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      • Kawmiah distributing company

        The National Company for Distribution (Kawmiah distributing company) is one of the national press institutions working in the field of publishing, distribution, printing and journalism, and it has many cultural and intellectual publications through Dar Al Shaab and Dar Al Taawon, and it is of great importance in the paper book market in Egypt and the Arab world with its capabilities in the fields of publishing, distribution and printing And from promising cadres capable of presenting the best publications in various cultural and intellectual fields.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Am Weltenrand sitzen die Menschen und lachen


        by Philipp Weiss, Raffaela Schöbitz

        1000 Seiten, fünf Bände – ein Roman. In Am Weltenrand sitzen die Menschen und lachen erzählt Philipp Weiss von der Verwandlung der Welt im Anthropozän – jener Epoche der Erdgeschichte, in welcher der Mensch zur zentralen gestaltenden Kraft geworden ist. Zwischen Frankreich und Japan, zwischen dem 19. und dem 21. Jahrhundert, in Form von Enzyklopädie, Erzählung, Notizheft, Audiotranskription und Comic entwirft dieser kühne Roman ein Panoptikum unserer fliehenden Wirklichkeit. Die siebzehnjährige Paulette erlebt im Jahr 1871 den Aufstand der Pariser Kommune, bereist als eine der ersten europäischen Frauen das Japan der Meiji-Ära und liegt über hundertdreißig Jahre im Eis der französischen Alpen geborgen. Die Klimaforscherin Chantal, ihre Ururenkelin, folgt ihren Spuren nach Fernost, entwirft eine zynische Geschichte des Universums und entflieht zugleich einer Liebe und deren umstülpender Kraft. Der von ihr zurückgelassene Künstler Jona begibt sich auf die Suche, findet in Japan aber nicht Chantal, sondern eine vielfache Katastrophe: ein Erdbeben, eine Welle, einen Atomunfall. Der neunjährige Akio läuft tagelang durch zerstörtes Gebiet. Trost findet er bei Satoshi, einem obdachlosen Tagelöhner und AKW-Nomaden, der langsam an den Folgen der Strahlung stirbt. Durch einen Phantomschmerz getrieben, irrt die junge Japanerin Abra durch Tokio und verliert sich in den einsamen Schleifen ihres virtualisierten Selbst.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2009

        Ich ganz cool

        by Kirsten Boie

        In "Ich ganz cool" von Kirsten Boie erleben wir die Welt durch die Augen von Steffen, einem Jungen, der von einem besseren Leben träumt – weit weg von den Herausforderungen seines derzeitigen Daseins. Steffen sehnt sich nach Freiheit, symbolisiert durch den Wunsch, eines Tages auf einer Honda oder Kawasaki zu fliehen. Sein Alltag ist geprägt von familiären Spannungen, Schulfrust und einem Mangel an Perspektiven. Seine Mutter bezieht Sozialhilfe, ihr Partner verbringt die Tage vor dem Fernseher, und Steffen selbst sieht in seinem Vater, einem Supermarkt-Filialleiter, kein Vorbild. Trotz dieser Umstände träumt Steffen von einer Zukunft, vielleicht bei BMW, oder einer anderen Flucht aus seiner momentanen Situation. Doch bis dahin muss er sich mit der Schule und dem "Mutjoggen" mit Freunden abfinden, was ein Bild einer Jugend zeichnet, die zwischen Hoffnung und Resignation gefangen ist. Steffens Geschichte ist eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt, die Leserinnen und Leser durch die Augen eines Jugendlichen, der nach Identität und einem Platz in der Welt sucht, führt. Die Kluft zwischen seinen Träumen und der harten Realität seines Lebens bildet den Kern des Romans. Er träumt von Coolness und Abenteuer, während er sich im echten Leben mit Armut, familiären Konflikten und einem Bildungssystem auseinandersetzen muss, das ihn nicht zu inspirieren scheint. Die Figur des Schnulli bietet einen Kontrast zu Steffens Welt, indem er ihm zeigt, dass es auch andere, sinnstiftendere Lebenswege gibt. Trotz der reduzierten und oft harten Sprache, die Steffen verwendet, offenbart der Roman tiefere Schichten von Empathie und die Suche nach einem besseren Leben, was die Leserschaft dazu einlädt, über die sozialen und emotionalen Herausforderungen nachzudenken, mit denen Jugendliche in ähnlichen Situationen konfrontiert sind. Preisgekrönter Klassiker: Nominiert zum Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis, bietet dieser Roman tiefe Einblicke in die Jugendkultur und -problematik. Authentischer Einblick in jugendliche Lebenswelten: Durch Steffens Augen erleben Leserinnen und Leser die Realität von Jugendlichen, die am Rande der Gesellschaft leben, inklusive der Herausforderungen und Träume, die sie antreiben. Bewegende Charakterentwicklung: Die Transformation von Steffen und seine innere Auseinandersetzung mit den Werten seiner Umgebung regen zum Nachdenken an und bieten tiefe emotionale Einblicke. Starke, realistische Sprache: Der Roman zeichnet sich durch eine Sprache aus, die jugendliche Leser direkt anspricht und die Realitäten des Heranwachsens in schwierigen Verhältnissen ungeschönt darstellt. Mit Nachwort und Biografie der Autorin: Einblicke in Kirsten Boies Schaffen und die Bedeutung des Werks, angereichert durch die Laudatio von Prof. Birgit Dankert, erweitern das Verständnis des Romans. Vielfältige Themen: Von familiären Konflikten über soziale Ungleichheit bis hin zu Freundschaft und der Suche nach Identität – ein breites Spektrum an relevanten Themen wird abgedeckt. Bildungsrelevanz: Der Roman eignet sich hervorragend für den Einsatz im Schulunterricht, um Diskussionen über soziale Gerechtigkeit, persönliche Entwicklung und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung anzuregen.

      • A Turtle Shell is Human Ribs

        by Satoshi Kawasaki

        If a part of human’s skeleton structure is like a animal…“Is the turtle’s shell same with human’s rib?” “Is flamingo's knee a human’s ankle !?” As we know at a picture book and zoo, but mostly we don’t know how animals' body works. This book describes them easily using human’s body.Turtle shell, elephant nose, bat hand ... You can understand the body parts of familiar animals. It is a completely new animal picture book!People often don't understand how animals' bodies work, even animals they see every day. This book explains the mechanisms of animal bodies by "transforming the human body" to take on animal features and proportions.A new “experiential” animal picture book with unique illustrations that make learning easier and more fun!

      • Fiction

        Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

        by Satoshi Yagisawa

        25-year-old Takako has lived a relatively easy life. Born and raised on the southern island of Kyushu, she went to a good university and got a graduate job at a company in Tokyo where she met her charming boyfriend, Kashikoi. However, when Kashikoi casually announces that he’s been cheating on her and is planning to marry somebody else, Takako’s life is suddenly in freefall. She loses her job and with it all of her friends and acquaintances. She ends up in a deep depression but just as her despair seems to have reached a new low, she receives a call from her distant uncle.         Her uncle, who she refers to as Ojisan, is in his forties and has always lived something of an unconventional life, especially since his wife Momoko left him out of the blue five years ago. He runs a second-hand bookshop in Jimbocho, Tokyo’s famous book district which is home to hundreds of used bookshops, publishing houses and literary societies. Takako used to turn her nose up at Ojisan’s way of life but when he offers her the tiny room above the bookshop rent-free in exchange for helping out at the store, she reluctantly agrees. In the months that follow, Takako surprises herself by discovering a passion for Japanese literature from the “Modern” period (1868–1945), partly thanks to recommendations from Ojisan and the bookshop’s loyal customers. She becomes a regular at a local coffee shop where she befriends a graduate student who is waitressing there part-time, and she also meets a young editor from a nearby publishing house who’s going through his own messy breakup.         Just as Takako is learning how to enjoy life again, Kashikoi gets back in touch which unearths all the negative emotions associated with their relationship. Ojisan notices the decline in Takako’s mood and when she finally tells him the whole story he is horrified at Kashikoi’s behaviour. Ojisan convinces Takako to take a cab to Kashikoi’s apartment at 11pm. They confront him and this gives Takako the closure she needs. Takako is infinitely grateful to Ojisan and her life starts to come back together again: she’s offered a job at a design company and she finds a new apartment.         A year and a half later, Takako has the chance to return the favour and help Ojisan get closure on the mystery that has plagued him for the last five years: why his loving wife Momoko suddenly left him. When Momoko reappears and refuses to explain her absence, Takako senses that Momoko might not be comfortable sharing her reasoning with Ojisan but that she may open up to Takako. Momoko moves into the room above the bookshop and Takako visits often. They form a bond and go on a two-day trip to the Okutama Mountains in far western Tokyo. There, Momoko confesses that she left because Ojisan got so wrapped up in the bookshop that he was oblivious to the emotional turmoil she went through after the birth of their stillborn child. She always wanted children but had to have a hysterectomy. For her, it is all tied up in the guilt surrounding an abortion she had in her twenties.         Takako tells Ojisan. He runs after Momoko, who is leaving again. She says she’ll return one day but he needs to get his own feelings in order before she comes back. When Momoko returns a year later, she and Ojisan enthusiastically embark on the next chapter of running the Morisaki Bookshop together, and Takako has begun to date the editor she met at the coffee shop.

      • If Human Ribs Were Like a Turtle Shell

        by Shingo Kawasaki

        People often don't understand how animals' bodies work, even animals they see every day. This book explains the mechanisms of animal bodies by "transforming the human body" to take on animal features and proportions. A new “experiential” animal picture book with unique illustrations that make learning easier and more fun!

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2016

        The Art of Expressing in Words

        by Satoshi Umeda

        A top copywriter teaches you how to strengthen your words and thoughts that can be used in any situation! This book is a must-have for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills. How do you put your thoughts into words and communicate them? What are the secrets to expressing yourself in a way that moves people's hearts? In this book, you will learn the secrets of how to express yourself in words that move people's hearts. The author, a copywriter who is attracting a lot of attention nowadays discloses his unique techniques in an easy-to-understand manner, and explains the laws of words that move people's hearts. People are moved when they discover their own thoughts and feelings in the words, and there is no need for elaborate expressions! The author breaks down his own advertising copy, as well as famous examples from all over the world, from the perspectives of "clarity as a message," "how to project yourself into it," and "how to create the thoughts you want to convey," and explains the "art of putting your will into words. This is a book to strengthen your language and thinking, taught by a top copywriter. In this book, you'll learn how to make your words work for you. How do you improve your words? This book provides concrete explanations on how anyone can do it, and is full of useful ideas not only for business communication, project presentations, and other work situations, but also for appealing to people in your personal life, as well as for job hunting and changing jobs. The author has written many works as "The World is Made of Someone's Work," a canned Georgia coffee, "I want to support the people who support this country." "That experience is your friend."

      • January 2011

        Tracks and Signs - A Field Guide to Mammals of Japan

        by Satoshi Kumagai/Mamoru Yasuda

        The book covers tracks and signs of wild animals living in Japan, such as feeding signs and droppings. It highlights 34 familiar species and gives basic information such as their size, weight, distribution, and habitat. The photos give details of tracks, walking patterns, and other signs for each species, and enables readers to distinguish one species' signs from the other. As for droppings, the author not only explains about their appearances but smell, which are effective information to distinguish species. The book explains how to enjoy the field work, supplying details about where to pay attention, how to keep a record, how to take photographs and more. This book can also be used for a guide book of children's environment education.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture

        Technical Guide: Japanese Aircraft of World War II


        by Thomas Newdick

        Illustrated with colourful artworks of Japanese aircraft and their markings, JapaneseAircraft of World War II is a detailed guide to all the aircraft deployed by the Japanese military from the Second Sino-Japanese War to the surrender in the Pacific in August 1945. Organised alphabetically by manufacturer, this book includes every type of aircraft,from fighters to seaplanes, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, torpedo bombers andcarrier aircraft. All the best-known types are featured, such as the Mitsubishi G4M‘Betty’, Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan, Aichi B7A2 Ryusei torpedo bomber and the worldfamous Mitsubishi A6M ‘Zero’ fighter. The entries are accompanied by exhaustive captions and specifications. The guide is illustrated with profile artworks, three-views, and special cutaway artworks of the more famous aircraft in service, such as the Aichi D3A1 ‘Val’, Mitsubishi A6M2 Reisen, and Nakajima Ki.27 ‘Nate’. Illustrated with more than 120 artworks, Japanese Aircraft of World War II is an essential reference guide

      • Databases
        September 2019

        Blockchain for Beginners

        by Yathish. R

        Ever gone through hundred and ten resources for blockchain and still not able to figure out where to start off. Well this book would lay the foundation for most of the concepts that you would require to at least get started somewhere and scratch the surface of this hyped technology. From the different underlying technicalities to the diversity of platforms, from the variety of scenarios where Blockchain fits to understanding when it would be an overkill, from learning the two most important platforms to getting you started for creating your own applications on top of them, from various simple humorous references to intriguing exercises, this book aims to not only make you feel comfortable with the technology but also confident enough to ponder more about it.

      • Crime & mystery
        August 2012

        Staying Out

        by Jean Shorney

        Christina O'Donnell is beautiful and feisty, brought up into an impoverished existence in the criminal world of London's East End. Set against the backdrop of 1980's London underworld, Christy is released from prison after perpetrating an armed robbery with her lover, Rick Marelli. The money is still out there, and Christy knows that if she can get to it, she can escape the underworld. As she continues her search, the network of criminal tentacles close around her. Can she keep running, or should she stay to make a life with her new lover? A new lover unaware of her past.

      • Combat sports & self-defence
        June 2010

        Wrestling's 101 Strangest Matches

        by Oliver Hurley

        There’s nothing else in the world of sport or pantomime to compare with the manic mat mayhem of pro wrestling, which amalgamates high-flying stunts with melodrama, spandex, bodybuilding and blood – and sometimes it gets really weird. Wrestling’s 101 Strangest Matches scours 100 years of history to reveal bouts that bordered on the unbelievable. Take the grappler who lost his foot in the middle of a match, the bout that took place in an exploding swimming pool, or the baroque carnage of ultraviolent deathmatches – and then sprinkle liberally with double-crosses, drunkenness, riots, time travel, broken rings and broken bones. Boasting an impressive breadth of coverage which takes in old-school British wrestling and present-day WWE, the bill features Hulk Hogan, Kendo Nagasaki, Muhammad Ali, a wrestling robot and a monkey. Many of the stars and bizarre attractions submit to revealing interviews in a celebration of the grap game at its very strangest.

      • Biography & True Stories
        May 2020

        Care Under Fire

        by Bill Strusinski

        For many surviving military veterans, the Vietnam War is an indelible part of their lives. That they survived is due in many cases to the heroic, life-saving actions of combat medics like Bill "Doc" Strusinski. Being a frontline medic was, and still is, one of the most dangerous jobs in the Army. Medics were targeted by the enemy and often called upon to aid fallen soldiers in the line of fire. In Strusinski's riveting book, Care Under Fire, Strusinski thrusts the reader squarely into moments of terror during firefights, the exhaustion of endless patrols, the anguish of losing buddies despite best efforts to save them, and the intimate bonds created during times of desperate need. This is a book about war, yes, but even more about how one man was transformed by his "sacred duty" to offer care under fire to the young soldiers he fought beside.

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