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Promoted ContentApril 2024
Why science denial is so dangerous and how we can protect ourselves against it
by Holm Gero Hümmler
The phenomenon of anti-scientific disinformation has been discussed in the recent past under the acronym FLICC (Fake experts, Logical fallacies, Impossible expectations, Cherry-picking and Conspiracy theories), especially as it pertains to the topic of climate change. What is generally missing however is a more comprehensive consideration of science denial in diff erent disciplines with a critical examination of the central arguments and a comparison of the parallels. Holm Gero Hümmler dedicates himself to this task in this readable and fact-orientated book on topics such as genetic engineering, mobile phone networks, radioactivity, and chips that are implanted under the skin for medical reasons.
Trusted Partner2019
Conspiracy Myths
How we are deceived by twisted facts
by Holm Gero Hümmler
The twin towers of the World Trade Center were blown up on behalf of the US government. Vapour trails in the sky contain chemicals that cause disease. The moon landing never took place; it was staged in a studio. Many people believe in conspiracy theories: supporting evidence can seem plausible, until you look closely. To refute conspiracy theories often requires scientific and technical knowledge. Dr. Holm Gero Hümmler has precisely this sort of knowledge, and he is able to communicate it clearly for laypeople. In his book “Conspiracy Myths” he provides guidelines on how to deal with questionable facts. He gives valuable tips for personal research and shows how to deconstruct well-known conspiracy theories – from 9-11 to the “earthquake machine” HAARP, to chemtrails and “Nazi UFOs”. Sometimes, refutation is easy: you only need a sand pit and game pieces ...
Trusted PartnerNovember 2010
Lebenslust mit Christian Morgenstern
by Christian Morgenstern, Thomas Kluge
Christian Morgenstern wurde am 6. Mai 1871 in München geboren. 1892/93 begann er ein Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Breslau, das er bald abbrach. Er zog nach Berlin und war dort als Journalist, Kultur- und Literaturkritiker und Redakteur tätig und veröffentlichte zahlreiche Beiträge und Glossen in Zeitschriften. Sein erster von seinen insgesamt vierzehn Lyrik-Bänden In Phantas Schloß erschien 1895. In der Folgezeit beschäftigte er sich mit der Übersetzung und Herausgabe der Werke von August Strindberg und Henrik Ibsen und schrieb für Max Reinhardts Berliner Kabarett »Schall und Rauch«. Von 1903 bis 1905 war er Redakteur der Zeitschrift »Das Theater« im Verlag von Bruno Cassirer, für den er auch als freier Lektor arbeitete. 1909 schloß sich Morgenstern dem Kreis der antroposophischen Gesellschaft um Rudolf Steiner an. Am 31. März 1914 starb er in Meran / Italien an den Folgen einer Tuberkulose-Erkrankung.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1999
Das Ende des Kapitalismus
Triumph oder Kollaps eines Wirtschaftssystems?
by Jenner, Gero
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Trusted PartnerOctober 1971
Die Notenausgabe der Deutschen Bundesbank.
Ein Beitrag zum Recht der öffentlichen Sachen.
by Pfennig, Gero
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Trusted PartnerApril 2018
Staat gegen Staat.
Eingeschränkter Zugang zu verwaltungsgerichtlichem Rechtsschutz.
by Bartsch, Gero
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2013
Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World, c. 650-c. 1450
by Janet Hamilton, Bernard Hamilton
Christian dualism originated in the reign of Constans II (641-68). It was a popular religion, which shared with orthodoxy an acceptance of scriptual authority and apostolic tradition and held a sacramental doctrine of salvation, but understood all these in a radically different way to the Orthodox Church. One of the differences was the strong part demonology played in the belief system. This text traces, through original sources, the origins of dualist Christianity throughout the Byzantine Empire, focusing on the Paulician movement in Armenia and Bogomilism in Bulgaria. It presents not only the theological texts, but puts the movements into their social and political context.
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Trusted PartnerMedicineAugust 2016
Evidence-based Nursing and Caring
by Johann Behrens, Gero Langer
Evidence-based-nursing and caring, a method that relies on scientifically verifiable data from an outside perspective (“external evidence”) as well as the individual needs of those cared for as well as the caretakers (“internal evidence”). This title offers a detailed insight into external and internal evidence in nursing care and shows in a 6-step-approach how to • make shared decision • analyse and describe problems • find literature and relevant studies • critically evaluate nursing studies and their quality • change nursing practice and • evaluate nursing care. Target Group: Nursing Students, Nurse Educators.
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Trusted PartnerOctober 2003
Mein paranormales Fahrrad
Und andere Anlässe zur Skepsis, entdeckt im "Skeptical Inquirer"
by Herausgegeben von Randow, Gero von