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      • il Saggiatore

        Established by Alberto Mondadori in 1958, il Saggiatore is an independent publishing house focused on literary fiction and non-fiction, with a particular emphasis on science, history and economics. Our wide-ranging non-fiction list comprises the likes of Claude Lévi-Strauss, Jean-Paul Sartre, Fernand Braudel, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Daron Acemoglu, Paul Mason, Jaron Lanier, Joseph Mazur, Mark Cousins and Piero Camporesi, among others. Our ever-growing literary fiction list includes Allen Ginsberg, Witold Gombrowicz, Joan Didion, Geoff Dyer, Olivia Laing, Esther Kinsky, Mircea Cărtărescu, László Darvasi, Akwaeke Emezi, Emma Glass, Mike McCormack and David Peace, to name just a few. Shortly after the birth of the publishing house, speaking to an Italian newspaper, Alberto Mondadori said: “I’m an explorer, I like to travel in time”. Sixty years later, his words and his vision live on, and il Saggiatore’s project is still the same: to publish books that can stand the test of time.

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        International relations
        December 2014

        India in a globalized world

        by Sagarika Dutt

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        International relations
        December 2014

        India in a globalized world

        by Sagarika Dutt

        This book, newly available in paperback, looks at India in the context of a globalized world. It starts by looking at the history of Indian civilization, exploring the roots of Indian identity and highlighting processes such as foreign invasions, foreign trade, cultural imperialism, colonial rule and the growth of Indian nationalism. The book examines the gradual democratization of Indian politics. Cultural and ethnic divisions in Indian society are examined in depth, as are the problems that have prevented economic development and stood in the way of economic liberalization. The history of India's integration into the global economy is considered, and the opportunities available to the country in the early years of the twenty-first century are detailed. The final chapters consider the Indian government's perception of the Indian diaspora, as well as the changing priorities reflected in India's foreign policy since 1947.

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        The Arts
        April 2024

        Hyde Park

        by James Shirley

        by Eugene Giddens

        Hyde Park (1632) is one of the best-loved comedies of James Shirley, considered to be one of the most important Caroline dramatists. The play showcases strong female characters who excel at rebuking the outlandish courtship of various suitors. Shirley's comic setting, London's Hyde Park, offers ample opportunity for witty dialogue. This is the first critical edition of the play, including a wide-ranging introduction and extensive commentary and textual notes. Paying special attention to the culture of Caroline London and its stage, the volume unpicks Shirley's politics of courtship and consent while also underlining the play's dynamics of class and power. A detailed performance history traces productions from 1632, across the Restoration to the present day, including that of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987. A textual history of the play's first quarto determines how it was printed and what relationship Hyde Park has to other texts by Shirley.

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        The Arts
        May 2022

        Hyde Park

        by James Shirley

        by Helen Ostovich, Eugene Giddens

        Hyde Park (1632) is one of the best-loved comedies of James Shirley, considered to be one of the most important Caroline dramatists. The play showcases strong female characters who excel at rebuking the outlandish courtship of various suitors. Shirley's comic setting, London's Hyde Park, offers ample opportunity for witty dialogue and sport - including foot and horse races - across three love plots. This is the first critical edition of the play, including a wide-ranging introduction and extensive commentary and textual notes. Paying special attention to the culture of Caroline London and its stage, the Revels Plays edition unpicks Shirley's politics of courtship and consent while also underlining the play's dynamics of class and power. A detailed performance history traces productions from 1632, across the Restoration to the present day, including that of the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987. A textual history of the play's first quarto determines how it was printed and what relationship Hyde Park has to other texts by Shirley from the same publishers.

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        November 2021


        Violence against women

        by Julia Cruschwitz, Carolin Haentjes

        In Germany, 132 women were murdered by their (ex-)partners over the past year, according to police statistics. An attempted murder happened every other day – the real figure is in all probability much higher. Julia Cruschwitz and Carolin Haentjes unveil their book on femicides in Germany with research from interviews with academics, criminologists, police officers, social workers, lawyers, survivors, witnesses and relatives and their analysis of scientific reports. Their work highlights how the issue of femicides affects the whole of society, but there are sensible ways to protect women more effectively from male violence. All we must do is take steps to follow these.

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        March 1997

        Die Kunst zu leben

        Herausgegeben und mit einem Essay von Sigrid Damm

        by Caroline Schlegel-Schelling, Sigrid Damm, Sigrid Damm

        Caroline Schlegel-Schelling wurde am 2. September 1763 in Göttingen als Tochter eines angesehenen Universitätsprofessors geboren. Sie wuchs in einem intellektuellen Milieu unter Dichtern und Denkern auf und genoß eine hervorragende Bildung. Nach dem Tod ihres ersten Mannes heiratete sie 1796 den Literaturkritiker August Wilhelm Schlegel, trennte sich jedoch 1803. In dritter Ehe heiratete sie Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, Philosoph und Professor an der Universität Jena. Ihre umfangreichen Briefwechsel erlangten als geistesgeschichtliche Dokumente der Romantik große Bedeutung. Sie schrieb u.a. mit Humboldt, Goethe, Schiller, Schlegel, Fichte, Novalis und Herder. Sie verfaßte außerdem Rezensionen, war Übersetzerin, Lektorin und Sekretärin für ihre Ehemänner Schlegel und Schelling. Caroline Schlegel-Schelling starb am 7. September 1809 in Maulbronn. Sigrid Damm, in Gotha/Thüringen geboren, lebt als freie Schriftstellerin in Berlin und Mecklenburg. Die Autorin ist Mitglied des P.E.N. und der Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur. Sie erhielt für ihr Werk zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Feuchtwanger-, den Mörike- und den Fontane-Preis. Sigrid Damm, in Gotha/Thüringen geboren, lebt als freie Schriftstellerin in Berlin und Mecklenburg. Die Autorin ist Mitglied des P.E.N. und der Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur. Sie erhielt für ihr Werk zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Feuchtwanger-, den Mörike- und den Fontane-Preis.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2002

        Srebrenica. Ein Prozeß

        Dokumente aus dem Verfahren gegen General Radislav Krstic vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für das ehemalige Jugoslawien in Den Haag

        by Julija Bogoeva, Caroline Fetscher, Barbara Antkowiak, Ulrike Bischoff, Caroline Fetscher

        Im Juli 1995 wurden 7500 muslimische Jungen und Männer aus der UN-Schutzzone Srebrenica verschleppt und in einer systematisch durchgeführten Aktion umgebracht. Sechs Jahre später geht vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag die Verhandlung über den größten Massenmord in Europa seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zu Ende. Ein General der bosnischen Serben, Radislav Krstic, wird wegen Völkermords zu 46 Jahren Haft verurteilt - das erste Urteil dieser Tragweite seit den Nürnberger Prozessen. Das Gericht gilt wie das Ruanda-Tribunal als Vorläufer eines Weltstrafgerichtshofes. Dis Vernehmungsprotokolle von Überlebenden und Angehörigen der Opfer, von Tätern, Tatzeugen und Gutachtern, die der Band versammelt, fügen sich zu einem Bild dessen, was in Srebrenica geschah. Sie gehören zu den erschütterndsten Dokumenten unserer Gegenwart. Wer sich von der Arbeit des Tribunals einen eigenen Eindruck verschaffen will, wird auf dieses Buch nicht verzichten können. Julija Bogoeva, Juristin, Mitbegründerin der unabhängigen Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta, berichtet seit 1996 vom Tribunal. Caroline Fetscher, Publizistin, arbeitet seit 1999 als Reporterin in Ex-Jugoslawien und am Tribunal.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2003

        British politics today

        7th edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones, Dennis Kavanagh, Caroline Wilding

        A short but comprehensive textbook for students of British politics which interprets changes over the last thirty years and analyses institutions within the context of British society and economics. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2006

        Sex, politics and empire

        A postcolonial geography

        by Richard Phillips, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie, Caroline Wilding

        Colonial governments, institutions and companies recognised that in many ways the effective operation of the Empire depended upon sexual arrangements. For example, nuclear families serving agricultural colonization, and prostitutes working for single men who powered armies and plantations, mines and bureaucracies. For this reason they devised elaborate systems of sexual governance, such as attending to marriage and the family. However, they also devoted disproportionate energy to marking and policing the sexual margins. In Sex, Politics and Empire, Richard Phillips investigates controversies surrounding prostitution, homosexuality and the age of consent in the British Empire, and revolutionises our notions about the importance of sex as a nexus of imperial power relations. ;

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