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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Human remains and mass violence

        Methodological approaches

        by Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Élisabeth Anstett, Élisabeth Anstett

        This book outlines for the first time in a single volume the theoretical and methodological tools for a study of human remains resulting from episodes of mass violence and genocide. Despite the highly innovative and contemporary research into both mass violence and the body, the most significant consequence of conflict - the corpse - remains absent from the scope of existing research. Why have human remains hitherto remained absent from our investigation, and how do historians, anthropologists and legal scholars, including specialists in criminology and political science, confront these difficult issues? By drawing on international case studies including genocides in Rwanda, the Khmer Rouge, Argentina, Russia and the context of post-World War II Europe, this ground-breaking edited collection opens new avenues of research. Multidisciplinary in scope, this volume will appeal to readers interested in an understanding of mass violence's aftermath, including researchers in history, anthropology, sociology, law, politics and modern warfare. The research program leading to this publication has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n° 283-617.

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        Genocide & ethnic cleansing
        May 2017

        Destruction and human remains

        Disposal and concealment in genocide and mass violence

        by Series edited by Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Élisabeth Anstett. Edited by Élisabeth Anstett, Jean-Marc Dreyfus

        Destruction and human remains investigates a crucial question frequently neglected in academic debate in the fields of mass violence and genocide studies: what is done to the bodies of the victims after they are killed? In the context of mass violence, death does not constitute the end of the executors' work. Their victims' remains are often treated and manipulated in very specific ways, amounting in some cases to true social engineering, often with remarkable ingenuity. To address these seldom-documented phenomena, this volume includes chapters based on extensive primary and archival research to explore why, how and by whom these acts have been committed through recent history. Interdisciplinary in scope, Destruction and human remains will appeal to readers interested in the history and implications of genocide and mass violence, including researchers in anthropology, sociology, history, politics and modern warfare.

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        Sociology: death & dying
        May 2017

        Human remains and identification

        Mass violence, genocide, and the ‘forensic turn’

        by Series edited by Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Élisabeth Anstett. Edited by Élisabeth Anstett, Jean-Marc Dreyfus

        Human remains and identification presents a pioneering investigation into the practices and methodologies used in the search for and exhumation of dead bodies resulting from mass violence. Previously absent from forensic debate, social scientists and historians here confront historical and contemporary exhumations with the application of social context to create an innovative and interdisciplinary dialogue, enlightening the political, social and legal aspects of mass crime and its aftermaths. Through a ground-breaking selection of international case studies, Human remains and identification argues that the emergence of new technologies to facilitate the identification of dead bodies has led to a "forensic turn", normalising exhumations as a method of dealing with human remains en masse. However, are these exhumations always made for legitimate reasons? Multidisciplinary in scope, this book will appeal to readers interested in understanding this crucial phase of mass violence's aftermath, including researchers in history, anthropology, sociology, forensic science, law, politics and modern warfare. The research program leading to this publication has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n° 283-617.

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        Society & culture: general
        May 2017

        Human remains and mass violence

        Methodological approaches

        by Edited by Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Élisabeth Anstett

        This book outlines for the first time in a single volume the theoretical and methodological tools for a study of human remains resulting from episodes of mass violence and genocide. Despite the highly innovative and contemporary research into both mass violence and the body, the most significant consequence of conflict - the corpse - remains absent from the scope of existing research. Why have human remains hitherto remained absent from our investigation, and how do historians, anthropologists and legal scholars, including specialists in criminology and political science, confront these difficult issues? By drawing on international case studies including genocides in Rwanda, the Khmer Rouge, Argentina, Russia and the context of post-World War II Europe, this ground-breaking edited collection opens new avenues of research. Multidisciplinary in scope, this volume will appeal to readers interested in an understanding of mass violence's aftermath, including researchers in history, anthropology, sociology, law, politics and modern warfare. The research program leading to this publication has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n° 283-617.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean Renoir

        by Martin O'Shaughnessy

        Accessible and original analysis of all Jean Renoir's sound films, including those he made in Hollywood - this is the first major study to appear for a number of years and brings new light on some of the director's most celebrated films.. Illuminating account of critical debates concerning Renoir, and focusing on hitherto neglected areas such as gender, nation and ethnicity the book asks us to rethink our understanding of Renoir's political commitment.. Traces his output from the silent period to the age of television, tying his work into a fast-shifting, socio-historical context.. Detailed analyses of his sound films map his evolving style while individual chapters cover Renoir's career and writings, critical debates, the silent and early sound films, the Popular Front period, Renoir amèricain and the later films.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Jean-Jacques Beineix

        by Philip Powrie

        This volume is the first to examine, in either French or English, the films of Jean-Jacques Beineix, often seen as the best example of the 1980s cinéma du look, with cult films, such as Diva and Betty Blue (37º 2 le matin) .. After an introduction which places Beineix in the context of the 1980s and the arguments centering on a postmodern cinema, the volume devotes a chapter to each of Beineix's feature films, including the film which marked his return to feature film making after a break of a decade, Mortel Transfert (2001). Prefaced by an excellent foreword by the director himself, which includes a broad condemnation of French critics. Includes many illustrations direct from the director's own collection, complementing the interviews Powrie made with him and his collaborators.

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        by Arye Dreyfus

        DIE HERBERGE: Schicksalsbegegnungen in einer Wüstenoase Arye Dreyfus In einem felsigen, halb vergessenen Teil des Negevs beherbergt eine abgelegene Herberge Menschen, die sich völlig aufgegeben haben. Der Ort hat weder eine therapeutische Struktur noch die Weisheit einer Führungspersönlichkeit zu bieten. Es gibt keine politischen oder religiösen Bindungen und keine öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung – keine Hemmschwellen für Neve Dror, und jeden Morgen gelingt es seinen Besuchern, ein neues menschliches Mosaik zu schaffen. Erstaunlicherweise wird das ungeschriebene Motto der Herberge „Du bist alles, was du hast“ öfter wahr. Männer und Frauen, Jung und Alt, internationale Prominente und soziale Außenseiter, agnostische Juden und gläubige Christen, lokale Geschäftsleute, Startups und reiche ausländische Erben gehen in diesem Wüstenrefugium ein und aus. Jeder Besucher ist zu erfahren im Umgang mit der Welt, um zu erwarten, dass die Narben auf seinem Rücken an diesem exotischen Zufluchtsort schnell verschwinden würden. Und doch werden Träume in der rauen Umgebung immer wieder zur Realität und Resignation gilt als Häresie. In diesem abgelegenen Teil der Welt, im Desert Inn, ist nichts illusorisch, nicht einmal eine unmögliche Liebesgeschichte zwischen einem vatikanischen Priester und einem israelischen Friseur. Die Herberge in Neve Dror ist jedoch keine erfundene Legende. Diese Geschichte beruht auf tatsächlichen Gegebenheiten.  Arye Dreyfus, in Frankreich geborener Lehrer, beschreibt eine erschreckende Realität, doch sein sonnig israelisches Gemüt hat auch immer einen Blick für das Schöne. Er ist ein versierter Pädagoge und hauptsächlich in Europa und Afrika unterwegs. Er verurteilt nichts und romantisiert nichts, er erzählt nur eloquent die Geschichte einer dekadenten Gesellschaft, die fünfzig Jahre später nicht bereit zu sein scheint, sich mit ihrer eigenen Unbeständigkeit auseinanderzusetzen. Eine englischsprachige eBook Edition wurde Mitte 2018 veröffentlicht. 266 Seiten, 14 x 20,5 cm.

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        July 2021

        Die Wiedergewinnung des Realismus

        by Hubert Dreyfus, Charles Taylor, Joachim Schulte

        Anhand von Begriffen wie Dasein, Zeitlichkeit und Verkörperung und in Rückbesinnung auf eine Traditionslinie, die von Aristoteles bis zu Heidegger und Merleau-Ponty reicht, skizzieren Hubert Dreyfus und Charles Taylor ein radikal neues erkenntnistheoretisches Paradigma, das den Menschen als immer schon in direktem Kontakt mit der Welt begreift: einen robusten pluralen Realismus, der auch in ethisch-politischer Hinsicht einheitsstiftende Kraft hat. Es ist der endgültige Abschied von René Descartes – souverän inszeniert von zwei der bedeutendsten Denker unserer Zeit.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2023

        Time and radical politics in France

        From the Dreyfus Affair to the First World War

        by Alexandra Paulin-Booth

        This book investigates how people have thought about and experienced time, and how their ideas about time have shaped their political views and actions. Using French thinkers and activists of the radical left and right between the Dreyfus Affair and the First World War as a case study, it argues that time provides an important means of exploring how concepts such as nationalism, revolution and social change were understood at the turn of the century. Attending to different experiences of time - the speed at which it was perceived to move, the extent to which the future was near and graspable, the ways in which the past was seen to impinge on the present - opens up exciting new possibilities for analysing politics, ideologies and worldviews.

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        THE INN: Twists and Turns in a Desert Oasis

        by Arye Dreyfus

        In a rocky, half-forgotten part of the Negev, an isolated inn shelters people who feel they have let themselves waste away. The battered site doesn’t offer the amenities of a structured therapeutic doctrine or the benefits of a sage’s wisdom. There are no political or religious allegiances or any public financial support—no inhibiting barriers taint Neve Dror, and every morning its visitors succeed in creating a new human mosaic. Amazingly, the inn’s unwritten motto, “You are all you have,” comes true more often than not. Men and women, young and old, international celebrities and social underdogs, agnostic Jews and devout Christians, self-made local businessmen and rich foreign heirs all rub shoulders with one another as equals in their foster desert home. Each visitor is too wise to the ways of the world to expect the scars on his or her back to quickly melt away in this strange new haven. And yet, despite the harsh surroundings, dreams breezily transform into reality and resignation becomes heresy. In this distant part of the world, at the desert inn, nothing is illusory, not even an impossible love story between a Vatican priest and an Israeli hairdresser. The inn at Neve Dror, however, is not another invented legend; this tale is a mere description of events.  Arye Dreyfus, a teacher born in France, describes dire facts, but his Israeli nature doesn’t let these facts merge into an apparently hopeless situation. He is an accomplished educator and envoy to various discreet missions, mainly in Europe and Africa. He doesn’t condemn or condone, he just eloquently unfolds a story of a decadent society that fifty years later doesn’t seem ready to come to terms with its own inconstancy. An English-language eBook Edition was published  in mid-2018. 266 pages, 14X20.5 cm.

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