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      • Springer Nature

        For over 175 years Springer Nature has been advancing discovery by providingthe best possible service to the whole research community.We help researchers uncover new ideas, makesure all the research we publish is significant, robust and stands up to objectivescrutiny, that it reaches all relevant audiences in the best possible format, and can be discovered, accessed, used, re-used and shared.Wesupport librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data; and providequality publishing support to societies. As a research publisher, Springer Nature is home to trusted brands including Springer, Nature Research, BMC, Palgrave Macmillan and Scientific American.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2004

        Wie die Naturgesetze Wirklichkeit schaffen

        Über Physik und Realität

        by Genz, Henning

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Das große Forscherbuch für Kinder

        Mit 70 Experimenten und Spielen zum Entdecken der Naturwissenschaften

        by Stuchtey, Sonja

        Kinder wollen die Welt um sich herum verstehen und sie möchten wissen, warum etwas ist, wie es ist. Dieses Buch geht den Kinderfragen des Alltags auf den Grund: Bilder und Geschichten laden zum Nachdenken ein, 70 einfache Experimente und Spiele locken die kleinen Forscher auf die richtige Spur und verständlich geschriebene Sachtexte erklären den naturwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhang. Ein Buch, das Kinder die Naturgesetze selbst entdecken und wirklich verstehen lässt.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2013


        Texte aus der zeitgenössischen Debatte

        by Barbara Vetter, Stephan Schmid

        Dispositionen sind uns aus dem Alltag wie auch aus wissenschaftlichen Erklärungen bestens vertraut. Wir wissen, dass Gläser zerbrechlich, Zuckerwürfel wasserlöslich und gewisse Menschen jähzornig sind. In der Philosophie werden Dispositionen zur Analyse verschiedenster Gegenstände herangezogen: Farben, Naturgesetze, Willensfreiheit oder Regelfolgen. Doch so vertraut und wichtig Dispositionen sind, so schwierig ist der Versuch, sie selbst zu erklären, u. a. deshalb, weil sie sich scheinbar nicht auf Beobachtbares reduzieren lassen. Seit einigen Jahren stehen sie daher im Fokus lebhafter Debatten in der Wissenschaftstheorie und der analytischen Metaphysik. Dieser Band versammelt die wichtigsten neueren Beiträge zur Metaphysik von Dispositionen, darunter solche von David Armstrong, David Lewis und Sydney Shoemaker.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        Der Leser. Das Erzählen

        Frankfurter Poetik-Vorlesungen

        by Peter Bichsel

        »Während ich Geschichten erzähle, beschäftige ich mich nicht mit der Wahrheit, sondern mit den Möglichkeiten der Wahrheit. Solange es noch Geschichten gibt, so lange gibt es noch Möglichkeiten. Deshalb basiert die Frage an den Geschichtenerzähler, ob seine Geschichte wahr sei, auf zwei Irrtümern. Der erste Irrtum: es gibt keine Geschichte, die nicht Wahrheit enthalten würde, und es gibt im Prinzip keine Erfindungen. Die menschliche Fantasie ist begrenzt durch all das, was es gibt. In der Technik nennt man das Naturgesetze; für den Geschichtenerzähler mag ich es nicht benennen. Der zweite Irrtum: Sprache kann nie wiedergeben, was eigentlich ist, sie kann Realität nur beschreiben.« Peter Bichsels fünf Vorlesungen aus dem Jahr 1982 sind eigentlich keine Vorlesungen, sondern Geschichten von Vorlesungen. Sie sind wohltuend unprätentiös und stets äußerst subtil – wie seine Geschichten. Gleichzeitig scheinen sie nur aus Abschweifungen zu bestehen, aus kleinen Geschichten, sehr amüsant und zugleich doch ernsthafte Geschichten über Literatur und über Leser. Vor allem über Leser, die Peter Bichsel liebt, egal, was sie lesen.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Thoughts determine your life, Vol. 1

        by Christian Licht

        Thinking is an art that leads us to success. What are thoughts? Where do they arise from? How do thoughts determine one’s life? Does a free will exist? How to detect promising goals?   This book will provide you with answers to all of these fundamental questions. Moreover, it submits a 10-steps approach on how to acquire the art of thinking that promotes success in life.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Thoughts determine your life, Vol. 2

        by Christian Licht

        Thoughts are energies that turn individuals into champions. How to sidestep negative effects from the external environment? Which consequences does our approach to life have on our lives? How to reinvent and alter oneself? How can thoughts alter an individual? What is the secret that can turn us into better human beings? Does it appertain to everyone to improve oneself? Why is it important to love and take care of one’s body?   This book will provide you with answers to all of these questions.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Love and Health

        by Christian Licht

        Why are we longing for love? Because it determines our lives. Everything revolves around love. Considering that love ist he energy of life and that it is dependent on our state of health whether life is more or less beautiful makes clear that the presence of love in lives is crucial to health. This book illuminates many novel issues of love, health, and their interdependencies. For instance, the significant importance of having the right attitude towards the love act as well as the consequences of a wrong attitude towards it are outlined. The causes of the emergence of cancer of the sexual organs and efficient preventive measures are presented. In addition to that, reflex zones of the primary sexual organs are delineated for the first time.

      • Science & Mathematics
        October 2019


        Die Formeln des Universums als Lösung für mehr Effizienz

        by Helmut Rasch (Albert Bright)

        World-wide-wealth and sustainability via astronomy laws for economic, sociological, ecological and sustainability solutions. We use astronomy rules to optimize (world) economic cycles (as counterpart to the first "physiocrat" and "cycle"-economist ever: Francois Quesnay (doctor), who used blood cycles to explain economic-cycles). My invention of the time formula was the breakthrough to a new "world" - also in the universe; my space formula invention based on it, led to the verification of the time and space formula itself. This was the final breakthrough against the established status quo regarding the - from now on - "obsolete" formula-fix-multipliers; the correlation of space and time (similar to Isaac Newton's correlation between gravity and centrifugal force) led to new "dimensional thinking"; the invention and relativization of "dark matter"(-formula) and "dark energy"(-formula) clarified the "remaining" 95% of the secrets of the universe (Einstein's focus on matter and its "environment" (energy, gravity, . ...) explain only 5% of the universe); Also my invention of a new formula for the universe, the "Dynamic Relativity", relativizes the previously valid formulas of Albert Einstein. The application of the laws of astronomy to economics, sociology, ecology and sustainability relativizes the current approaches in these areas (optimizations are, among others, the approaches of Maslow's pyramid of needs - and up to the approaches of the 17 SDG's "Sustainable Development Goals" of the UN "United Nations" - the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations). All formulas and models have been classified and deposited for use as "scientific reference books" with the British Library and VG-WORT (Patent Office sub-organisation) - as well as submitted to the Nobel Prize Committees. All the theories are well suited to solving the most acute challenges regarding lack of demand; bad banks; speculative bubbles; debt bubbles; money, currency and interest rate bubbles; trade restrictions; (trade) wars; sustainability issues; Industry 4.0 - the employment problem of replacing jobs with machines; developing countries & poverty diabolical circles; and demographic change. The first German books are: (1.) AstronZeitOnomie, ISBN 978-3-7439-0186-5 with, among other things, the invented time formula, a new economic system, as well as an optimized asset/income system (LAZEB: Life-Work-TimeUnit-BONUS - based on the birth-life-energy of the stars) and a better currency system (TEMPUS - based on LAZEB); (2. ) AstronRaumOnomy, ISBN 978-3-7497-1696-8 with the invented space and "dark matter" formulas, and a better peace and liberty system; and (3.) AstronEfficiencyOnomy, ISBN 978-3-7497-9467-6 with the invented formulas of "Dynamic Relativity" and "Dark Energy", and a strong focus on efficiency aspects in astronomy and economics, which also serve peace and sustainability. These books can be ordered everywhere - also at . © Albert Bright

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Schleichend an die Macht

        Wie die Neue Rechte Geschichte instrumentalisiert, um Deutungshoheit über unsere Zukunft zu erlangen

        by Andreas Audretsch/Claudia Gatzka (Hg)

        Slinking Into Power How the New Right is Instrumentalizing History to Gain Interpretational Sovereignty over Our Future   The New Right’s culture war A European perspective from renowned experts Contributions from Andreas Audretsch, Claudia Gatzka, Paul Jürgensen, Jürgen Kocka, Markus Linden, Stephan Ozsváth, Hedwig Richter   The New Right is striving for power within Europe. One of its strongest strategies: the instrumentalizing of history to secure its perspective in the minds of people. Myths about nations, their heroes and their struggles for independence are being leveraged to make nationalism and ethnocentric thinking socially acceptable again. What this indicates is that we need to battle for the past so that the liberal basis of our society can have a future. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany party evokes over a millenia of glorious German culture. Matteo Salvini in Italy is stylizing himself in the tradition of his country’s freedom fighters. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán wants to lead his nation back to its “historical greatness.” And even in the midst of the Corona crisis, the New Right is promoting the concept of a nationalistic renaissance as a solution. The populist illusion of “pure” homogenous societies is supposed to emerge as the future’s political consensus. This book analyzes the New Right’s strategies across Europe and also functions as a call to politicians and scholars, teachers and civil servants, to stand up to the misuse of the historical narrative.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2022

        The Code of Life

        All about genes, DNA, genetic engineering and why you are the way you are

        by Carla Häfner/Mieke Scheier

        Understanding the mystery of DNA Why do children look like their parents? Why are some people blond and others brunette, and where do we get our eye colour from? This book explains genetic theory, what genes are, why DNA plays an important role and what all these insights have to do with a curious monk. An exciting journey through the history of science, present-day genetic research and engineering and right through to the question of identity – because who would have thought how much of our personality is defined by our genes and how interesting genes can be? A book in pace with the times: it covers CRISPR and also explains how inoculation with mRna vaccines against coronavirus works.

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