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      • Trusted Partner

        Tales of EUkraine

        Tales of EUkraine (TEUk) will bring books to Ukrainian children refugees while helping the Ukrainian publishing sector with the support of the European Commission

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      • Talcott Notch Literary Services

        Founded in 2002, Talcott Notch Literary is a five-member, full-service literary agency representing the freshest voices in both adult and juvenile fiction and nonfiction. With an impressive list of New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and #1 Amazon bestsellers as well as a vast array of award-winning fiction and nonfiction, our agents proudly represent the newest rising stars and acclaimed established authors.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        Children's & YA

        Nigu the Friendly Dragon

        by Watiek Ideo

        On the top of the mountain, live a dragon that often spout fire. Everyone in the village is afraid of the lone dragon. Three friends are curious about it and want to take a peek if the dragon is truly as scary as people said. When they arrive there, what they see is definitely not something they expected!

      • Memoirs

        The Strange Ways of Providence in My Life

        An Amazing WW2 Survival Story

        by Krystyna Carmi

        A young girl’s survival story against all odds in the face of pure evil. Krystyna's childhood was full of happy moments, friends, both Polish and Ukrainian, and a loving family. But her happy childhood did not last long; World War II changed it forever. Krystyna’s family, together with the Jewish community of her small village, was forced to live in the Kołomyja ghetto, where people died of hunger and physical exhaustion. But the worst was yet to come… Her parents and two older sisters were brutally murdered, and young Krystyna was left all by herself. With no one to look after her, she had to survive on her own. She faced unimaginable hunger, thirst and fear. Yet, against all odds, she managed to survive. The book contains a unique collection of more than 100 photos, taken by Krystyna’s father, a professional photographer, who sent them to his family in Israel before the war. Krystyna’s powerful memoir will leave you breathless and heartbroken, and at the same full of inspiration and hope.

      • January 2009

        Verità che scottano

        Domande e risposte su questioni attuali di amore e di vita

        by Angela Maria Cosentino

        Prefazione di Francesco D'Agostino In nome di un falso progresso e di una falsa libertà, si registra un profondo cambiamento di mentalità e di comportamenti in riferimento alle principali questioni che scottano: persona, amore, famiglia e vita. Tali cambiamenti, sostenuti da interessi economici e ideologici, sono orientati ad oscurare la verità sulla Creazione dell’uomo. Ciò comporta, di conseguenza, un attacco anche ai fondamentali diritti umani, diritti che nessuna maggioranza può attribuire ma solo riconoscere e tutelare. Il volume, che alla luce della ragione e della fede offre spunti di riflessione per avviare il confronto sui valori in gioco nelle attuali questioni bioetiche, è rivolto a tutti, in particolare a chi è impegnato nell’emergenza educativa. Rappresenta un agile manuale che, in forma dialogica, tocca l’abc di alcuni valori non negoziabili per promuovere un coraggioso Sì all’amore e alla vita. Per il bene della persona, della famiglia e della società.

      • September 2015

        Exposición múltiple

        by Autores varios

        Exposición múltiple es el encuentro de veinte creadores. Diez narradores y diez fotógrafos se combinan a ciegas en la construcción de diez historias. Ninguno de ellos podría haber previsto el resultado final de sus creaciones. La diversidad de los relatos y la riqueza visual de las fotografías nos sumerge en un mundo donde Fenimore, apodado Mario Baracus, es un integrante de un grupo anarquista clandestino. También corre en las páginas del libro Lobo, un perro heroico. Beto declara que no tiene ningún apuro en regar las plantas, ni en recibirse, ni en dejar la casa, ni en casarse. Los estorninos vuelan juntos como un fantasma diurno de las alturas. ¿Qué bichos andan debajo de la corteza y dibujan surcos en el tronco? ¿Qué secreto esconde el sabor de la savia? Al terminar el día, la luna llena asoma entre los árboles del bosque cuando un perro pasa como una sombra y corre dando saltos. A lo lejos se escucha un grito agudo, Corazón, Corazón… Exposición múltiple es una creación de:Guillermo Álvarez Castro, Gustavo Espinosa, Henry Trujillo, Horacio Cavallo, Inés Bortagaray, Inés Garland, Leonardo Cabrera, Manuel Soriano, Mercedes Estramil, Rosario Lázaro IgoaÁlvaro Percovich, Carlos Contrera, Guillermo Carballa, Jorge Ameal, Manuela Aldabe, Marcelo Casacuberta, Mariana Méndez, Pablo Bielli, Santiago Mazzarovich, Tali Kimelman

      • Next Stop Anagnina

        by Meri Jo

        A fun trip on Rome’s means of transport that brings a good mood, flavored by the attitudes and habits of the Romans who have to interact with unsuspecting tourists. Meri Jo, with the pleasure of her spontaneity, has given shape to her personal and shareable flow of thought that can be found in the everyday life of those who take the public transport of the city. A different way to live and laugh about the sometimes unthinkable dynamics that characterize commuters and tourists; in particular on the "Metro A” of Rome. ---  Un viaggio divertente sui mezzi di trasporto di Roma che coinvolge e mette di buon umore, condito dagli atteggiamenti e dalle abitudini dei romani che si interfacciano con gli ignari turisti. Non a caso la metropolitana della capitale è da sempre al centro dell'opinione pubblica per la sua "alternativa" efficienza (chiamiamola così!).Meri Jo, con il piacere della spontaneità ha dato forma a un suo personale quanto condivisibile flusso di pensiero che lo si potrà riscontrare nella quotidianità di chi prende i mezzi pubblici.Un modo diverso per vivere e ridere sulle dinamiche talvolta impensabili che caratterizzano le persone che viaggiano in particolare sulla metro A di Roma (suo abituale tragitto), sensazioni e impressioni nate da pensieri e riflessioni generate da simpatiche scenette che l'autrice ha realmente riportato sui memo durante i suoi quotidiani e avventurosi spostamenti nella città. Tali post-it sono divenuti libro, riportando avvenimenti unici anche al limite dell'assurdo, accompagnati dai corsi e ricorsi a cui i viaggiatori possono (comodamente?) assistere in qualità di pubblico, alla prima di quel fantastico spettacolo trasmesso dalla Atac Company & Production.

      • July 2012

        Phoenix Rising

        Out of Print

        by Theo Fenraven, Anne Cain

        New York City homicide detectives Artemis Gregory and Rachel Wayland are first on the murder scene of a beautiful young gay man, the third victim of a serial killer dubbed the Moon Killer by the department. Their investigation leads them to Talis Kehk, charismatic lead singer of the rock group Phoenix Rising. As the next full moon approaches, Artemis and his partner uncover clues that lead straight to Talis—even as Talis, exhibiting behavior Artemis finds strange indeed considering the circumstances, uses every means possible to keep Artemis close.Artemis could never fall in love with a murderer, could he? Innocent or not, Talis has a secret… and it’s about to change Artemis’s world forever. ;

      • July 2020

        Venuta dal cielo

        by Gianni Corvaia

        Questa è la storia di un angelo sceso sulla terra per aiutare un uomo, suo padre, nella conversione. Una presa di coscienza raggiunta attraverso tappe lunghe e dolorose. Una vicenda apparentemente triste che invita a riflettere sulla vita e a dirigere lo sguardo verso una dimensione più profonda, che va oltre gli accadimenti personali. Un invito alla meditazione e all'orientamento dell'esistenza umana, che pur nella sua drammaticità contiene una forma di rigenerazione. Parole semplici, utilizzate dall’autore, che partono dal cuore per trovare dimora nell’animo di coloro che, leggendole, possano iniziare uno splendido cammino d’amore. Giovanni Battista Corvaia, avvocato e imprenditore di Palermo, chiamato da tutti Gianni. Uomo serio e stimato, ha lasciato questa testimonianza in seguito alla scomparsa della sua adorata figlioletta Barbara. Nell’immenso dolore ha rivolto i suoi occhi a Dio e in Lui ha trovato un senso. Per anni il suo desiderio è stato quello di pubblicare tali riflessioni, ma ciò è stato possibile soltanto dopo decenni e una volta risposatosi. Infatti, ha espresso in punto di morte tale volontà alla sua seconda moglie, Santina Di Stefano, donna sensibile e di grande animo, che l’ha accolta e si è prodigata per realizzarla.

      • Children's & YA


        Gift Books Series

        by Pia Valentinis

        A series of beautifully illustrated gift books for a age group 9-99. Every title takes the reader in a special journey at the discovery of FOOD, MUSIC, FASHION and TIME from curious and unusual perspectives. In the series: LALALA - Music ZIP - Fashion YUM - Food GONG - Time

      • Fiction
        May 2022


        Chocolate 4 Life

        by Emunah La-Paz

        Chantel Reed is a successful human resources professional in Seattle who has a hard time with relationships. She has drifted from her friends Astrid and Serenity after the death of their friend Alison; her oldest sister, Daria, the family’s maternal figure, is prickly and controlling; and she finally breaks up with her slacker boyfriend, Cameron, after she finds him cooking dinner for another woman in her apartment. Astrid and Serenity have different ideas about how Chantel should move on after the breakup. Chantel, who has always dated black men, is initially hesitant when Brandon, a white guy, asks her out. She quickly falls for him, and they come close to marriage despite push back from her family and racism from his. But when Brandon and Daria ask an attractive black man to test Chantel’s loyalty, her trust in everyone is shattered. Chantel enters a self-destructive spiral that wreaks havoc on her professional and personal lives in search of the history behind broken relationships past and pressent, within her secrative family. Emunah La-Paz brings this cast of characters to life on the page, with each one somehow more memorable than the last. They bring to light a comment on interracial relationships that is just as enjoyable to read as it is poignant. An intro to the prequel.  Featuring Chocolate Recipe and upcoming chocolate website from the characters.

      • The Arts

        The Journey of the Three Wise Men

        by John of Hildesheim

        Written in the second half of the 14th century, this book by John of Hildesheim is an outstanding document of Medieval literature and historiography. The text is accompanied by some of the most wonderful illustrations taken from the great artistic tradition dating from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and it shows the inspiration that John of Hildesheim has given to the whole Christian iconography of Christmas and to some of the most outstanding works of art. “The remarkable iconography accompanying this volume, with forty-three different representations of the story of the three wise men (from Gentile da Fabriano to Lippi, from Giotto to Botticelli, from Benozzo Gozzoli to Piero della Francesca), is an evidence of the appeal of a story in which history, devotion, theology are closely intertwined, starting from the very journey of those three figures as the symbolic guiding thread of the Gospel narration.” (Card. Gianfranco Ravasi)

      • NLP for chess

        by Axel Rombaldoni

        Non chiedete ad Axel Rombaldoni di guardare gli scacchi con occhi che non siano nuovi: semplicemente non ne è capace. Nella sua opera prima, il Grande Maestro pesarese condivide con il lettore il percorso che lo ha portato a vincere il titolo di Campione Italiano nel 2014 e ne trae utili strumenti per pianificare il proprio allenamento scacchistico. Il principale protagonista del libro è il ‘Cerchio degli Scacchi’, un innovativo strumento di autovalutazione sviluppato da Rombaldoni secondo i canoni della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL). Non secondariamente, il libro è anche un’occasione per vedere da vicino alcune tra le migliori partite di Axel, uno degli scacchisti più fantasiosi d’Italia.

      • The Arts

        Famous Women

        by Giovanni Boccaccio

        De claris mulieribus is a collection of biographies of famous women of ancient and medieval times written by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1361. Boccaccio’s first aim was to offer, especially to his female readers, a collection of short and pleasant stories with lovely invitations to virtue and whipping remarks against vice. The work became very successful between the 14th and the 16th centuries, and was translated and published all around Europe. In some manuscripts the text is accompanied by a series of illustrations. For this edition, with a selection of thirty biographies of the most famous women from history, mythology and religion, the Ms. Royal 16 G.V. from the British Library in London has been chosen, a French manuscript from the second half of the 15th century, the miniatures of which, of exceptional elegance, set the happenings within the refined atmosphere of the transalpine court.

      • Drop the belly

        Lose weight and be fit with the new Mediterranean diet

        by Francesca Beretta

        The Italian nutritionist Francesca Beretta is presenting a new diet that, if combined with hydration and physical activity, is perfect to get back in shape. The new measure unit is the belt: for every month of this diet, the belt will be fasten one less hole. Five holes in five months. The volume explains how to set the diet and to continue on the path to reach the goals and keeping the results. In the book, there are many focuses and in-depth curiosities on how to pick the ingredients, the weekly diet schemes and many tasty andhealthy recipes.

      • January 2019

        La città post-secolare

        Il nuovo dibattito sulla secolarizzazione

        by Paolo Costa

        The secularization debate went through a big change during the last fifty years. Could this change be described as a paradigm shift? The volume, after an introduction that deeply analyses the “secularization” concept, picks up and discusses in eight chapters several exemplary figures in the recent debate (H. Blumenberg, D. Martin, C. Taylor, H. Joas, T. Asad, M. Gauchet, J. Habermas, G. Vattimo).Thus, the Author gives for the very first time, a systematic reconstruction of the changes and developments in this debate, ending in a real paradigm shift. The conclusion is however hesitant. It is unclear, Costa claims, whether this concept is still helpful to understand what is going on around us now and is in store for us in the near future. Winner of the Book Prize of the European Society for Catholic Theology (category: senior scholar)

      • April 2019

        Migrazioni e modernità

        Una lettura generativa

        by Emanuele, Iula

        This book starts with an upside down turn of perspective. If a sense must be searched and found in the phenomenon of human mobility, we cannot content ourselves with the knowledge of a possible future for migrants in their country of arrival. We could rather ask whether these people give a future and open up new understandings to the societies they come to. This turn is the cornerstone offered by a “generative thinking” to the debate on migration.

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