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      • Solisluna

        Attentive to ethnic appeal and modeled on the diverse Brazilian identity, Solisluna, located in the State of Bahia, where Brazil began, started its operations in 1993. Since its inception it has been dedicated to publishing books focused on the artistic, cultural and historical expressions of Brazilian Identity. These publications deal with architectural and religious heritage, the environment, racial plurality and issues related to social and technological changes that have occurred in a modernizing society. Heavily influenced by the Brazilian, and more specifically Bahian, cultural context, the designs of Solisluna’s books creatively reproduce these unique themes. Solisluna has been known for publishing high-quality literature: prose and poetry, novels, essays and Afro-Brazilian studies, in addition to art and children’s books.

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      • The Rights Solution

        The Rights Solution is an agency offering a global rights service for independent publishers.  We currently represent a portfolio of award-winning, international packagers and publishers, offering a full range of titles from preschool board and picture books, through to activity books and older illustrated non-fiction titles. We work on both a co-edition and a royalty basis and work flexibly to allow for different market sectors and buyers' needs.

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      • December 2012

        Pastinha - the boy who became a capoeira master

        by José de Jesus Barreto, Cau Gomez

        Once upon a time there was a smart little biracial kid born in the Pelourinho district of Salvador, Bahia. After playing and fighting in the street, he became the greatest of all Capoeira Angola masters in Bahia. The name of this boy became a legend around the world, but the story of Mestre Pastinha is real and is recounted blow-by-blow in this book in words and pictures.

      • Outside, the ghosts

        by Sara Bertrand (author), Amanda Mijangos (Illustrator)

        There is no darkness that can resist laughter,there is no sadness that can withstandtickling. When mom is here, the shadowsrest until the next day

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        Weaving, an illustrated story

        The traditional process of weaving, from the harvest of cotton to the weave of the kings’ dresses in Africa

        by Goya Lopes

        In this book, Loom and Axo tell the story of manual weaving, one of the oldest activities of mankind, which until today is a widely used craft. In the African continent, there is a wide variety of tears; in each community, the model is different. The fabrics, found by the weavers, dress kings and ordinary people at parties and ceremonies, and symbolize distinction and elegance. The traditional process of weaving, from the harvest of cotton to the weave of the kings’ dresses in Africa.

      • December 2018

        The "Ialorixa" and the Shaman

        by Mãe Stella de Oxóssi, Enéas Guerra

        The “Ialorixá” and the Shaman is a true account of the beautiful memories that Mother Stella of Oxossi had from the time she was a young nurse, in the middle of Asia flue pandemic, at the end of the '50s. The story evokes Mother Stella’s encounter with a Shaman as well as their knowledge exchange about plants, medicinal herbs, roots, seeds, leaves, and rituals. This is an exchange between the “Ialorixá”, whose origin is in the Afro-Brazilian culture, and the Shaman, from the indigenous cultural tradition.

      • That crazy critter!

        by Enéas Guerra

        This book by Enéas Guerra is for the small children. The author creates a playful way of having fun with existing and made-up animals. The onomatopoeic sounds of grunts, howls, roars, squeals and snoring inspire children to create their own wacky animals.

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