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      • Verlag Jungbrunnen

        Verlag Jungbrunnen was founded in 1923. Background was the intention to supply children who otherwise didn’t have access to books with high quality literature. Even though almost 100 years have gone by since then, the aim is still the same: Jungbrunnen produces quality picture books and novels for children and young adults from 2 to 14. Literary style and language, fantasy and craftsmanship in illustrations, universal topics which touch the souls of young people – all those elements unite to extraordinary books, which are entertaining and demanding at the same time. Young people can feel at home in them and have a chance to deal with existential questions in a protected space.

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      • Troubador Publishing Ltd.

        Troubador is an independent UK-based trade and academic publisher which also offers authors a high quality self-publishing services through its imprint Matador for fiction, non-fiction and communications.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2016

        Love with the Devil 2

        Höllisches Verlangen

        by Firefly, June

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        May 2016

        Love with the Devil 3

        Höllischer Verrat

        by Firefly, June

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        September 2015

        Love with the Devil 1

        Höllische Verführung

        by Firefly, June

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        July 2018

        White Maze

        Du bist längst mittendrin

        by Perry, June

        *** Eure schöne neue Welt ist tödlich! *** Mit einem Schlag endet Vivians sorgenfreies Leben: Ihre Mutter Sofia wurde ermordet! Die erfolgreiche Game-Entwicklerin stand kurz vor dem Release eines bahnbrechenden Computerspiels. „White Maze“ wird mit neuartigen Lucent-Kontaktlinsen gespielt - dank ihnen erleben die Spieler virtuelle Game-Welten mit allen Sinnen. Aber warum zerstörte Vivians Mutter kurz vor ihrem Tod die Prototypen der Linsen? Zusammen mit dem schulbekannten Hacker Tom will Viv den Mord an Sofia aufklären. Dazu muss Viv selbst Lucent-Linsen einsetzen und tief in die virtuelle Welt eintauchen. Doch dort ist es für den Mörder ein Leichtes, die falsche Realität nach seinen Spielregeln zu manipulieren. Kann Vivian ihren eigenen Gefühlen vertrauen, wenn alles, was sie sieht, hört, riecht und schmeckt, bloße Lüge ist?

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1987

        Henry, June und ich

        Intimes Tagebuch. Die passionierte Affäre der Anais Nin mit Henry Miller und seiner Frau June

        by Nin, Anais / Übersetzt von Stege, Gisela

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1995

        April, May und June

        by Elizabeth Arnim, Angelika Beck, Brigitte Roßbeck, Kirsten Jüngling

        Kinder bei Laune zu halten und ihre Phantasie anzuregen – vor diese Aufgabe sah sich Elizabeth von Arnim mit fünf kleinen Kindern nicht gerade selten gestellt. Die Mühelosigkeit, mit der sie ihre zahlreichen Romane schrieb, verdankt sie wohl nicht zuletzt der Übung, die sie durch Geschichtenerzählen erlangte. Mit diesem kleinen Text gibt sie gewissermaßen Einblick in ihren häuslichen Alltag. Wie stets tut sie das mit Scherz, Satire, Ironie und zuweilen tieferer Bedeutung. Elizabeth von Arnim hat mittlerweile auch ihre deutschen Leser verzaubert: Die Verfilmung des Romans ›Verzauberter April‹ und ihre Romane ›Elizabeth und ihr Garten‹, ›Elizabeth auf Rügen‹, ›Alle meine Hunde‹, ›Einsamer Sommer‹, ›Die Reisegesellschaft‹, ›Vera‹, ›Jasminhof‹ und ›Sallys Glück‹ zählen in den gebundenen wie in den Taschenbuchausgaben zu den Bestsellern des Insel Verlags. Und in der Bibliothek Suhrkamp ist erschienen: ›Der Garten der Kindheit‹.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2014

        The Protestant Orphan Society and its social significance in Ireland 1828–1940

        by June Cooper

        The Protestant Orphan Society, founded in Dublin in 1828, managed a carefully-regulated boarding-out and apprenticeship scheme. This book examines its origins, its forward-thinking policies, and particularly its investment in children's health, the part women played in the charity, opposition to its work and the development of local Protestant Orphan Societies. It argues that by the 1860s the parent body in Dublin had become one of the most well-respected nineteenth-century Protestant charities and an authority in the field of boarding out. The author uses individual case histories to explore the ways in which the charity shaped the orphans' lives and assisted widows, including the sister of Sean O'Casey, the renowned playwright, and identifies the prominent figures who supported its work such as Douglas Hyde, the first President of Ireland. This book makes valuable contributions to the history of child welfare, foster care, the family and the study of Irish Protestantism. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        The Women's Suffrage movement

        *New feminist perspectives*

        by Maroula Joannou, June Purvis

        Available in paperback for the first time, this important collection of essays illustrates the complexity, richness and diversity of the suffrage movement. Combining historical reappraisal with lively accounts of the culture of the women's suffrage movement, this volume offers a unique focus. It includes studies of the fascinating, but neglected groups that participated in the campaign: the Women's Franchise League; the Women's Freedom League; the Women's Tax Resistance League and the United Suffragists. This is accompanied by feminist research on the poetry, fiction and drama that emerged from women's struggle for the vote. In addition there are reappraisals of two leading figures in the Pankhursts' Women's Social and Political Union, an illuminating analysis of the relationship between suffrage and sexuality, and a discussion of what happened away from the metropolis, as well as of the little known campaign to extend the vote after 1918. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        Gesundheit? Ein Kinderspiel!

        Alles, was Eltern wissen müssen, damit ihr Kind gesund und rundum glücklich ist

        by Karlinder, Charlotte; Karlinder, June

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2003

        A Midsummer Night's Dream

        Second edition

        by Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        A Midsummer Night's Dream is Shakespeare's most enchanting comedy, and in the twentieth century it has become perhaps his most popular play. It contains some of Shakespeare's loveliest poetry and is one of his most complex and effective dramatic structures. After an historical survey of the Dream from Shakespeare's time through to the nineteenth century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on twentieth century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max Reinhardt, Peter Hall, Robert Lepage, and especially to Peter Brook's landmark production in 1970 and the reactions to it. Using a wealth of personal experience, as well as original promptbooks and critical reviews, Halio shows how differently but still very effectively the play may be staged, as the wide variety of plays he records. This second, enlarged edition contains three new chapters on Adrian Noble's RSC production and film, Michael Hoffman's film, and the Dream in China. Written in clear, jargon-free language, this is the only book so far in print that offers an extended study of major twentieth-century productions of the Dream in their historical context.

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