by Ralf Frisch
What if one could ask the author of the Mark Gospel why he wrote what he wrote? What if one could ask him if he really thought it was the truth what he said about Jesus? In his brilliant book about Jesus of Nazareth, Ralf Frisch engages the unknown evangelist, who since ancient times is known by the name of Mark, in a virtual dialogue about demons and heroes, about fiction and truth, about loneliness, beauty and anger, about the boredom of today's faith and about the intensity of this Jesus of Nazareth. In his thought experiment Ralf Frisch does not avoid theological taboos: Would it not have been wiser to spare posterity the death on the cross? Was the resurrection of the Nazarene perhaps only a fantasy? What future does Jesus Christ have in a world that longs for life, salvation and redemption, but in the end perhaps no longer believes in God? The answers of the man from the past come unexpectedly. They have the power to transform space and time – not only in the past, but also in the present.