Signature Editions
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalChangeling is a rebellious novel about creativity, youth and the raging intensity of teenage emotional life. The gripping story plunges the reader into the depths of a mystical town, a haunting and haunted place, where boundaries between the real and the otherworldly become dangerously blurred. A strange and electrifying tale of teenage disenchantment, Changeling is a work of stunning emotional force that captures the twisted complexities of family relationships and friendships, first love, and the quest for self-definition. Guided by short introductions to Baltic mythology, readers will find themselves in an urban landscape steeped in pagan and post-Soviet history.
Paul, der kleine Waschbär, und Flora, seine beste Freundin, glauben nicht an „geheime Kräfte“. Sie glauben nur an das, was sie sehen. Alles andere ist Unsinn. Und das wollen sie mit ihrer Reise beweisen. Einer Reise in die Zauberhöhle, von der sie in den alten Geschichten gehört haben.Auf dem Weg dorthin begegnen sie ihren Ängsten und einer Möglichkeit, sie zu überwinden.
Introduction: Iconism is an inspirational reference for contemporary icon, pictogram and symbol design. Divided into three sections—Visual Identity, Wayfinding and Interactive Design—these ingenious and impactful styles from designers around the world highlight the importance of effective communication in our day to day lives.