Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
View Rights PortalWilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
View Rights PortalJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley)is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.
View Rights Portal"Die spannendsten griechischen Sagen" von Dimiter Inkiow ist eine meisterhafte Zusammenstellung von 20 der bekanntesten Geschichten aus der griechischen Mythologie, erzählt mit viel Humor und Verständnis für junge Leser. Inkiow nimmt die Leser mit auf eine fesselnde Reise durch die antike Welt, in der Götter und Helden wie Sisyphos, Kadmos und der legendäre König Midas, der alles, was er berührte, in Gold verwandelte, zum Leben erwachen. Die Geschichten sind altersgerecht aufbereitet, machen die komplexe Welt der griechischen Mythologie zugänglich und vermitteln dabei spielerisch Wissen. Wilfried Gebhardts witzige Illustrationen bereichern das Buch visuell und tragen dazu bei, die Geschichten für Kinder lebendig und greifbar zu machen. Neben den bekannten Erzählungen über Götter und Helden behandelt das Buch auch weniger bekannte Sagen und bietet damit eine umfassende Einführung in die griechische Sagenwelt. Die Geschichten über Daedalus und Ikaros, die Abenteuer des Theseus und die Geschichte von Achilles verdeutlichen die moralischen und ethischen Lehren der Antike. "Die spannendsten griechischen Sagen" ist nicht nur ein Vorlesebuch, sondern auch ein wertvoller Geschichtenschatz, der Eltern und Kinder gleichermaßen begeistert und zum gemeinsamen Entdecken und Lernen einlädt. Umfassende Sammlung von 20 spannenden und lehrreichen griechischen Sagen. Altersgerechte und humorvolle Erzählweise, die Kindern die antike Mythologie näherbringt. Reichhaltig illustriert mit witzigen Zeichnungen von Wilfried Gebhardt, die zum Entdecken einladen. Ideal für gemeinsames Lesen und Lernen, fördert die Neugier und das Interesse an Geschichte und Mythologie. Bietet eine breite Vielfalt an Geschichten, von bekannten Helden bis hin zu weniger bekannten Sagen. Spielerische Wissensvermittlung, die die Fantasie anregt und gleichzeitig bildet. Ein wertvoller Begleiter für Eltern, um mit ihren Kindern über moralische und ethische Themen zu sprechen. Perfekt als Geschenk für neugierige Kinder ab 5 Jahren, die sich für Geschichte und Mythologie interessieren.
Despite many books on plant invasions, none has focused on the role of species interactions. This book is a comprehensive overview of how plant invasions are mediated by varied species interactions and how such invasions influence this important component of biodiversity which involves the interactions (the 'glue') among a community's species. Besides highlighting relevant findings, the book digs deeply into new methodologies to understand species interactions in plant invasions and how this can improve management of invaded communities. The book covers: - Main theories/hypotheses in plant invasion ecology that invoke species interactions - Plant invasions promoted by mutualistic interactions and release from enemies - Antagonistic interactions preventing or hindering plant invasions - Consequences of plant invasions on native species interactions and ecosystem functioning - The interaction network approach to understanding plant invasions - Importance of considering species interactions in managing plant invasions Future avenues of research are highlighted in a final chapter. Table of contents Part I: Background Chapter 1: Plant invasions: the role of biotic interactions – An overview Chapter 2: The role of biotic interactions in invasion ecology: theories and hypotheses Part II: Positive and negative interactions in the soil Chapter 3: Soil biota and non-native plant invasions Part III: Mutualistic interactions that promote plant invasions Chapter 4: Pollination interactions promoting plant invasions- Chapter 5: Seed dispersal interactions promoting plant invasions Chapter 6: Ungulates as dispersal vectors of non-native plants Chapter 7: The role of plant-plant facilitation in non-native plant invasions Chapter 8: How direct and indirect non-native interactions can promote plant invasions, lead to invasional meltdown, and inform management decisions Part IV: Antagonistic interactions that hinder plant invasions Chapter 9: Biotic resistance to plant invasions Chapter 10: EICA 2.0: A general model of enemy release and defence in plant and animal invasions Chapter 11: The role of pathogens in plant invasions Chapter 12: Direct and indirect effects of herbivores influencing plant invasions Part V: Consequences of plant invasions for biotic interactions among native species Chapter 13: Impacts of non-native plants on plant-pollinator interactions Chapter 14: The effect of non-native plant invasions on seed dispersal of native plants Chapter 15: Allelopathic disruptions of biotic interactions due to non-native plants Chapter 16: Competition between native and non-native plants Chapter 17: Indirect biotic interactions between non-native plants and native plants and animals Part VI: Novel techniques and experimental approaches in the study of plant invasions Chapter 18: How a network approach has advanced the field of plant invasion ecology Chapter 19: Molecular ecology of plant-microbial interactions during invasions: progress and challenges Part VII: Biotic interactions and the management of ecosystems invaded by non-native plants Chapter 20: How can progress in the understanding of antagonistic interactions be applied to improve biological control of plant invasions? Chapter 21: Restoration of pollination interactions in communities invaded by non-native plants Chapter 22: Restoration of seed dispersal interactions in communities invaded by non-native plants Chapter 23: Multiple feedbacks due to biotic interactions across trophic levels can lead to persistent novel conditions that hinder restoration
Addiction from the supermarket The most powerful drug cartel of the 21st century sells pizzas, chocolate bars and mixed sweets. The promise: a quick and happy snack at low cost. The truth: this “food” isn’t nutritious, but is addictive and fattening, while bringing bumper profits for the investors. “Big Food” is becoming more powerful, but the costs due to the consequences of obesity now risk overwhelming global healthcare services. Obesity ranks as a killer before smoking or high blood pressure. A direct analysis of a man-made epidemic that is dominated by a few large companies and kept going by multiple profiteers. Their motto: “Teach the world to snack.”
Reporting from the front lines of the pandemic, celebrated BBC journalist Hugh Pym takes readers on a gripping journey to the heart of the UK's COVID-19 crisis. He unearths shocking revelations about the failings of the British state and the Whitehall machine, shedding light on the consequences of woeful unpreparedness and misguided policies. This hard-hitting exposé draws on untold stories from the corridors of power, providing an insider's perspective on the drama, personalities and critical decision-making processes. Going beyond individual accounts, it presents a comprehensive assessment of the UK's preparedness, lockdown measures and response strategies. A tale of resilience and devastating consequences, Unfit challenges the very foundations of the UK's response to the pandemic, leaving no stone unturned in its quest for truth. Finally, it looks ahead to ask what is in store for the future of the NHS.
Research on soldier settlement has to be set within the wider history of emigration and immigration. This book examines two parallel but complementary themes: the settlement of British soldiers in the overseas or 'white' dominions, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, between 1915 and 1930. One must place soldier settlement within the larger context of imperial migration prior to 1914 in order to elicit the changes in attitude and policy which occurred after the armistice. The book discusses the changes to Anglo-dominion relations that were consequent upon the incorporation of British ex-service personnel into several overseas soldier settlement programmes, and unravels the responses of the dominion governments to such programmes. For instance, Canadians and Australians complained about the number of ex-imperials who arrived physically unfit and unable to undertake employment of any kind. The First World War made the British government to commit itself to a free passage scheme for its ex-service personnel between 1914 and 1922. The efforts of men such as L. S. Amery who attempted to establish a landed imperial yeomanry overseas is described. Anglicisation was revived in South Africa after the second Anglo-Boer War, and politicisation of the country's soldier settlement was an integral part of the larger debate on British immigration to South Africa. The Australian experience of resettling ex-servicemen on the land after World War I came at a great social and financial cost, and New Zealand's disappointing results demonstrated the nation's vulnerability to outside economic factors.
Die im Band gesammelten Materialien sollen einen Einblick in die Grundzüge und Grundprobleme der Kierkegaardschen Philosophie geben. Der erste, historische Teil enthält – bislang auf deutsch unzugängliche – Auszüge aus zeitgenössischen Schriften, die indes nicht nur einen Eindruck von der Rezeption Kierkegaards durch die Mitwelt vermitteln, sondern auch zu seinem Verständnis beitragen sollen. Dasselbe gilt für Kierkegaards Repliken auf diese zeitgenössischen Stimmen. In kurzen Vorbemerkungen und einem eigenen Anmerkungsapparat sind den historischen Materialien Informationen beigefügt, die ihre Verarbeitung erleichtern sollen. Der zweite, systematische Teil bietet einen Querschnitt durch die philosophische Kierkegaard-Forschung der letzten 25 Jahre (außer in Deutschland insbesondere in Dänemark, Frankreich und den USA); er enthält Beiträge, die in der Regel nur schwer zugänglich sind und bei deren Auswahl es Prinzip war, den ganzen Umfang der philosophisch wichtigen Problemkreise im Kierkegaardschen Werk abzudecken.