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        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        The Death of Cecil the Lion Made Sense

        by Olena Stiazhkina

        This is the first novel Olena Styazhkina wrote in Ukrainian, and the theme of embracing Ukrainian identity is central to the plot. It takes place in Donbas over the course of several years: the reader follows the journeys of characters who are, at first, held back by Soviet mentalities. As a result of war, they undergo important changes relating to their understanding of themselves and their country, like the dentist who becomes a military surgeon or the cosmetics saleswoman who becomes a sniper shooting instructor. The characters go through a whirlpool of historical events and are reborn as Ukrainians.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1982

        Anna Livia Plurabelle

        by James Joyce, Georg Goyert

        ›Anna Livia Plurabelle‹ ist das berühmteste, meistzitierte Kapitel des unübersetzbarsten aller Bücher, »Finnegans Wake« von James Joyce. Unser Band bringt den Text des Originals, eine alte und zwei neue Übertragungen (von Wolfgang Hildesheimer und Hans Wollschläger) und eine Einführung von Klaus Reichert. ALP, nach Arno Schmidt die »All-Frau«, die Zusammensetzung »aus der schönen rot-gehaarten Isolde, den Maggies und sonstigen ›Stundentänzerinnen‹«, ist für Joyce das weibliche Prinzip des Universums, Wasser, Erde, Eva, Isis, Isolde und Psyche in einem; sie tritt zu Beginn des Buches mit den Fluten der Liffey auf und wird am Ende im Traum wie ein Fluß dem väterlichen Ozean zugetragen, wo alles sich verliert, sich wiederfindet und von neuem beginnt. »Was soll nun der deutsche Leser mit dem Buch anfangen? Er kann sich ans Nach-Prüfen, Nach-Denken, Nach-Schmecken, Nach-Sprechen von Hildesheimers und Wollschlägers Übertragung machen. Er wird entdecken, daß »Finnegans Wake« doch, wenn man nicht den falschen Ehrgeiz hegt, gleich alles ›verstehen‹ zu wollen, ein ›funeral‹ ist, nämlich eines der Begräbnisse des herkömmlichen Romans, und ein ›fun for all‹, ein Spaß für alle.« »Jörg Drews«

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of civilisation. Ukraine. Volume II. From Kyivan Rus to the Galician Principality (900–1256)

        by Olena Chernenko

        Project "History of Civilisation. Ukraine "covers the period from the Cimmerians to the third partition of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. It is divided into five main blocks: from the Cimmerians to Kyivan Rus (10th century BC - 9th century AD); from Kyivan Rus to the Galician Principality (10th century - 1256); from the Galician Principality to the Union of Lublin (1256–1569); from the Union of Lublin to the Peace Agreement of Andrusiv (1569–1667); from the Peace Agreement of Andrusiv to the third partition of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1667–1794). The second volume "History of Civilisation. Ukraine” is dedicated to the period from Kyivan Rus to the Galician Principality (end of the 10th century - 1256). The content of the book is designed to highlight the most important aspects of the historical and cultural process that took place in the lands of modern Ukraine at that time. Leading specialists in the field of medieval history and archeology, as well as young researchers were involved in the creation of the book. Due to this, the book combines theoretical backbone that is basic for the domestic historical science and the results of innovative research, that is presented for the first time in such a popular way. Information on history, economics, language, religion, culture (literature and musical arts, architecture), life (clothing, games and entertainment, etc.) and military affairs of the medieval population of modern Ukraine are collected under one cover. The chief editor of this publication is an archaeologist, Candidate of Historical Sciences of Ukraine (PhD) Olena Chernenko, who has been researching archeological monuments and the history of Ukraine in the Middle Ages for more than thirty years. The book is supplemented by rich illustrative material, designed for the wide audience.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020


        Eine Kindheit

        by Erika Pluhar

        Anna ist die Tochter einer Schauspielerin und eines geschäftstüchtigen, machtverliebten, genialischen Designers. Die Eltern stehen im Licht der Öffentlichkeit. Die Familie leidet unter dem exzessiven Lebensstil des Vaters, die Mutter wird vom Schauspielberuf immer intensiver gefordert. Anna verbringt viel Zeit mit häufig wechselnden Kindermädchen, glückliche Familienmomente sind gezählt. Ein gemeinsamer Urlaub auf Mykonos erweist sich für die junge Familie als lebensverändernd, belastet jedoch Annas Kinderwelt noch einschneidender … Erika Pluhar beschreibt eine Kindheit im Ausnahmezustand. Einfühlsam, offen, schonungslos.

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        Children's & YA

        Parables. The Wisdom of Generations

        by Olga Ivanova (Editor), Olena Sheveka (Illustrator)

        The deep experience of every generation is hidden within their parables. They contain basic knowledge that every child should understand. Through the parables collected in this book, you will help children to understand truth and lies, love and indifference, joy and anger, as well as the importance of learning. And from these instructive short stories, the young reader will learn how to distinguish what good and evil are, and how to take decisions independently. Thanks to this book children will appreciate and respect their parents and will build good relationships with others. This book will help any adult  wishing to explore the deeper truths and values in life with children.   From 6 to 9 years, 106,000 words. Rightsholders: Anastasiia Taran,,

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        October 2023

        Anna Pawlowa

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Sue Downing, Svenja Becker

        Anna ist acht Jahre alt, da nimmt sie die Mutter zum ersten Mal ins Theater mit. Das St. Petersburger Ballett tanzt Dornröschen. Danach steht für Anna fest: Sie will zur Bühne und Tänzerin werden. Mit zehn wird sie in die Theaterakademie aufgenommen. Aber die kleine, zierliche Anna wird von den Mitschülerinnen gehänselt, ihre Arme seien zu lang, die Füße krumm. Sie trainiert hart, und an der Seite des legendären Rudolf Nurejew wird sie zu einer der berühmtesten und erfolgreichsten Primaballerinen, die nicht nur die Opernhäuser der Welt für sich einnimmt, sondern mit ihrer Ausstrahlung auch ganze Fußballstadien füllt. Unsterblich ist ihr Tanz-Solo als „sterbender Schwan“. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies

        Witnessing: Anatomy of Russia's Annexation of the Crimea

        by Anna Andrievska, Olena Halimon

        The creation of this book was spearheaded by two journalists who used to work in Ukraine’s Crimea. The book’s genre is a mix of reportage, activism, and oral history and presents a narrative about Russia’s invasion of Crimea and its annexation in the spring of 2014. The volume captures the everyday life and resistance of the Crimean people under the occupation as well as the work of human rights and pro-Ukrainian activists who had remained in Crimea despite the crackdown of the collaborating local authorities and Russian security forces. The editors have amassed a sizable amount of recollections and testimonies. They interviewed forced migrants who moved to Ukraine-controlled territory immediately or soon after the annexation, people who were persecuted, held captive, or incarcerated by the FSB (the Russian Security Service) as well as residents who stayed in Crimea. These testimonies have undergone a media fact-check and an assessment by human rights institutions, such as the Crimean Human Rights Group and the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, and were reworked in accordance with the standards of democratic journalism, translated into Ukrainian, and equipped with authentic illustrations. Some stories and documents were taken from the public domain and are included with the authors’ permission, while other stories were recorded specifically for this book.

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        Children's & YA


        by Kateryna Mikhalitsyna (Author), Svitlana Balukh (Illustrator)

        Hoverla is the tallest mountain in Ukraine. Many people climb it every year. But what do we know about it? Where does its name come from? Where does the Prut waterfall flow? Why is it so important not to trample down the moutain slopes? The story is told by the mountain itself, and many interesting facts and beautiful illustrations will introduce the readers to the diverse world of Hoverla and its inhabitants. Hoverla shows that everything has its unique voice, even the stones if you know how to listen.   From 5 to 10 years, 820 words Rightsholders: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1970

        Anna Livia Plurabelle

        by James Joyce, Wolfgang Hildesheimer

        Anna Livia Plurabelle ist das berühmteste, meistzitierte Kapitel des unübersetzbarsten aller Bücher, Finnegans Wake von James Joyce. Unser Band bringt den originalen Text, eine alte und zwei neue Übersetzungen (von Wolfgang Hildesheimer und Hans Wollschläger) und eine Einführung von Klaus Reichert. ALP, nach Arno Schmidt die »All-Frau«, die Zusammensetzung »aus der schönen rotgehaarten Isolde, den Maggies und sonstigen ›Stundentänzerinnen‹«, ist für Joyce das weibliche Prinzip des Universums, Wasser, Erde, Eva, Isis, Isolde und Psyche in einem; sie tritt zu Beginn des Buches mit den Fluten der Liffey auf und wird am Ende im Traum wie ein Fluß dem väterlichen Ozean zugetragen, wo alles sich verliert, sich wieder findet und von neuem beginnt.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007

        Anna Amalia. Herzogin von Weimar

        by Annette Seemann, Constantin Beyer

        Wer war diese Anna Amalia, die sich von der charmanten jungen Rokokoprinzessin zur Schutzgöttin der Künste wandelte? Dieser reichbebilderte Band illustriert den Lebensweg einer vielschichtigen Persönlichkeit, der es gelang, die eigenen künstlerischen Interessen für die kulturelle Entwicklung des Herzogtums Weimar fruchtbar zu machen. Das klassische Weimar ist ohne Anna Amalia (1739–1807), die Mutter Carl Augusts, undenkbar. Unter ihrer Regentschaft verwandelte sich die kleine Residenz zum geistigen Zentrum der Goethezeit. Es gelang ihr, herausragende Geister der Epoche – darunter Goethe, Wieland, Herder und Schiller – an ihren Hof zu ziehen. Sie begründete den »Weimarer Musenhof« mit seinen berühmten Leseabenden; sie förderte das deutsche Theater und verband das aristokratische Rokoko mit der neuen bürgerlichen Gefühlskultur. Ihre große Italienreise spiegelt die Italienbegeisterung der Zeit und Goethes Einfluß. Annette Seemann schildert den Lebensweg einer der bedeutendsten aufgeklärten Fürstinnen ihrer Zeit. Ein Akzent ihrer Darstellung liegt auf dem vielleicht größten Verdienst der Herzogin: der Gründung der »Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek«. Nach dem verheerenden Brand des Jahres 2004 wird sie in Anna Amalias 200. Todesjahr nach umfangreichen Restaurierungen wieder zur Benutzung freigegeben.

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        March 2016

        »Schlimmstenfalls wird alles gut«

        Gedichte der Gelassenheit

        by Clara Paul

        Es gibt viele Wege zur Gelassenheit – einer der schönsten zu diesem heiteren Zustand der Seelenruhe ist: Gedichte lesen – Gedichte, die zum inneren Gespräch mit sich ermuntern; Gedichte, die zum Innehalten und Sinnieren anregen; Gedichte, die trösten und Mut machen; Gedichte, deren Ruhe sich unmittelbar auf einen überträgt. Vorschläge für das Glück der Gelassenheit finden sich in den hier versammelten Gedichten von Anna Achmatowa, Rose Ausländer, Elisabeth Borchers, Thomas Brasch, Bertolt Brecht, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Erich Fried, Peter Gan, Hermann Hesse, Angela Krauß, Czesław Miłosz, Rainer Maria Rilke, Eva Strittmatter, Wisława Szymborska, Hans-Ulrich Treichel, Robert Walser u. v. a.

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        The light of People

        by Vasyl Ovsiyenko

        A former prisoner of conscience who was imprisoned for nearly 14 years presents fifty articles he has written during 20 years of freedom. They tell about his cellmates Vasyl Stus, Yuri Lytvyn, Oleksa Tykhyi, Valeriy Marchenko, Levko Lukianenko, about prisoners of conscience Oksana Meshko, Mykola Rudenko, Petro Hryhorenko, Ievhen Sverstiuk and other outstanding personalities.

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        November 2011

        Erinnerungen an Anna Achmatowa

        by Nadeschda Mandelstam, Pavel Polian, Christiane Körner

        Nadeschda Mandelstam (1899-1980), die ihren Mann, den Dichter Ossip Mandelstam, um viele Jahre überlebte, hat sich im Alter mit ihren Memoiren Das Jahrhundert der Wölfe und Generation ohne Tränen international einen Namen gemacht. Erst vor wenigen Jahren wurden in ihrem Nachlass Erinnerungen an Anna Achmatowa (1889-1966) entdeckt - ein bewegendes Dokument der Freundschaft in schwierigsten Zeiten. Achmatowa, die charismatische, unbeugsame Dichterin, bangt um ihren Sohn, der in den stalinistischen Gefängnissen inhaftiert ist, während die Freundin die Gedichte ihres 1938 im Lager umgekommenen Mannes rettet - indem sie jede Zeile seiner verbotenen Texte im Gedächtnis bewahrt. Dieses reiche Buch ist Dichterporträt und Zeitzeugnis zugleich - ein vierzig Jahre währendes Gespräch über Angst und Niedertracht, über die Macht und Ohnmacht von Liebe, Eros und Literatur.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Anna of Denmark

        by Jemma Field, Christopher Breward

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        Children's & YA

        The Magical Pharmacy (4). The Contest of a Thousand Talents

        by Anna Ruhe/ Claudia Carls

        A world full of scents – and an adventure full of magic, racing hearts and dangers! Luzie Alvenstein can sense it right down to her fingertips: there is something wrong with the invitation she is holding in her hand. Her rival Elodie de Richemont has invited her to enter the “Contest of a thousand talents” – a competition for the world’s finest scent pharmacists. Of course the only thing Elodie is interested in is finding new talents to run her scent pharmacies. But Luzie has no choice. Together with Mats, Leon and Daan de Bruijn she goes to England in order to take part in the competition. What begins as a great game soon develops into a fight for survival – and this threatens to rob Luzie of everything she has ever loved… This is the fourth volume in the bestselling series of children’s books for boys and girls aged 10+. Written by the highly successful author Anna Ruhe and with atmospheric and beautifully detailed black-and-white illustrations by Claudia Carls.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021

        Anna of Denmark

        The material and visual culture of the Stuart courts, 1589–1619

        by Jemma Field

        Approaching the Stuart courts through the lens of the queen consort, Anna of Denmark, this study is underpinned by three key themes: translating cultures, female agency and the role of kinship networks and genealogical identity for early modern royal women. Illustrated with a fascinating array of objects and artworks, the book follows a trajectory that begins with Anna's exterior spaces before moving to the interior furnishings of her palaces, the material adornment of the royal body, an examination of Anna's visual persona and a discussion of Anna's performance of extraordinary rituals that follow her life cycle. Underpinned by a wealth of new archival research, the book provides a richer understanding of the breadth of Anna's interests and the meanings generated by her actions, associations and possessions.

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        History of Art / Art & Design Styles

        Embroidery in the clothes of outstanding Ukrainians

        by Tetyna Zez

        The book includes the stories of extraordinary Ukrainians who made a significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian literature, theater, and poetry. Among the characters of the book are Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko, Taras Shevchenko, Maria Zankovetska, Olena Pchilka, Olena Skoropadska, Maksym Rylskyi, Mykhailo Starytskyi. But we do not write about the gossip around them. We popularize the art of Ukrainian embroidery and highlight the private fragments of the lives of prominent Ukrainians that are little known to the general public. The book is organized in the form of a folder, which contains postcards-stories about the figure and a memorial item decorated with Ukrainian embroidery. The publication is the result of the cooperation of a team of like-minded people - museologists, embroiderers, scientists, clothing makers and publishers, who implemented a project aimed at popularizing the art of Ukrainian embroidery and highlighting fragments of the lives of prominent Ukrainians that are little known to the general public. Each postcard of the collection introduces us to the biography of a prominent person and the features of the domestic culture of that time through the presentation of a certain memorial item, which is decorated with Ukrainian embroidery. But the authors go further and present products sewn and embroidered by modern craftsmen, decorated with the same embroidery, as well as special schemes are presented, according to which everyone can reproduce both simple and complex ornaments from museum monuments in the material. The book will be interesting for everyone who is interested in Ukrainian ethnoculture, clothing manufacturing specialists, and embroiderers.

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        Biography & True Stories
        July 2021

        Serhii Lyfar. The biography

        Flying under the wing of Icarus

        by Roman Bereza

        The novel depicts the life and work of the legendary Ukrainian dancer and choreographer Serhii Lyfar who, due to his talent, entered the cohort of the most outstanding artists of the world culture of the 20th century. Relying on documentary sources and biographical data, the author vividly and truthfully describes the entire era of the development of choreographic art in Europe, which is associated with the name of the great Ukrainian, who was destined to appear at the origins of the latest revival of French ballet in the last century. The reader can watch Kyiv in the first quarter and middle of the 20th century. In the novel also appears the theatrical, choreographic, and artistic life of France of that time, which was vividly reflected in the creative path of Serhiy Lyfar and received its dynamic development in unity with such notable figures as Serhiy Diaghilev, Mykhailo Fokin, Enrico Cecchetti, Matilda Kshesinska, Anna Pavlova, Olga Spesyvtseva, Tamara Karsavina, Vaclav and Bronislava Nijinsky, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Alexander Benoit, Coco Chanel, George Balanchine and a number of other famous personalities who were in the center of world culture and art.

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