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View Rights PortalLIELS UN MAZS is an independent, family-owned publishing house founded in 2004, based in Rīga, Latvia. Since the very beginning, our focus has been on publishing contemporary picture books and quality fiction created by the most talented Latvian writers and illustrators. In 2020, for the third year in a row, we have been shortlisted for the Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year for Europe. We also publish a list of thoughtfully selected translations from the best children’s authors.
View Rights PortalSophie is teased by her classmates because of her condition: her skin looks different; she has flaky, red patches. That’s why her classmates only call her “Flake”. Sophie is often sad and doesn’t feel like she belongs. She is afraid to tell her classmates about her illness. One day, Lennart makes friends with her after his mom, a doctor, tells him about neurodermatitis. Sophie realizes how important it is that other people know about her illness and has an idea: together with Lennart she wants to talk about it to the children in her class during a school lesson (“Mission Flake”). This book helps children who suffer from atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) to learn more about the condition and the best way for them to cope with it. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who sufferfrom atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis)• parents and relatives• teachers• therapists
The image many people have of depression is devastating - a chronic condition that leaves not only the sufferer but also their loved ones at a loss. Unfortunately, psychotherapies often focus on deficits rather than individual strengths and resources. Although this makes patients feel understood, there is a risk that they will become stuck in the role of victim. But what about those who seem to be functioning normally, those who masterfully hide their depression behind a smile? High-functioning depression" is often overlooked because people affected by it have good coping strategies to deal with everyday life. In this groundbreaking book, Dr Michelle Hildebrandt, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, shows how high-functioning depression can be recognised and how resource-oriented therapy can help not only those affected, but also other people with depression and their relatives. This book broadens the picture of depression and creates a space of hope.
Mazen, a young boy, is one day surprised by their neighbor Bassam shouting with anger in the street “My parking spot is a red line!” Does this mean he plans to paint the street red, asks Mazen to his mother? The mother explains to Mazen that what Bassam means is simply that no one is to park in his place. The notion is still vague to Mazen: Why red? Does it have anything to do with red traffic lights? The mother tries again “When something is a red line, it means that it is off limits to others”. In this illustrated album, Samar Barraj boldly addresses the delicate issue of child sexual abuse. Acknowledging the complexity of the boundary it tackles, the book determines it through examples the mother and child raise in their conversation. Mazen’s spontaneous remarks and comments point out the difficulty of defining this red line, and make of the book a realistic example of such a conversation. The illustrations develop the notion further, by representing situations in which the red line might be crossed – one may be on his bicycle, at his computer, or approached by a respectable-looking old man in the street. The body parts are not named, but are represented in a naïve drawing Mazen made, though the text insists on the importance of preserving the body as a whole. The colorful images and constant presence of the mother and parents make of the book a reassuring experience despite the gravity of the topic.
Mira dreams about the sea, but it is so far away! One day an unusual guest visits her, and suddenly Mira begins an unexpected journey. Will it be adventurous? What will happen to Mira on the way? Will she manage to reach the sea? This bilingual Ukrainian-English picturebook tells a story of friendship, imagination, and what happens when one faces life's exciting and sometimes uneasy dilemmas. from 3 to 6 years, 1160 words (Ukrainian and English). Rightsholders: Oksana Luchchevska,
Unglaublich! Mira malt zwei Monster und die hüpfen plötzlich quicklebendig durchs Klassenzimmer. „Das sind Geheuer und Getüm!“, ruft Oskar. Im Nu verbreiten die beiden nichts als Unsinn. Doch sie suchen auch etwas ganz Bestimmtes - etwas, das sie zu richtigen Monstern werden lässt. Zum Glück haben Mira und Oskar eine unheimlich gute Idee … Eine Geschichte über den Zauber von Wörtern und Buchstaben
Lara Croft, die Heldin des Computerspiels »Tomb Raider«, ist in kurzer Zeit zu einem »Cultural icon« geworden. Sie ist Traum-Frau und weibliche Heldin, Pin-up-Girl und »Grrl« in einem. Damit bedient sie männliche ebenso wie weibliche Ermächtigungsphantasien. Doch statt die hierarchische Geschlechterordnung zu unterlaufen, befördert der Kult um Lara Croft einen Prozeß, der als »Medialisierung« der Körper beschrieben werden kann und der die dualistische Geschlechtermetaphysik auf einem höheren Level auferstehen läßt. Welche Bedeutungsverschiebung durchläuft der Begriff des Geschlechtlichen im Zuge seiner Virtualisierung? Die Autorin nähert sich dieser Frage entlang einer Analyse der Entstehungs- und der Wirkungsgeschichte des Phänomens Lara Croft.
What on Earth am I? is Lara Salomon's and Megan Bird's first children's book together, investigating complex topics, like identity, diversity, and existentialism, for kids. It is a wonderful picture book for children with more questions than answers about the world. The book follows a young child’s over-active imagination, which often leaves them confused as to what kind of creature they are. They try their very best to discover the answer by recalling the many creatures that they've read about in their storybooks and fairytales. "I've been reading all these stories, and they've got me quite confused. Because they feature all these creatures, and I'm really not amused."
The health market seems to have been unleashed, more and more actors, indications, methods compete for attention. Dr. Michelle Hildebrandt shows how companies, but also doctors and alternative medicine are “catching” patients out of economic interests – and how we are happy to put up with that. So more and more people are being treated unnecessarily or incorrectly with medicine and therapies, while at the same time rogue providers are propagating sometimes dangerous methods instead of calling for life-saving diagnostics. Knowledge is needed in order for patients to overcome their self-inflicted immaturity. Michelle Hildebrandt‘s book makes an important contribution to this.
Linn lives in the land of lights. Everyone who lives there carries a light within them that changes color depending on how he/she feels. Lately, Linn’s parents have been arguing a lot and her school grades are going down. Linn goes out less and less, and she spends a lot of time alone in her room. Her inner light is almost always only grey. She can also no longer see all the beautiful colors. With the help of her teacher, her parents, Mr. Fire-Eater and her friend, Linn gradually manages to take off the grey cloak. This means there are once again days when the light shines very brightly within her and she can feel all the colors clearly. This book aims to help children affected by depression understand their current situation. It shows them they are not alone and how they can overcome their depression. The book provides important information on this topic for children, their parents, siblings, and therapists as well as practical tasks and exercises. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12) who suffer fromdepression• parents• relatives• therapists
In one of the first monographs of its kind to focus on the aesthetic and emotional impact of lighting in cinema, Lara Thompson looks at the way light informs the cinematic experience, from constructing star identities, sculpting natural light and creating imaginary worlds, to the seductive power of darkness, fading representations of the past and arresting twilight encounters. This groundbreaking and accessible introductory study offers a unique insight into the way illumination has transcended its diffuse functional boundaries and been elevated to a position of narrative and emotional importance, transforming it from an unobtrusive element of film style to an expressive and essential component. It includes analyses of over fifty renowned international films, discussed in inventive and illuminating combinations, from cinema's earliest moments to its most recent digital manifestations, and is essential reading for all those who want to understand what film light means and how it makes us feel. ;
Die Kleinsten entdecken die Welt – eine bunte Reise durch die Urzeit. Der kleine Langhals erlebt sein erstes Abenteuer und lernt dabei die anderen Dinosaurier kennen. Manche haben Hörner, manche können fliegen, manche schwimmen und wieder andere können richtig schnell rennen. Und manche Dinos sehen sogar ein bisschen gefährlich aus, auch wenn sie nur Pflanzen fressen. „Was kann ich besonders gut?“ fragt das Dino-Baby seine Mama, nachdem es all die anderen Urzeittiere getroffen hat. Na klar, mit seinem langen Hals kommt es an die leckersten Blätter heran. Denn die hängen ja bekanntlich weiter oben an Bäumen und Sträuchern. Zauberhafte Reime! Eine Pappbilderbuch-Geschichte aus der Welt der Dinos. So faszinierend, diese Dinosaurier! Urzeit-Abenteuer für kleine Entdecker*innen ab 2 Jahren. Schau nur, wie viele Dinos sich im Buch tummeln! Und alle sind verschieden – so wie wir Menschen. Liebevolle Reime wecken die Lust aufs Erkunden der Welt, stärken das Selbstbewusstsein und machen Mut für den Umgang mit anderen. Einzigartige Optik: Bebildert mit traumhaft schönen Aquarell-Illustrationen der bekannten Lettering-Künstlerin und Illustratorin Frau Annika. Nachhaltig produziert, schont Ressourcen und die Umwelt.
Tim, who with Annika and Malte has qualified for the second round, is confronted with the biggest challenge of his running career: he, his friends and their arch rivals Jeremy, Darius and Vanessa must form a team that will perform perfectly together. How well they succeed will be judged by millions of spectators, because every moment of this competition will be broadcast live by the media company Global Games. The decision as to who wins has long since ceased to be a matter of ability. Whether the prize is worth the challenge is open to question.
Tim is one of them. A runner full of passion, ready to go beyond the limits. When one day he gets a letter from GlobalGames he doesn’t hesitate to accept the challenge for a second. 7 caches have been hidden in 7 locations. 100 young people are chasing after them. Each one against the others. But Tim soon realises that he can’t do it alone. He finds an ally in the fascinating Annika, known as Sakura. But can he really trust her? Or is everyone just running for themselves after all? Who’s ready to go the furthest to find the biggest cache in the world?