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Strange Days Books, Social Cooperative Enterprise
Strange Days Books is a social cooperative publishing firm based in Crete, Greece. Since 2012 we have published almost 100 books. Every year we organize Sand Festival, an online Writers’ Workshop and - in cooperation with literary magazine - the one and only international short story competition based in Greece, plus our International Book Awards. In 2019 SDB was the only publishing house in Greece to receive approval by the European Union’s Creative Europe translation funding program for its project "Strange Days in Europe”. Strange Days Books is an entirely independent publisher, primarily interested in showcasing the wealth of new writing voices in Greece. We work closely with our authors to create books that will appeal to booklovers, books about the present, books that strive to push the art of literature forward, books written with talent and passion, books that challenge the way we see the world, books bursting with new ideas and intriguing perspectives.
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Promoted ContentLiterary Fiction
by Botho Strauß
Whatever this book covers, whatever it is describing, it is always about a new evaluation of the familiar. In literature or in politics: when avant-garde theatre first really began to celebrate itself, Botho Strauss saw it only as boring academism. When Germany’s literary canon finally seemed to have been defined, he immediately demanded a new one that included Rudolf Borchardt and Ernst Jünger. "You can do what you want," he wrote, "at some point all forms shatter, and time runs out …" These are the moments recorded in these essays. From here they look into the coming uncertainty, while also looking back into history. This is how "Anschwellender Bockgesang" came about, often said to be the most momentous and therefore important essay of the last 70 years: but the same can be said of this whole collection of essays.
Promoted ContentNovember 1997
Spectaculum 64
Vier moderne Theaterstücke
by Werner Fritsch, Peter Handke, Botho Strauß, Urs Widmer
Werner Fritsch: Es gibt keine Sünde im Süden des Herzens Peter Handke: Zurüstungen für die Unsterblichkeit Botho Strauß: Ithaka Urs Widmer: Top Dogs
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September 1999Gedankenfluchten
by Botho Strauß, Volker Hage, Barbara Hoffmeister, Volker Hage
Botho Strauß hat nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch in Prosa und – seltener – Lyrik mit poetisch-intellektueller Verve die Bewohner der alten und neuen Bundesrepublik beschrieben und glossiert. Die Widmung; Paare, Passanten; Kongreß; die Fehler des Kopisten heißen einige der Prosabücher aus mehr als 20 Jahren, angefüllt mit wachen Beobachtungen und blendend formulierter Ideenfracht.Volker Hage, Redakteur beim Spiegel, mit Werk und Person von Strauß seit langem vertraut, hat es in Absprache mit dem Autor unternommen, eigenständige Bruchstücke aus dem bisher Publizierten in eine neue Anordnung zu bringen, ergänzt um bisher Unveröffentlichtes: eine Sammlung literarischer Kleinode.
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