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        Dedicated to transferring, both to the scientific community and to society as a whole, all the knowledge generated by the International Center for Research in the Spanish Language around the origins and history of Spanish and its literature.

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      • Editorial Milenio

        Editorial Milenio was created in 1996. I has edited about 700 works organised in twenty collections. The objective is a commitment to quality and the creation of an editorial catalogue with its own identity to reach a readership as wide as possible.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Silver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock

        by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit

        The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Hey, Milla!

        Mein geniales Glücksgeheimnis

        by Katharina Schöde

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Zauberhafte Mädchengeschichten für Erstleser. Von mutigen Prinzessinnen, lustigen Zaubersprüchen und magischen Tieren

        Der Bücherbär. Sammelband. Mit Silbentrennung zum leichteren Lesenlernen

        by Koenig, Christina; Pantermüller, Alice; Röhrig, Volkmar

        Prinzessin Safira bekommt ein tolles Geschenk: das Chamäleon Lucky. Gemeinsam machen die beiden fortan das königliche Schloss unsicher. Die kleine Hexe Selma kennt sich bestens aus mit Zaubersprüchen - meistens jedenfalls. Und deshalb wird es ihr niemals langweilig. Milla nimmt ihre magischen Tiere mit in die Schule und sorgt damit für jede Menge Aufregung. Neun lustige Geschichten mit jeder Menge Magie - ideal für Leseanfänger, denen das Erfassen der Wörter dank der Silbentrennung noch leichter fällt.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2014

        Milla im magischen Garten

        Der Bücherbär: Eine Geschichte für Erstleser

        by Pantermüller, Alice / Illustriert von Kohl, Daniela

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2020

        Silberflut (2). Die Verschollenen von Ray’s Rock

        by Falkner, Alex

        Pass auf! Denn die Silberflut erwischt auch dich! Keine Rettung weit und breit! Eddie, Milla und die anderen sitzen auf Ray’s Rock fest - mehr denn je, nachdem der Kampf um das Motorboot unwiederbringlich verloren ist. Die Geschehnisse auf der Insel werden immer unheimlicher: Seltsame Lichter flackern durch die Nacht und wilde Tiere scheinen auf ihren nächtlichen Streifzügen engere Kreise um das Camp zu ziehen. Als auch noch Eddies bester Kumpel Nick verschwindet, wird klar: Auf Ray’s Rock ist keiner von ihnen sicher … Der zweite und finale Band der „Silberflut“-Dilogie: Ein gefährliches Abenteuer mit spannenden Twists und Gruselfaktor. Für alle Leser von Survival- und Abenteuergeschichten ab 10. Rasantes Lesefutter für Jungen und Mädchen, für Outdoor-Kids und alle, die es noch werden wollen! Die Bücher der „Silberflut“-Dilogie: Band 1: „Das Geheimnis von Ray’s Rock“ Band 2: „Die Verschollenen von Ray’s Rock“

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2015

        Millas magischer Schultag

        Lustige Schulgeschichten. Der Bücherbär: Allererstes Lesen

        by Pantermüller, Alice / Illustriert von Kohl, Daniela

      • November 2019

        Seguridad y salud en el trabajo para pymes según la Norma ISO 45001

        by Sonia Cienfuegos Gayo, Yolanda Millas Alonso

        Full of examples and proposals, it is a book that truly helps SMEs who want to establish safe and healthy workplaces. It guides SMEs to facilitate the implementation of a health and safety management system according to ISO 45001, taking into account that each organization, depending on its characteristics, has different resources.

      • September 2016


        El talismán del yemení

        by Reyes Puerta, Sergio

        In the year 825 A.C., Abderraman II, the Emir of Cordoba, ordered the construction of Madina Mursiyya, the actual city of Murcia. Not many years before, a little boy called Omar, witness to one of the turning points that would spark off a bloody civil war in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, finds and secretly hides a pendant that will later disclose its power and significance. Always in the company of the aforementioned talisman, which belonged to the Yemeni man murdered next to the river Sangonera, Omar will be forced to act as a spy amid the fratricidal conflict if he wants to save his father from the unfair fate that abides him, shake off the yoke of his stepbrothers and recover his beloved from the grip of the emir and his favourite eunuch. For those purposes, he will have to get involved in the foundation of the city and at the same time confront, with the help of those who should have been his natural enemies, a number of intriguing characters who should have been his allies all through an extraordinary plot full of magic, innocence and adventures.   En el 825 d.C. el emir de Córdoba, Abderramán II, ordenó la fundación de la ciudad de Mursiyya, la actual Murcia. Pocos años antes el pequeño Omar, testigo de uno de los decisivos sucesos que incitarían una cruenta guerra civil en el sureste de la península ibérica, encuentra y esconde un colgante que más tarde revelaría su poder e importancia. Acompañado de dicho talismán, propiedad del Yemení asesinado junto al río Sangonera, Omar deberá actuar como espía en el fraticida conflicto si quiere salvar a su padre de su injusto destino, liberarse del yugo de sus hermanastros y recuperar a su amada de las garras del emir y de su eunuco predilecto. Para ello deberá colaborar en la fundación de la ciudad sin dejar de enfrentarse, con la ayuda de los que deberían haber sido sus enemigos naturales, a intrigantes personajes de su propia facción en una insólita historia llena de magia, inocencia y aventuras. La sorprendente novela en la que la vida de nuestro entrañable protagonista Omar se entreteje con la de cerca de un centenar de personajes reales de los siglos IX y anteriores, y con la Historia de Murcia, su huerta y el resto de la antigua cora de Tudmir (Región de Murcia, Alicante, y parte de Almería y Albacete), y la del resto de al Andalus.

      • People & places (Children's/YA)

        The Boy Who Touched the Stars / El niño que alcanzó las estrellas

        by José M. Hernández (author), Steven James Petruccio (illustrator)

        This autobiographical, bilingual picture book recounts the author’s rise from migrant farm worker to astronaut!

      • 2022

        Una balada del mar del norte

        by Raimon Portell

        THE ADVENTURE OF A BOY WHO SURVIVES BY INTUITION AS HE CAN’T REMEMBER WHO HE IS, WHAT HE KNOWS, WHERE HE HAS TO GO AND EVEN SO KEEPS GOING TO FIND THE TRUTH. "Stil looks out over the North Sea from the top of a dune. What is he doing there? He doesn’t know himself. In fact, his memory barely reaches back to the moment he woke up in a strange house, inside a body that refused to respond. He does not remember who he was before, what he had done, or even what his name was." An innovative literary venture that allows the reader to choose the path they wish to follow to discover the truth.

      • Like Me

        by Emmi-Liia Sjöholm

        An unabashedly open and frank novel about growing into womanhood and becoming a mother. A dazzling autofictional debut for the new generation.   Emmi-Liia Sjöholm writes about her own life, including sex, the need the please others, and the struggle to assert one’s independence, with perfect clarity. The story resonates on several levels, and the book is a brutally honest description of real life where one’s past is always present: having an abortion at the age of fourteen, becoming a stepmother in her twenties, love, lust, having a child, searching for a woman’s place in the world, and eventually finding yourself.   Candid yet firmly rooted on the ground, there is a lot to read between the lines. This is prose you feel and breathe rather than just read.

      • Children's & YA


        by Ana Roux

        The Atlantic Ocean, 1805. Thousands of metres above thesea, the British and Napoleonic air forces battle it out to takecontrol of Europe. The ship Lionheart is under the commandof Captain Fellowes. Following a tough battle, Lionheartmakes a landing on an island populated by castaways, amongthem the captain’s daughter, Ellen. Far from civilisation, shehas discovered freedom. Both groups agree to work together,overcoming their differences, surviving pirate attacks andreturning to England. But the foundations of this alliancebegin to crack when a strange murder changes everything.Lionheart is the first exciting volume in a two-part series setin the 19th century, but not as we know it: boats can fly andmagic impregnates every echelon of society. And with moreat stake than just an empire, secrets can be dangerous.

      • Historical fiction
        September 2019

        Nigrinus. The condemnation of memory

        by Xavier N. Cervera

        The greatest Roman of his time, Marco Cornelio Nigrino Curiacio Materno, suffers the damnatio memoriae (the condemnation of memory) for posing a threat to Trajan aspirations, the other candidate to Caesar’s chair. Nigrino carved the most brilliant military career of his time, became the most awarded general, was named consul and ruled the Aquitaine, Moesia, and Syria provinces. However, the emperor Nerva is forced to choose Trajan as his successor. The chance of a civil war disappears with a quick movement that leads to the cessation of Nigrino, his forced exile and the prohibition of mentioning his name. Nigrino and his family, from Edeta, fought to keep their memory alive no matter how regardless of the difficulties imposed by those who saw their disgrace as a chance to inherit their influences and great fortune. Historical novel thoroughly set in the 1st century, retrieving the character of one of the most important personalities of our history, forgotten during nearly twenty centuries. The Edetan Marco Cornelio Nigrino, condemned to memory due to his rivalry with Trajan to gain Caesar’s chair.



        by H. A. RIQUELME

        Tres meses después de la batalla de Santa Fe, la Justicia se obsesiona con los bandidos que se atrevieron a desafiar el sistema. El comandante Araya, militar ambicioso y oportunista, será el implacablepersecutor del Flaco, a quien acorrala hasta obligarlo a cumplir un trato a cambio de su libertad. Así es como nuestro forajido se ve enfrentado a una misión que lo cambiará para siempre; dar caza a uno de los personajes más peligrosos del bandidaje rural chileno. Las quebradas y sierras del Maule constituyen un escenario perfecto para una historia de traiciones, persecuciones y decisiones que traerán grandes consecuencias para la vida del hombre sin nombre. Entre tus manos, tienes un western chileno que rescata y revive la historia salvaje e indomable de nuestro país. ¿Estás listo para la aventura?

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