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      • The Lennon-Ritchie Agency

        The Lennon-Ritchie agency is a literary agency based in Cape Town. We represent a select group of international writers of literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction, and of television and film scripts. Our award-winning books include 2019 Sunday Times Fiction Prize winning THE THEORY OF FLIGHT by Gloria Siphiwe Ndlovu (Penguin Random House SA; Catalyst Press US), winner of the 2019 Sharjah best international book award THE SON OF THE HOUSE by Cheluchi Onuobia (Penguin Random House SA; Dundurn House Press US; E/O Italy; Europa Editions UK), and winner of the 2020 Humanities and Social Sciences best novel award, LACUNA by Fiona Snyckers (Picador Africa; Europa Editions US, UK). We also sell International and film rights for publishing houses including Penguin Random House South Africa, Pan Macmillan South Africa, Quivertree Publications South Africa, and Duck Creek Press, New Zealand.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2000

        Rubinrote Rita

        Eine Autobiographie

        by Brown, Rita Mae

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2004

        Der letzte Alchemist

        Die Geschichte des Grafen Cagliostro

        by Iain McCalman, Sonja Schuhmacher, Rita Seuß

        Iain McCalman, geboren 1947, ist Direktor des Humanities Research Centre an der Nationaluniversität Australiens. Mit seinem Buch Radical Underworlds: Prophets, Revolutionaries, and Pornographers in London, 1795-1840 und dem Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age wurde er als Kulturhistoriker international bekannt. Rita Seuß ist als Übersetzerin aus dem Englischen und Italienischen ins Deutsche tätig. Sie lebt in Berlin.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        Margaret Cavendish

        by Emma Rees

        Margaret Cavendish was one of the most prolific, complex and misunderstood writers of the seventeenth century. A contemporary of Descartes and Hobbes, she was fascinated by philosophical, scientific and imaginative advances, and struggled to overcome the political and cultural obstacles which threatened to stop her engagement with such discourses. Emma Rees examines how Cavendish engaged with the work of thinkers such as Lucretius, Plato, Homer and Harvey in an attempt to write her way out of the exile which threatened not only her intellectual pursuits but her very existence. What emerges is the image of an intelligent, audacious and intrepid early modern woman whose tale will appeal to specialists and general readers alike. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1994

        Jüdisches Denken in Frankreich

        Gespräche mit Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Lévinas, Jean-François Lyotard u. a.

        by Elisabeth Weber, Elisabeth Weber, Luc Rosenzweig, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Jacques Derrida, Rita Thalmann, Emmanuel Lévinas, Léon Poliakov, Jean-François Lyotard, Elisabeth Weber

        Elisabeth Weber im Gespräch mit Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Jacques Derrida, Rita Thalmann, Emmanuel Lévinas, Léon Poliakov, Jean-François Lyotard, Luc Rosenzweig.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Frauen 70+ Cool. Rebellisch. Weise.

        Von Nancy Pelosi über Helen Mirren bis Élisabeth Badinter. Mit einem Vorwort von Iris Berben | Mit zahlreichen Fotografien

        by Rita Kohlmaier, Iris Berben

        »70 and female is the new cool«, schrieb jüngst die New York Times über diese großartige Generation der Frauen 70+. Frauen, die sich mit Energie und Kraft Gehör verschaffen und durch ihre Haltung inspirieren: Sie sind längst in der zweiten Lebenshälfte angekommen – und aufrecht, ehrgeizig, willensstark. Sie sind entschieden in ihrer Haltung wie die Richterin Ruth Bader Ginsburg, sie sind Kämpferinnen wie Erika Pluhar und Tina Turner, und für sie alle ist »unbequem« zu sein ein Kompliment. Viele der Frauen sind Kult, sie sind Wegbereiterinnen und immer Vorbilder. Frauen, die wissen, wer sie sind, was sie geleistet haben und morgen noch bewegen können. Frauen, die cool, rebellisch und klug oder manchmal auch »schräg« sind, die ihren eigenen Kopf haben. Sie alle sind Frauen, die uns viel zu sagen haben. Mit Juliette Gréco, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jane Fonda, Charlotte Knobloch, Letizia Battaglia, Erika Pluhar, Herlinde Koelbl, Margaret Atwood, Tina Turner, Vivienne Westwood, Nancy Pelosi, Annie Ernaux, Élisabeth Badinter, Elfie Semotan, Alice Nkom, Marina Abramović, Helen Mirren, Carla Del Ponte, Shirin Ebadi, Marianne Birthler.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2024

        Ireland and the Renaissance court

        by David Edwards, Brendan Kane

        Ireland and the Renaissance court is an interdisciplinary collection of essays exploring Irish and English courts, courtiers and politics in the early modern period, c. 1450-1650. Chapters are contributed by both established and emergent scholars working in the fields of history, literary studies, and philology. They focus on Gaelic cúirteanna, the indigenous centres of aristocratic life throughout the medieval period; on the regnal court of the emergent British empire based in London at Whitehall; and on Irish participation in the wider world of European elite life and letters. Collectively, they expand the chronological limits of 'early modern' Ireland to include the fifteenth century and recreate its multi-lingual character through exploration of its English, Irish and Latin archives. This volume is an innovative effort at moving beyond binary approaches to English-Irish history by demonstrating points of contact as well as contention.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2014

        Court and civic society in the Burgundian Low Countries c.1420–1530

        by Andrew Brown, Graeme Small

        This volume is the first ever attempt to unite and translate some of the key texts which informed Johan Huizinga's famous study of the Burgundian court, The Waning of the Middle Ages, a work which has never gone out of print. It combines these texts with sources that Huizinga did not consider, those that illuminate the wider civic world that the Burgundian court inhabited and the dynamic interaction between court and city. Through these sources, and an introduction offering new perspectives on recent historiography, the book tests whether Huizinga's controversial vision of the period still stands. Covering subjects including ceremonial events, such as the spectacles and gargantuan banquets that made the Burgundian dukes the talk of Europe, the workings of the court, and jousting, archery and rhetoric competitions, the book will appeal to students of late medieval and early modern Europe and to those with wider interests in court culture, ritual and ceremony.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2020

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier, Emma Cave

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Die Experten


        by Merle Kröger

        Die sechziger Jahre haben begonnen und mit ihnen das Zeitalter des Wassermanns. Adolf Eichmann wird in Jerusalem zum Tode verurteilt. Konrad Adenauer sagt Militärhilfe für Israel zu. Gleichzeitig jedoch zieht es deutsche Flugzeugkonstrukteure, Triebwerksbauer und Raketentechniker in großer Zahl nach Ägypten. Rita Hellberg, Tochter eines Ingenieurs, will ihre Eltern in Kairo eigentlich nur besuchen. Doch der Vater entscheidet: Die Familie gehört zusammen. Ägyptens Präsident Nasser träumt von einer afrikanischen Rüstungsindustrie, und so baut der Vater einen Jagdbomber. Während ihre Mutter sich dem Leben in Kairo verweigert, erkennt Rita bald, dass es für sie keinen besseren Ort geben kann, um ihre eigene Zukunft zu betreten. Sie lässt sich mitreißen in eine faszinierende Welt im Umbruch. Erst mit der Zeit wird ihr klar, dass sie mitten in einem Konflikt gelandet ist, in dem um historische und zukünftige, um weltpolitische und regionale Interessen mit allen Mitteln gekämpft wird. Jeder beobachtet jeden, Bomben explodieren, Menschen sterben. Rita Hellberg muss sich entscheiden, wo sie steht.

      • Trusted Partner
        Medical & healthcare law
        August 2016

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier. Series edited by Simona Giordano

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Eine Oma für Fridolina

        by Lott, Anna

        Morgen ist Oma-Tag in der Kita und alle Kinder bringen ihre Oma mit. Nur Fridolina nicht, denn ihre Oma Rita ist schon lange tot. Ungerecht ist das! Die anderen Kinder erzählen von Omas, die in Flugzeugen durch den Himmel düsen, von Omas, die Riesenkuscheltiere verschenken oder von Omas, die mit ihren Gebissen klappern. Kurzerhand macht Fridolina sich auf die Suche nach der perfekten Oma. Dabei lernt sie nicht nur eine ganze Menge über Omas, sondern vor allem über sich selbst. Und was das Beste ist: Fridolina stellt fest, dass ihre Oma Rita sich so klein machen kann, dass sie in ihrem Herzen Platz hat!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        A neoliberal revolution?

        Thatcherism and the reform of British pensions

        by Hugh Pemberton, James Freeman, Aled Davies

        This book examines the Thatcher government's attempt to revolutionise Britain's pensions system in the 1980s and create a nation of risk-taking savers with an individual stake in capitalism. Drawing upon recently-released archival records, it shows how the ideas motivating these reforms journeyed from the writings of neoliberal intellectuals into government and became the centrepiece of a plan to abolish significant parts of the UK's welfare state and replace these with privatised personal pensions. Revealing a government that veered between political caution and radicalism, the book explains why this revolution failed and charts the malign legacy left by the evolutionary changes that ministers salvaged from the wreckage of their reforms. The book contributes to understanding of policy change, Thatcherism, and international neoliberalism by showing how major reforms to social security could reflect neoliberal thought and yet profoundly disappoint their architects.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2016

        Medicine, patients and the law

        Sixth edition

        by Margaret Brazier, Emma Cave, Rebecca Bennett, Simona Giordano

        Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and the law struggles to keep up. In this highly acclaimed and very accessible book, now in its sixth edition, Margaret Brazier and Emma Cave provide an incisive survey of the legal situation in areas as diverse as fertility treatment, patient consent, assisted dying, malpractice and medical privacy. The book has been fully revised and updated to cover the latest cases, from assisted dying to informed consent; legislative reform of the NHS, professional regulation and redress; European regulations on data protection and clinical trials; and legislation and policy reforms on organ donation, assisted conception and mental capacity. Essential reading for healthcare professionals, lecturers, medical and law students, this book is of relevance to all whose perusal of the daily news causes wonder, hope and consternation at the advances and limitations of medicine, patients and the law.

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