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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Joseph Losey

        by Colin Gardner

        The career of Wisconsin-born Joseph Losey spanned over four decades and several countries. A self-proclaimed Marxist and veteran of the 1930s Soviet agit-prop theater, he collaborated with Bertholt Brecht before directing noir B-pictures in Hollywood. A victim of McCarthyism, he later crossed the Atlantic to direct a series of seminal British films such as "Time Without Pity," "Eve," "The Servant," and "The Go-Between," which mark him as one of the cinema's greatest baroque stylists. His British films reflect on exile and the outsider's view of a class-bound society in crisis through a style rooted in the European art house tradition of Resnais and Godard. Gardner employs recent methodologies from cultural studies and poststructural theory, exploring and clarifying the films' uneasy tension between class and gender, and their explorations of fractured temporality.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Death and the crown

        Ritual and politics in France before the Revolution

        by Anne Byrne

        Looking at royal ritual in pre-revolutionary France, Death and the crown examines the deathbed and funeral of Louis XV in 1774, the lit de justice of November 1774, and the coronation of Louis XVI, including the ceremony of the royal healing touch for scrofula. It reviews the state of the field in ritual studies and appraises the status of the monarchy in the 1770s, including the recall of the parlements and the many ways people engaged with royal ritual. It answers questions such as whether Louis XV died in fear of damnation, why Marie Antoinette was not crowned in 1775 and why Louis XVI's coronation was not held in Paris. This lively, accessible text is a useful tool for under- and post-graduate teaching which will also be of interest to specialists on this under-researched period.

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        April 2008

        Ein Bewußtsein von dem, was fehlt

        Eine Diskussion mit Jürgen Habermas

        by Michael Reder, Josef Schmidt, Jürgen Habermas

        Mit seiner Friedenspreisrede eröffnete Jürgen Habermas 2001 die Auseinandersetzung mit Vertretern der katholischen Kirche: Er traf sich mit Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger. Unter dem Titel "Ein Bewußtsein von dem, was fehlt" führte er nun ein Gespräch mit renommierten Philosophen der Hochschule für Philosophie der Jesuiten. Habermas betont, daß die moderne Vernunft sich selbst nur verstehen könne, wenn sie ihre Stellung zum religiösen Bewußtsein kläre. Hintergrund für seine Argumentation ist u.a. auch die Verhältnisbestimmung von Glaube und Vernunft, die Papst Benedikt XVI. in seiner Regensburger Rede formuliert hatte. Der Band versammelt den Essay sowie die Beiträge der Debatte. Die Einleitung gibt einen Überblick über Habermas’ religionsphilosophische Interventionen.

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        March 1986

        Sade. Fourier. Loyola

        by Roland Barthes, Maren Sell, Jürgen Hoch

        »Nicht aus Lust am Provozieren sind Sade, Fourier und Loyola in ein und demselben Buch zusammengestellt worden, sondern weil alle drei Klassifikatoren, Sprachbegründer waren: der verfemte Schriftsteller begründete eine Sprache des erotischen Vergnügens, der utopische Philosoph eine Sprache des sozialen Glücks und der heilige Jesuit eine Sprache der Anrufung Gottes. Zeichen erfinden und nicht, wie wir es alle tun, nur konsumieren heißt paradoxerweise in den Bereich jenes Nachhinein des Sinns einzutreten, der das signifiant darstellt, kurz, eine Schreibweise praktizieren. Daher beschäftigt sich dieses Buch auch nicht mit dem Inhalt der Schriften dieser drei Autoren (…), sondern es behandelt Sade, Fourier und Loyola als Formulierer, Erfinder von Schreibweisen, Textoperateure.« Roland Barthes

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, Alan Rice

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic brings to light the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The volume introduces new perspectives on the intellectual trajectories of well-known figures and critical activists including C. L. R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. This biographical approach brings a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced by these revolutionary figures, and on historic black radical engagements with left political movements, in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

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        January 2017

        Sport in the Black Atlantic

        Cricket, Canada and the Caribbean diaspora

        by Janelle Joseph. Series edited by John Horne

        This book outlines the ways sport helps to create transnational social fields that interconnect migrants dispersed across a region known as the Black Atlantic: England, North America and the Caribbean. Many Caribbean men's stories about their experiences migrating to Canada, settling in Toronto, finding jobs and travelling involved some contact with a cricket and social club. This book offers a unique contribution to black diaspora studies through showing sport as a means of allaying the pain of ageing in the diaspora, creating transnational social networks and marking ethnic boundaries on a local scale. The book also brings black diaspora analysis to sport research, and through a close look at what goes on before, during and after cricket matches provides insights into the dis-unities, contradictions and complexities of Afro-diasporic identity in multicultural Canada. It will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, sport studies and black diaspora studies.

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        July 2006

        Chrysantheme und Schwert

        Formen der japanischen Kultur

        by Ruth Benedict, Jobst-Mathias Spannagel, Ezra F. Vogel

        Ruth Benedict (1887-1948), die neben Margaret Mead als die einflußreichste Kulturanthropologin des 20. Jahrhunderts gilt, untersucht in dieser Studie die Persönlichkeit, die Denkmuster, das Wertesystem und die Handlungsnormen der Japaner. Sie versucht, die japanischen Prämissen über die »richtige« Lebensführung aufzuzeigen und auf welche Weise diese sich in der Familie, in Wirtschaft, Religion und Politik manifestiert haben.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2024

        The Legacy of John Polidori

        The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny

        by Sam George, Bill Hughes

        John Polidori's novella The Vampyre (1819) is perhaps 'the most influential horror story of all time' (Frayling). Polidori's story transformed the shambling, mindless monster of folklore into a sophisticated, seductive aristocrat that stalked London society rather than being confined to the hinterlands of Eastern Europe. Polidori's Lord Ruthven was thus the ancestor of the vampire as we know it. This collection explores the genesis of Polidori's vampire. It then tracks his bloodsucking progeny across the centuries and maps his disquieting legacy. Texts discussed range from the Romantic period, including the fascinating and little-known The Black Vampyre (1819), through the melodramatic vampire theatricals in the 1820s, to contemporary vampire film, paranormal romance, and science fiction. They emphasise the background of colonial revolution and racial oppression in the early nineteenth century and the cultural shifts of postmodernity.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Bede the scholar

        by Peter Darby, Máirín MacCarron

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        January 1982

        Das Joseph Conrad Buch

        Über mich selbst, Weihe, Tremolino, Idioten, Amy Foster, Das Herz der Finsternis, Taifun

        by Conrad, Joseph / Beiträge von Woolf, Virginia; Nachwort von Buchheim, Lothar G

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        The Red and the Black

        The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg

        The Russian Revolution of 1917 was not just a world-historical event in its own right, but also struck powerful blows against racism and imperialism, and so inspired many black radicals internationally. This edited collection explores the implications of the creation of the Soviet Union and the Communist International for black and colonial liberation struggles across the African diaspora. It examines the critical intellectual influence of Marxism and Bolshevism on the current of revolutionary 'black internationalism' and analyses how 'Red October' was viewed within the contested articulations of different struggles against racism and colonialism. Challenging European-centred understandings of the Russian Revolution and the global left, The Red and the Black offers new insights on the relations between Communism, various lefts and anti-colonialisms across the Black Atlantic - including Garveyism and various other strands of Pan-Africanism. The volume makes a major and original intellectual contribution by making the relations between the Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic central to debates on questions relating to racism, resistance and social change.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2004

        Subversive Spinoza

        Antonio Negri

        by Timothy S. Murphy, Gerard Greenway, Michael Hardt, Edward Stolze, Charles T. Wolfe

        In Subversive Spinoza, Antonio Negri spells out the philosophical credo that inspired his radical renewal of Marxism and his compelling analysis of the modern state and the global economy by means of an inspiring reading of the challenging metaphysics of the seventeenth-century Dutch-Jewish philosopher Spinoza. For Negri, Spinoza's philosophy has never been more relevant than it is today to debates over individuality and community, democracy and resistance, and modernity and postmodernity. This collection of essays extends, clarifies and revises the argument of Negri's influential 1981 book 'The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics' and links it directly to his recent work on constituent power, time and empire. ;

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        July 2014

        The Black Steed

        by Zhang Chengzhi

        This is a collection of works by writer Zhang Chengzhi. The Black Steed, Rivers of the North, and Golden Pastures included in this collection have already been translated into different languages. The Black Steed, through the life experience of a man leaving and returning to the countryside and through a beautiful but sad love story, reflects the choices of the Mongolian nationality in the conflict between old and new concepts and the struggle and outcry of the new generation of the grassland.

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        November 2018

        Der schwarze Mönch in Varennes. Nostradamische Posse und Divertissement über die letzten Worte des Sokrates

        by Georges Dumézil, Eva Moldenhauer

        Ludwig XVI. und Marie Antoinette wurden 1791 auf ihrer Flucht in Varennes verhaftet. Mehr als 200 Jahre zuvor hatte Nostradamus einen Vierzeiler niedergeschrieben, der bis ins kleinste Detail voraussagt, was dem königlichen Paar zustieß. Georges Dumézil (1898 bis 1986), der sich sein Leben lang mit fernen Sprachen und Kulturen beschäftigt hat, kam auf die wunderbare Idee, das Rätsel dieser merkwürdigen Übereinstimmung in einer Art Kriminalgeschichte anzugehen, in der Sherlock Holmes ganz offensichtlich von Dumézil selber gespielt wird.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022

        Death and the crown

        by Anne Byrne, Maire Cross, David Hopkin

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