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Sue Richardson Associates Ltd (SRA Books)
SRA Books are a team of dedicated individuals who strive to help writers and business owners to produce fantastic books that not only look good but sell well and increase business for their authors. Sue Richardson is a dynamic publishing professional who together with her associates Maria Waite (publishing assistant and proofreader), Kelly Mundt (production manager), Sarah Williams (book coach and substantive editor), Mark Hobin (creative book designer), Mark Renwick (book blogsite builder) and Chantal Cooke (ace book PR) work to ensure all aspects of publishing a book are catered for to the highest standards.
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Promoted ContentMay 1998
by Elizabeth Arnim, Angelika Beck
Berlin, Sommer 1914: Die begabte junge Engländerin Christine ist für ein Jahr zur Ausbildung bei einem berühmten Geigenvirtuosen. Nach den Schüssen von Sarajevo verwandelt sich die Hauptstadt über Nacht in einen Hexenkessel hemmungsloser Kriegsbegeisterung. Für Christine wird der Aufenthalt in Berlin zum Alptraum.
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The ArtsJuly 1997Films and British national identity
From Dickens to Dad'
by Jeffrey Richards
Jeffrey Richards is a regular radio and television commentator on popular culture. Covers the period from Ealing Studios to Dad's Army. A great read. ;
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Children's & YAOctober 2021 - December 2022Eagle and the Chicken Family
by Christine Warugaba/ Peter Gitego
For many years, Mr. Eagle had been feeding on little chickens until he met a happy family of chickens... What does he do when he meets them?
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2008Destination Australia
Migration to Australia since 1901
by Eric Richards
In 1901 most Australians were loyal, white subjects of the British Empire with direct connections to Britain. Within a hundred years, following an unparalleled immigration program, its population was one of the most diverse on earth. No other country has achieved such radical social and demographic change in so short a time. Destination Australia tells the story of this extraordinary transformation. Against the odds, this change has caused minimal social disruption and tension. While immigration has generated some political and social anxieties, Australia has maintained a stable democracy and a coherent social fabric. One of the impressive achievements of this book is in explaining why this might be so. Eric Richards recounts the experiences of many individual migrants from all over the world, examines the dramas and challenges of officials involved in this grand experiment and ends up telling a truly remarkable story. Compelling and revealing, Destination Australia is essentially the Australian story of the twentieth century. ;
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June 2005Die fünf Gefährten und der Kampf des Tigers
Die fünf Gefährten
by Stone, Jeff / Designed von Christoph, Silvia; Übersetzt von Gallus, Christine
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March 1983Richard Wagner
Leben und Werk in Daten und Bildern. Herausgegeben von Dietrich Mack und Egon Voss
by Egon Voss, Dietrich Mack
Dietrich Mack war der erste Ehemann von Gudrun Wagner und in den 80er Jahren Pressechef der Festspiele. Mitherausgeber der Tagebücher Cosima Wagners, zeitweise Leiter des Forschungsinstituts für Musiktheater an der Universität Bayreuth, später Programmdirektor Musik und Film beim SWR. Diverse Veröffentlichungen zu Richard Wagner sind im insel taschenbuch erschienen.
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