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        January 2016

        Embodied Communication

        by Maja Storch, Wolfgang Tschacher

        The idea that people can understand each other is based on the assumption that there is such thing as the “correct” meaning of a message that simply needs to be found. According to the theory of embodied communication, however, a message has no fixed meaning that can be extracted or deciphered. There is merely the mutually produced feeling of agreement on a linguistic form, which arises spontaneously and anew from the interaction and which is not present in the beginning. Psychologists Maja Storch and Wolfgang Tschacher have at last supplied a new theory of communication that is in line with the latest research – and that can be applied in real-life situations. In addition to a section on the theory of embodied communication, the book contains detailed practical comments and a workshop section. The practical section describes a selection of everyday situations in which communication skills are called for. The methods can be applied to promote authentic and spontaneous behavior in real life situations. Target Group: Psychologists, communication experts, trainers, coaches, managers, teachers, marketing experts, and anyone who needs to communicate effectively at work or in their private life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        A Guilty Conscience – Nuisance or Asset?

        by Maja Storch, Gerhard Roth

        A guilty conscience can be a real nuisance. There is simply no rest and you can’t just turn it off through rational thought. Psychologically, in psychotherapy, advising and coaching, a guilty conscience is one of the most persistent and difficult symptoms to pin down. Maja Storch and Gerhard Roth ask the questions: why feelings of guilt are so prolonged and how to deal with them. Gerhard Roth explains which components of the human brain, over the course of its development, give rise to a phenomenon as complex as a guilty conscience. Using three practical and easily understandable examples, Maja Storch presents a system for everyday use which can be used to get to the root of your own guilty conscience and to develop a plan for dealing with it. For:• wide audience• therapists• coaches

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Vom Wal verschluckt

        Die interessantesten Methoden, das irdische Jammertal zu verlassen

        by Doherty, Paul; Cassidy, Cody / Englisch Ueberle-Pfaff, Maja; Englisch Ueberle-Pfaff, Maja

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Natalia Ginzburg

        Eine Biographie

        by Pflug, Maja

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Träume aus Feuer


        by Winter, Maja

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2011

        Das Geheimnis der Zahnfee

        Mein LeseBilderbuch

        by Vogel, Maja von

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Der kleine Pirat und das Geheimnis des Riesenkraken

        by Vogel, Maja von

        Der kleine Pirat hat Langeweile. Nie passiert etwas Aufregendes auf hoher See. Da taucht plötzlich ein geheimnisvoller Klabautermann auf. Doch damit nicht genug: Wie aus dem Nichts braut sich plötzlich ein gewaltiger Sturm zusammen. Dahinter kann nur der fürchterliche Riesenkrake stecken. Jetzt aber Mut, kleiner Pirat! Lesen lernen für starke Kids Dieses Buch richtet sich an Kinder im Vorschulalter. Die Namenwörter wurden durch Bilder ersetzt, wodurch auch Kinder „mitlesen“ können, die das Abc noch nicht gelernt haben. Das macht neugierig und Lust auf mehr. Zusätzlich regen Rätsel am Ende des Buches zum Gespräch über die Geschichte an. Denn Kinder, die viel Gelegenheit zum Sprechen haben, lernen auch schneller lesen. - Empfohlen von Westermann - Mit Bücherbär-Figur am Lesebändchen - Der Titel ist auf gelistet

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996

        Kleiner Eingriff - grosses Trauma?

        Schwangerschaftskonflikte, Abtreibung und die seelischen Folgen

        by Langsdorff, Maja

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