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Series of the National Zoological Museum of China for Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: Invertebrates
by Mengkai Bayier
A concise introduction to biology is provided by the author, Mr. Mengkai Bayier, who is in charge of the management of the collection of invertebrates at the museum. Most chapters in this book are supposed to focus on basic features of invertebrates. 内容简介 无脊椎动物(Invertebrata) 是背侧没有脊柱的动物,其种类数占动物总种类数的95%。它们是动物的原始形式。无脊椎动物在我们的生活中非常常见,大到大王乌贼,小到寄生蛔虫,但我们对它们了解多少呢?它们怎样影响着人类的生活?本书将为读者展示庞大的无脊椎动物世界。