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Promoted ContentMemoirs2018
The Charm of Morocco
by Sophia Yablonska
"The Charm of Morocco" is the debut travel novel of the Ukrainian traveler, writer, artist and photographer Sofia Yablonska, first published in Lviv in 1932. The author lived in Morocco for four months, during which she researched and described Arab Africa. The writer's report is deeply personal, her unbiased view of this country is devoid of French influence and established genre traditions of the exotic novel, despite the fact that Sofia had already lived in Paris for several years before going to Morocco. It describes the different strata of Arab society, their relations with each other and with foreigners, the position of women and the Berber tribes free from the European protectorate. The 2018 edition is part of the TEURA art project. Sofia Yablonska", the purpose of which is to return Sofia Yablonska to the cultural discourse and establish her as a relevant character of Ukrainian art. In addition to "The Charm of Morocco", two other travel novels by Sofia - "From the Land of Rye and Opium" and "Far Horizons", as well as a book of her photos taken in the 1930s - will be published as part of the project. Compilers: Andrii Benytskyi, Veronika Khomeniuk Designer: Volodymyr Gavrish The publication was made with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Faundation
Promoted ContentBiography: general2018
by Oksana Zabuzhko, foreword
"TEURA. SOFIA YABLONSKA" is a project that presents an outstanding Ukrainian female photographer, writer, traveler, and film documentarian Sophia Yablonska. It combines a photo album and 3 books of traveling prose from the literary heritage of Sofia Yablonska (1907-1971) Sophia was called "Theura" - a red bird - and thus recognized as female native of the island of Bora Bora, where she was one of the first to appear with a photo and film camera. In Indochina, Egypt, Ceylon, Bali, Tahiti, New Zealand - everywhere in the world, she filmed a "live" picture of life, and not fashionable productions at that time. The photo album, which was printed in Ukrainian and French (separate versions) with the support of the UKRAINIAN CULTURAL FOUNDATION, includes her photos from a trip around the world in the 1930s. Foreword - Oksana Zabuzhko (Kyiv) Photos from the archive of Natalie Udin, Yablonska's granddaughter (Paris) Biography: Veronika Khomenyuk and Andrii Benytskyi (Lviv) Photo captions: Natalka Beshta (Bangkok) Selection of illustrations and design (almost curators): Maria Norazyan and Ilya Pavlov, Grafprom studio (Kharkiv) Project manager: Lidia Likhach"
Trusted PartnerLiterature: history & criticism2020
Rebels: New woman and modern nation
by Vira Aheieva, Iryna Borysiuk, Oksana Pashko, Olena Peleshenko, Olga Poliukhovych, Oksana Schur
This book is about true rebels: late 19th and early 20th century Ukrainian female writers. They find their own voices in literature and start to defend theis own space, both private and public. 12 stories of life and work of Marko Vovchok, Lesia Ukrainka, Olha Kobylianska, Iryna Vilde, Sophia Yablonska and others.
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Trusted PartnerApril 1986
Das Tagebuch der Sophia
Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt von dem Arbeitskreis 'Moderne Chinesische Literatur' am Ostasiatischen Seminar der Freien Universität Berlin (Bernd Fischer, Anna Gerstlacher, Johanna Graefe, Renate Krieg, Wolfgang Kubin, Julia Lore Mollée, Eva Sternfeld)
by Ding Ling
Trusted PartnerMarch 2025
Unter den Sternen von Paris
Roman | Ein romantischer Wohlfühlroman, der das Herz berührt
by Karolina Schützer, Nora Pröfrock
Eine Stadt, die Herzen verbindet – und eine Frau auf der Suche nach sich selbst Unter dem funkelnden Sternenhimmel von Paris versucht Sophia ihr Leben neu zu ordnen: Nach einer schwierigen Scheidung und dem Verlust ihres Traumjobs als TV-Journalistin steht sie an einem Wendepunkt. Als sie unerwartet das Erbe ihrer Großmutter in Form einer kleinen Bar im Quartier Latin antreten soll, wird Sophia in eine Welt hineingezogen, die absolut nichts mit ihrem bisherigen Leben zu tun hat. In der Bar Le Lulu trifft sie auf den charmanten, aber geheimnisvollen Louis, einen alten Freund ihrer Großmutter, und beginnt, die vielen Geheimnisse ihrer Familie zu entdecken. Während sie tiefer in die Geschichte ihrer Großmutter eintaucht, erkennt sie, dass Paris mehr für sie bereithält, als sie jemals gedacht hätte – vielleicht sogar eine zweite Chance auf die Liebe.
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Trusted PartnerAugust 2003
Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine
by Aneziri, Sophia
Trusted PartnerApril 2002
Bahnreform und Enteignung.
Die Rückkehr der privatbegünstigenden Enteignung im Eisenbahnwesen.
by Pommer, Sophia
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