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Ediciones Uniandes / Universidad de los Andes
Ediciones Uniandes, Universidad de los Andes’s press, in Bogotá, Colombia, publishes scholarly books and music CDs, thus making available the research and arts production of professors and researchers within the university. Our aim is to consolidate a rigorous catalog with high academic and editorial standards, and to publish relevant titles while promoting collaboration with other key institutions, both in Colombia and abroad, and intercultural exchange; we also support editorial policies such as open access. Our catalog includes a wide range of topics with special emphasis on Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, but also Economics, Sciences, Management, Architecture, Design, and Medicine.
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesAugust 2020
Measuring difference, numbering normal
by Coreen McGuire, Julie Anderson
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2018
Disability in the Industrial Revolution
by David Turner, Daniel Blackie, Julie Anderson
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2016
Fools and idiots?
Intellectual disability in the Middle Ages
by Irina Metzler, Julie Anderson, Walton Schalick
Fools and idiots? is the first book devoted to the cultural history in the pre-modern period of people we now describe as having learning disabilities. Using an interdisciplinary approach, including historical semantics, medicine, natural philosophy and law, Irina Metzler considers a neglected field of social and medical history and makes an original contribution to the problem of a shifting concept such as 'idiocy'. Medieval physicians, lawyers and the schoolmen of the emerging universities wrote the texts which shaped medieval definitions of intellectual ability and its counterpart, disability. In studying such texts, which form part of our contemporary scientific and cultural heritage, we gain a better understanding of which people were considered to be intellectually disabled, and how their participation and inclusion in society differed from the situation today. This book will be required reading for anyone studying or working in disability studies, history of medicine, social history and the history of ideas. ;
Trusted PartnerMedicineFebruary 2018
Fools and idiots?
Intellectual disability in the Middle Ages
by Julie Anderson, Irina Metzler, Walton Schalick
This is the first book devoted to the cultural history in the pre-modern period of people we now describe as having learning disabilities. Using an interdisciplinary approach, including historical semantics, medicine, natural philosophy and law, it considers a neglected field of social and medical history and makes an original contribution to the problem of a shifting concept such as 'idiocy'. Medieval physicians, lawyers and the schoolmen of the emerging universities wrote the texts which shaped medieval definitions of intellectual ability and its counterpart, disability. In studying such texts, which form part of our contemporary scientific and cultural heritage, we gain a better understanding of which people were considered to be intellectually disabled and how their participation and inclusion in society differed from the situation today.
Trusted PartnerMedicineFebruary 2018
Deafness, community and culture in Britain
by Martin Atherton, Julie Anderson, Walton Schalick
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2018
Disability in the Industrial Revolution
Physical impairment in British coalmining, 1780–1880
by David M. Turner, Daniel Blackie, Julie Anderson
An electronic version of this book is also available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) license, thanks to the support of the Wellcome Trust. The Industrial Revolution produced injury, illness and disablement on a large scale and nowhere was this more visible than in coalmining. Disability in the Industrial Revolution sheds new light on the human cost of industrialisation by examining the lives and experiences of those disabled in an industry that was vital to Britain's economic growth. Although it is commonly assumed that industrialisation led to increasing marginalisation of people with impairments from the workforce, disabled mineworkers were expected to return to work wherever possible, and new medical services developed to assist in this endeavour. This book explores the working lives of disabled miners and analyses the medical, welfare and community responses to disablement in the coalfields. It shows how disability affected industrial relations and shaped the class identity of mineworkers. The book will appeal to students and academics interested in disability, occupational health and social history.
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2018
Intellectual disability
by Patrick McDonagh, Julie Anderson, C. F. Goodey, Timothy Stainton
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2016
Deafness, community and culture in Britain
by Martin Atherton, Julie Anderson, Walton Schalick, Rebecca Mortimer
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2020
Disability and the Victorians
by Iain Hutchison, Martin Atherton, Jaipreet Virdi, Julie Anderson
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2020
Disability in industrial Britain
by Mike Mantin, Steven Thompson, Kirsti Bohata, Alexandra Jones, Julie Anderson
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2016
War, disability and rehabilitation in Britain
by Julie Anderson, Bertrand Taithe, Penny Summerfield, Peter Gatrell, Max Jones, Ana Carden-Coyne
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2021
Language and imagination in the Gawain poems
by J. Anderson
This major new literary study offers a fresh view of the significance of the famous group of fourteenth-century poems, 'Pearl', 'Cleanness', 'Patience' and 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'. It is a comprehensive study which puts the poems themselves firmly at its centre, though it is always alert to relevant aspects of their literary and cultural context. John Anderson builds his discussions of the poems' ideas on an examination of the anonymous poet's superb Shakespeare-like language. He finds that the great fourteenth-century struggle, between religious and secular forces for control of men's minds, underlies all the poems. This title is the first in the new Manchester Medieval Literature series, which makes readability a priority. Accordingly, despite its wide range of reference and the radicalism of some of its leading ideas, this book is written in a jargon-free style designed to appeal to specialist, non-specialist and student readers alike.
Trusted PartnerNovember 2015
Das italienische Desaster
by Perry Anderson
Auch im sechsten Jahr der großen Krise ist Italien noch nicht wieder auf die Beine gekommen. Die Kennzahlen sind alarmierend: 44 Prozent der Italiener unter 25 Jahren haben keine Arbeit; nach 2012 und 2013 schrumpft die italienische Wirtschaft 2014 erneut. Die ökonomische fällt mit einer fundamentalen Krise der staatlichen Institutionen zusammen. Das Vertrauen in Politik und Parteien ist auf einem historischen Tiefstand, die Protestbewegung des Kabarettisten Beppe Grillo wurde bei den Parlamentswahlen zur zweitstärksten Partei; Matteo Renzi, von den Medien als Hoffnungsträger gefeiert, kungelt mit seinem skandalumwitterten Vorgänger Berlusconi und feiert den ehemaligen englischen Premierminister Tony Blair als Vorbild, obwohl dieser in seiner Heimat längst zur persona non grata geworden ist. In seinem vielbeachteten Essay präsentiert der Historiker Perry Anderson eine Chronologie des italienischen Desasters. Italien betrachtet er dabei nicht als »Anomalie innerhalb Europas, sondern als eine Art Konzentrat« der Probleme eines Kontinents, der zunehmend von Entdemokratisierung, Korruption und Wachstumsschwäche gekennzeichnet ist.
Trusted PartnerJune 2020
Private Regierung
Wie Arbeitgeber über unser Leben herrschen (und warum wir nicht darüber reden)
by Elizabeth Anderson, Karin Wördemann
Der freie Markt war einmal ein progressives Projekt, das zur Befreiung der Lohnabhängigen führen sollte – von obrigkeitsstaatlichen Strukturen und von der Gängelung durch die Arbeitgeber. Elizabeth Anderson zeigt, was aus dieser schönen Idee geworden ist: reine Ideologie in den Händen mächtiger ökonomischer Akteure, die sich wenig um die Freiheit und die Rechte von Arbeitnehmern scheren. Sie arbeitet heraus, wie sich der positive Zusammenhang zwischen freiem Markt und freiem Arbeiter aufgelöst hat, und bestimmt die gegenwärtige Beziehung zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern neu: als eine von quasi autokratisch herrschenden, privaten Regierungen und den von ihnen Regierten, die in vielerlei Hinsicht das Nachsehen haben. Eine beeindruckende Dekonstruktion eines Mythos des Marktdenkens.
Trusted PartnerLiterary studies: classical, early & medievalMarch 2005
Language and imagination in the Gawain poems
by J. J. Anderson
This major new literary study offers a fresh view of the significance of the famous group of fourteenth-century poems, 'Pearl', 'Cleanness', 'Patience' and 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'. It is a comprehensive study which puts the poems themselves firmly at its centre, though it is always alert to relevant aspects of their literary and cultural context. John Anderson builds his discussions of the poems' ideas on an examination of the anonymous poet's superb Shakespeare-like language. He finds that the great fourteenth-century struggle, between religious and secular forces for control of men's minds, underlies all the poems. This title is the first in the new Manchester Medieval Literature series, which makes readability a priority. Accordingly, despite its wide range of reference and the radicalism of some of its leading ideas, this book is written in a jargon-free style designed to appeal to specialist, non-specialist and student readers alike.
Trusted PartnerFilm, TV & radioMay 2013
Lindsay Anderson
by John Izod, Karl Magee, Kathryn Hannan, Isabelle Gourdin-Sangouard