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        October 2019

        Umarmst du mich mal?

        Das perfekte Geschenk für alle, die man lieb hat | Ein Wendebuch für Groß und Klein

        by Eoin McLaughlin, Polly Dunbar, Stefanie Jacobs

        Der Igel ist traurig. Er möchte so gerne umarmt werden, doch die anderen Tiere haben scheinbar entsetzlich Wichtiges zu tun: Der Fuchs muss dringend eine Mülltonne durchwühlen, das Eichhörnchen zählt emsig seine Nüsse, die Elster muss unbedingt gerade jetzt ein Lied singen. Ein seeehr langes Lied. Der Igel ist wohl einfach zu stachelig zum Knuddeln. Die Schildkröte ist traurig. Sie möchte so gerne umarmt werden, doch die anderen Tiere können irgendwie grade nicht: der Dachs hat klebrige Pfoten, der Hase gräbt ein sehr wichtiges Loch, und der Frosch … muss mal kurz weg. Die Schildkröte ist wohl einfach zu hart gepanzert zum Knuddeln. Doch da trifft sie den Igel … Umarmst du mich mal? erzählt vom Zauber der Berührung und davon, dass irgendwo da draußen für jeden das perfekte Gegenstück wartet – ein wunderbar warmes und liebevoll illustriertes Büchlein über kleine Tiere und sehr große Gefühle.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2010

        The Winter's Tale

        by Judith Dunbar, Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        This illuminating study of The Winter's Tale in performance in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries contributes to understanding the growth during that time of high critical esteem forwhat is now one of Shakespeare's frequently performed plays. Writing about performance as a richly collaborative living art, the author learns from and gives voice to the work of actors, directors, designers and other theatre professionals whose labor and interpretive discoveries have made it possible for audiences to experience the play's multiple potentialities in the theatre. She does this in part by citing from her interviews with directors like Trevor Nunn and Peter Hall and with actors engaged in some of the most significant twentieth-century productions of The Winter's Tale. Dunbar connects her scholarly research, including fresh use of materials in theatrical archives, to her direct experience of those productions she has able to see in performance and, at times, to see develop in rehearsal. Her in-depth analysis of selected significant twentieth-century productions, including cross-cultural productions of The Winter's Tale by the Royal Dramatic Theatre of Sweden (directed by Ingmar Bergman), and the Maly Drama Theatre of Europe, in St. Petersburg (directed by Declan Donnellan), explores how theatre artists have approached the play's most crucial theatrical and interpretive challenges. The book's last chapter, by distinguishedtheatre scholar and performance critic Carol Chillington Rutter, contributes a richly layered and highly engaging comparative analysis of eight of the most important recent British productions of the play. Dunbar makes a significant contribution to understanding The Winter's Tale which will be of great interest to scholars, teachers, and students of Shakespeare, to theatre lovers, and to all involved in productions of the play. ;

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        July 1965

        Stücke nach Stücken

        Bearbeitungen 2

        by Peter Hacks

        Wie für Berthold Brecht ist auch für Peter Hacks die Bearbeitung vorgegebener dramatischer Werke ein wichtiger, selbstständiger Teil seines Schaffens. Nach den Bearbeitungen des aristophanischen »Frieden« und des Lust- und Trauerspiels »Die Kindermörderin« von Heinrich Leopold Wagner (edition suhrkamp Band 47) legt Peter Hacks jetzt den zweiten Band seiner Stücke nach Stücken vor. »Polly«, John Gays Fortsetzung seiner berühmten »Bettleroper«, dient Hacks dazu, aus der Hauptfigur des Stückes eine positive Heldin zu machen: Polly wechselt vom Millieu der Londoner Huren und Straßenräuber in das der Neuen Welt, wo sie nicht nur ihren Ehemann Mackie Messer wiederfindet, sondern unter Pionieren und Piraten, Militärs und Freudenmädchen, Indianern und Betrügern die vertrauten Sitten ihrer Heimat. »Die schöne Helena«, von Offenbach und seinen Librettisten Meilhac und Halévy bereits aus der Homerzeit ins zweite Kaiserreich geholt, um dort Korruption und doppelbödige Moral zu attackieren, wird in der Neufassung von Hacks – einer »Operette für Schauspieler« – zu einem Hohelied der Sinnlichkeit. Das Vergnügen resultiert aus der Geschichte, wie sie vorgeführt wird: Hacks Dialog ist doppelbödig und gespickt mit zeitkritischen Anspielungen, doch verläßt er nie die Stilebene, die er selbst als »Antike der Poesie« bezeichnet.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        John Muir, Updated Edition

        by Natalie Goldstein

        From his early childhood in Dunbar, Scotland, through his wilderness wanderings in the American West, John Muir was always surrounded by natural beauty. Muir was able to use his love for nature to become a famed naturalist and advocate for wilderness preservation. His work and influence would lead to the establishment of Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Club, which began in 1892, making it the oldest environmental organization in the United States. Using Muir's own words, this eBook looks at the events that shaped his life and examines the development of his worldview, his love of nature, and his passion for preservation.

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        October 2013

        Lebe lieber unperfekt

        Anleitung zum Unvollkommensein

        by Campbell, Polly / Übersetzt von Höner, Rita

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2022

        The narrative grotesque in medieval Scottish poetry

        by Caitlin Flynn

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        Children's & YA
        February 2022

        Alles, was ich in dir sehe

        New Adult-Roman mit viel Liebe und Humor

        by Kyra Groh

        All That I See In You   All I See, All You Know, All You Have Been ...Anna, Polly and Anouk all have very different goals after graduating high school, but this does not harm their friendship. Quite the opposite: they have to stick together more tightly than ever. As there are a lot of things about life as an adult that no one has prepared them for – to not even mention their love lives! All these experiences are shared on a joint Instagram account, and each book tells the story of one of the girls.Two weeks in a luxury resort in Portugal - the perfect gift for graduation. Not for Anna, who would rather spend the summer at home with her two best friends. But because she always puts her own wishes on hold, she is now in the Algarve, lost between models and photographers. After escaping to a café, she befriends Helena, who invites her to help out on her dog farm. There, Anna meets the guy again who she bumped into at Frankfurt airport - not a good memory for both of them, as they instantly disliked each other. Fynn is not Anna‘s type at all and sees nothing more in her than a fashion doll. So, definitely not a dreamboat she could be falling for (she thinks) …• Original and modern twist on New Adult fiction – touching and an extra dose of humor• Girl power: 3 self-confident sisters as role models who stand up for themselves• Stories about first steps towards independence: Career choices, fear of the future, knowing and accepting yourself

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