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      • Robert Lecker Agency

        Robert Lecker Agency is a dynamic literary management and consulting firm devoted to securing and advancing the careers of its client authors. The Agency draws on 30 years of publishing experience to obtain profitable and fair contracts with North America’s fastest growing publishers. Robert Lecker has worked extensively in trade publishing and has an established track record as an editor, coordinator, and subsidiary rights manager. RLA specializes in books about entertainment, music, popular culture, popular science, intellectual and cultural history, food, and travel. However, we are open to any idea that is original and well presented. We are also receptive to books written by academics that can attract a broad range of readers.

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      • Editions Robert Laffont S.A.

        Founded in 1941, Éditions Robert Laffont publish works of all genres, from fiction to non-fiction.   Several collections are known by bookshops and readers alike and feature in Laffont's repertoire: "Bouquins", the library of the honest man; "Pavillons", which - since its creation - has been bringing the best of nternational literature to French shores; "Réponses" (health, psychologie, family life); "R", our collection for young adults; and "La Bête Noire" (thriller, detective and crime fiction). Countless novels, political, topical and historical documents, as well as biographies, memoires and essays make up the rest of our work. Robert Laffont publishes well-reputed French and foreign writers. Robert Laffont's objective has not changed: to remain open-minded, to surprise, to inform, to move, to entertain, and to provoke!

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2003

        A Midsummer Night's Dream

        Second edition

        by Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        A Midsummer Night's Dream is Shakespeare's most enchanting comedy, and in the twentieth century it has become perhaps his most popular play. It contains some of Shakespeare's loveliest poetry and is one of his most complex and effective dramatic structures. After an historical survey of the Dream from Shakespeare's time through to the nineteenth century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on twentieth century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max Reinhardt, Peter Hall, Robert Lepage, and especially to Peter Brook's landmark production in 1970 and the reactions to it. Using a wealth of personal experience, as well as original promptbooks and critical reviews, Halio shows how differently but still very effectively the play may be staged, as the wide variety of plays he records. This second, enlarged edition contains three new chapters on Adrian Noble's RSC production and film, Michael Hoffman's film, and the Dream in China. Written in clear, jargon-free language, this is the only book so far in print that offers an extended study of major twentieth-century productions of the Dream in their historical context.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2020

        Antony and Cleopatra

        by Carol Chillington Rutter, Jim Bulman

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        October 2008

        Robert Walser

        Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten

        by Bernhard Echte, Bernhard Echte

        Robert Walsers Biographie ist von spannender Rätselhaftigkeit. Zeit seines Lebens verlief sein Weg am Rande der literarischen und bürgerlichen Welt, so daß er in den Zeugnissen seiner Zeitgenossen kaum Niederschlag fand. Und Walser seinerseits vermied es, sein Leben irgendwie anders zu dokumentieren als in seiner Literatur. Dort aber spielt er mit seiner Biographie – phantasierend und verwandelnd, so daß die Texte von seinen Lebensumständen mehr verschweigen als verraten. In mehr als 20jähriger Forschung ist es dem Herausgeber gelungen, eine Fülle unbekannter Materialien und Bilder zusammenzutragen. Annähernd 1000 zeitgenössische Bilddokumente erlauben es, Walsers Lebenswelt in einer Nähe und Dichte kennenzulernen, wie es bislang nicht möglich war. »Sein Lebensbild wird nie komplett geschrieben werden können. Schon scheint mancher seinen Charakter zu umkleiden versucht zu haben.« Robert Walser

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Carol Reed

        by Peter William Evans

        Carol Reed is one of the truly outstanding directors of British cinema, and one whose work is long overdue for reconsideration. This major study ranges over Reed's entire career, combining observation of general trends and patterns with detailed analysis of twenty films, both acknowledged masterpieces and lesser-known works. Evans avoids a simplistic auteurist approach, placing the films in their autobiographical, socio-political and cultural contexts and relating these to the analysis of Reed's art. The critical approach combines psychoanalysis, gender theory, and the analysis of form. Archival research is also relied on to clarify Reed's relations with his creative team, financial backers and others. Films examined include Bank Holiday, A Girl Must Live, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, Night Train to Munich, The Way Ahead, Outcast of the Islands, Trapeze and Oliver!.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2004


        Second edition

        by Bernice Kliman, Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        This title explores the myriad decisions directors and actors make to produce a version of Shakespeare's play. It's full discussions of eighteen productions from the UK, Italy, Japan and the US empower readers to appreciate the many choices Shakespeare's text supports. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2019

        Julius Caesar

        by Jim Bulman, Andrew Hartley, Carol Chillington Rutter

        Julius Caesar presents a performance history of a controversial play, moving from its 1599 opening all the way into the new millennium with particular emphasis on its twentieth- and twenty-first-century incarnations on stage and screen. The book tracks the play's evolution from being a play about the oratorical skill of noble Romans to its recent manifestations as a dark political thriller. Chapters in this theoretically savvy and global study consider productions such as Orson Welles's groundbreaking examination of European Fascism, Joseph Mankeiwicz's Oscar winning 1953 film, politically complex productions at the Royal Shakespeare Company, and shows from around the world which interrogate their own cultural and educational context as well as pressing contemporary concerns such as the reach of mass media.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2002


        by Lois Potter, Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        Of all Shakespeare's tragedies, Othello, with its issues of racism, jealousy and sexual stereotyping seems most immediate to contemporary audiences. Traces Othello's acting tradition as it has affected the roles of Othello, Desdemona and Iago - demonstrating the emphasis placed on different characters in different countries. Examines various stage and screen versions of the play which reflect or challenge current views about race and gender. In depth study of famous Othello actor Paul Robeson, comparing his career to that of Ira Aldridge. The range of productions examined means that the book will appeal to all students and enthusiasts of the theatre, as well as those in the field of ethnic and cultural approaches to Shakespeare ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Robert Bresson

        by Keith Reader

        This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema.. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-seen early short Affaires publiques and his short treatise Notes on cinematography.. The films are considered in chronological order, using a perspective that draws variously on spectator theory, Catholic mysticism, gender theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis.. The major critical responses to his work, from the adulatory to the dismissive, are summarized and analyzed.. The work includes a full filmography and a critical bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        Das Leben Robert Walsers

        Eine dokumentarische Biographie

        by Robert Mächler, Robert Mächler

        »Robert Mächler hat die flüchtigen Spuren von Robert Walsers Leben so sorgfältig und verläßlich wie überhaupt gesichert. Wer Robert Walser kennen lernen will, kann sich Mächler anvertrauen. Er findet einen zuverlässigen, umsichtigen Führer und er wird angesichts dieser sachlichen Dichtervita, dieses Bildnisses eines so armen wie reichen Mannes vielleicht von Erschütterung, gewiß aber von Zuneigung und Bewunderung angerührt werden.« Jochen Greven »Mächler hat geschildert und erfaßt, was es zu erfassen gab. Peinlich und aufregend genau wird vom Biographen Kombination, Möglichkeit und Faktum nebeneinandergestellt. Es wird nichts verschwiegen aus dem verschwiegenen Leben, aus diesem lebenslangen Lebensversteck.« Karl Krolow Robert Mächler wurde 1909 in Baden/ Aargau geboren. Nach humanistischen Studien an der Universität Bern war er als Journalist und Schriftsteller tätig. Er starb 1997.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2019

        Titus Andronicus

        by Jim Bulman, Michael Friedman, Carol Chillington Rutter, Alan Dessen

        Michael D. Friedman's second edition of this stage history of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus adds an examination of twelve major theatrical productions and one film that appeared in the years 1989-2009. Friedman identifies four lines of descent in the recent performance history of the play: the stylised, realistic, darkly comic, and political approaches, which culminate in Julie Taymor's harrowing film Titus (1999). Aspects of Taymor's eclectic vision of ancient Rome under the grip of modern fascism were copied by several subsequent productions, making Titus the most characteristic, as well as the most influential, contemporary performance of the play. Friedman's work extends Alan Dessen's original study to include Taymor's film, along with chapters devoted to the efforts of international directors including Gregory Doran, Silviu Purcarete, and Yukio Ninagawa.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2006

        Robert Gernhardts Katzenbuch

        by Robert Gernhardt, Almut Gernhardt

        Von frechen, vorwitzigen, neugierigen, abenteuerlustigen, schüchternen und nachdenklichen Katzen handelt Robert Gernhardts Katzenbuch. Mit Humor und Wortwitz erzählt er von großen und kleinen Sorgen im Katzenalltag und von Abenteuern auf Samtpfoten: von Pumpis anstrengender Woche und ihrer Reise in den Süden, von ihrer Freundin Missu und deren Entdeckungstouren und von der besonderen Verantwortung des Katzenpräsidenten. Illustriert wurden diese Geschichten und Gedichte von Almut Gernhardt.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1980

        Robert Walser-Sprechplatte

        »Robert Walsers Lebenslauf, von ihm selbst erzählt«. Simon Tanners Kündigung aus dem Roman »Geschwister Tanner«. Die Erzählung »Gerner«, »Welt«, »Basta«, »Theaterbrand«, »Schneien«, »Phantasieren«. Sprecher: Gert Westphal. Zusammengestellt von Volker Mich

        by Robert Walser

        Robert Walser wurde am 15. April 1878 in Biel geboren. Er starb am 25. Dezember 1956 auf einem Spaziergang im Schnee. Nach seiner Schulzeit absolvierte er eine Banklehre und arbeitete als Commis in verschiedenen Banken und Versicherungen in Zürich. Seine ersten Gedichte, die 1898 erschienen, ließen ihn rasch zu einem Geheimtip werden und verschafften ihm den Zugang zu literarischen Kreisen. Nach Erscheinen seines ersten Buches Fritz Kochers Aufsätze folgte er 1905 seinem Bruder Karl nach Berlin, der dort als Maler und Bühnenbildner den Durchbruch erzielt hatte. In rascher Folge publizierte Walser nun seine drei Romane Geschwister Tanner (1907), Der Gehülfe (1908) und Jakob von Gunten (1909). Infolge einer psychischen Krise geriet Walser Anfang 1929 gegen seinen Willen in die Psychiatrie, deren Rahmen er nie mehr verlassen konnte. 1933 von der Berner Klinik Waldau nach Herisau verlegt, gab er das Schreiben vollständig auf und lebte dort noch 24 Jahre als vergessener anonymer Patient.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2009

        Robert Walser für Müßiggänger

        by Robert Walser, Susanne Schaber

        »Menschen, die Phantasie haben und Gebrauch davon machen, gelten leicht als Spitzbuben.« Robert Walsers Bonmots sind immer hintergründig wie hinreißend. Der Schweizer Dichter ist einmalig als Erscheinung, kaum ein anderer Schriftsteller hat sich zu so vielen Lebensbereichen ähnlich pointiert geäußert wie er. Diese Sammlung von Texten und Aphorismen, ausgewählt von Susanne Schaber, stellt diesen außerordentlichen Autor als Flaneur und genauen Borbachter vor, als Miniaturist par excellence.

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        Film theory & criticism
        April 2017

        Robert Guédiguian

        by Series edited by Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram, Joseph Mai

        Intervening at the crossroads of philosophy, politics, and cinema, this book argues that the career of Robert Guédiguian, director of Marius et Jeannette (1997) and other popular auteurist films, can be read as an original and coherent project: to make a committed, historically-conscious cinema with friends, in a local space, and over a long period of time. Illustrated with comprehensive readings of all of Guédiguian's films.

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        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        July 2013

        The Henry VI plays

        by Stuart Hampton-Reeves, Carol Chillington Rutter

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