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      • Sparkling Books Ltd.

        The Financial System Limit by investment manager David Kauders FRSA, is now published in print. This book challenges Keynesian policy assumptions followed by central banks.

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      • Sparsile Books

        Sparsile Books is an independent publisher, based in Glasgow, specialising in high quality fiction and non-fiction. We see publishing as an art in itself, and work closely with our authors to ensure that the books we publish give readers a unique vision of the world. Since our beginning in 2018, we have been fortunate to discover some truly exceptional writers, and look forward to developing many more.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2012

        Fonthill Abbey

        Die dunkle Welt des William Beckford

        by Miller, Norbert

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        January 2018

        Love & Beyond (1). Über den Tod hinaus

        by Verday, Jessica

        ***Eine verzweifelte Suche, ein dunkles Geheimnis und die ganz große Liebe*** Als ihre beste Freundin Kirsten vermisst gemeldet und kurze Zeit später für tot erklärt wird, bricht für Abbey eine Welt zusammen. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass Kirsten von der Brücke in den Crane River gestürzt und ertrunken ist. Doch Abbey ist nicht bereit, sie einfach so aufzugeben, solange ihre Leiche nicht gefunden wurde. Sie muss herausfinden, was in dieser Nacht geschehen ist, erfährt aber weder in der Schule noch von Kirstens Eltern Unterstützung. Dann ist da plötzlich dieser unbekannte Junge, Caspian, mit den strahlend grünen Augen, der auf Kirstens Beerdigung auftaucht und behauptet, nur wegen Abbey dort zu sein. Er bietet ihr an, herauszufinden, was mit Kirsten geschehen ist. In ihrer Verzweiflung geht sie auf das Angebot ein, fasst langsam Vertrauen zu dem mysteriösen Fremden. Die beiden kommen sich während der gemeinsamen Suche näher. Bis Abbey in Kirstens Tagebuch ein dunkles Geheimnis und erfahren muss, dass auch Caspian nicht der ist, der er zu sein vorgibt. Wem kann Abbey jetzt noch trauen? Caspians Erklärung an Abbey, warum er sie immer Astrid nennt: »Weißt du, was der Name Astrid bedeutet?« Schon wieder wechselte er das Thema und ich kam einfach nicht mehr mit. »Nein.« »Er bedeutet ›Stern‹. Das fällt mir immer zu dir ein, Abbey. Eines Tages habe ich nach oben geschaut und da warst du. Ein gleißendes Licht, umgeben von Dunkelheit. Du gibst mir das Gefühl, dass alles möglich ist. Digitale Originalausgabe. Die deutsche gedruckte Originalausgabe ist unter dem Titel "The Hollow. Wahre Liebe ist unsterblich" 2010 im Arena Verlag erschienen.

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        Historical fiction


        by Susanne Popp

        Between self-realisation and love: the story of the woman behind the famous champagne brand Veuve Clicquot.   The French champagne city Reims in 1805: despite resistance from her family, young widow Barbe-Nicole Clicquot takes over the champagne and wine production from her late husband - and turns out to be a talented winemaker. But it is the time of the Napoleonic Wars and business is not going well. Supported by her employee Louis Bohne and the German accountant Christian Kessler, Barbe-Nicole nevertheless manages to get her company started, develops a new production process and thus gives champagne its seductive tingle. Enchanted by her esprit, both men develop feelings for her - but it is only as a widow that Barbe-Nicole can run the company under her name ...

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        The social world of early modern Westminster

        Abbey, court and community, 1525–1640

        by Peter Lake, J. F. Merritt, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        Early modern Westminster is familiar as the location of the Royal Court at Whitehall, parliament, the law courts and the emerging West End, yet it has never been studied in its own right. This book is the first study to provide an integrated picture of the town during this crucial period in its history. It reveals the often problematic relations between the diverse groups of people who constituted local society - the Court, the aristocracy, the Abbey, the middling sort and the poor - and the competing visions of Westminster's identity which their presence engendered. Different chapters study the impact of the Reformation and of the building of Whitehall Palace; the problem of poverty and the politics of communal responsibility; the character and significance of the increasing gentry presence in the town; the nature and ideology of local governing elites; the struggles over the emerging townscape; and the changing religious culture of the area, including the problematic role of the post-Reformation Abbey. A comprehensive study of one of the most populous and influential towns in early modern England, this book covers the entire period from the Reformation to the Civil War. It will make fascinating reading for historians of English society, literature and religion in this period, as well as enthusiasts of London's rich history.

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        The Arts
        December 2000

        Theatre under the Nazis

        by John London

        This is the first book to appear in English about theatre from the entire Nazi period (1933-45). It is based on detailed statistical analysis, contemporary press reports, research in German archives and interviews with surviving playwrights, actors and musicians. The volume has an extensive bibliography and is fully illustrated. It forms a much needed guide to this neglected area of European culture and will be of interest to historians, Germanists and theatre specialists. The international contributors are William J. Niven, Glen Gadberry, Erik Levi, Rebecca Rovit, William Abbey and Katharina Havekamp. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Emotional monasticism

        Affective piety in the eleventh-century monastery of John of Fécamp

        by Lauren Mancia

        Medievalists have long taught that highly emotional Christian devotion, often called 'affective piety', appeared in Europe after the twelfth century and was primarily practiced by communities of mendicants, lay people and women. Emotional monasticism challenges this view. The first study of affective piety in an eleventh-century monastic context, it traces the early history of affective devotion through the life and works of the earliest known writer of emotional prayers, John of Fécamp, abbot of the Norman monastery of Fécamp from 1028-78. Exposing the early medieval monastic roots of later medieval affective piety, the book casts a new light on the devotional life of monks in Europe before the twelfth century and redefines how medievalists should teach the history of Christianity.

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        Children's & YA

        The Enchanting Three (1). Hoggs and Bear Courage

        by Stefanie Dahle

        Hoggs the bear would love to be brave. But he is afraid of spiders and ghosts. And so Hoggs and his best friend Poki the skunk decide to go on an adventure in order to practise being brave. They head for the abandoned witch’s house behind the bee field. Ugh, it’s certainly ghostly! In fact there’s a kettle bubbling quite scarily…”Anybody there?” asks Hoggs cautiously. Yes! Fips the rabbit urgently needs help. And – whoosh! – suddenly the friends find themselves right in the middle of a stormy but magical adventure…

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        May 1992

        Beschreibung einer Form

        Versuch über Kafka

        by Martin Walser, Walter Höllerer

        Der Versuch über Kafka Beschreibung einer Form ist Martin Walsers Dissertation, sie erschien erstmals 1961 und ist eine bemerkenswerte Einführung in das Werk Franz Kafkas, das eine so tiefe und nicht nachlassende Wirkung ausübt.

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        Biography & True Stories
        March 2024

        She played and sang

        Jane Austen and music

        by Gillian Dooley

        Like her much-loved heroine Emma Woodhouse, Jane Austen 'played and sang'. Music occupied a central role in her life, and she made brilliant use of it in her books to illuminate characters' personalities and highlight the contrasts between them. Until recently, our knowledge of Austen's musical inclinations was limited to the recollections of relatives who were still in their youth when she passed away. But with the digitisation of music books from her immediate family circle, a treasure trove of evidence has emerged. Delving into these books, alongside letters and other familial records, She played and sang unveils a previously unknown facet of Austen's world. This insightful work not only uncovers the music closely associated with Austen, but also unravels her musical connections with family and friends, revealing the intricate ties between her fiction and the melodies she performed. With these revelations, Austen's musical legacy comes to life, granting us a deeper understanding of her artistic prowess and the influences that shaped her literary masterpieces.

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        April 2016

        Extravagante Engländerinnen

        Adelige Landpartie zwischen Herrenhaus, Gartenidylle und Dinnerparty

        by Luise Berg-Ehlers

        England ist berühmt für seine ländliche Idylle, für reetgedeckte Cottages und seine gemütlichen Pubs und Tea Rooms. Dass es auf der Insel aber auch hochherrschaftlich spektakulär zugeht, davon zeugt nicht nur so manche Hutkreation von Ascot. Luise Berg-Ehlers erzählt von englischen Aristokratinnen, die sich als extravagante Schlossherrinnen, exzentrische Society Ladies, unstandesgemäße Gärtnerinnen oder rebellische Schriftstellerinnen einen Namen machten. Das herrschaftliche Leben, so scheint es, bot den perfekten Nährboden für allerlei skurrile Auswüchse – und sorgt auch heute noch, nicht nur in Downton Abbey, für Furore. Über die Duchess of Devonshire, die Herzogin von Windsor, die Mitford-Schwestern, Jane Austen, Vita Sackville-West, Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth von Arnim u. v. a. Durchgängig vierfarbig illustriert – mit Fotos der Autorin

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        Children's & YA

        The Sparkling Ponies (3). Luna and the Moonstones

        by Emily Palmer/ Josephine Llobet

        The four friends Fiona, Aurelia, Jana and Leni thoroughly enjoy their friendship with their sparkling ponies and they’re looking forward to the festival that’s about to take place at Funfield Pony Farm. But there’s a lot to be done first. Only Aurelia can’t really enjoy the prospect because the problem she has to solve with the mare Luna is really giving her a tough time. Suddenly Fiona and Sunny are also given a tricky task. And when the secret of the sparkling ponies is then in danger of being exposed, everything goes topsy-turvy. Will the friends end up enjoying the pony festival or not?

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