Vanny Gani
The Awakening of the Stars, a novel in the mystical fiction category & Aerial Roots a drama and comedy about the author grandmother.
View Rights PortalThe Awakening of the Stars, a novel in the mystical fiction category & Aerial Roots a drama and comedy about the author grandmother.
View Rights PortalSolution Tree Press’ growing catalog of educational titles cover a well-rounded spectrum of professional development concerns: structuring professional learning communities, building leadership, raising literacy, and more.
View Rights PortalLange Zeit hatte es den Anschein, als sei die Säkularisierung, also die schwindende Bedeutung des Religiösen, ein ebenso stabiler gesellschaftlicher Trend wie die Individualisierung und die Globalisierung. Doch spätestens seit dem 11. September erleben wir eine Renaissance der Religionen: Die Debatten um Kruzifixe in Schulen, die mediale Hysterie nach der Wahl Papst Benedikts XVI. und den Islam in Europa zwingen uns nun, die Bedeutung von Begriffen wie religiös und säkular und die öffentliche Rolle der Religion zu überdenken. Zu diesem Zweck fand im Oktober 2009 in New York eine Art Gipfeltreffen der Philosophie statt, an dem mit Judith Butler, Craig Calhoun, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor und Cornel West fünf der wichtigsten Denkerinnen und Denker der Gegenwart teilnahmen. Dieser Band dokumentiert die Beiträge des Symposiums sowie die anschließende Diskussion.
This is a story about trees and how we may be very much like them. A little girl wanders through a forest and asks questions about the trees she sees. She runs her hands along their trunks... the lines in the bark are so different to her, yet somewhat familiar. Are they like wrinkles in her granny's skin? If that's the case, what do the leaves say? And the roots and the branches and the colour of their flowers? Hello, Trees investigates who we are by taking a closer look at the fascinating lives of trees. We are more than just a body and a name. We are more than just our feelings. Like trees, we are a culmination of many things. Life is a journey of imagination, of nature, and of ourselves. It sparks questions about who we are and what makes us who we are.