Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Specialist books in the fields of pharmacy - drug information - medicine.
View Rights PortalSpecialist books in the fields of pharmacy - drug information - medicine.
View Rights PortalVandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen, Germany, has been publishing academic literature since 1735. It ranks among the oldest independent publishing houses in the world.
View Rights PortalThis book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.
This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.
This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.
In den in diesem Band enthaltenen Texten wird nicht lediglich über bestimmte Figuren und Trends der zeitgenössischen französischen Philosophie und über deren Verbindung zu Deutschland gesprochen, Waldenfels kommt es vielmehr darauf an, mit solchen französischen Autoren und Texten weiterzudenken, die ihrerseits entscheidende Anregungen der deutschsprachigen Philosophie verdanken.
As a response to the widespread social, economic and ecological malaise that is a consequence of the expansion of modernity, Fabricio Pereira da Silva gives voice to a quest that has long been a banner of the left: the yearning for a fairer, more equitable way of life, free from the modern values of individualism, exploitation and inconsequential and disproportionate economic growth, based on the recovery and re-reading of pre-capitalist ways of life. This book is driven by the urgency of a utopia that recovers the ideas of communality gestated in the global periphery to inspire another kind of future. In Search of Community presents a list of theoretical perspectives created in the so-called Global South, with the aim of overcoming a “monoculture of knowledge”. Fabricio Pereira da Silva analyzes Mariátegui's Indo-American socialism, the concepts of negritude and ubuntu, 20th century African socialisms, the idea of Good Living (sumak kawsay/suma qamaña) and Bhutan's gross internal happiness. By “illustrating the richness of proposals from the periphery”, the author offers us other theoretical resources, capable of dealing with the “crisis of modernity, the crisis of Western Marxism and socialist projects in a modernist key”.
»Versprechen auf Deutsch« bietet die erweiterte Version der Rede, die Peter Sloterdijk in einer Matinee der Münchner Kammerspiele am Sonntag, dem 10. Dezember 1989, gehalten hat. Es versteht sich von selbst, daß die dramatischen Vorgänge des November 1989 den Bezugsrahmen für sämtliche Aussagen des vorliegenden Textes bilden. Die aktuellen Ergebnisse haben es unvermeidlich gemacht, diese Rede »über« das eigene Land als Rede »an« die deutsche Nation vorzutragen. Eine solche Adressierung folgt nicht so sehr dem fragwürdigen rhetorischen Vorbild Fichtes; sie ergibt sich vielmehr aus den Überlegungen des Autors über den Zusammenhang zwischen Sprache und Nationalität. Die historischen Umstände von 1989 sind nicht weniger bemerkenswert als die von 1808. Aber es liegt heute in der Natur der Sache, daß man sich »an« die Angehörigen einer wieder unruhig gewordenen Nation wenden muß, um etwas »über« die zu sagen.