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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2005

        Child soldiers in International law

        by Matthew Happold, Iain Scobbie, Jean D'Aspremont, Dominic McGoldrick

        Can the use of children as soldiers be effectively regulated at an international level? 'Child soldiers in international law' examines how international law has developed to deal with this problematic and emotive issue. Happold looks at the rules restricting the recruitment of children into armed forces - rules which, though important, are often flouted - but also at the wider legal issues arising from child soldiering: to what extent can child soldiers be held criminally liable for their conduct? How should they be treated when captured? How are states obliged to demobilise and reintegrate them into their societies? It also identifies a move away towards enforcement, through the prosecution of those who recruit child soldiers, and proposals for Security Council sanctions against governments and groups who breach their international obligations by using children in armed conflicts. This study will be essential reading for those concerned with public international law, human rights, and the United Nations and peacekeeping. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean Renoir

        by Martin O'Shaughnessy

        Accessible and original analysis of all Jean Renoir's sound films, including those he made in Hollywood - this is the first major study to appear for a number of years and brings new light on some of the director's most celebrated films.. Illuminating account of critical debates concerning Renoir, and focusing on hitherto neglected areas such as gender, nation and ethnicity the book asks us to rethink our understanding of Renoir's political commitment.. Traces his output from the silent period to the age of television, tying his work into a fast-shifting, socio-historical context.. Detailed analyses of his sound films map his evolving style while individual chapters cover Renoir's career and writings, critical debates, the silent and early sound films, the Popular Front period, Renoir amèricain and the later films.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2008

        The contemporary law of armed conflict

        by Leslie C. Green, Iain Scobbie, Jean D'Aspremont, Dominic McGoldrick

        Green's The contemporary law of armed conflict has been acclaimed as one of the most significant works on the law of armed conflict to appear in recent years. The first edition was adopted as a basic text by military institutions and educational establishments throughout the world and is among the most comprehensive and readable works on the subject. This new edition brings the work up to date, examining the significance of the World Court's Opinion on the legality of the nuclear weapon. It also considers the importance of such matters as the laser weapon agreement, the mines treaty and the jurisprudence of the two war crimes tribunals, that for the former Yugoslavia as well as for Rwanda, and assesses the role of the proposed International Criminal Court as it may affect the law of armed conflict. The book applies a practical as well as a theoretical approach, and draws on an extensive range of national and international practice. It is thus an indispensable reference for the armed forces and government defence organizations, as well as academics and students interested in the modern law of war. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        The contemporary law of armed conflict (3rd edn)

        by Leslie C. Green, Iain Scobbie, Jean D'Aspremont, Dominic McGoldrick

        Green's The contemporary law of armed conflict has been acclaimed as one of the most significant works on the law of armed conflict to appear in recent years. The first edition was adopted as a basic text by military institutions and educational establishments throughout the world and is among the most comprehensive and readable works on the subject. This new edition brings the work up to date, examining the significance of the World Court's Opinion on the legality of the nuclear weapon. It also considers the importance of such matters as the laser weapon agreement, the mines treaty and the jurisprudence of the two war crimes tribunals, that for the former Yugoslavia as well as for Rwanda, and assesses the role of the proposed International Criminal Court as it may affect the law of armed conflict. The book applies a practical as well as a theoretical approach, and draws on an extensive range of national and international practice. It is thus an indispensable reference for the armed forces and government defence organizations, as well as academics and students interested in the modern law of war.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2016

        The law of international organisations

        Third edition

        by Iain Scobbie, Jean D'Aspremont, Dominic McGoldrick, Nigel White

        This book provides a concise account of the principles and norms of international law applicable to the main-type of international organisation - the inter-governmental organisation (IGO). That law consists of principles and rules found in the founding documents of IGOs along with applicable principles and rules of international law. The book also identifies and analyses the law produced by IGOs, applied by them and, occasionally, enforced by them. There is a concentration upon the United Nations, as the paradigmatic IGO, not only upon the UN organisation headquartered in New York, but on other IGOs in the UN system (the specialised agencies such as the World Health Organisation).

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean-Jacques Beineix

        by Philip Powrie

        This volume is the first to examine, in either French or English, the films of Jean-Jacques Beineix, often seen as the best example of the 1980s cinéma du look, with cult films, such as Diva and Betty Blue (37º 2 le matin) .. After an introduction which places Beineix in the context of the 1980s and the arguments centering on a postmodern cinema, the volume devotes a chapter to each of Beineix's feature films, including the film which marked his return to feature film making after a break of a decade, Mortel Transfert (2001). Prefaced by an excellent foreword by the director himself, which includes a broad condemnation of French critics. Includes many illustrations direct from the director's own collection, complementing the interviews Powrie made with him and his collaborators.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2021

        Sara Paretsky

        Detective fiction as trauma literature

        by Cynthia Hamilton

        Sara Paretsky is known for her influential V.I. Warshawski series, which transformed the masculine hard-boiled detective formula into a vehicle for feminist values. But Paretsky does more than this. Her novels also illustrate the extent to which detective fiction acts as a literature of trauma, allowing Paretsky to address the politics of agency in ways that go beyond the personal, for trauma always has a social and a political dimension. Paretsky's work also exploits the way detective fiction mirrors the writing of history. Here, Paretsky uses the form to expose the partiality of historical accounts - whether they be personal, institutional, or national - that authorise 'forgetting' of a particularly insidious kind. Significantly, all these issues are explored within the framework of the traditional hard-boiled detective novel. As a result, Paretsky's achievement forces us to acknowledge the deeply subversive potential of detective fiction.

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean Vigo

        by Michael Temple

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2004

        Pierre und Jean

        Die Geschichte zweier Brüder

        by Guy Maupassant, Ernst Weiß

        Pierre und Jean ist einer der berühmtesten Romane von Maupassant neben Bel Ami (it 280), Stark wie der Tod und Ein Leben. Es ist die Geschichte zweier rivalisierender Brüder vor dem Hintergrund der normannischen Küstenlandschaft.Die Brüder Pierre und Jean sind von Kindheit an auffallend verschiedenartig – in ihrem Temperament nicht weniger als in ihrem Äußeren: Pierre, ein scharfer Analytiker mit höchsten Ansprüchen an sich und andere, Jean, eine allseits beliebte Frohnatur. Als ein Freund der Familie eines Tages Jean zum Alleinerben seines Vermögen bestimmt, regen sich in Pierre Mißtrauen und Neid …

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2010

        Alien, Marx & Co.

        Slavoj Žižek im Porträt

        by Susan Chales de Beaulieu, Jean-Baptiste Farkas, Susan Chales de Beaulieu, Jean-Baptiste Farkas

        In einem Artikel, in dem sich Autoren der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung mit Philosophen-Videos auf Youtube befaßten, hieß es, dort könne »man Denker in Aktion sehen und beobachten, wie die Körpersprache, von der in den Texten keine Spur zu finden ist, das Wort übernimmt«. Wenn es einen Gegenwartsphilosophen gibt, bei dem Körpersprache und Denkstil tatsächlich zur Deckung zu kommen scheinen, so ist das Slavoj Žižek, der philosophische »Sprengmeister« aus Ljubljana. Diesen »nervösen Intellektuellen« (die tageszeitung) haben Susan Chales de Beaulieu und Jean-Baptiste Farkas in ihrem, von arte koproduzierten Filmporträt buchstäblich festgehalten. Sie lassen Žižek nicht nur Kernelemente seiner Theorie erläutern, sie entlocken ihm auch aufschlußreiche Erklärungen zu seinem quecksilbrigen Schreibstil und läden ihn zu einer über Monitore hergestellten Begegnung mit seinen langjährigen Weggefährten Alain Badiou und Jacques Rancière. Als Extras sind weitere Interviews mit Žižek, Restaurantgespräche sowie diverse Auszüge einer seiner legendären Vorträge zu sehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga

        Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio

        by Rachel Stone, Charles West

        In the mid-ninth century, Francia was rocked by the first royal divorce scandal of the Middle Ages: the attempt by King Lothar II of Lotharingia to rid himself of his queen, Theutberga and remarry. Even 'women in their weaving sheds' were allegedly gossiping about the lurid accusations made. Kings and bishops from neighbouring kingdoms, and several popes, were gradually drawn into a crisis affecting the fate of an entire kingdom. This is the first professionally published translation of a key source for this extraordinary episode: Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio Lotharii regis et Theutbergae reginae. This text offers eye-opening insight both on the political wrangling of the time and on early medieval attitudes towards magic, penance, gender, the ordeal, marriage, sodomy, the role of bishops, and kingship.The translation includes a substantial introduction and annotations, putting the case into its early medieval context and explaining Hincmar's sometimes-dubious methods of argument.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2004

        Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats dargestellt durch die Schauspielgruppe des Hospizes zu Charenton unter Anleitung des Herrn de Sade

        Drama in zwei Akten

        by Peter Weiss, Arnd Beise

        Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1988


        by Kurt Wölfel, Bernhard Buschendorf, Bernhard Buschendorf

        Kurt Wölfels Analysen gewinnen ästhetische Instruktivität dadurch, daß sie sich auf zentrale, ästhetisch relevante Aspekte der Prosa Jean Pauls konzentrieren Sie behandeln u. a. Jean Pauls Witz, seine Hinwendung zur sogenannten zweiten Welt, seinen poetischen Republikanismus, seine Kritik am Ästhetizismus, seine rhetorische Umbildung des Dialogs und die verschiedenen Formen seines Verhältnisses zur Natur.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1986

        Sade. Fourier. Loyola

        by Roland Barthes, Maren Sell, Jürgen Hoch

        »Nicht aus Lust am Provozieren sind Sade, Fourier und Loyola in ein und demselben Buch zusammengestellt worden, sondern weil alle drei Klassifikatoren, Sprachbegründer waren: der verfemte Schriftsteller begründete eine Sprache des erotischen Vergnügens, der utopische Philosoph eine Sprache des sozialen Glücks und der heilige Jesuit eine Sprache der Anrufung Gottes. Zeichen erfinden und nicht, wie wir es alle tun, nur konsumieren heißt paradoxerweise in den Bereich jenes Nachhinein des Sinns einzutreten, der das signifiant darstellt, kurz, eine Schreibweise praktizieren. Daher beschäftigt sich dieses Buch auch nicht mit dem Inhalt der Schriften dieser drei Autoren (…), sondern es behandelt Sade, Fourier und Loyola als Formulierer, Erfinder von Schreibweisen, Textoperateure.« Roland Barthes

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2010

        Kritik des Regierens

        Schriften zur Politik

        by Michel Foucault, Ulrich Bröckling

        Michel Foucault beschreibt Politik nicht als gesonderten Wirklichkeitsbereich, sondern als ein Kräfteverhältnis. Politik ist für ihn zunächst die Fortsetzung des Kriegs mit anderen Mitteln. Später rückt er den Begriff des Regierens ins Zentrum und untersucht Technologien und Rationalitäten der Menschenführung. Er entwirft keine Theorie des Staates, seine Analysen zielen vielmehr auf eine Kritik der politischen Vernunft. Die vorliegende Auswahl aus seinen Schriften und Vorlesungen präsentiert jedoch nicht nur den Analytiker von Machtmechanismen und Wissensformationen, sondern auch den politischen Intellektuellen Michel Foucault. Der Band versammelt neben Grundtexten zu Foucaults politischer Philosophie auch seine Stellungnahmen unter anderem zur Strafjustiz, zur iranischen Revolution und zur Verhängung des Kriegsrechts in Polen. Ulrich Bröcklings Nachwort zeigt die spannungsreiche Entwicklung von Foucaults politischem Denken zwischen Analyse und Intervention.

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