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      • Kathrin Dreusicke Books

        Als Kind bereits wünschte ich mir, das Leiden durch Krankheiten mit natürlichen Produkten lindern oder sogar heilen zu können.Nach extremer jahrelanger weltweiter Recherche über verschiedene Heilmethoden bemerkte ich ein Detail: eine stark heilende Wirkung hat das Sonnenhormon Vitamin D dicht gefolgt von anderen Nährstoffen.Mein Wissen habe ich in der Folge eingesetzt für Freunde und Verwandte: mit einem unglaublichen Erfolg. Durch eine konstante und gezielte Behandlung mit Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen wurden alle Behandelten gesund ohne extra Medikamente zu benötigen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        June 2001

        Insects on Palms

        by Forrest W Howard, Robin Giblin-Davis, David Moore, Reynaldo G Abad

        Palms constitute one of the largest botanical families, and include some of the world’s most important economic plants. They are also unequalled as outdoor and indoor ornamental plants, and include many species that are essential components of the ecosystems of tropical and other warm regions. This book reviews the inter-relationships between palms and insects, emphasising the similarities in different world regions. The host plants, distribution, and bionomics of representative insects are discussed according to their feeding sites on palms (foliage, flowers, fruits, and stems) and their taxonomic groups. Host and distribution records for the most extensively represented insect families on palms are tabulated. Pest management and field techniques are also covered. This book is recommended reading for tropical biologists and agriculturalists, including entomologists, horticulturists and tropical ecologists as well as palm nursery growers, managers and enthusiasts.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2005

        Andrew Davies

        by Sarah Cardwell, Jonathan Bignell, Sarah Cardwell, Steven Peacock

        One of Britain's foremost TV practitioners, Andrew Davies is the creator of programmes such as 'A Very Peculiar Practice', 'To Serve Them All My Days', 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Othello' and 'The Way We Live Now'. Although best known for his adaptations of the work of writers such as Jane Austen and George Eliot, he has written numerous original drama series, single plays, films, stage plays and books. This volume offers a critical appraisal of Davies's work, and assesses his contribution to British television. Cardwell also explores the conventional notions of authorship and auteurism which are challenged by Davies's work. Can we identify Davies as the author of the varied texts attributed to him? If so, does an awareness of his authorial role aid our interpretation and evaluation of those texts? How does the phenomenon of adaptation affect the issue of authorship? How important is 'the author' to television? This book will appeal to both an academic readership, and to the many people who have taken pleasure in Davies's work. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2015

        Reading Robin Hood

        Content, form and reception in the outlaw myth

        by Stephen Knight, Anke Bernau

        Reading Robin Hood explores and explains stories about the mythic outlaw, who from the middle ages to the present stands up for the values of natural law and true justice. This analysis of the whole sequence of the adventures of Robin Hood first explores the medieval tradition from early poems into the long-surviving sung ballads, and also two variant Robins: the Scottish version, here named Rabbie Hood, and gentrified Robin, the exiled Earl of Huntington, now partnered by Lady Marian. The nineteenth century re-imagined medieval Robin as modern - he loved nature, Marian, England, and the rights of the ordinary man - and in novels and especially films he has developed further, into an international figure of freedom, just as Marian's role has grown in a modern feminist context. The vigour of the Robin Hood myth still reproduces itself, constantly with new forms and new meanings. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Robin Cat / Robin Cat. Hier kommt ein echter Superheld!

        by Seltmann, Christian

        Wer ist wohl der größte Held von ganz Mumpitz? Robin Cat natürlich - doch das sehen die Mitglieder der Drachenliga ganz anders. Sie fordern Robin zu einem Superhelden-Wettbewerb heraus! Ob der Kater es wohl gemeinsam mit seiner besten Freundin Marie schafft, das Rätsel um die erkältete Nixe und den erloschenen Vulkan als Erster zu lösen?

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Tea on the terrace

        by Kathleen Sheppard

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        Miles Davis

        Eine Biographie

        by Sandner, Wolfgang

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Robin Cat. Die echt katzenstarke Rettung der Minigiraffen

        by Seltmann, Christian

        Auch wenn Robin Cat am liebsten gemütlich mit seiner Gitarre am Lagerfeuer sitzt, steckt in ihm doch ein echter Abenteurer. Das beweist er seiner besten Maus - ähm, Freundin - Marie nur zu gern! Dazu hat er die allerbeste Gelegenheit, als Fanny, die Minigiraffe, seine Hilfe braucht. Robin zögert keinen Augenblick und bricht gleich auf zu einer echt katzenstarken Rettungsaktion.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Robin Cat (2). Wilde Fahrt ins Abenteuer

        by Seltmann, Christian

        Wie gut, dass Robin Cat auf der Insel Mumpitz als echter Abenteurer und größter Superheld aller Zeiten bekannt ist. Denn dort gibt es immer jemanden, der Hilfe benötigt. Zum Beispiel der kleine Seewolf, der eines Tages mutterseelenallein am Strand auftaucht. Oder die Wüstenbewohner, die nicht mehr schlafen können, weil eine geheimnisvolle Felssäule schnarchende Geräusche von sich gibt. Und selbst einen Ausflug in das schaurige Tropfsteinhöhlen-Labyrinth meistern Robin Cat und seine Freunde mit unglaublichem Heldenmut. Zur Belohnung gibt’s nach jedem Abenteuer ein Lagerfeuer mit Gitarrenmusik und Gesang: katzenstark und urgemütlich!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Die Macht der Kritik

        Soziale Kämpfe, widerständiges Wissen und Kritische Theorie

        by Robin Celikates

        Von Black Lives Matter über Fridays for Future bis zu migrantischen Protesten: In den letzten Jahren haben zahlreiche soziale Bewegungen eine radikale Kritik unserer Gegenwart formuliert und weitgehende Veränderungen eingefordert. Das in diesen Bewegungen zum Ausdruck kommende widerständige Wissen kann auch eine Theorie revitalisieren, die ihrem Anspruch auf Verankerung in den Kämpfen ihrer Zeit und dem Ziel der gesellschaftlichen Emanzipation verpflichtet bleibt. Ausgehend von verschiedenen Praktiken des Widerstands und ihrer demokratischen und epistemischen Bedeutung, entwirft Robin Celikates Perspektiven für eine Kritische Theorie der Politik der Gegenwart.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1988

        Jüdisches Leben in der DDR

        by Robin Ostow, Wolfgang Lotz

        In diesem Buch wird die erste repräsentative Umfrage über jüdisches Leben seit der Gründung der DDR vorgelegt. Die kanadische Soziologin Robin Ostow hat jüdische Männer und Frauen unterschiedlichen Alters befragt, die auf politischem, sozialem, kulturellem und religiösem Gebiet tätig sind. Die interviewten namhaften Vertreter des öffentlichen Lebens - darunter der Vorsitzende der Jüdischen Gemeinde von Ost-Berlin, Historiker, Psychotherapeuten, Philosophen, Soziologen, Sozial- und Jugendarbeiter - äußern sich hier freimütig über ihren Lebensweg, ihre Arbeit, über Geschichte und Struktur der Jüdischen Gemeinde, über ihre Erfahrungen, als Juden in der DDR zu leben.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie

        by Brennan, Sarah Rees; Wasserman, Robin; Johnson, Maureen; Clare, Cassandra

        Der Spin-off zur Bestsellerserie „Chroniken der Unterwelt“ - Action, Romantik, Spannung pur! Ohne Erinnerungen muss Simon, Clarys irdischer Freund, herausfinden, wer er eigentlich ist. Hat er das Zeug zum Helden und Dämonenjäger? Oder ist er doch der bleiche Comic-Fan, der nicht einmal die Kraft hat, eine Waffe der Nephilim richtig in der Hand zu führen? Seine Schattenjäger-Freunde Clary und Jace sind die einzigen, die alles über Simons Vergangenheit wissen. Und was sie erzählen, kann er kaum glauben: Simon hat als treuer Freund die Schattenjäger mehr als einmal aus tödlicher Gefahr gerettet. Jetzt muss er um Isabelle kämpfen, an deren Liebe er sich nicht erinnern kann, obwohl es in seinem Bauch kribbelt, wann immer Simon an sie denkt. War er wirklich mit diesem heldenhaften Mädchen zusammen - und wenn ja: Wie hat er das nur angestellt? 10 romantische und actionreiche Geschichten rund um die beliebten Heldengestalten Jace, Clary und Simon aus der Bestseller-Reihe „Chroniken der Unterwelt“. Von Kultautorin Cassandra Clare. Zu jeder Geschichte gibt es einen illustrativen Comic-Strip von Cassandra Jean. Dieser Band enthält die Episoden: Cassandra Clare/ Maureen Johnson, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (1): Willkommen in der Schattenjäger-Akademie Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (2): Der verschollene Herondale Cassandra Clare/ Maureen Johnson, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (3): Der Teufel von Whitechapel Cassandra Clare/ Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (4): Nichts als Schatten Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (5): Das Böse, das wir lieben Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (6): Könige, Fürsten, so bleich Cassandra Clare/ Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (7): Bittere Wahrheit Cassandra Clare/ Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (8):Die Feuerprobe Cassandra Clare/Sarah Rees Brennan, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (9): Zu endloser Nacht geboren Cassandra Clare/ Robin Wasserman, Legenden der Schattenjäger-Akademie (10): Die Wiederkehr der Engel

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2005

        Die Idee der Natur

        by Robin G. Collingwood, Martin Suhr, Axel Honneth

        Robin G. Collingwood zählt zu jenen großen britischen Universalgelehrten, die auf ebenso scharfsinnige wie elegante Weise die unterschiedlichsten wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen in ihren Schriften verbinden. Mit Die Idee der Natur liegt nun eines seiner Hauptwerke erstmals auf deutsch vor.Anhand der drei großen Epochen kosmologischen Denkens in Europa – der Kosmologie der Griechen, der Renaissance und der Moderne – zeichnet Collingwood die Geschichte des Naturbegriffs als eine Geschichte wachsenden Mißverstehens nach, die die zunehmende Trennung zwischen Naturwissenschaften und Philosophie dokumentiert. Diese »Kluft des Mißverstehens« muß jedoch überbrückt werden, denn sie schlägt sich in einer moralischen Korrumpierbarkeit der aus den Naturwissenschaften abgeleiteten Weltanschauungen nieder. Die Idee der Natur ist nicht nur ein Glanzstück philosophischer Literatur, sondern auch ein wichtiger Beitrag zu den aktuellen Debatten zwischen der Philosophie und den Naturwissenschaften.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2023

        The Island Book of Records Volume I


        by Neil Storey

        The Island Book of Records brings the early years of this iconic record label to life. A fifteen-year labour of love, the volumes will fully document the analogue era of Island. Offering a comprehensive archive of album cover design and photography, together with the voices of the musicians, designers, photographers, producers, studio engineers and record company personnel that worked on each project, the volumes show in unique depth the workings of the label, covering every LP. Featuring material from recent interviews and from media interviews of the time, and each including a comprehensive discography of 45s, the books are lavishly illustrated with gig adverts (very many at venues which no longer exist), concert tickets, flyers, international LP variants, labels, LP and 45 adverts and other ephemera. These LP-sized editions are a collector's dream, offering a truly unparalleled resource for those interested in music history and a perfect gift for any music lover.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        August 2018

        Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture

        by Richard A Sikora, Danny Coyne, Johannes Hallmann, Patricia Timper, Antoine Affokpon, Shamsul Bhuyian, John Bridge, J Alfonso Cabrera, Buncha Chinnasri, Biodun Claudius-Cole, Cleopas Chinheya, Amer A S Dababat, Richard F Davis, Donald W Dickson, Larry Duncan, Santhosh J Eapen, Fahiem El-Borai, Howard Ferris, Rafael Galbieri, H S Gaur, Driekie Fourie, Robin Giblin-Davis, Nalini C Gnanapragasam, David J Hunt, Charles Johnson, Natsumi Kanzaki, Hannah Wangari Karuri, Rosa Manzanilla-Lopez, Beira Hailu Meressa, Keerthi Mohotti, Sara Sánchez Moreno, Björn Niere, Juan Emilio Palomares-Rius, Rakesh Pandy, Deliang Peng, Trinh Quang Phap, Patrick Queneherve, Prabashnie Ramouthar, Philip A Roberts, Sônia Maria de Lima Salgado, Ebrahim Shokoohi, Edward Sikora, Brent S Sipes, Sonia Steenkamp, Sergei Subboten, Luc Villain

        Covering all aspects of practical plant nematology in subtropical and tropical agriculture, the third edition of this definitive global reference work is fully revised and in full colour throughout. It covers the presence, distribution, symptomology and management of all economically important plant parasitic nematodes damaging the world's major food and cash crops. This includes: rice, cereals, solanum and sweet potatoes (and other root and tuber crops), food legumes, vegetables, peanut, citrus, fruit tree crops, coconut and other palms, coffee, cocoa, tea, bananas, sugarcane, tobacco, pineapple, cotton, other tropical fibres, spices and medicinal plants. New content for this edition includes: - A chapter on nematode soil biodiversity and soil health. - Reflections on the future impact of nematodes and nematology on food security. - The importance of climate change, emerging threats, and new management technologies for large and small subsistence growers. - Significant revisions to the IPM chapter and chapters on vegetables, citrus, legumes, tuber crops, cotton, peanut and banana where major advances in nematode management have occurred. This book is highly illustrated, with up-to-date practical guidance on methods of extraction, processing and diagnosing of different plant and soil nematodes and on integrated pest management. It remains an invaluable resource for those studying and working in the area of crop protection.

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        Children's & YA
        November 2019

        Claire Malone Changes the World

        by Nadia L. King / Alisa Knatko

        Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg has captured the world’s attention as she campaigns to raise awareness of climate change and calls world leaders to account. All children can follow Greta’s lead. Claire Malone is the hero of Claire Malone Changes the World, a feisty character with boundless energy to change her world for the better. Armed with her typewriter and the determination to make a difference, Claire is an ordinary kid with an extraordinary desire to change things for the better. Writing letter after letter, Claire advocates for change. One day she notices that her local park needs upgrading and she commits wholeheartedly to the cause. This an empowering and inspiring picture book for young children but especially for girls. You will love the journey of Claire, a strong and ambitious girl, so much that you will want to read this book over and over again.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2010

        The Northern Ireland experience of conflict and agreement

        A model for export?

        by Robin Wilson

        The Northern Ireland Experience of Conflict and Agreement presents a salutary warning to the international community against the fashionable view that there is an 'Irish model' which can be exported to cauterise ethnic troubles around the globe. The book draws on extensive archive research in London and Dublin on the 1970s power-sharing experiment, and on interviews with senior officials and political figures from the two capitals-as well as reconciliation practitioners-about the negotiation and chequered implementation of the Belfast agreement. It shows how stereotyped conceptions of the problem as a product of 'ancient hatreds', allied to solutions based on Realpolitik, have failed to transform Northern Ireland from a fragile peace, following the exhaustion of protracted paramilitary campaigns, to genuine reconciliation. The book concludes with practical proposals for constitutional reforms which would favour genuine power-sharing-rather than merely sharing power out-and set Northern Ireland on the road to the 'normal', civic society its long-suffering residents desire. It will be essential reading not only for academics and postgraduates interested in ethnic conflict but also for policy-makers who confront it in practice. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Asia in Western fiction

        by Robin Winks

        Any reader who has ever visited Asia knows that the great bulk of Western-language fiction about Asian cultures turns on stereotypes. This book, a collection of essays, explores the problem of entering Asian societies through Western fiction, since this is the major port of entry for most school children, university students and most adults. In the thirteenth century, serious attempts were made to understand Asian literature for its own sake. Hau Kioou Choaan, a typical Chinese novel, was quite different from the wild and magical pseudo-Oriental tales. European perceptions of the Muslim world are centuries old, originating in medieval Christendom's encounter with Islam in the age of the Crusades. There is explicit and sustained criticism of medieval mores and values in Scott's novels set in the Middle Ages, and this is to be true of much English-language historical fiction of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Even mediocre novels take on momentary importance because of the pervasive power of India. The awesome, remote and inaccessible Himalayas inevitably became for Western writers an idealised setting for novels of magic, romance and high adventure, and for travellers' tales that read like fiction. Chinese fictions flourish in many guises. Most contemporary Hong Kong fiction reinforced corrupt mandarins, barbaric punishments and heathens. Of the novels about Japan published after 1945, two may serve to frame a discussion of Japanese behaviour as it could be observed (or imagined) by prisoners of war: Black Fountains and Three Bamboos.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Mental Health and Well-being in Animals

        by Franklin D. McMillan

        Since publication of the first edition of this book, public concern for the well-being of animals has continued to increase throughout the world. In addition, advances in research over the past decade have yielded an enormous amount of knowledge about animal mental health and wellbeing. Studies on animal stress, distress, emotions, psychological trauma, and mental disorders have brought to light insights on how to care for and treat the animal mind. The second edition is:Fully revised, expanded, and comprehensively updated with the most current knowledge about the full array of mental health issues seen in animals.Written by key opinion leaders, internationally-recognized experts and specialists.Comprehensive in its coverage, from the basic principles of mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness, through to measurement and treatment.Packed with even more practical information, wisdom and clinical tips.This book remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers. Part 1: Foundational Issues of Animal Mental Health and Well-being 1: Mental Health in Animals: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s View — Debra F. Horwitz 2: The Problems with Well-Being Terminology — Franklin D. McMillan, James W. Yeates 3: The Philosophical and Biological Evolution of Feelings in Well-being — Ian J.H. Duncan 4: The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health — Melissa Bain, C. A. Tony Buffington Part 2: The Pleasant Experiences: Mental Wellness 5: Moving Beyond a Problem-based Focus on Poor Animal Welfare Towards Creating Opportunities to Have Positive Welfare Experiences — David J. Mellor, Ngaio J. Beausoleil 6: The Mental Health and Well-being Benefits of Personal Control in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 7: Quality of Life of Animals in Veterinary Medical Practice — James W. Yeates 8: The Mental Health and Well-Being Benefits of Social Contact and Social Support in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 9: Subjective Well-being, Happiness, and Personality in Animals — Alexander Weiss, Lauren M. Robinson 10: Fostering Mental and Behavioral Wellness During Upbringing and Throughout Life — Daniel Q. Estep, Suzanne Hetts Part 3: The Unpleasant Experiences: Distress, Suffering, and Mental Illness 11: What Is Distress? A Complex Answer to a Simple Question — Franklin D. McMillan 12: Suffering, Agency, and the Bayesian Mind — Daniel M. Weary 13: Mental Illness in Animals: Diagnostic Considerations Using Selected Mental Disorders — Karen L. Overall 14: Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Psychopathology in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan Part 4: Mental Health Issues in Special Populations 15: Cognitive and Emotional Disorders in the Aging Pet — Jacqueline Wilhelmy, Gary Landsberg 16: Mental Health Issues in Farm Animals: A Music Mixing Board Model of Behavioral Characteristics Using The Panksepp Emotional System — Temple Grandin 17: Mental Health Issues in the Horse — Daniel S. Mills, Claire Ricci-Bonot, Sophie S. Hall 18: Mental Health Issues in Shelter Animals — Victoria Cussen, Pamela J. Reid 19: The Mental Health of Laboratory Animals — Carine Elkhoraibi, Amy Robinson-Junker, Gina Alvino, Larry Carbone 20: Mental Health Issues in Captive Birds — Lynne M. Seibert 21: Psychological Well-Being in Zoo Animals — David Shepherdson, Kathy Carlstead 22: Mental Health Issues in Captive Cetaceans — Lori Marino Part 5: Assessment and Management of Emotional Distress and Disorders 23: Assessing Affective States in Animals — Michael Mendl, Elizabeth S. Paul 24: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Non-Pharmacologic Methods — Pamela J. Reid 25: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Pharmacologic Methods — Sharon Crowell-Davis

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