Wolters Kluwer Health
Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf and electronic media formats.
View Rights PortalWolters Kluwer Health is a leading global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf and electronic media formats.
View Rights PortalPublic Private Partnerships (PPPs) have come to public attention in recent years in Ireland with the impact of toll roads, the collapse of social-housing projects and their use in the provision of courts buildings, schools, water/waste water treatment plants, hospitals, light rail and other public infrastructure and services. This book provides a ground breaking and unique analysis of the development of such PPPs internationally, with a detailed focus on the rationale behind their introduction and outcomes in Ireland. The detailed evidence outlined from the author's extensive research (including interviews with senior central and government officials, private sector, community and trade union representatives and the Irish Minister for Environment) highlights the important role PPPs are playing in the implementation of privatisation and neoliberalism. The book also provides considerable practical lessons from individual PPP projects. It is therefore an essential read for students, academics of politics, economics, sociology, geography and policy practitioners in Ireland, and further afield. It is of considerable interest to anyone concerned with the progress of Irish society, its economy and, indeed public services and governance internationally. ;
This book explores the emergence of a new architecture of corporate enforcement in Ireland. It is demonstrated that the State has transitioned from one contradictory model of corporate enforcement to another. Traditionally, the State invoked its most powerful weapon of state censure, the criminal law, but was remarkably lenient in practice because the law was not enforced. The contemporary model is much more reliant on cooperative measures and civil orders, but also contains remarkably punitive and instrumental measures to surmount the difficulties of proving guilt in criminal cases. Though corporate and financial regulation has become an area of significant interest for academics, researchers and those with an interest in corporate affairs, this sudden surge of interest lacks a tradition of scholarship or any deep empirical and contextual analysis in Ireland. This book provides that foundation. It is likely to stimulate an extensive conversation on corporate regulation and governance in Ireland. It is also likely to provide a platform for researchers further afield with an interest in comparative study with Ireland. ;
This book provides an analysis of neo-liberal political economics implemented in Ireland and the deleterious consequences of that model in terms of polarised social inequalities, impoverished public services and fiscal vulnerability as they appear in central social policy domains - health, housing and education in particular. Tracing the argument into the domains where the institutions are sustained and reproduced, this book examines the movement of modern economics away from its original concern with the household and anthropologically universal deep human needs to care for the vulnerable - the sick, children and the elderly - and to maintain inter-generational solidarity. The authors argue that the financialisation of social relations undermines the foundations of civilisation and opens up a marketised barbarism. Civic catastrophes of violent conflict and authoritarian liberalism are here illustrated as aspects of the 'rough beast' that slouches in when things are falling apart and people become prey to new forms of domination. ;
Recent decades have witnessed major changes in gender roles and family patterns, as well as a falling birth rate in Ireland and the rest of Europe. While the traditional family is now being replaced in many cases by new family forms, we do not know the reasons why people are making the choices they are and whether or not these choices are leading to greater well-being. While demographic research has attempted to explain the new trends in family formation and fertility, there has been little research on people's attitudes to family formation and having children. This book presents the results of the first major study to examine people's attitudes to family formation and childbearing in Ireland. Based on a nationwide representative sample of 1,404 men and women in the childbearing age group, the study was carried out against a backdrop of changing gender role attitudes and behaviour as well as significant demographic change.
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Urban Hofstetter
Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Urban Hofstetter
Lucifer and Icarus are the best-known figures in the ancestral gallery of the arrogant. Pride, the original sin, or hubris, also known as class conceit, arrogance, vanity, haughtiness and narcissism, is widespread in many facets. We find celebrities from the past and present, fiction and reality, in this Cabinet of Sinners.
Der Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieser tollkühnen Textsammlung – ein gewisser »Plume« – ist ein Meister der absurden Welterfahrung. Tut ihm sein Finger weh, wird er ihm von einem eifrigen Chirurgen amputiert. Bestellt Plume in einem Restaurant ein Gericht, das nicht auf der Karte steht, wird er in einem kafkaesken Spektakel von Polizei und Geheimdienst gejagt. Eine Königin nötigt ihn so lange zum Liebesspiel, bis ihr Gemahl das Schlafgemach betritt. Und in einem Augenblick dummer Zerstreutheit läuft Plume »mit den Füßen über die Zimmerdecke, anstatt sie am Boden zu behalten. Als er dessen gewahr wurde, war es leider zu spät«. Henri Michaux, Reisender in wirklicher und imaginärer Fremde und Experimentator verborgener Bewusstseinsräume, hat mit der Gestalt des Plume eine prägnante wie tragische Spielfigur seiner eigenen Phantasie geschaffen. Die Prosatexte, Gedichte und Kurzdramen des vorliegenden Bandes offenbaren die Absurdität unhinterfragter Glaubenssätze und Verhaltenscodices. Zugleich kann Ein gewisser Plume auch als Hommage an alles Abseitige, Komische und Verquere gelesen werden. Michaux, der sich zunächst den Surrealisten nahe fühlte, widmete sich nach seinen ersten literarischen Publikationen verstärkt der Malerei und Experimenten mit Meskalin, über die er später viel beachtete Bücher schrieb. Als Künstler nahm er mehrmals an der Documenta teil, 1960 wurde ihm auf der Biennale von Venedig der Einaudi-Preis verliehen.