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        Science & Mathematics
        March 2017

        The Handbook of Microbial Metabolism of Amino Acids

        by J P F D'Mello, K Abe, M I Afzal, M Akhtar, J M P Alves, R Balana Fouce, Q Bashir, R A Bender, Simon Brown, Catherine Cailliez-Grimal, R William Caldwell, Barbara Campanini, Yingying Cao, Trinad Chakraborty, D Charlier, N P Chowdhury, O O Coker, Daniela de Biase, Stephane Delaunay, Renwick C J Dobson, Mike F Dunn, D Fulton, Fabio Giovannercole, D E Holmes, A.O Hudson, Y Kera, G D Kornfeld, F Leroy, Z Liao, Rob D Locy, J S Lott, Patrick M Lucas, R Lucas, P Ludovico, J M Moran, A Mozzarelli, A J Nieuwkoop, N Osorio, John V Paietta, Prasit Palittapongarnpim, Emily J Parker, A Parthasarathy, F G Pearce, Eugenia Pennacchietti, Y Perez-Pertejo, R S Phillips, N Rashid, P J Quinn, F Rodrigues, M J Romero, B Sampaio-Marques, M A Savka, K Shibata, David C Simcock, H V Simpson, J A Smith, S Takahashi, Saleh Umair, X Wang, Matthew J Wargo, S Watanabe, Freya Wencker, W Ziebuhr, I W Dawes

        This book collates and reviews recent advances in the microbial metabolism of amino acids, emphasizing diversity - in terms of the range of organisms under investigation and their natural ecology - and the unique features of amino acid metabolism in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. As well as studying the individual amino acids, including arginine, sulfur amino acids, branched-chain amino acids and aromatic amino acids, a number of themes are explored throughout the work. These include: - Comparative issues between the metabolism of microbes and those of higher organisms, including plants and mammals - Potential for drug targets in pathways of both biosynthesis and degradation of amino acids - Relationship between amino acids or associated enzymes and virulence in parasitic pathogens - Practical implications for food microbiology and pathogen characterization - Future priorities relating to fundamental biochemistry of microrganisms, food quality and safety, human and animal health, plant pathology, drug design and ecology As the volume of research into the metabolism of amino acids grows, this comprehensive study of the subject is a vital tool for researchers in the fields of biological, medical and veterinary sciences, including microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and pathology. This book is also essential for corporate organizations with active research and development programmes, such as those in the pharmaceutical industry. ; This book collates and reviews recent advances in the microbial metabolism of amino acids, emphasizing diversity - in terms of the range of organisms under investigation and their natural ecology - and the unique features of amino acid metabolism in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. ; -: PrefacePART I: GLUTAMATE1: Structural and Functional Properties of Glutamate Dehydrogenases2: Glutamate Decarboxylase in Bacteria3: The Yeast GABA ShuntPART II: LYSINE, ARGININE AND HYDROXYPROLINE4: Lysine Biosynthesis in Microorganisms5: Arginine Deiminase in Microorganisms6: Arginase and Microbial Pathogenesis in the Lungs7: Arginine and Methionine as Precursors of Polyamines in Trypanosomatids8: Ornithine and Lysine Decarboxylation in Bacteria9: The Role of Nitric Oxide Signalling in Yeast Stress Response and Cell Death10: Hydroxyproline Metabolism in MicroorganismsPART III: SERINE AND THREONINE11: Cellular Responses to Serine in Yeast12: Threonine Degradation in Hyperthermophilic OrganismsPART IV: SULFUR AMINO ACIDS13: Methionine Synthesis in Microbes14: Regulation of Sulfur Amino Acid Metabolism in Fungi15: Insight on O-Acetylserine Sulfhydrylase Structure, Function and Biopharmaceutical ApplicationsPART V: BRANCHED-CHAIN AMINO ACIDS16: Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for L-Valine Production17: Flavour Formation From Leucine by Lactic Acid BacteriaPART VI: AROMATIC AMINO ACIDS AND HISTIDINE18: Microbial Degradation of Phenolic Amino Acids19: The Biosynthesis of Tryptophan20: Tryptophan Biosynthesis in Bacteria: Drug Targets and Immunology21: The Kynurenine Pathway of Tryptophan Metabolism in Microorganisms22: Histidine Degradation in Bacteria23: Histidine Phosphatase Superfamily in Pathogenic BacteriaPART VII: D-AMINO ACIDS24: Functions and Metabolism of D-Amino Acids in Microorganisms25: Pathways of Utilization of D-Amino Acids in Higher OrganismsPART VIII: ECOLOGY26: Rhizobial Amino Acid Metabolism: Polyamine Biosynthesis and Functions27: Working Together: Amino Acid Biosynthesis in Endosymbiont-Harbouring Trypanosomatidae28: Amino Acid Metabolism in Helminths29: Microbial Degradation of Amino Acids in Anoxic Environments30: Utilization of N-Methylated Amino Acids by Bacteria31: Biofilm Formation: Amino Acid Biomarkers in Candida albicans32: Recent Advances Underpinning Innovative Strategies for the Future

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Chaucer in context

        by S. H. Rigby

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Medieval law in context

        by S. H. Rigby, Anthony Musson

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Peacemaking in the Middle Ages

        Principles and practice

        by S. H. Rigby, J. E. M. Benham

        Peacemaking in the Middle Ages explores the making of peace in the late-twelfth and early thirteenth centuries based on the experiences of the kings of England and the kings of Denmark. From dealing with owing allegiance to powerful neighbours to conquering the 'barbarians', this book offers a vision of how relationships between rulers were regulated and maintained, and how rulers negotiated, resolved, avoided and enforced matters in dispute in a period before nation states and international law. This is the first full-length study in English of the principles and practice of peacemaking in the medieval period. Its findings have wider significance and applications, and numerous comparisons are drawn with the peacemaking activities of other western European rulers, in the medieval period and beyond. This book will appeal to scholars and students of medieval Europe, but also those with a more general interest in kingship, warfare, diplomacy and international relations.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1975

        The Best of H. C. Artmann

        by H. C. Artmann, Klaus Reichert

        Von allen deutschen Autoren, die nach 1945 zu schreiben begannen, ist Artmann ohne jeden Zweifel der vielseitigste, originellste und erfinderischste. So wie Artmann in fast allen Gattungen gearbeitet hat, auch den angeblich antiquierten, und ohne sich um die Tagesparolen der mal reine Dichtung betreibenden, mal engagierten, mal die Literatur totsagenden Kollegen zu kümmern, so hat er seine Quellen, seine Herkunft überall: in der Artusepik, in barocker Schäferpoesie, in den Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken von gut zwei Dutzend Sprachen, in Irland und im England des Sherlock Holmes, bei Villon und dem Wiener Vorstadtdialekt, Lorca, Gomez de la Serna, den Surrealisten und Dadaisten, in den Detektivheftchen der 20er Jahre und den Comic strips von damals bis heute. Unsere Auswahl versucht, nicht nur einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Werk Artmanns zu geben, sondern gleichzeitig Verstreutes, an entlegensten Orten Publiziertes zu sammeln.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Reform and the papacy in the eleventh century

        Spirituality and social change

        by S. H. Rigby, Kathleen G. Cushing

        This book explores the relationship between the papacy and reform against the backdrop of social and religious change in later tenth and eleventh-century Europe. Placing this relationship in the context of the debate about 'transformation', it reverses the recent trend among historians to emphasise the reform developments in the localities at the expense of those being undertaken in Rome. It focuses on how the papacy took an increasingly active part in shaping the direction of both its own reform and that of society, whose reform became an essential part of realising its objective of a free and independent Church. It also addresses the role of the Latin Church in western Europe around the year 1000, the historiography of reform, the significance of the 'Peace of God' as a reformist movement, the development of the papacy in the eleventh century, the changing attitudes towards simony, clerical marriage and lay investiture, reformist rhetoric aimed at the clergy, and how reformist writings sought to change the behaviour and expectations of the aristocracy. Summarising current literature while presenting a cogent and nuanced argument about the complex nature and development of reform, this book will be invaluable for an undergraduate and specialist audience alike.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 1998

        Marxism and History

        A critical introduct

        by S. H. Rigby

        This critically aclaimed book, now in its second edition is firmly established as an essential guide to this recent historiographical debate. Adopted as a set book by the Open University. An indispensable guide to Marxist historiography for undergradu. . . . ;

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        Marxism & Communism
        April 2007

        Engels and the formation of Marxism

        by S. H. Rigby

        The paperback release of this classic work.

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        Medieval history
        May 2006

        The life–cycle in Western Europe, c.1300–c.1500

        by Deborah Youngs

        This is the first study to examine the entire life cycle in the Middle Ages. Drawing on a wide range of secondary and primary material, the book explores the timing and experiences of infancy, childhood, adolescence and youth, adulthood, old age and, finally, death. It discusses attitudes towards ageing, rites of passage, age stereotypes in operation, and the means by which age was used as a form of social control, compelling individuals to work, govern, marry and pay taxes. The wide scope of the study allows contrasts and comparisons to be made across gender, social status and geographical location. It considers whether men and women experienced the ageing process in the same way, and examines the differences that can be discerned between northern and southern Europe. The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries suffered famine, warfare, plague and population collapse. This fascinating consideration of the life cycle adds a new dimension to the debate over continuity and change in a period of social and demographic upheaval.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        The Half Quilt

        by Zeng San

        Rucheng, Hunan, is the first large-scale centralized land recuperation after the Red Army's Long March. A story of "half-quilt" embodies the deep feelings of the military and civilians in the village of Shazhou in Rucheng. The revolutionaries Mao Zedong and Zhu De launched revolutionary activities in Rucheng, which has consolidated the mass foundation on this land.The book takes the "Half Quilt" story as the entrance, integrates the Long March story and revolution story of Rucheng, and the story of Shazhou Village's poverty eradication in the new era.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2006

        Gentry culture in late-medieval England

        by Raluca Radulescu, Steve Rigby, Alison Truelove

        Essays in this fascinating and important collection examine the lifestyles and attitudes of the gentry in late medieval England. They consider the emergence of the gentry as a group distinct from the nobility, and explore the various available routes to gentility. Through surveys of the gentry's military background, administrative and political roles, social behaviour, and education, the reader is provided with an overview of how the group's culture evolved, and how it was disseminated. Studies of the gentry's literacy, creation and use of literature, cultural networks, religious activities and their experiences of music and the visual arts more directly address the practice and expression of this culture, exploring the extent to which the gentry's activities were different from those of the wider population. Joining the editors in contributing essays to this collection is an impressive array of eminent scholars, all specialists in their respective fields: Christine Carpenter, Peter Fleming, Maurice Keen, Philippa Maddern, Nicholas Orme, Tim Shaw, Thomas Tolley and Deborah Youngs. As a whole, the book offers a broad view of gentry culture that explores, reassesses, and sometimes even challenges the idea that members of the gentry cultivated their own distinctive cultural identity. It will appeal to students looking for a comprehensive introduction to late medieval gentry culture, as well as to researchers interested in gentry studies more generally. ;

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        December 2023


        Philosophische Grundlagentexte

        by Christoph Halbig, Jörg Löschke, Philipp Schwind

        Die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung für unsere Handlungen ist ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer moralischen Praxis. Aber sie wirft schwierige philosophische Fragen auf. Müssen wir beispielsweise über einen freien Willen verfügen, um für unsere Handlungen verantwortlich zu sein? Ist Verantwortung ein einheitliches Phänomen oder gibt es verschiedene Arten von Verantwortung? Und können wir nur für unsere Taten verantwortlich sein oder beispielsweise auch für unsere Überzeugungen? Der Band versammelt – zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung – die zentralen Texte der philosophischen Debatte über Verantwortung, u. a. von Stephen Darwall, Harry G. Frankfurt, H. L. H. Hart, Thomas Nagel, Peter Strawson, Susan Wolf und Iris Marion Young.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Li, Miss Bee and the Honey Rocket

        by Robert Austin / Alina Everatt

        Miss Bee and her friends are as busy as bees, because they are planning an extraordinary trip! They thought, designed, worked hard, and a little harder for a little longer… until they finally got everything they needed. They used every single help they can find to embark on an incredible journey; would you like to join them? A marvellous story of a little girl wanting to visit outer space, Miss Bee is intriguing as it is amusing. With its dynamic tone and alluring illustrations, Miss Bee’s story will keep your child’s attention until the very end

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