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Bambole Editora e Livraria Ltda
Bambolê Publishing House is a brazilian publishing company with three publishing labels: Bambolê, Elipse and Opala. We are founded in 2015 and we have 60 books in the catalogue. Bambolê focus in the children and young literature. Opala focus in the adult and non-fiction literature. Our work is based on to search originals with quality, enchantment e a good history, that create loyal readers, as well permit to discover new readers. Bambole won many awards. Some of our books were choosed to the Bologna Catalogue, in different years.
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Promoted ContentFebruary 2006
Die Traummannschaft
by Sergio Olguín, Matthias Strobel
Argentinien im Hochsommer: Dem 14jährigen Ariel, der am liebsten Fußball spielt und neben der Schule im Laden seines Onkels jobbt, stehen heiße Tage bevor, denn er ist unsterblich verliebt. Die Angebetete, Patricia, kommt aus einem ärmlichen Stadtviertel, das Ariel bisher ängstlich gemieden hat. Sein Mut ist jedoch gefordert, als das Ungeheuerliche geschieht: Eine Bande Krimineller klaut den größten Schatz, den Patricias Vater besitzt: Diego Maradonas ersten Fußball. Ariel und seine Freunde beschließen, den Ball zurückzuholen – zum ersten Mal verlassen sie ihre behütete Welt und stürzen sich in ein lebensbedrohliches Abenteuer. Mit tiefgründigem Witz und charmanter Leichtigkeit erzählt Sergio Olguín vom Zauber der ersten Liebe, von Freundschaft in allen Lebenslagen und von Fußballtoren, die besser nicht geschossen worden wären.
Promoted ContentDecember 2008
Zurück nach Lanús
by Sergio Olguín, Matthias Strobel
In Lanús, einem Vorort von Buenos Aires, wird der junge Francisco erschossen – angeblich bei einem Überfall auf einen Kiosk. Doch weder seiner Familie noch seinen Freunden scheint daran zu liegen, die Wahrheit über den Mord herauszufinden. Nur Adrián, der letzte, den Francisco vor seinem Tod angerufen hat, will Klarheit: Dafür kehrt er zum erstenmal nach vielen Jahren zurück nach Lanús, dem Ort seiner Kindheit, und gerät in einen Strudel aus Ereignissen, die immer mehr zum Krimi werden. Spannend und vielschichtig erzählt Sergio Olguín, der Autor des Romans Die Traummannschaft, von einem Verbrechen, das nur die Spitze des Eisberges ist, von schmutzigen Deals, korrupten Polizisten und von Jugendfreunden, die nicht immer das sind, was sie zu sein vorgeben.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAMarch 2022
Der Wunderstürmer - Falsches Spiel beim großen Turnier (Band 7)
by Ocke Bandixen
The Ace Striker (Vol. 7) - Wrong Game at the Big Tournament Tim and his friends are going to the European Championship in France in their motor home. The Ace Striker has also traveled there with the Italian national team. In his luggage, Sergio Mavalli has his lucky charm Toto, a cheese made of cloth. Without him, Sergio can't score goals at tournaments. When Toto and the mascots of other players are suddenly stolen, the whole tournament is in danger! No one is lucky anymore... Tim's concentrated coaching knowledge is needed! He must give the star players self-confidence and at the same time chase after the thieves. The thieves turn out to be Sergio's old kicker cronies: they wanted to use the thefts to annoy the professional soccer players, who only seem to care about money. Due to Tim’s tracings, the situation is being resolved. Everyone gets their mascots back, the tournament can continue! World Champion Football Series for Kids - to be continued, and with different Spin-offs!
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Trusted PartnerMarch 2011
Christ Identity
A Social-Scientific Reading of Philippians 2.5-11
by Rosell Nebreda, Sergio
Trusted PartnerOctober 2008
Erinnerungen an die Unterentwicklung
by Edmundo Desnoes, Gisbert Haefs, Edmundo Desnoes
»Alle, die mich geliebt und bis zur letzten Minute genervt haben, sind fort. Zuerst wollte ich abhauen, sobald ich die Alte geküßt hatte – Laura mochte mir nicht einmal die Hand geben –, aber dann beschloß ich, auf die Aussichtsterrasse zu gehen und bis zum Schluß zu bleiben. Das Flugzeug setzte sich träge in Bewegung und röhrte über die Piste; danach verlor es sich leise in der Luft.« So beginnt der wohl ungewöhnlichste Roman aus Kuba nach der Revolution: als Selbstbehauptung radikaler Einsamkeit. Der Erzähler Sergio ist nach Castros Sieg im Land geblieben, obwohl das Möbelgeschäft seiner Eltern enteignet wurde und die gesamte Familie die Insel in Richtung USA verlassen hat. Mit den Augen des Fremdgewordenen registriert er die Veränderungen bei sich und den anderen, und wie am lebenden Objekt seziert er seine Frauenbeziehungen. Edmundo Desnoes gelingt in diesen nur halbfiktiven Aufzeichnungen das Unerhörte: Ambivalenz, wo Standpunkt gefordert wird.
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1992
O sole mio
Memorien eines Fremdenführers
by Lambiase, Sergio / Italienisch Avril, Renato
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1989
Beobachtende Vernunft
Philosophie und Anthropologie in der Aufklärung
by Moravia, Sergio / Italienisch Piras, Elisabeth
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Trusted PartnerNovember 2018
Strafrechtsphilosophie der Aufklärung.
Tagungsbeiträge Pavia 19.–21. Juni 2015.
by Herausgegeben von Hilgendorf, Eric; Herausgegeben von Seminara, Sergio
Biography & True Stories
The Story of Y
by Yareli Arizmendi
The Story of Y, fits inside the genre of Memoir without being a linear biography or a reflection at a distance. With its first person of the present narrative point of view, it insists in jumping back in time to understand what was brewed there and if it became (or not), a crucial part of what is today. The main character, driven by a tragic event - the death of her father, whom she never saw again since she was nineteen- reluctantly must rearrange the boxes in that closet in which, when she was young, managed to pile the unnecessary and close the door…until today.
Trusted PartnerTrue stories (Children's/YA)August 2018
by María Jose Ferrada, María Elena Valdez
Thirty-four poems, one for each of the young children (all under the age of 14) that were executed, arrested or disappeared during the Chilean dictatorship. A book dedicated to all those little Chilean victims, but also to all the children that each day suffer the consequences of violence.
Trusted PartnerPoetry (Children's/YA)August 2018
Poemas breves salvajes
by María José Ferrada, Ana Palmero
"Hidden in his horn he guards the secret of the jungle”. This might be as well the beginning of a novel, but it's an inspired riddle about wild animals. The illustrations in high varnish of this edition highlight the different skin textures of each animal and invites the reader to discover a new way of reading in a tactile and playful way.
Trusted PartnerFamily & home stories (Children's/YA)October 2017
El nombre del barco
by María José Ferrada, Ana Penyas
On May of 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, 456 sons and daughters of republican fighters took the transatlantic boat Mexique, that set sail in Bordeau to arrive in Mexico. Previsions were that they would stay there three or four months, but the Republican defeat and the beginning of the Second World War changed that brief exile into a definitive one. This books tells the story not only of those children, but also about the ship, being aware that we do not know how many boats try to cross our oceans every day, moving human beings that have full rights to a proper way of living and not to stand over a land that tears apart below their feet.
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFilm theory & criticismFebruary 2014
The Encyclopedia of British Film
Fourth edition
by Edited by Brian McFarlane
With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.
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