Rezensionen und Schmähungen
by Nicolai, Christoph F / Herausgegeben von Bruyn, Günter de; Nachwort von Bruyn, Günter de
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Trusted Partner
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerOctober 1986
100 Jahre S. Fischer Verlag 1886-1986 Buchumschläge
Über Bücher und ihre äußere Gestalt
by Pfäfflin, Friedrich
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1990
In den Jahren der Trauer
Erzählungen und eine Novelle
by Smiley, Jane / Englisch Rausch, Karin S
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Trusted PartnerPoetryMay 2008
Gesammelte Gedichte
1954 - 2006
by Gernhardt, Robert
Wir vergeben die meisten Genehmigungen zu Robert Gernhardt über den Band "Gesammelte Gedichte". Das Inhaltsverzeichnis findet sich im Punkt "Supporting Information." An den Gedichten auf den Seiten 1 bis 68 aus diesem Band hat S. Fischer keine Rechte!
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1995
Eine eigene Geschichte - Frauen in Europa
Verschüttete Spuren. Frühgeschichte bis 18. Jahrhundert
by Anderson, Bonnie S; Zinsser, Judith P / Englisch Biegger Scharz, Katharina
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1995
Eine eigene Geschichte - Frauen in Europa
Aufbruch. Vom Absolutismus zur Gegenwart
by Anderson, Bonnie S; Zinsser, Judith P / Englisch Holenstein Weidmann, Pia
Trusted PartnerMarch 2000
Die Affären des William S.
Der Shakespeare-Roman
by Newton, Ruth N / Englisch Strassl, Lore
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