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        Food & Drink

        The Golden Book of Home Cooking

        by Food & Life Studio

        The Golden Book of Home Cooking is a beautifully printed cookbook with over 400 different approachable Chinese food recipes. The book collects recipes from the 10-year accumulation of seven food bloggers with more than 10 million followers, including Yuan Zhuzhu, Mi Tang, Xie Wanyun, Meng Xiangjian, Die Er, Liang Fengling and Cook Chen. Accompanied with audios of 419 recipes, videos of 84 recipes, and nearly 100 health tips, the book offers the first "visible and audible" grand feast to household chefs through a combination of media, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of technology and cook with love and passion.

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        November 1983

        Reise um die Welt

        by Georg Forster, Gerhard Steiner, Gerhard Steiner

        Georg Forster nahm als 17jähriger an der aufsehenerregenden zweiten Weltumsegelung (1772-1775) von James Cook teil, die in die Südsee führte. Sein 1777 publizierter Reisebericht begeisterte die Zeitgenossen. Wegweisend für alle nachfolgenden Reisebeschreibungen, fasziniert Forsters Buch durch die glanzvolle Schilderung fremder Kulturen noch heute. Die vollständige Ausgabe des epochalen Reiseberichts

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        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2010

        Alison Uttley: Spinner of Tales

        The authorised biography of the creator of Little Grey Rabbit

        by Denis Judd

        Little Grey Rabbit and Sam Pig are just two of the inspired characters created by Alison Uttley, loved by millions and still very popular today. But who was the real woman spinning enchanting tales of country life and lore, magic and friendship? Alison Uttley gathered much of the inspiration for her stories from the fond memories of her Derbyshire childhood and her love of the countryside. A talented and prolific writer, she was still producing stories in her late eighties. Yet she was often plagued by self-doubt, and extremely possessive over her close friends, family and work. Tragically, Alison's husband committed suicide before her writing successes. She soon developed a smothering relationship with her only child John, even convincing him to jilt his first fiancée and escape to Scotland - the honeymoon destination. With exclusive and unrestricted access to her personal diaries and private letters, Denis Judd paints an intriguing portrait of one of the most successful, creative and troubled children's authors of modern times. ;

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        August 2012

        Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan

        by Sabine Rahn, Andrea Offermann, James M. Barrie

        In "Klassiker zum Vorlesen. Peter Pan" von Sabine Rahn erleben die Geschwister Wendy, John und Michael eine außergewöhnliche Nacht, die ihr Leben für immer verändern wird. Peter Pan, der Junge, der niemals erwachsen wird, und seine treue Gefährtin, die Fee Tinkerbell, erscheinen in ihrem Kinderzimmer und lehren sie das Fliegen. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise ins magische Nimmerland, einem Ort, an dem die Fantasie keine Grenzen kennt. Dort treffen sie auf Meerjungfrauen, Indianer und stellen sich der Bedrohung durch den berüchtigten Piraten Captain Hook. Sabine Rahns Neuinterpretation des zeitlosen Klassikers von J.M. Barrie macht diese fantastische Geschichte zugänglich für jüngere Zuhörer, ohne dabei den Zauber und die Spannung des Originals zu verlieren.Die wundervollen Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann ergänzen die erzählte Geschichte perfekt und fangen die Atmosphäre von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner eindrucksvoll ein. Durch die kindgerechte Aufbereitung und die lebhaften Bilder wird "Peter Pan" zu einem idealen Vorlesebuch, das Kinder in die Welt der Fantasie entführt und gleichzeitig wichtige Themen wie Freundschaft, Mut und das Heranwachsen behandelt. Sabine Rahn gelingt es, die Abenteuer von Peter Pan und seinen Freunden so zu erzählen, dass sie junge Zuhörer fesseln und inspirieren. Zeitloser Klassiker neu erzählt für kleine Zuhörer, macht die Geschichte von Peter Pan zugänglich und verständlich. Lebendige und detailreiche Illustrationen von Andrea Offermann, die die Magie von Nimmerland und seiner Bewohner zum Leben erwecken. Kindgerechte Sprache und Aufbereitung, ideal für Vorlesestunden und als Einführung in die Welt der klassischen Literatur. Spannende Abenteuer und wertvolle Lehren über Freundschaft, Mut und das Erwachsenwerden, die Kinder begeistern und zum Nachdenken anregen. Hochwertige Ausgabe, die in keinem Kinderbuchregal fehlen sollte und die zu gemeinsamen Lesemomenten einlädt. Förderung der Fantasie und Kreativität bei Kindern durch die Einführung in die Welt von Peter Pan und Nimmerland. Ideales Geschenk für junge Leser*innen ab 4 Jahren und alle, die die Magie des Vorlesens schätzen.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        The Pan-African Pantheon

        by Adekeye Adebajo

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        February 2004

        Blue Note

        Die Biographie

        by Cook, Richard

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2009

        Illegitimate Power

        Bastards in Renaissance Drama

        by Alison Findlay

        In Renaissance Drama, the bastard is an extraordinarily powerful and disruptive figure. We have only to think of Caliban or of Edmund to realise the challenge presented by the illegitimate child. Drawing on a wide rage of play texts, Alison Findlay shows how illegitimacy encoded and threatened to deconstruct some of the basic tenets of patriarchal rule. She considers bastards as indicators and instigators of crises in early modern England, reading them in relation to witch craft, spiritual insecurities and social unrest in family and State. The characters discussed range from demi-devils, unnatural villains and clowns to outstanding heroic or virtuous types who challenge officially sanctioned ideas of illegitimacy. The final chapter of the book considers bastards in performance; their relationship with theatre spaces and audiences. Illegitimate voices, Findlay argues, can bring about the death of the author/father and open the text as a piece of theatre, challenging accepted notions of authority. ;

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        The Arts
        March 2005

        French cinema in the 1970s

        The echoes of May

        by Alison Smith

        This book re-examines French cinema of the 1970s. It focuses on the debates which shook French cinema, and the calls for film-makers to rethink their manner of filming, subject matter and ideals in the immediate aftermath of the student revolution of May 1968. Alison Smith examines the effect of this re-thinking across the spectrum of French production, the rise of new genres and re-formulation of older ones. Chapters investigate political thrillers, historical films, new naturalism and Utopian fantasies, dealing with a wide variety of films. A particular concern is the extent to which film-makers' ideas and intentions are contained in or contradicted by their finished work, and the gradual change in these ideas over the decade. The final chapter is a detailed study of two directors who were deeply involved in the debates and events of the 70s, William Klein and Alain Tanner, here taken as exemplary spokesmen for those changing debates as their echoes reached the cinema. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        French cinema in the 1970s

        The echoes of May

        by Alison Smith

        This book re-examines French cinema of the 1970s. It focuses on the debates which shook French cinema, and the calls for film-makers to rethink their manner of filming, subject matter and ideals in the immediate aftermath of the student revolution of May 1968. Alison Smith examines the effect of this re-thinking across the spectrum of French production, the rise of new genres and re-formulation of older ones. Chapters investigate political thrillers, historical films, new naturalism and Utopian fantasies, dealing with a wide variety of films. A particular concern is the extent to which film-makers' ideas and intentions are contained in or contradicted by their finished work, and the gradual change in these ideas over the decade. The final chapter is a detailed study of two directors who were deeply involved in the debates and events of the 70s, William Klein and Alain Tanner, here taken as exemplary spokesmen for those changing debates as their echoes reached the cinema.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Rules of Ukrainian Cooking

        by Eugenia Kuznetsova

        The Rules of Ukrainian Cooking (Cook in Sorrow) is a guide to Ukrainian cuisine written in an entertaining style of ironic ethnography. It is structured into thirty “recipes”, each exploring one aspect of the Ukrainian culinary tradition. From cooking Borsch (which is never perfect) to brewing homemade wine and hosting guests, the book provides an entertaining account of probably the most cherished aspect of Ukrainian culture. The Ultimate Guide to Ukrainian Cooking puts Ukrainian dishes in social context, offering readers insights about complicated relationship of Ukrainians with cooking, eating, their relatives and even uncovers true love to famous Kherson tomatoes, now under the Russian occupation. The book is beautifully designed and illustrated by a cohort of Ukrainian artists, who represent some of the most prominent names in Ukrainian contemporary book design.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2024

        James Baldwin Review

        by Douglas Field, Justin Joyce, Dwight McBride

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        January 1997

        Das trotzige Leben der Mary Bryant

        Die unglaubliche Geschichte einer Räuberin im 18. Jahrhundert

        by Cook, Judith / Übersetzt von Büchel, Anne

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