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      • Bernd Liske

        Bernd Liske, born in 1956, studied mathematics in Chemnitz and is the owner of Liske information management systems. From its founding in 1998 until May 2015, Bernd Liske was a member of the main board of BITKOM, where he worked in the defense, education and knowledge management working groups. In the course of his efforts to deal with the revelations of Edward Snowden in the NSA affair, he was expelled from BITKOM in 2015. From 1998 to 2003 he was a member of the board of the Association of Organizations and Information Systems (VOI). Bernd Liske has been dealing with socio-political issues for many years. In his analyzes and concepts, he deals with social, political and economic problems in our society in order to make contributions to maintaining Germany as a business location. His book “PRISM A Lesson for our Democracy”, published in September, grew out of this. The diversity of the topics he deals with as well as the systemic principles used for their treatment can be followed on his homepage at and on his TWITTER channels @BerndLiske, @LiskeAphorismen and @LiskeZitate. He now regards his aphorisms as an open source operating system for the analysis and design of social processes and has been using them successfully for years.

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      • Berlinica Publishing

        BERLINICA is a publishing house that brings Berlin to America. Berlinica is run by Eva Claudia Schweitzer, a book author, and a journalist for twenty-five years. Berlinica  Publishing LLC is located in New York City. It publishes everything devoted to Berlin in English and in German, from fiction to history, photo books, guide books, biographies, books about culture and architecture, cookbooks, and also movies, and music. Berlinica books are available everywhere where books are sold, in stores in the U.S. and Canada, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as online in a number of additional countries, from Brazil to England, Japan, and Australia to India.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 1988

        Attische Nächte

        Aus einem Lesebuch der Zeit des Kaisers Marc Aurel

        by Aulus Gellius, Heinz Berthold, Heinz Berthold, Heinz Berthold

        Heinz Berthold, geboren 1927 in Leipzig und verstorben 2017, studierte Klassische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Klassische Archäologie und Germanistik an der Universität Leipzig. Ab 1988 war Heinz Berthold Dozent für spätantike Religionsgeschichte und Patristik an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Heinz Berthold, geboren 1927 in Leipzig und verstorben 2017, studierte Klassische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Klassische Archäologie und Germanistik an der Universität Leipzig. Ab 1988 war Heinz Berthold Dozent für spätantike Religionsgeschichte und Patristik an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Heinz Berthold, geboren 1927 in Leipzig und verstorben 2017, studierte Klassische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Klassische Archäologie und Germanistik an der Universität Leipzig. Ab 1988 war Heinz Berthold Dozent für spätantike Religionsgeschichte und Patristik an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Eleventh-century Germany

        The Swabian chronicles

        by I. Robinson

        Three of the most important chronicles of eleventh-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the centripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. In the abbey of Reichenau Herman 'the Lame' composed a chronicle of the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-56). His pupil, Berthold of Reichenau, continued his master's work, composing a detailed account of 1076-1079 in Germany. Bernold, a clergyman of Constance, continued the work of Herman and Berthold in a text containing the fullest extant account of 1080-1100. Herman's waning enthusiasm for the monarchy and growing interest in the newly reformed papacy were intensified in Berthold's chronicle, and writing in the new context of the reformed monasteries of south-western Germany, Bernold preached total obedience to the Gregorian papacy. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2008

        Eleventh-century Germany

        The Swabian chronicles

        by Rosemary Horrox, Simon Maclean, I. Robinson

        Three of the most important chronicles of eleventh-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the centripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. In the abbey of Reichenau Herman 'the Lame' composed a chronicle of the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-56). His pupil, Berthold of Reichenau, continued his master's work, composing a detailed account of 1076-1079 in Germany. Bernold, a clergyman of Constance, continued the work of Herman and Berthold in a text containing the fullest extant account of 1080-1100. Herman's waning enthusiasm for the monarchy and growing interest in the newly reformed papacy were intensified in Berthold's chronicle, and writing in the new context of the reformed monasteries of south-western Germany, Bernold preached total obedience to the Gregorian papacy. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007

        Von der Seelenruhe

        Philosophische Schriften und Briefe

        by Seneca, Heinz Berthold, Heinz Berthold, Heinz Berthold

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2006

        Das erste Abenteuer

        Sämtliche Erzählungen 1905-1907

        by Hermann Hesse

        Die Erzählungen des dritten Bandes stammen aus Hesses 28. bis 30. Lebensjahr. Nur vier dieser Schilderungen (die Gerbersau-Geschichten »Walter Kömpff« und »Schön ist die Jugend« sowie die Schilderung einer »Fußreise im Herbst« und das Erzählfragment »Berthold«) hat er in seine Bücher aufgenommen. Die zwölf anderen fanden sich im Feuilletonteil von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Zu den bedeutsamsten von ihnen zählen die beiden lange unbekannt gebliebenen autobiographischen Gerbersau-Erzählungen »In einer kleinen Stadt« und »Hans Dierlamms Lehrzeit« sowie das heitere Bravourstück »Casanovas Bekehrung«. Die autobiographische Geschichte »Schön ist die Jugend« ist diejenige von Hesses frühen Erzählungen, die der Autor selbst am höchsten schätzte.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1984

        Hogarth: Beer Street and Gine Lane

        Lehrtafel zur britischen Volkswohlfahrt

        by Hinz, Berthold

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996

        Das Grabdenkmal Rudolfs von Schwaben

        Monument der Propaganda und Paradigma der Gattung

        by Hinz, Berthold

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        Die Entwickelung der deutschen Arbeiterkolonien.

        (Schriften des deutschen Vereins für Armenpflege und Wohlthätigkeit 3).

        by Berthold, Georg

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1973

        Die Agrarpreispolitik der DDR.

        Ziele, Mittel, Wirkungen.

        by Berthold, Theodor

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1980

        Fiktive Auslandszustellung.

        Die Fiktion der Zustellung von Hoheitsakten an im Ausland wohnende Empfänger aus verfassungsrechtlicher und völkerrechtlicher Sicht.

        by Schmitz, Berthold

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1978

        Gesetzespositivismus im Bereicherungsrecht.

        Zur Leistungskondiktion im Drei-Personen-Verhältnis.

        by Kupisch, Berthold

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