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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Bright Falls 2. Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail

        by Ashley Herring Blake, Moon Notes, Franca Fritz, Heinrich Koop

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Was sich liebt, das neckt sich – spicy Romcom für alle Bright Falls TikTok-Fans. Für die Interior Designerin Astrid Parker ist Versagen keine Option. Seit sie sich vor einem Jahr von ihrem Verlobten getrennt hat, konzentriert sie sich voll und ganz auf ihre Karriere. Als Pru Everwood sie bittet, die Renovierung des „Everwood Inn“ zu übernehmen, die auch noch in der Heimwerker-Show „Innside America“ ausgestrahlt werden soll, zögert Astrid keine Sekunde und stürzt sich in die Arbeit. Allerdings hat sie nicht mit Jordan Everwood gerechnet, Prus Enkelin, die als Schreinerin die Renovierung des Lokals leitet. Pru und Jordan geraten ständig aneinander und stehen der Arbeit des jeweils anderen, wo es nur geht, im Wege. Für die Produzent:innen der Reality-Show sind die beiden Frauen bestes Entertainment. Doch dann muss Astrid entscheiden: Wie weit ist sie bereit, für ihre Karriere zu gehen? Erfüllt sie weiter die Erwartungen der anderen oder beginnt sie endlich ein Leben, das nur sie glücklich macht? Zurück in Bright Falls: Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail – Band 2 der TikTok-Sensation. Rekord-Aufsteiger im US-amerikanischen BookTok-Ranking: die „Bright Falls“-Stories von Ashley Herring Blake. Finde deine Liebe in Bright Falls und erlebe das Abenteuer deines Lebens! Queer, romantisch, charmant und prickelnd: Frauen lieben Frauen – pures New Adult Lesevergnügen nicht nur für die LGBTQI+ Community. Für alle, die Romance Novels im Stil von Alice Oseman und Casey McQuiston lieben. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Bright Falls 1. Delilah Green Doesn't Care

        by Ashley Herring Blake, Moon Notes, Franca Fritz, Heinrich Koop

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Dieser TikTok-Hit erobert sämtliche Herzen im Sturm: Ein New Adult Roman – smart, spicy, queer und einfach unwiderstehlich. Jetzt auch auf Deutsch. Delilah Green hat sich geschworen, nie wieder nach Bright Falls zurückzukehren. Mittlerweile lebt sie in New York, ihre Karriere als Fotografin nimmt langsam Fahrt auf, und ihr Bett ist niemals leer. Als ihre Stiefschwester Astrid sie mit einem dicken Scheck lockt, ihre Hochzeit zu fotografieren, wirft Delilah ihre Vorsätze über Bord und macht sich auf in das verfluchte Städtchen, das sie einst ihr Zuhause nannte. Bei den Hochzeitsvorbereitungen trifft sie auf Claire Sutherland, eine von Astrids hochnäsigen Freundinnen. Dabei stellt Delilah fest, dass doch nicht alles so unattraktiv ist in Bright Falls, wie zunächst gedacht… Das alles ist so herzerwärmend und witzig, dass wir sicher sind: Bright Falls lässt nicht nur Delilah, sondern auch dich nicht mehr los. Bright Falls 1. Delilah Green Doesn't Care: Von zweiten Chancen und diversen Formen der Liebe. Dein Must-Read mit über 5 Millionen Views auf TikTok in den USA. Die LGBTQI+ Rom-Com der amerikanischen Bestsellerautorin Ashley Herring Blake. So cool: Liebesgeschichte zwischen zwei Frauen mit viel Humor und noch mehr Spice. Freu dich auf New York und eine Kleinstadt, alte Freunde und ganz neue Gefühle. Young und New Adult Bücher ab 16 Jahren Welcome to Bright Falls! Der Reihen-Auftakt der queer-romantischen Komödie startete in den USA auf BookTok als absoluter Hit. Kein Wunder, so viel Romance und Diversity zugleich wirst auch du lieben. Band 1: Bright Falls 1. Delilah Green Doesn't Care Band 2: Bright Falls 2. Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Bright Falls 3. Iris Kelly doesn't date

        by Ashley Herring Blake, Moon Notes, Franca Fritz, Heinrich Koop

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Fake Dating vom Feinsten – humorvoll und prickelnd! Um Iris Kelly herum sind alle verliebt. Und sie freut sich für jeden von ihnen. Wirklich. Schließlich hat sie ja eine Karriere als Romance-Autorin gemacht. Leider sind ihr dabei die Ideen fürs Dating ausgegangen. Ein Abend in einer Bar mit einer sexy Fremden namens Stevie entwickelt sich zum schlimmsten One-Night-Stand, den Iris je hatte. Um sich abzulenken, bewirbt sie sich bei einer Theatergruppe - und trifft dort Stevie wieder. Diese bittet Iris, ihre Freundin zu spielen. Iris willigt skeptisch ein. Während die beiden so tun, als seien sie ein Paar, fängt es zwischen ihnen gewaltig zu knistern an. Und bald geht es nur noch darum, wer den ersten Schritt macht... Die prickelnde RomCom lässt die Herzen von New-Adult-Fans ab 16 Jahren höher schlagen. Der dritte Band der „Bright Falls“-Reihe von Ashley Herring Blake erzählt eine witzige und gefühlvolle LGBTQIA+-Story mit dem beliebten Trope „Fake Dating“. Eine smarte und humorvolle Romance über die Liebe zwischen zwei Frauen, die Leser*innen begeistern wird. Iris Kelly doesn't date: Band 3 der erfolgreichen Reihe „Bright Falls“ Gefühle, Liebe und LGBTQIA+: Eine prickelnde Romantic Comedy für Leser*innen ab 16 Jahren. Voll im Trend: Humorvolle Gay Romance mit dem beliebten Trope „Fake Dating“. Witzig und gefühlvoll: Eine New-Adult-Romance über die Wendungen des Lebens und die Magie der Liebe. Die TikTok-Sensation: Band 3 der „Bright Falls“-Reihe von der amerikanischen Bestsellerautorin Ashley Herring Blake, die einen TikTok-Hype ausgelöst hat. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen. Die Romance für junge Frauen erzählt eine witzige und gefühlvolle LGBTQIA+-Geschichte über Iris Kelly und ihren desaströsen One-Night-Stand. Eine spicy RomCom für alle Fans von Alice Oseman und Casey McQuiston, die beweist, dass die Liebe oft dort zu finden ist, wo man sie am wenigsten erwartet.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Lupus Noctis


        by Melissa C. Hill, Anja Stapor, Julian Horeyseck

        Was als Spiel begann, wird tödlicher Ernst … Sechs Jugendliche steigen hinab in ein unterirdisches, verlassenes Bunkerkrankenhaus, um den perfekten Nervenkitzel zu erleben. An diesem unheimlichen, nahezu lichtlosen Ort wollen sie ihr Lieblingsrollenspiel Lupus Noctis weiterspielen. Doch schon nach kurzer Zeit stellt sich heraus: Der Schlüssel zur Tür fehlt – der Ausgang ist versperrt. Ein Versehen? Oder wurden sie in der Dunkelheit eingesperrt? Wer willst du sein – und wer bist du wirklich? - Hochgradig spannender Jugendthriller. - Inspiriert vom Rollenspiel Die Werwölfe von Düsterwald, bekannt aus Online- und WhatsApp-Spielen. - Genialer Twist vor gruseligem Setting: In einem Bunker aus dem Kalten Krieg kommen die dunkelsten Geheimnisse ans Licht. - TikTok-Star, Yoga-Girl oder Asthmatikerin mit Micky-Maus-Shirt – wer sagt die Wahrheit, wer spielt falsch?

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Trapped by Social Media

        How we save our digital sovereignty

        by Björn Staschen

        — Who is behind the big platforms, what are their alternatives and why do algorithms contribute to polarisation? — A contribution to the discussion on current media policy in the EU It's a paradox: thanks to the countless platforms and channels that are around today, it has never been so easy to express your opinion. And yet never before have so few people decided on the rules of these platforms. Never before has the free formation of opinion, which is essential for our democracies, been in so much danger. And never before have the signs of recognising this been so obvious. So what needs to be done? In a controversial discourse on the effects of TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the rest, Björn Staschen reveals how we are slowly losing our freedom – and how we can get it back again.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Computing & IT

        Social Media Marketing - The Practical Handbook for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok & Co.

        With a comprehensive legal guide by Dr. Thomas Schwenke

        by Corina Pahrmann, Katja Kupka

        From influencer and content marketing to strategy and success measurement to platforms such as TikTok, LinkedIn or Instagram: This comprehensive standard work provides you with valuable basic knowledge and inspires with best practices and a wealth of instructive practical tips and examples for all industries and company sizes.   As a tried-and-tested practical book, it helps freelancers and marketing managers in companies and organizations to develop an individual social media strategy - with SMART goals and for defined target groups. In addition, it shows methods and indicators for measuring success and guides through all the essential channels and tools. Interviews with marketing professionals and a detailed chapter on legal aspects by attorney Thomas Schwenke complete the book. After reading, you will have internalized the special social media mindset and will build successful long-term relationships with your target groups.   Understand the basics                                                                                    How social media and its algorithms work, why interaction is so crucial, and how to lose your fear of shitstorms   Your strategy for long-term success                                                                          How to choose the right channels, develop your social media roadmap and implement it in your company - including tips on training and development   Check your success                                                                                         Which methods and tools support you with monitoring and analytics   Convince with content (marketing)                                                                     How to create useful content, position yourself as an expert, and launch a blog or podcast   Increase your reach with images and videos, stories and livestream Tips and practical examples on influencer marketing, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and other platforms for (moving) images   Stay in the conversation                                                                                           How to create presences in the networks that matter to you and build a strong community   Focus on employer branding and social recruiting                                           How to build a strong employer brand and how your presence on LinkedIn and XING can help you do so   Stay on top of your game: social media marketing in the future                                      How messenger services, gamification, digital voice assistants, chatbots with AI, and VR/AR are changing marketing   Legal tips from the expert Dr. jur. Thomas Schwenke                                               On the safe side: legal basics for your social media marketing   The must-have for your successful social media practice in B2B and B2C environments.

      • Children's & YA
        November 2022

        Learn to Read Book With Follow-Along Video Lessons

        Phonics Workbooks - Learn to Read Program

        by Jessie Sullivan & Isla Iago

        We need your help to meet demand! We have a TikTok following of 320,000 people (@reading_tips_for_parents). Lots of people are asking for the book but we can only sell the digital version. If you print the book, we will do the advertising. We have sold 1,500 copies to schools. We sold 100+ copies of the ebook. We have sold 50+ copies on Amazon. This is low hanging fruit for any publisher who is looking for a book that sells.

      • Fantasy
        June 2021

        Dark Investment. The Calcabrina Incident

        by Javier Ara, Manuel J. Rodríguez

        Dark Investment is the leading interuniversal management group for investments in the primary soul market. For more than 10,000 years, Dark Investment has operated in the purchase and sale of souls, currently managing assets of more than 11.3 trillion souls.Angélica is director of operations and one of Dark Investment's most successful fundraisers today. Her sensuality, know-how and inter-dimensional capabilities are the strengths of her resume. However, her promising career will be threatened by an unfortunate incident during the counter-offer operation of a competitor called Calcabrina.After Freehand Robbery and The Great Battle of the Gusis, Javier Ara surprises us again with a new record of his versatile drawing and his overflowing imagination. A short animated film by Javier Ara, author of this comic, but also of the comics The Great Battle of the Gusis and Freehand Robbery, has gone viral in 2022 and has tens of millions of views on social networks.More than 43 million views on TikTok.On youtube it already has more than 1.5 million views: the number of views is growing every day.

      • Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's/YA)
        December 2019

        The Great Battle of the Gusis

        by Javier Ortiz, Javier Ara

        Hector is a little boy who spends the afternoon with his family in the country. There he meets, by chance, a little pink and friendly-looking being who asks him for help. This encounter will cause Hector to embark with his sister Estel and his two cousins, a little older than him, in an epic adventure that will pit them against the security forces of a world unknown to them. The four children will discover a parallel world that cannot be accessed by just anyone. The story is designed to entertain children and adults alike. If you like Smurf stories, this is your comic book. This comic already has a second part entitled The Great Treasure of the Gusis. Both were our best-selling titles at the last Madrid Book Fair 2022. A short animated film by Javier Ara, author of this comic, but also of the comics Dark Investment and Freehand Robbery, has gone viral in 2022 and has tens of millions of views on social networks. More than 43 million views on TikTok. On youtube it already has more than 1.5 million views: the number of views is growing every day.

      • Graphic novels
        May 2017

        Freehand Robbery

        by Lundi, Javier Ara

        "Being a cartoonist is suicide these days if you have to raise a family, but what is really tragic is being the widow of a cartoonist. Robbing a bank may be your last option. Let me explain in my graphic novel how I did it." Lundi drew this work during the last years of his life, when he was already aware of his fatal illness. In order not to leave his daughter and his wife abandoned with debts and without resources, he came up with a seemingly crazy solution: robbing a bank. What was unknown until now is that Lundi had drawn this comic to explain to her daughter Elisa the reasons why he decided to rob the bank. However, the handwritten work that Elisa received when she came of age was unfinished, and the author in a posthumous note asked Javier Ara, the draftsman who was his assistant to fix his drawings for years, to finish it. Javier Ara accepts the task, but his hatred of Lundi makes him embark on a much larger undertaking: expanding the comic by unmasking Lundi and finding out whether the bank was actually robbed. This work is a longseller that has already sold out its third edition and we are preparing the fourth edition. A short animated film by Javier Ara, author of this comic Freehand Robbery, but also of Dark Investment  and The Great Battle of the Gusis, has gone viral in 2022 and has tens of millions of views on social networks.More than 43 million views on TikTok: youtube it already has more than 1.5 million views: the number of views is growing every day.

      • May 2021

        Trust – The World’s Hardest Currency

        Why the conduct and attitude of businesses is vital for their success

        by Arnd Zschiesche

        Trust: the fuel that powers economy, politics and society Has everyone gone completely TikTok? No, says Dr Zschiesche: not quite. Despite the vast impact of ‘new economy’ concepts such as digitalisation and disruption, nothing can overturn the decisive basic social mechanism upon which every serious organisation is based: trust. As such, the constant erosion of trust in modern society is baffling to witness – yet it is precisely this warping of reality that reveals trust’s inestimable value.Trust demands two things: honest conduct, and time. Every business – from the smallest village pub to the largest corporation – must first and foremost succeed in building trust in its conduct; otherwise, long-term success will be out of reach. Nothing can compensate for a failure to do so: neither grandiose marketing campaigns nor paid-for brand ambassadors and influencers. This was true a thousand years ago and is as relevant as ever in the age of Industry 4.0. As long as people communicate with each other, trust is the most efficient tool of all. Brand sociologist Arnd Zschiesche delivers a smart and practically relevant perspective on why trust is the only true source of added value for any organisation. With analytical flair and a pragmatic, pithy style, he makes the case for an economy of trust – unparalleled in its profound effectiveness – as a counter to our runaway economy of attention.Arnd Zschiesche digs deep into the things that business, politicians and scientists must focus on to win long-lasting trust: substance and conduct, self-similarity and clear differentiation, and communication with integrity. The book is a much-needed contribution that is as time-critical as it is timely – packed with food for thought and concrete recommendations for action.

      • Computing & IT

        Social Media Workbook

        by Miriam Schlaich

        The »Social Media Workbook« is a lovingly designed, interactive workbook that guides you on your way to an authentic and successful social media strategy, whether you are self-employed, a small business owner or want to raise awareness of a project or organisation.   The young social media manager Miriam Schlaich explains in short texts what you need to know about the relevant social media topics and issues. In 37 exercises, you will find out what your business or concern is all about, where and how you can best get in touch with your target group, how to develop attractive content, how to measure your success meaningfully and - in the long run - how to keep it up.    All insights and results are recorded directly in the book. The workbook is not a detailed technical manual, but provides a basic understanding, asks inspiring questions and inspires.

      • 2022

        El hilo (Crónica de los días en los que se paró el mundo)

        by Eva Santana López

        After a week of lockdown due to the pandemic, a teenager trapped alone in her flat in Barcelona glances at the empty street and spies through the window on her neighbour across the street, Samuel. He soon notices her and, although at first he labels her as a snoop, they end up becoming friends. Together they try to discover who is the mysterious stranger dressed in yellow who wanders around the neighbourhood, raising the alarm bells of the two youngsters: Could he be the criminal the media call “the Eixample killer”?

      • The Dark Mirror and Other Urban Horror Stories

        by Mikko Toiviainen

        Remember urban legends? And have you ever heard of Pokémon Black, the devilish version of the Japanese game? You’ll probably wish you hadn’t after you’ve read this collection of horror stories based on the internet’s scariest stories…   Urban legends have always fascinated young people and their imagination. The digital generations have come to known them from the internet and through social media. Now, Mikko Toiviainen has written a collection of clever and scary original short stories based on the myths and legends circulating the web. Topics range from an immersive game experience gone too far to a potentially lethal email chain – or an AI system who knows you all too well.   The Dark Mirror is a collection to be read around a digital campfire with your friends. It’s perfect for boys, girls, and all those kids who are not yet avid readers. The story collection also includes a short story written by artificial intelligence!

      • September 2024

        Digital Projects Playbook, The

        A Step-by-Step Guide to Empowering Students as Creators, Grades 3–12 (A playbook of digital lesson plans to empower student voices)

        by Arthur, John

        Students in today’s classrooms live in a digital world. Tap into the unique opportunities it offers with author John Arthur's collection of resource-packed digital projects designed to leverage students’ digital skills and support their academic, creative, and cognitive development. The author guides teachers with rubrics, a list of digital tools, and step-by-step processes for producing each project from start to finish. With this book, classroom teachers will: Encourage students’ creativity and natural skill sets Access rubrics, templates, checklists, and tips for each digital project Understand the importance of media literacy and artificial intelligence Receive step-by-step production processes for all the digital projects Learn the research connecting digital projects and students’ cognitive development Contents: Preface Introduction Chapter 1: Digital Voices 101 Chapter 2: Blog Posts Chapter 3: Presentations Chapter 4: Podcasts Chapter 5: Digital Videos 101 Chapter 6: Documentary Short Films Chapter 7: Narrative Short Films Chapter 8: Music Videos Epilogue Appendix References and Resources

      • Memoirs

        Nein, Nein, Nein!: One Man’s Tale of Depression, Psychic Torment, and a Bus Tour of the Holocaust

        by Jerry Stahl

        In September 2016, Jerry Stahl was feeling nervous on the eve of a two-week trip across Poland and Germany. But it was not just the stops at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Dachau that gave him anxiety. It was the fact that he would he would be traveling with two dozen strangers, by bus. In a tour group. And he was not a tour-group kind of guy. The decision to visit Holocaust-world did not come easy. Stahl’s lifelong depression at an all-time high, his career and personal life at an all-time low, he had the idea to go on a trip where the despair he was feeling—out-of-control sadness, regret, and fear, not just for himself, but for our entire country—would be appropriate. And where was despair more appropriate than the land of the Six Million? Seamlessly weaving global and personal history, through the lens of Stahl’s own bent perspective, Nein, Nein, Nein! stands out as a triumph of strange-o reporting, a tale that takes us from gang polkas to tour-rash to the truly disturbing snack bar at Auschwitz. Strap in for a raw, surreal, and redemptively hilarious trip. Get on the bus.

      • May 2024

        Behind a Closed Door

        by J.D. Barker

        50 SHADES meets David Fincher's THE GAME.Soon to be a major motion picture!Would you kill a total stranger to save someone you love?Sugar & Spice is the latest app craze taking the world by storm, but downloading it for Abby and Brendan Hollander leads to a dangerous game of life and death. When the app assigns them a series of increasingly taboo tasks, they soon find themselves caught up in a twisted web of seduction and violence in this sexually charged dark thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of The Fourth Monkey—master of suspense, J.D. Barker.

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