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      • Seelenglück

        Erkenne Deinen Wert & Du wirst nie wieder das Gefühl in Deinem Leben haben, dass Du zu kurz kommst. "IM LEBEN GIBT ES KEINE LANDKARTE, DIE DIR DEN WEG WEIST, KEIN SCHILD, DAS DIR AUSKUNFT GIBT. ES GIBT NUR DIE STIMME DEINES HERZENS, DIE DICH FÜHRT."   In meinem Buch "Jeder kann in einer erfüllten Partnerschaft leben. #einePortionLiebe" unterstütze ich meine Leser dabei, die Ursache Ihrer Themen zu identifizieren und diese loszulassen, so dass sie ihre Herzensstimme wieder hören. Es wird ein Entwicklungsprozess in Gang gesetzt. Mit jeden Schritt, den meine Leser hierbei wagen, finden sie zurück in die Wertschätzung ihres Lebens. Schritt für Schritt wachsen sie in die Erfüllung und Freude an ihrem Sein, so dass sie ihr wahres Potenzial, auf allen Lebensebenen wieder entdecken und ausleben.     Alles im Leben beginnt mit einer Entscheidung.   Meistens zeigen sich die Themen, an denen man wachsen darf, durch immer wiederkehrende Themen, die sich wie ein roter Faden durch sein Leben ziehen. Dies zeigt sich dann  u.a. darin, dass man anfängt, sich wertlos zu fühlen und sich hinter seinem äußeren Erfolg versteckt, ohne dabei innere Erfüllung zu finden.   Dahinter stecken Ursachen, die einem die Tür zu seinem Herzen verschließen. Ich nenne sie auch gerne innere Saboteure. Sie kreieren einem immer wieder die Situationen, von denen man in seinem Inneren überzeugt, ist wert zu sein, und einem die Bestätigung geben, dass man auch weiter so denkt. Denn man zieht immer das in sein Leben, was man aussendet. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Man kann beruflich alles haben und doch innerlich unzufrieden und nicht erfüllt sein, wenn man in sich selber nicht zugesteht, dass man auch Freude an seinem Erfolg haben darf.   Die gute Nachricht ist, dass man zu jeder Zeit aus dieser Spirale heraustreten kann, um  sich das Leben zu kreieren, dass einem Erfüllung und Freude in allen Lebensbereichen schenkt. Nur manchmal kommt man nicht alleine aus dieser Spirale heraus, und man fühlt sich wie ausgebremst. Denn durch mein Buch begleite ich meine Leser über ihre Grenze hinaus zum Kern der Ursache, so dass sie sich von ihrer Blockade befreien. Sie beginnen die Lebensfreude zurück in ihr Leben hinein zu lassen und die Möglichkeiten erkennen, um ein erfülltes Leben aus ihrem Herzen heraus zu führen.     Also hab den Mut & erkenne Deinen Wert, dass auch Du ein erfülltes Leben auf allen Ebenen zu führen kannst. Denn hier liegt das wahre Seelenglück verborgen.   Finde Deine persönliche Work-Life-Balance, die zu Deinem Leben passt und nicht zu dem der anderen.   Du wirst durch mein Buch erkennen:   - wie Du eine gemeinschaftliche Partnerschaft voller Liebe, Respekt & Toleranz aufbaust - welchen Einfluss die Entwicklung der heutigen 0-Fehler Gesellschaft auf die erlebte Partnerschaftsqualität hat. - wie du dich aus der Opferrolle in deinem Leben befreist. - warum es sich lohnt, an eine erfüllte Partnerschaft zu glauben. - wie Du Dich aus der Funktionspirale Deines Alltages befreien kannst. - wie Du Deinen Liebeskummer & Herzschmerz überwindest und in Deine innere Mitte zurück findest. - wie Du die Hindernisse in deiner Partnerschaft überwindest und diese nachhaltig mit Liebe füllest. - wie du Angst in Liebe umwandelst. - wie Du Dein Selbstbewusstsein stärkst- und vor allem wirst Du wieder lernen, Dich selber zu lieben. - wie wichtig es ist, seinen eigenen Wert zu kennen. - wie Du über Selbstliebe Deine gesamte Partnerschaft bzw. Situation, in der Du Dich gerade befindest, verändern kannst. - dass alles, was Du selber glaubst und wie Du über Dich denkst, Dir stets durch Dein Außen gezeigt wird. - dass Dir ein anderer immer nur mit so viel Liebe und Wertschätzung entgegengehen kann, wie Du selber bereit bist anzunehmen. Du bekommst nie mehr und auch nicht weniger. - dass nur, wenn Du Deine eigenen Grenzen wahrst, andere diese Grenzen einhalten können. - was Du wirklich in Deinem Leben möchtest.   ***Je liebevoller Du mit Dir selber umgehst, umso mehr werden es auch andere tun und Deinen Wert erkennen.***

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      • See Say Write

        The world's only kindergarten workbooks with interactive videos that teach kids to read from the world's best, anytime, anywhere.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Das Papiergeld der französischen Revolution 1789–1797.

        Aus dem Russ. von F. Schlömer. Geschichte der Stabilisierungsversuche, hrsg. von M. Palyi, dritter Teil. Dt. Zahlungsbilanz und Stabilisierungsfrage, im Auftr. des Ver. veranst. von K. Diehl / F. Somary. (Schriften des Vereins für Sozialpolitik 165/III).

        by Falkner, Semen A. / Herausgegeben von Palyi, Melchior; Herausgegeben von Diehl, Karl; Herausgegeben von Somary, Felix; Übersetzt von Schlömer, Friedrich

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        January 2024

        Vegetable Seeds

        Production and Technology

        by Gregory E Welbaum

        Most food and fiber crops are produced from seed. This means that the world's population is dependent on annual seed production for its food supply. Vegetable seed production is much different and more challenging than production of grain crops. This book explains the biology and technology behind producing, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of vegetable seeds from breeding through to the marketed product. It begins with six chapters on a broad range of seed-related topics: the importance of seeds, reproductive biology of plants, genetic improvement strategies, quality assurance of seed production, post-harvest seed enhancement, and organic production. The remaining chapters cover seed production in eleven important vegetable families. Each chapter provides a description of the botany, types and cultivars, genetic improvement, pollination, soil fertility management, pest management, crop production, harvesting, post-harvest handling, and seed yields. The aim of this book is to educate how to produce high-quality vegetable seeds. Incorporating both current methodologies and recent research results, it is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals in the seed industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        September 2020

        Seed Ball

        by Bahar Sener / Samantha McLelland

        Nowadays, in almost all schools children are being taught about the importance of seeds. They know that seeds carry life. Seed festivals are organized in various places in the spring. Children learn about different types of seeds and how to differentiate them. They even learn how to plant them in pots in their backyards. In this beautiful book, children will learn how to make seed balls using the seeds of different fruits and vegetables. Seed ball is a unique gift from the acclaimed Japanese figure in organic farming, Fukuoka.

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        Agronomy & crop production
        December 2004

        Seed Fate

        Predation, Dispersal and Seedling Establishment

        by Edited by Pierre M Forget, Joanna E Lambert, Philip E Hulme, Stephen B Vander Wall

        This book presents current knowledge of seed fate in both natural and human-disturbed landscapes, from various regions of the world. Habitats considered range from mountain and arid deserts in the temperate zone, to savanna and lowland rainforests in tropical regions of the world. Particular attention is paid to plant diversity conservation when seed removal is affected by factors such as hunting, habitat fragmentation or intensive logging. Contributors include leading scientists involved in research on seed ecology and on animal-plant relationships from the perspective of both primary and secondary seed dispersal, and predation.

      • Trusted Partner

        What Do Human Beings Need?

        The Developmental Approach in Pedagogy and Therapy with People with Intellectual Disability

        by Sabine Zepperitz

        The book presents the developmental approach as a basic concept in the pedagogical support and therapeutic treatment of people with Intellectual Disability (ID). It describes in a practical way how the approach can be implemented in everyday pedagogical work. In this context, various pedagogical topics are processed on the basis of the Scale of Emotional Development Diagnostics (SEED).

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        June 2011

        African Seed Enterprises

        Sowing the Seeds of Food Security

        by Edited by Paul Van Mele, J W Bentley, Robert G Guéi

        In most developing countries, good quality seed is hard to obtain and farmers struggle to save seed from one year to the next. Instead, they increasingly turn to public or private enterprises that multiply, store and distribute seed. African Seed Enterprises takes a people-centred look at the companies, public agencies and family farms that are taking on this role and making a difference to food security across Africa. Case studies are arranged by country, and each chapter includes a profile of the agricultural and policy environment that surrounds these enterprises and affects their development. Each case is unique and presents its own set of lessons, and as a whole, this wide range of experiences is a rich source of data and ideas for future enterprise, offering valuable insights for policy makers, academics and non-governmental organizations throughout the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Agricultural Seed Production

        by Raymond A T George

        A practical coverage of the principles of producing seeds for the main agricultural crops, this book emphasises producing optimal quality seed, and applies to small and large scale farms worldwide. Cereals such as wheats, rice, barley, rye and maize are covered along with pulses, legumes, oil seed rape and soybean. Coverage includes principles of production such as pollination, agronomy issues such as site selection and cultivar purity, seed processing, drying and storage. A focus on global food security is maintained throughout.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        December 1997

        Forage Seed Production, Volume 1

        Temperate Species

        by Edited by Daphne T Fairey, John G Hampton

        The grasses and legumes grown in pastures and rangelands form the basis of the worldwide animal production industry. Some species also have a significant role in the sport and leisure industry, for playing surfaces such as golf courses and football fields. It is therefore vitally important to ensure that seed supplies of appropriate species are available for use on a commercial scale. This book is published in association with the International Herbage Seed Production Research Group. It brings together leading researchers and along with its companion volume Forage Seed Production Volume 2: Tropical and Subtropical Species (to be published in late 1998), provides the definitive resource for all those concerned with breeding and profitable seed production for grasses and legumes used within grazing systems or recreation and amenity provision. The book is in two parts. Part 1 covers all aspects relevant to seed production, including improving seed yield and quality, crop management, harvesting, processing and the international seed trade. Part 2 consists of eleven case studies from eight countries covering three continents. This book and its companion should be read by all seed scientists involved in the breeding and commercial production of grass and legume seed. They also represent a valuable asset for all commercial seed suppliers. Additionally, the information presented within the book is important for all students and lecturers within departments of agriculture and plant breeding.

      • Trusted Partner
        Applied ecology
        February 2002

        Seed Dispersal and Frugivory

        Ecology, Evolution and Conservation

        by Edited by Douglas J Levey, Wesley R Silva, Mauro Galetti

        Until recently, the production of fruits by plants, their consumption by animals (frugivory) and the relevance of these to seed dispersal have attracted less attention than topics such as pollination biology. However, since the 1970s they have started to gain more prominence and now give rise to more research funding, seminal papers and international symposiums. This book contains chapters adapted from the Third International Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal held in August 2000 in Rio Quente, Brazil.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        January 2006

        Testing Methods for Seed-Transmitted Viruses

        Principles and Protocols

        by Sven E Albrechtsen

        This practical guide covers the commonly used detection methods for seed-transmitted viruses and viroids that affect both tropical and temperate crops. It contains 25 complete step-by-step procedures for biological, serological and molecular techniques to detect and identify such viruses. Combining helpful practical notes with more detailed explanations of the principles behind the techniques, the book describes the general characteristics of seed-transmitted viral diseases and discusses outlines for the organization and interpretation of seed health assays. The techniques reviewed are also applicable to non-seed-transmitted viral agents.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2018

        Seed Production in Oil Palm

        A Manual

        by Eddy S Kelanaputra, Steven P. C. Nelson, Umi Setiawati, Baihaqi Sitepu, Fazrin Nur, Brian P Forster, Abdul R. Purba, Brian P Forster, Peter D. S. Caligari

        This is a practical guide to seed germination in oil palm for both breeding and genetic studies as well as commercial seed production. Oil palm is the top oil crop in the world and this manual provides step-by-step illustrated methods, written by practitioners actively engaged in oil palm seed production and breeding. Presenting sound practices based on scientific innovation and knowledge, this guide brings together the many aspects of seed germination in oil palm in one place. Promoting green, eco-friendly agriculture, this book covers: Health and safety considerations Pollination and harvesting Seed preparation, viability testing and moisture testing Seed processing for commercial production and breeding Based on experience and protocols, this is an invaluable manual for students and researchers in agriculture, plant breeders, growers and end users interested in the practicalities of oil palm seed production. It is also a valuable resource for training, for those entering a career in oil palm and as a reference for managers , to ensure best practices in maximising sustainability and production of this important crop.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        August 2007

        Seed Dispersal

        Theory and its Application in a Changing World

        by Edited by Andrew J Dennis, Ronda J Green, Eugene W Schupp, David A Westcott

        Fresh concepts in the study of seed dispersal are spurring a host of exciting new questions, new answers to old questions, new methods and approaches, and a reinvigoration of the field.Seed Dispersal: Theory and its Application in a Changing World presents both recent advances and reviews of current knowledge demonstrating the vigour and vibrancy of the field. It provides new perspectives and directions at a time when efforts to meet growing environmental challenges threatening natural systems are of utmost importance.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        February 2017

        Seed Biology and Yield of Grain Crops

        by Dennis B Egli

        This new edition of an established title examines the determination of grain crop yield from a unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed itself. As the food supply for an expanding world population is based on grain crops harvested for their seeds, understanding the process of seed growth and its regulation is crucial to our efforts to increase production and meet the needs of that population. Yield of grain crops is determined by their assimilatory processes such as photosynthesis and the biosynthetic processes in the seed, which are partly regulated within the seed itself. Providing a timely update in this field and highlighting the impact of the seed on grain crop yields, this book: · Describes all aspects of seed growth and development, including environmental and genetic effects on growth rate and length of the filling period. · Discusses the role of the seed in determining the two main yield components: individual seed weight and number of seeds per unit area. · Uses the concepts and models that have been developed to understand crop management and yield improvement. Substantially updated with new research and further developments of the practical applications of the concepts explored, this book is essential reading for those concerned with seed science and crop yield, including agronomists, crop physiologists, plant breeders, and extension workers. It is also a valuable source of information for lecturers and graduate students of agronomy and plant physiology. ; This is a new edition of an established title examines the determination of grain crop yield from a unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed itself. ; Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Seed Growth and DevelopmentChapter 3: Seed Growth Rate and Seed-Fill Duration: Variation and Regulation.Chapter 4: Yield Components-Regulation by the Seed Chapter 5: The Seed, Crop Management, and YieldChapter 6: The Way Forward

      • Trusted Partner

        Humor in Psychiatric Care

        by Jonathan Gutmann

        How can humor be used to engage with and help people suffering from mental illness? This practical handbook explains the concept of humor in psychiatric treatment and sets out the case for employing it. The author outlines how nurses can assess who might benefit from the use of humor and for whom it would be out of place, and provides a toolkit of humorous interventions for daily nursing practice.   Target Group: Practicing nurses, psychiatric nurses, care clowns

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        May 1998

        Seed Biology and the Yield of Grain Crops

        by Dennis B Egli

        The food supply to an expanding world population is based on grain crops, i.e. crops harvested for their seeds. Therefore, understanding the process of seed growth and its regulation is crucial in our efforts to increase production, in order to meet the needs of that population. Yield is determined by the ability of crop plants to use their assimilatory processes such as photosynthesis and also the biosynthetic processes in the seed, which are partly regulated within the seed itself. This book examines the determination of grain crop yield from a new and unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed. All aspects of seed growth and development are described, including environmental and genetic effects on growth rate and length of filling period. The effect of the seed on the two main yield components, individual seed weight and number of seeds per unit area, is then discussed. Finally, the concepts and models developed are evaluated in terms of crop management. The book is essential reading for those concerned with seed science and crop yield, including agronomists, crop physiologists, plant breeders, and extension workers. It will also be a valuable source of information for lecturers and graduate students of agronomy and plant physiology.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1989

        Seed-borne Diseases of Rice

        by P C Agarwal

        paper on seed-borne diseases of rice

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        Differential Diagnosis of Body Fluids in Small Animal Cytology

        by Francesco Cian, Paola Monti

        This new volume provides a comprehensive coverage of cytology of all body fluids encountered in dogs and cats. It includes separate chapters for each fluid, from cavitary effusions (pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal) to synovial fluids, tracheal and bronchoalveolar lavages (TWs, BALs), cerebrospinal fluids (CSFs) and urines. The only veterinary cytology text focused on body fluids, this book is able to cover all areas in the detail they deserve. It delivers: - Extensive coverage of body fluid cytology in dogs and cats updated to the most recent literature; - A schematic approach for each lesion/condition, making the book simple to use during diagnostic work; - Numerous photomicrographs showing most cytological findings observed in body fluid cytology Also covering microbiology testing - an essential and significant aspect of fluid analysis - this book is an invaluable resource for veterinary pathologists and general practitioners.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2008

        Every Man Out of His Humour

        Ben Jonson

        by David Bevington, Helen Ostovich, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Despite its popularity when it first appeared in print in 1600, Every Man out of His Humour has never appeared as a single modern critical edition until now. The volume's introduction and annotations convey early modern obsessions with wealth and self-display by providing historical contexts and pointing out the continuity of those obsessions into modern life. The play is of interest because of its influence on the course of city comedy and its wealth of information about social relationships and colloquial language at the end of Elizabeth's reign. Jonson's experiments in generating theatrical meaning continued throughout his career, but Every Man out of His Humour - with its youthful vigour and extraordinary visualizations of the urban capacity for self-deceit - is a text that enriches the understanding of all the plays that come after it. ;

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