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        Computing & IT
        March 2024

        The seven veils of privacy

        by Kieron O'Hara

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2008

        Democratising Conservative leadership selection

        From grey suits to grass roots

        by Andrew Denham, Kieron O'Hara

        Democratising Conservative leadership selection traces the effects of democracy on the British Conservative Party, specifically looking at how changes in the ways the Conservatives elect their leaders have altered their mandate to lead. The book includes analysis of the original undemocratic 'system' whereby a leader 'emerged' from a shadowy process of consultation, and of the six elections between 1965 and 1997 where the parliamentary Conservative Party alone chose the Party leader. This historical perspective is followed by in-depth analysis of the three contests since 2001 that have taken place under the 'Hague rules', according to which ordinary Party members have the final say. This is the most comprehensive account yet published of the operation of those rules on the Conservative Party and the legitimacy of its leadership, and of the 2005 election of David Cameron. This book will be essential reading for students, academic specialists and anyone interested in the recent history and contemporary practice of British Conservatism. ;

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        The Arts
        June 2021

        Claire Denis

        by Martine Beugnet

        Claire Denis is one of France's most acclaimed and original filmmakers. Since her remarkable debut success with 'Chocolat' (1986), she has produced an impressive series of features which have been intriguing, visually striking, and often highly controversial (including 'Beau Travail' (2000) and 'Trouble Every Day' (2001)). Beugnet provides a thematic and stylistic framework within which to consider Denis' work, as well as a comprehensive analysis of individual films. She highlights the resonance of Denis' films in relation to ongoing debates about French national identity and culture, and issues of postcolonial identity, alienation and transgression, as well as examining their exploration of the interface between sexuality, desire and sensuality. This is an essential introduction to Denis, and a sophisticated and illuminating study of her work to date.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        Courtship and constraint

        Rethinking the making of marriage in Tudor England

        by Diana O'Hara, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        The first study of early modern English courtship as a subject in its own right. New historical and anthropological insights into the making of marriage, and an arresting and exciting contribution to the history of the family. Takes the interpretation of the English church court material to a new level of sophistication. Explores new or neglected subjects such as the use of gifts or tokens and the role of go-betweens in English courtship. The fresh and wholly original perspectives on English courtship offered here should redirect and revitalise the history of marriage in early modern England. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2007


        Essays on modern American literature

        by David Herd

        Enthusiast! is a polemical history of American literature told from the point of view of six of its major enthusiasts. Complaining that his age was 'retrospective', Emerson injected enthusiasm into American literature as a way of making it new. 'What,' he asked, 'is a man good for without enthusiasm? and what is enthusiasm but the daring of ruin for its object?' This book takes enthusiasm to be a defining feature of American literature, showing how successive major writers - Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, Frank O'Hara and James Schuyler - have modernized and re-modeled Emerson's founding sense of enthusiasm. The book presents the writer as enthusiast, showing how enthusiasm is fundamental to the composition and the circulation of literature. Enthusiasm, it is argued, is the way literary value is passed on. Starting with a brief history of enthusiasm from Plato to Kant and Emerson, the book features chapters on each of Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, O'Hara, and Schuyler. Each chapter presents an aspect of the writer as enthusiast, the book as a whole charting the changing sense of literary enthusiasm from Romanticism to the present day. Lucidly written and combatively argued, the book will appeal to readers of American Literature or Modern Poetry, and to all those interested in the circulation of literary work. ;

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2010

        Alison Uttley: Spinner of Tales

        The authorised biography of the creator of Little Grey Rabbit

        by Denis Judd

        Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig are just two of the inspired characters created by Alison Uttley, loved by millions and still very popular today. But who was the real woman spinning enchanting tales of country life and lore, magic and friendship? Alison Uttley gathered much of the inspiration for her stories from the fond memories of her Derbyshire childhood and her love of the countryside. A talented and prolific writer, she was still producing stories in her late eighties. Yet she was often plagued by self-doubt, and extremely possessive over her close friends, family and work. Tragically, Alison's husband committed suicide before her writing successes. She soon developed a smothering relationship with her only child John, even convincing him to jilt his first fiancée and escape to Scotland - the honeymoon destination. With exclusive and unrestricted access to her personal diaries and private letters, Denis Judd paints an intriguing portrait of one of the most successful, creative and troubled children's authors of modern times. ;

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        August 2013

        Philosophische Schriften

        by Denis Diderot, Alexander Becker

        Die Aufklärung hat nicht nur die Ideen der Gleichheit und Freiheit propagiert und die sinnliche Erfahrung zur einzigen Quelle von Wissen erklärt: In Frankreich hat sie auch das Projekt des Materialismus wiederbelebt und zu einem neuen Höhepunkt geführt. Denis Diderot ist einer der radikalsten und originellsten Vertreter dieses aufklärerischen Naturalismus. Er verfolgt die Idee, dass der Mensch nichts anderes als ein Teil einer dynamischen, sich verändernden natürlichen Welt ist, mit erstaunlicher Offenheit und Lust am gedanklichen Experiment durch alle Bereiche der Philosophie hindurch. Der Band enthält die zentralen philosophischen Schriften Diderots und führt kompakt in sein Denken ein.

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        March 1992

        Die Verräter

        by Denis Diderot, Horst Günther, Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm Meyer, Horst Günther, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

        Denis Diderot (1713-1784) war ein französischer Schriftsteller und Philosoph der Aufklärung sowie einer der Herausgeber der berühmten Encyclopédie. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing wurde am 22. Januar 1729 geboren und verstarb am 15. Februar 1781. Seine Dramen und kunsttheoretischen Schriften machen ihn zu einem der bedeutendsten Dichter der deutschen Aufklärung.

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        June 2012

        Stanley Cavell

        Philosophy, literature and criticism

        by James Loxley

        Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, literature, and criticism is the first book to offer a comprehensive examination of the relationship between the celebrated philosophical work of Stanley Cavell and the discipline of literary criticism. In this volume, the editors have assembled an impressive range of interlocutors who set out to explore the shape and substance of Stanley Cavell's persistent acknowledgement of the literary as a category in which, and through which, philosophical work can be undertaken. A number of essays address his engagements with modernism, tragedy, and romanticism, while others consider Cavell's own aesthetic modes as a writer. Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, literature, and criticism will be of interest to all those who are concerned with the ways in which the reading of literature, and the practice of philosophy, might continue both to influence each other across disciplinary boundaries, and to challenge the internal topographies of those disciplines. ;

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        June 1984

        Rameaus Neffe

        Ein Dialog von Diderot. Le Neveu de Rameau. Übersetzt von Goethe. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Mit Zeichnungen von Antoine Watteau. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Horst Günther

        by Denis Diderot, Horst Günther, Antoine Watteau, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Horst Günther

        Denis Diderot (1713-1784) war ein französischer Schriftsteller und Philosoph der Aufklärung sowie einer der Herausgeber der berühmten Encyclopédie. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, am 28. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren, absolvierte ein Jurastudium und trat dann in den Regierungsdienst am Hof von Weimar ein. 1773 veröffentlichte er Götz von Berlichingen (anonym) und 1774 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Es folgte eine Vielzahl weiterer Veröffentlichungen, zu den berühmtesten zählen Italienische Reise (1816/1817), Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1798) und Faust (1808). Johann Wolfgang Goethe starb am 22. März 1832 in Weimar.

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        August 2012

        Das Collège de Sociologie


        by Denis Hollier, Horst Brühmann, Irene Albers, Stephan Moebius

        Kaum eine intellektuelle Gruppierung des 20. Jahrhunderts hat eine vergleichbare Wirkung und Faszinationskraft entfaltet wie das Collège de sociologie, das 1937 von Georges Bataille zusammen mit Roger Caillois und Michel Leiris gegründet wurde. Den Mitgliedern des Collège geht es im Anschluß an die Religionssoziologie von Durkheim und Mauss um die Etablierung einer Soziologie des Sakralen, das aus seinen religionswissenschaftlichen und ethnologischen Bezügen gelöst und für eine allgemeine Wissenschaft moderner Gesellschaften fruchtbar gemacht werden soll. Einer sich rapide individualisierenden Gesellschaft, deren atomistischer und anomischer Zustand sie besonders anfällig für faschistische Propaganda macht, setzen die Collègiens die Schaffung frei wählbarer Gemeinschaften entgegen, die durch Erfahrungen der kollektiven Ekstase, von Festen und Mythen zusammengehalten werden. Die reich kommentierte Edition von Denis Hollier hat den Diskussionszusammenhang des Collège de sociologie erstmals erschlossen und zeitlich nachvollziehbar gemacht. Zahlreiche Texte sind nur in dieser Ausgabe zugänglich; nun liegt sie erstmals in vollständiger deutscher Übersetzung vor. Editorisch bearbeitet und mit einem Nachwort von Irene Albers und Stephan Moebius.

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