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      • Webber Agency

        Jeff Webber and Webber Agency provide a full range of services for our worldwide family of partners.   International Rights Management - Rights licensing for premier US and European comic, graphic novel, and game publishers.   ​Publishing Partnerships - Publishing program management for the expansive Eaglemoss film, TV, and pop-culture catalog.   Brand Licensing - Connecting publishers with top-tier brands and creators.   Digital Publishing - Digital publishing strategy, distribution, and product development.   Business Development - Packaging, consulting, planning, and mentoring.

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      • D&C WEBTOON Biz

        A Korean publisher specializing in genre fiction and webcomics (webtoons)

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      • Trusted Partner

        Itzjak Rabin, el crecimiento de un líder

        by Shaul Webber

        Itzjak Rabin, el crecimiento de un líder por Shaul Webber «Incluso antes del asesinato de Itzjak Rabin, siempre lo consideré un héroe enigmático», escribe el autor, Dr. Shaul Weber.El enigma se profundizó aún más tras su asesinato.Las apariciones de Rabin en los medios de comunicación y los testimonios de sus allegados reflejan una complejidad que no se puede pasar por alto.Siempre rodeado de otros, se distinguió como una persona solitaria emocionalmente distante.Rabin, un político que proyectaba su malestar con las normas políticas y un hombre íntegro y con bases morales, estaba sin embargo dispuesto a desviarse de sus ideales en aras de la seguridad nacional.A pesar de su imagen poco diplomática, se convirtió en un distinguido diplomático y en líder nacional. Rabin, que durante todos sus años de formación era retraído del punto de vista emocional, vergonzoso y brusco, exigía una perfección sin compromisos de sí mismo y de otros.Dotado de una capacidad de análisis excepcional, demostró sus cualidades de liderazgo incluso al no estar listo del todo para asumir las pesadas responsabilidades de liderazgo militar cuando fue forzado a hacerlo por circunstancias ajenas a su voluntad. En sus comienzos en el Palmaj, Rabin causó una buena impresión como alguien que exaltaba la camaradería, pero que era a la vez solitario, vergonzoso e incapaz de comunicarse.Aun cuando solía hablar en términos de «nosotros», se apartaba de los demás mediante barreras de individualismo y fastidio.Paradójicamente, aun siendo frío y analítico, tenía un temperamento irascible y era conocido por su forma de hablar brusca e incluso ofensiva.Sin embargo, en los últimos años de su vida, aprendió a expresar mejor sus sentimientos y a proyectar más calidez. El doctor Webber, como educador e historiador, da por hecho que cada persona es el producto de su infancia y de su crianza, un supuesto que brinda solo soluciones parciales al enigma de la infancia de Rabin, de su adolescencia y de su traumática y dolorosa experiencia como comandante de la brigada Harel durante la guerra de independencia de Israel en 1948.Durante toda su vida y en particular después de su muerte, se solía decir de Rabin que era la «sal de la tierra».No obstante, parece que para ganarse este noble título, uno también debe pasarla muy mal.Este libro trata de esas dificultades.   Shaul Webber nació en Tel Aviv.Una vez finalizado su servicio militar, se unió al kibutz Haón, junto al lago de Tiberíades, o mar de Galilea.Al terminar la Guerra de los Seis Días, se incorporó al kibutz Merom Golán, en las Alturas del Golán, donde trabajó como educador y maestro.El autor es licenciado en filosofía y educación de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, tiene una maestría en educación de la Universidad de Haifa y el correspondiente doctorado de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén.Actualmente vive en la ciudad de Ramat Gan y enseña educación e historia en la Universidad Abierta.Este es el tercer libro del doctor Webber.Su primer libro, Camisa azul sobre fondo negro, publicado en 1998, describe cómo los movimientos juveniles en Eretz Israel se vincularon con la Diáspora durante el Holocausto y después de él.Su segundo libro, La colina misteriosa, publicada en 2003, analiza la famosa batalla de la Colina de las Municiones desde su punto de vista personal como soldado que participó en esa sangrienta contienda, así como desde el punto de vista de un investigador e historiador.Su libro recientemente publicado, El espía olvidado, trata del Mayor Max Bennett, uno de los agentes secretos más controvertidos y trágicos de Israel, un brillante oficial de inteligencia involucrado imprudentemente por sus superiores en la notoriamente fracasada operación secreta en Egipto a comienzos de la década de 1950 y que terminó trágicamente sus días allí, en la celda de una prisión.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Communicable Diseases, 6th Edition

        A Global Perspective

        by Roger Webber

        Completely updated and revised, and now published in its sixth edition, this best-selling text has provided an essential overview of the subject for almost 25 years. A comprehensive yet synoptic account of diseases and their modes of transmission, it covers epidemiology, control strategies, notifications and regulations, as well as an overview of the major diseases established, new and emerging. Including updates to material on human endogenous viruses, zika, monkeypox, insecticides, vaccination, health management, melioidosis and more, this new edition: Provides information concisely so it can be found at a glance. Includes numerous clear diagrams, bullet points and tables for rapid review and learning. Contains a new full colour internal design and online lecture slides to facilitate teaching. Communicable Diseases continues to provide an essential resource for all those in public health and medical science, and for healthcare workers needing a comprehensive yet concise practical text.

      • Trusted Partner
        Infectious & contagious diseases
        October 2015

        Disease Selection

        by Roger Webber

      • Trusted Partner
        Infectious & contagious diseases
        July 2012

        Communicable Diseases

        by Roger Webber

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        Negotiating relief and freedom

        Responses to disaster in the British Caribbean, 1812-1907

        by Oscar Webber

        Negotiating relief and freedom is an investigation of short- and long-term responses to disaster in the British Caribbean colonies during the 'long' nineteenth century. It explores how colonial environmental degradation made their inhabitants both more vulnerable to and expanded the impact of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It shows that British approaches to disaster 'relief' prioritised colonial control and 'fiscal prudence' ahead of the relief of the relief of suffering. In turn, that this pattern played out continuously in the long nineteenth century is a reminder that in the Caribbean the transition from slavery to waged labour was not a clean one. Times of crisis brought racial and social tensions to the fore and freedoms once granted, were often quickly curtailed.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        April 2016

        Communicable Diseases

        A Global Perspective

        by R Webber

        Completely updated and revised, and now published in its fifth edition with an integrated eBook, this prestigious and best-selling text has continued to provide an essential overview of the subject for over 20 years. A comprehensive yet synoptic account of diseases and their modes of transmission, the book covers epidemiology, control strategies, notifications and regulations, as well as an overview of the major diseases established, new and emerging. Concise so that key information can be found at a glance. Numerous clear diagrams, bullet points and tables for rapid review and learning. Integrated eBook for online use or download to a desktop, tablet or smartphone.Communicable Diseases continues to provide an essential resource for all those in public health and medical science, and for healthcare workers needing a comprehensive yet concise practical text.

      • Trusted Partner

        En la ruta de la seda

        by Amnon Shamosh

        En la ruta de la seda por Amnon Shamosh Amnon Shamosh, quien se dio a conocer como autor con la famosa saga familiar  “Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos” como también con docenas de cuentos cortos cautivantes que aparecieron en las colecciones tituladas “Mi hermana, la novia” y “Ruedas del mundo,” nos sorprende nuevamente con una novela moderna, brillante, y profunda. La historia gira alrededor de tradiciones de los antiguos tiempos y hechos históricos que se complementan. Todo ello mezclado con la imaginación de Shamosh, logra apasionar al lector. En el año 1400, el gran conquistador Timur Lang llega a la ciudad siria de Jalab (Aram de Soba) y desde ella envía diez familias judías de tintoreros de seda al exilio, desterrándolos a Samarkand, capital del imperio de Timur, en la ruta de la seda. Timur Lang también rapta vírgenes judías, y las retiene en sus harenes. Una de las vírgenes conquista el corazón del hijo de Timur, un hombre inteligente y creativo que gobierna bajo sus órdenes. El rey Elías, “hijo de la judía,” que fue criado en la fe islámica, embarca rumbo a España con el propósito de conocer y comprender el mundo cristiano y judío, en pleno apogeo en esa época en España. Elías, en busca de una identidad y también una novia, encuentra  a ambas en Jalab, ciudad de sus ancestros maternos. Su joven esposa procede de la familia Dayan, con parentescos de la dinastía de la tribu de David. La novela está compuesta de tres líneas narrativas. La primera, acontece en el siglo quince y se centra principalmente en la familia real en el harén en Samarkand. La segunda, al principio del siglo veinte, en el barrio Bujaro de Jerusalén, donde inmigrantes de Bujaría y Jalab están apiñados juntos, y reciben la visita de los líderes de esta  sociedad de  nuevos judíos inmigrantes a la vecindad. La tercera línea narrativa acontece en la última década del siglo, con la inmigración  masiva de judíos rusos; la historia se concentra en los inmigrantes Bujaros. El protagonista es Oshi Shauloff Ben-Shaul, nacido en el barrio Bujaro, cuya madre, de origen sirio (Jalab), es descendiente de la familia Dayan, anteriormente mencionada, y sus raíces pertenecen a una de las familias que fueron exiliadas de Jalab a Samarkand. Esta novela, emocionantemente erótica, mas refinada y moderada, tiene un estilo  inmediato poderoso e inspirador – como esperamos de los trabajos de Amnon Shamosh.

      • Trusted Partner

        On the Silk Road

        by Amnon Shamosh

        Amnon Shamosh, who made his name as an author with the well-known family saga “Michel Ezra Safra & Sons” as well as with the dozens of enthralling short stories that appeared in the collections entitled “My Sister the Bride” and “Wheels of the World,” surprises us once again with a novel that is modern, brilliant, and profound. The story revolves around age-old traditions and historical facts that complement one another, mingling in Shamosh’s imagination and impassioning the reader. In the year 1400, the great conqueror Timur Lang arrives in the Syrian city of Haleb (Aram Zoba) and from it sends ten Jewish families of silk dyers into exile, banishing them to Samarkand, capital of Timur’s empire, on the Silk Road. Timur Lang also kidnaps Jewish virgins, sequestering them in his harems. One of the virgins captures the heart of Timur’s son, a man of intellect and creation, who ruled under him. King Elias, “son of the Jewess,” who was raised in the Islamic faith, embarks on a quest to Spain in an effort to get to know and understand the Christian world as well as the Jewish one, which was flourishing in Spain at the time. Elias, seeking an identity and also a bride, finds them in Haleb, city of his maternal forefathers. His young wife came from the Dayan family, with ties to the dynasty of the House of David. The novel moves through three story lines. One is situated in the fifteenth century and centers mainly on the royal family and on the harem in Samarkand. The second occurs at the beginning of the twentieth century, in Jerusalem’s Bokharan Quarter, where immigrants from Bokhara and Haleb are crowded together, and the leaders of the new Jewish immigrant society visit the neighborhood. Story line number three concerns the last decade of the century, with the massive immigration of Soviet Jewry; the story here focuses mainly on the Bokharan immigrants. The spotlight is on Oshi Shauloff Ben-Shaul, born in the Bokharan Quarter, whose mother, of Halev origin, is a descendant of the above-mentioned House of Dayan and has roots in one of the families that were exiled from Haleb to Samarkand. This novel, excitingly erotic yet refined and restrained, has a style that is at once powerful and inspiring – as we have been led to expect from the works of Amnon Shamosh.   Born in Syria in 1929, Amnon Shamosh immigrated to Tel Aviv as a child and later became one of the founding members of Kibbutz Ma'ayan Baruch, where he resides today. A graduate of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, author of both poetry and prose for children and adults, his work has been translated into English, Spanish, and French. Amnon Shamosh is a recipient of the Agnon Prize, named after the celebrated Israeli Nobel Laureate in Literature, the Prime Minister's Prize for Creativity, the President of Israel's Award for Literature, and numerous other literary awards. 288 pages, 14.5X21 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Sur la Route de la Soie

        by Amnon Shamosh

        Sur la Route de la Soie   Une histoire d’amour émouvante sur le fils de Timur Lang   Roman historique par Amnon Shamosh Amnon Shamosh, qui s’est rendu célèbre suite à la saga Michel Ezra Safra & Fils, ainsi que par des dizaines d'autres nouvelles captivantes, apparaissant dans les collections intitulées Ma Sœur, la Mariée et les Roues du Monde, nous surprend une fois encore avec un roman moderne, brillant et profond.   Le récit se développe autour d'anciennes traditions, complétées de faits historiques, mêlés à l'imaginaire de Shamosh et passionnant le lecteur. En 1400, le grand conquérant Timur Lang arrive dans la ville syrienne d'Alep (Aram Tsova) et expulse une dizaine de familles juives travaillant la soie, les bannissant vers la ville Samarcande, capitale de l'empire Timur, sur la route de la soie. Timur Lang enlève aussi les jeunes juives vierges, et les séquestre dans ses harems. L'une des vierges conquis le cœur du fils de Timur, intellectuel et créatif, régnant sous ses ordres. Le roi Elias, « fils de la juive » élevé dans la foi musulmane, s'embarque à la conquête de l'Espagne dans une tentative de connaître et de comprendre le monde chrétien ainsi que le monde juif, très prospères en Espagne à cette époque. Elias, en quête d'identité ainsi que d'une femme, trouve l’une et l’autre à Alep, la ville de ses ancêtres maternels. Sa jeune épouse est issue de la famille Dayan, liée à la dynastie du Roi David.    Le roman traverse trois périodes historiques. L'une se déroule au XVème siècle et se concentre particulièrement sur la famille royale et le harem de Samarcande. La seconde se déroule au début du XXème siècle, dans le quartier Boukhara de Jérusalem, dans lequel les immigrants de Boukhara et d'Alep se sont rassemblés; les leaders de cette nouvelle société d'immigrants Juifs visitent le quartier. La troisième période concerne la dernière décennie du siècle, avec l'immigration massive des Juifs de l’ancienne Union Soviétique ; ici, l'histoire se concentre principalement sur les immigrés de Boukhara. L'attention est portée sur Oshi Shauloff Ben Shaul, né dans le quartier Boukhara, dont la mère, originaire d'Alep, est la descendante de la maison Dayan et dont les racines remontent à l'une des familles expulsées d'Alep vers Samarcande.   Ce roman, passionnément érotique mais raffiné et mesuré, est écrit dans un style puissant et source d'inspiration – comme nous l'attendons de tout travail écrit par Amnon Shamosh. Né en Syrie en 1929, Amnon Shamosh a immigré à Tel-Aviv dans son enfance et devint plus tard l'un des membres fondateurs du kibboutz Ma'ayan Baruch, où il réside encore aujourd’hui. Diplômé de l'Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, il écrit en vers et en prose pour les enfants et les adultes ; son travail a été traduit en anglais, en espagnol et en français. Amnon Shamosh reçut le prix Agnon, ainsi nommé ne l’honneur du célèbre lauréat israélien du prix Nobel de littérature, le prix de créativité du Premier Ministre, le prix de littérature du Président d'Israël, il remporta aussi de nombreux autres prix littéraires.

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos

        Integrating Science and Practice

        by Eduardo J Fernandez, Sally L Sherwen, Samantha J. Chiew, Courtney Collins, Jon Coe, Neil D’Cruze, Angela J Dean, Polly Doodson, Lucy Dumbell, Ashley N. Edes, Kelly S Fielding, Georgina Groves, Lauren M. Hemsworth, Paul H. Hemsworth, Geoff Hosey, Julia Hoy, Violet Hunton, Mark J. Learmonth, Terry L. Maple, Emily M McLeod, Vicky Melfi, Georgia Oaten, Chris Pawson, Bonnie M. Perdue, David M. Powell, Samantha Ward, Amanda D. Webber, Sarah Webber, Ellen Williams

        Human-Animal Interactions (HAI) are a primary welfare interest to both animal scientists and practitioners. In zoos and aquariums, the study of Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVI), including both the impact of visitors on animals (the visitor effect) and the impact of animals on visitors (the visitor experience), have become a focus for understanding HAIs in zoos. The study of HAIs in zoos has grown to consider a number of factors, including animal-staff interactions and bonds, modern exhibit design and technology, direct and indirect interactions, as well as positive and negative impacts on both animals and visitor alike. This thought-provoking book summarizes the latest research concerning the impacts of HAIs in zoos, including considerations for conducting research and managing HAIs. The book: Explores the interactions of animals with keepers, veterinary professionals, and other staff, and the effects of those interactions on the welfare of animals. Considers the impact of visitors on the well-being of animals. Covers the effects of interactions on education and the visitor experience. Outlines the use of technology to enhance experience, and improve animal welfare. Details theoretical, ethical, and practical considerations relevant to HAIs in zoos. An invaluable resource for animal behaviour and welfare scientists, students and practitioners, as well as anyone working with zoo animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2014

        Global Forest Fragmentation

        by Alexandra-Maria Klein, Aline Finger, Andrew D. Barnes, Bruce L. Webber, Campbell O. Webb, Christopher Barr, Claude Garcia, Edgar C. Turner, Jan C. Habel, Joern Fischer, Jürgen Bauhus, Katharine J.M. Dickinson, Keith Barney, Kelvin S.H Peh, Kinari Webb, Laurène Feintrenie, Jahi Chappell, Panut Hadisiswoyo, Raphael K. Didham, Rhett D. Harrison, Richard T. Corlett, Richard B. Primack, Sarah A. Laird, Sarah H. Luke, Shonil Bhagwat, Stacy M. Philpott, Timm F. Döbert, Ute Radespiel. Edited by Chris J Kettle, Lian Pin Koh.

        Forest fragmentation will inevitably continue over the coming years, especially in developing economies. This book provides a cutting edge review of the multi-disciplinary sciences related to studies of global forest fragmentation. It specifically addresses cross-cutting themes from both an ecological and a social sciences perspective. The ultimate goal of Global Forest Fragmentation is to provide a detailed scientific base to support future forest landscape management and planning to meet global environmental and societal needs.

      • Trusted Partner
        Gynaecology & obstetrics
        June 2012

        Maternal and Perinatal Health in Developing Countries

        by Gregory S Barsh, Kaosar Afsana, Allen W Cowley, Linda A Bartlett, Jose Belizan, M Gibson, Aldons J Lusis, Ann K Blanc, Ben van Ommen, France Donnay, A Richardson, Wendy Graham, Ignatia B Van den Veyver, Sennen Hounton, Ana Langer, Günter Weiss, Dileep Mavalankar, Isabelle Wolowczuk, Peter Born, Stephen Munjanja, Alberico L Catapano, Emma Pitchforth, Cindy Stanton, Ruth Chadwick, Ann M Starrs, Oliver Fiehn, Dirk Haller, Sophie Witter, Endang Achadi, Manfred Hüttinger, Fernando Althabe, Marlena C Kruger, Martin Kussmann, Keith R Martin, Jean-Paul Pégorier, Gerald Rimbach, Isabel Rubio-Aliaga, John Tyson. Edited by Julia Hussein, Affette M McCaw-Binns, Jürgen König, Donato F Romagnolo, Roger Webber.

        The promotion of maternal health and mortality reduction is of worldwide importance, and constitutes a vital part of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The highest maternal mortality rates are in developing countries, where global and regional initiatives are needed to improve the systems and practices involved in maternal care and medical access. Taking a practical policy approach, this book covers the background and concepts underlying efforts to improve maternal and perinatal mortality, the current global situation and problems that prevent progress. It includes case studies and examples of successful strategies, recommends good practices, and provides a critical analysis of knowledge gaps to inform areas for future research.

      • Theatre studies
        November 2013

        The Cultural Set Up of Comedy

        by Webber, Julie

      • Literary Fiction
        June 2022

        The Reservoir

        by David Duchovny

        The Reservoir follows an unexceptional man in an exceptional time. We see our present-day pandemic world and New York City through the eyes of a former Wall Street veteran, Ridley, as he, in his enforced quarantined solitude, looks back upon his life. He examines his wins, his failures, the gnawing questions—his career, his divorce, his estranged daughter—and wonders what it all means and who he really is.  Sitting and brooding night after night, gazing out his huge picture window high above the Central Park Reservoir, Ridley spots a flashing light in an apartment across the park as if a lonely quarantined person is signaling him in Morse code. His determination to find out who this mystery woman is, this fellow quarantine damsel in distress trapped in her own Fifth Avenue tower, leads him on an epic quest that will ultimately tempt him with either delusional madness or the fulfillment of his own mythic fate. Is he a dying man going mad or an everyman metamorphosing into a hero? Or both? We accompany Ridley as he leaves the safety of his apartment window to save the Fifth Avenue femme fatale and descends into a dangerous, increasingly surreal world of global conspiracies, madness, and sickness of this viral time; beyond that, into the enduring mysteries of love and fatherhood; and deeper still, into the bedrock mystery of life itself. As Ridley’s actions grow more and more uncharacteristic, he realizes the key to all the mysteries of now, and even all of history, seem to lie deep beneath the freezing waters of the reservoir. The Reservoir is a twisted rom-com for our distanced time, when the merest touch could kill and conspiracy theories propagate like viruses—a contemporary union of Death in Venice, Rear Window, and The Plague.

      • NATO After Sixty Years

        A Stable Crisis

        by James Sperling (editor), Victor Papacosma (editor)

        NATO after Sixty Years addresses the challenges of adaptation confronting the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the early twenty-first century. Comprised of essays from a range of experts, each chapter examines an aspect of NATO’s difficult adjustment to the post–Cold War security challenges within and without its treaty-based responsibilities and competencies.In the book’s introductory chapter, James Sperling establishes the framework and analytical themes to be developed and explored. The first set of essays discusses the changing operational and strategic purposes of the alliance. Sean Kay examines the problem of sustaining the deterrent capability and collective defense function of the alliance, particularly the debate over ballistic missile defense. Mark Webber considers the expanded role of NATO peacekeeping operations in the Balkans and its implications for NATO as a military alliance, while Stanley Kober discusses the negative impact of Afghanistan on alliance solidarity and credibility.The second section examines the expanded geographical reach and responsibility of the alliance. Melvin Goodman traces the engagement of the alliance with the Russian Federation, and Yannis A. Stivachtis explores NATO’s role in the southern and eastern Mediterranean. Stephen J. Blank covers allied interests in the Black Sea region and the potential liabilities and benefits of an active NATO engagement in that region. Nathan Lucas delivers a skeptical analysis of NATO’s ability and need to claim the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean as strategic areas of operational responsibility.The final chapters position NATO in the institutional context that will shape its evolution as a security actor in the new geostrategic environment. Lawrence Kaplan establishes the potential role of NATO as an agent for the United Nations. Dennis Sandole focuses on the complementary relationship between the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and NATO. Stanley Sloan investigates NATO’s fraught institutional relationship with the European Union, particularly the emergence of the latter as an increasingly effective security actor. Finally, Jamie Shea reflects on the difficulty of crafting a new strategic concept that would ensure NATO’s continuing viability and credibility as the primary security institution for the nations of the North Atlantic area.This volume offers the basis for guarded optimism that NATO will persist and continue to perform its twin functions of collective defense and deterrence into the foreseeable future, despite the periodic crises that temporarily cast its future into doubt. An in-depth exploration of research and emerging ideas, NATO after Sixty Years is essential reading for those interested in NATO’s past and present as well as looking to its future.

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