ZNN Network Literary and Illustrator Agency
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View Rights PortalSeven Crows & Eight Stories gathers together, as its title says, eight stories in which children are protagonists: intelligent children; some mischievous, some rogue, some disobedient; and if there is a common characteristic, it is all naivety. Buitrago has the virtue of understanding very well the world of children and of speaking to them equally. The fears, the joys of children, are well known by the author and proof of this are his texts, where he depicts a very original representation of childhood and reality. These stories about everyday life are very humorous and will make more than one reader finish with a smile. The illustrations of Mayorga, of free stroke and, therefore, very expressive, show us the different scenarios and characters that make up that universe created by Buitrago.
Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio wurde 1927 in Rom geboren. Er studierte Philosophie und Literaturwissenschaft in Madrid, wo er bis heute lebt. Er schrieb nur zwei Romane, Industrias y andanzas de Alfanhuí (1951, dt. Abenteuer und Wanderungen des Alfanhuí, 1959) und El Jarama (1956, dt. Am Jarama, 1960), die ihn jedoch über Ländergrenzen hinweg berühmt machten. Für El Jarama erhielt er den Premio Nadal. Seither veröffentlichte er mehrere Erzählungen, Essays und Gedichte und schreibt u.a. für die Zeitung El País. Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio erhält den diesjährigen Cervantes-Preis.
Rafael Alberti wurde 1902 in einem kleinen Dorf in Andalusien geboren. 1917 zog die Familie nach Madrid. Zunächst fühlte sich Alberti mehr zur Malerei hingezogen, erst 1921 fand er auch zur Literatur, insbesondere zur Poesie. Seinen ersten Gedichtband, Mar y tierra, später in Marinero en tierra umgeändert (dt. Zu Lande und zu Wasser, 1984), veröffentlichte er 1923 und erhielt dafür 1925 den Nationalpreis für Literatur. In den Gedichten verbinden sich persönliche Erfahrungen mit den Einflüssen von Gil Vicente und der spanischen Romanzendichtung - Volkstümlich-Folkloristisches mit avantgardistischen Strömungen, wie dem Surrealismus. Nach dem Bürgerkrieg ging Alberti ins argentinische Exil. 1963 kam er wieder nach Europa, wo er sich in Rom niederließ. Er kehrte 1977 nach Spanien zurück und wurde Abgeordneter der Kommunistischen Partei im Spanischen Parlament. Albertis Werk umfaßt neben zahlreichen Gedichten und Theaterstücken auch die im Exil entstandenen Erinnerungen, La arboleda perdida (1942-1996, dt. Der verlorene Hain, 1997) und andere Schriften. Alberti gehört, neben Federico García Lorca, Jorge Guillén und anderen, zu den Vertretern der legendären Dichtergeneration von 1927 und war einer der großen spanischen Lyriker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wie kaum ein anderer brachte er volkstümliche und mythische Inhalte und Formen mit den Neuerungen der Moderne in Einklang. Neben zahlreichen Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen erhielt Alberti 1981 den Nationalpreis für Theater und 1983 den Cervantes-Preis. Rafael Alberti starb 1999 in seinem Geburtsort.
This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.
Tankred Dorst. Ich bin nur vorübergehend hier. Botschaften aus dem Niemandsland. Mitarbeit Ursula Ehler Martin Heckmanns. Wörter und Körper Harold Pinter. Celebration. Aus dem Englischen von Michael Walter Rafael Spregelburd. Die Dummheit. Aus dem Spanischen von Sonja und Patrick Wengenroth
Ruby Fairygale and the Island of Magic Ruby Fairygale's first adventure - lovingly and excitingly told, with many atmospheric illustrations• Feel-good fantasy for Story Time, Early Readers and Fans of "Ruby Fairygale"!• Written by Marlene Jablonski (“Liliane Susewind” Chapter book series), based on a synopsis by Kira Gembri• Strong female protagonist and lovingly developed characters, with a high sympathy factor8-year-old Ruby Fairygale lives on a small island near the west coast of Ireland. After school, she always helps her grandmother, who works as a veterinarian. But the two of them have a big secret: they know that there are not only animals on the island, but also magical mythical creatures that need their help.Summer vacation at last! Now Ruby can spend the whole day helping her grandma. The two of them not only take care of animals, but also fairies, goblins and other mythical creatures! It's not easy to keep this secret - especially from Briana, the most unfriendly girl in Ruby's class. When Bri's father's fishing nets are destroyed, Briana suspects a pack of seals and is determined to drive them away. But Ruby suspects that something else is behind this. Something completely magical ... And indeed: a little mermaid had become entangled in the fishing net! Can Ruby still stop Bri without revealing her secret?
Help the animals to find their letters ... easy as ABC!• By best-selling author Ursula Poznanski• Get a first feeling for letters and words!• Humorously illustrated, with funny details!After a big storm in the jungle, the little monkey collects many funny-looking things. “That are letters,” knows the smart parrot. “Somebody must have lost them”. And indeed, monkey and parrot come across strange animals that seem like something is missing. A "iger", a "nake", a "at" … An exciting letter story for reading aloud and early reading, guessing and poetizing by yourself!
An innovative & different princess story! • The three princesses love to quarrel • Original and incredibly witty • Written by Ursula Poznanski and stunning illustrations by Sabine Büchner • Translation Grant! Bianca, Violetta and Rosalind are three adorable princesses. But they share a tiny quirk: they love to argue! One day a visitor asks for entrance into the castle. Prince Waldomir doesn’t enjoy hunting dragons anymore and rather prefers to get married know. Of course each princess is convinced to be the best choice and the prince’s one and only. So a rat race is launched before they have even met the puny prince for the first time…
Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food involves Mr. Chua's travel notes and random thoughts on his trip for savoring food. He experiences around the world from Moscow to Buenos Aires, feasting your eyes on European and American styles and customs; he travels around China from Dalian of Liaoning to Sheung Wan of Hong Kong, savoring local culture and cuisines; he talks about food from cup noodles and sauce to fish roes and curry, airing opinions and making comments in passionate language. Besides, the book is illustrated by the Hong Kong talented artist as well as Mr. Chua's dedicated illustrator Ms. Meilo So. Her loose, flowing, and easily recognizable style add more appeal and interest to the book.
Kuwaiti children’s book author Lateefa Buti’s well-crafted and beautifully illustrated children’s book, Hatless, encourages children (ages 6-9) to think independently and challenge rigid traditions and fixed rituals with innovation and creativity. The main character is a young girl named Hatless who lives in the City of Hats. Here, all of the people are born with hats that cover their heads and faces. The world inside of their hats is dark, silent, and odorless. Hatless feels trapped underneath her own hat. She wants to take off her hat, but she is afraid, until she realizes that whatever frightening things exist in the world around her are there whether or not she takes off her hat to see them. So Hatless removes her hat. As Hatless takes in the beauty of her surroundings, she cannot help but talk about what she sees, hears, and smells. The other inhabitants of the city ostracize her because she has become different from them. It is not long before they ask her to leave the City of Hats. Rather than giving up or getting angry, Hatless feels sad for her friends and neighbors who are afraid to experience the world outside of their hats. She comes up with an ingenious solution: if given another chance, she will wear a hat as long it is one she makes herself. The people of the City of Hats agree, so Hatless weaves a hat that covers her head and face but does not prevent her from seeing the outside world. She offers to loan the hat to the other inhabitants of the city. One by one, they try it on and are enchanted by the beautiful world around them. Since then, no child has been born wearing a hat. The people celebrate by tossing their old hats in the air. By bravely embracing these values, Hatless improves her own life and the lives of her fellow citizens. Buti’s language is eloquent and clear. She strikes a skilled narrative balance between revealing Hatless’s inner thoughts and letting the story unfold through her interactions with other characters. Careful descriptions are accompanied by beautiful illustrations that reward multiple readings of the book.
Paper on the concept of vertical and horizontal and resistance as illustrated by bacterial wilt of potatoes
This book is a companion volume to Quarantine Pests for Europe, published originally in 1992 by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and CAB INTERNATIONAL (CABI) for the European Union. The previous book provides information on identity, hosts, geographical distribution, biology, detection and identification, means of movement and dispersal, pest significance, phytosanitary measures and a bibliography for all the quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union, but does not contain any illustrations. A second edition of Quarantine Pests for Europe will be published at the end of 1996. The present book contains approximately 400 colour illustrations, most of them new in relation to the very first illustrations of the EPPO Data Sheets which appeared in Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin in the 1980s. The book covers most of the quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union, including those which have been added to the quarantine lists since 1992. Thus it will be compatible with the second edition of the volume of text data sheets. The quarantine pests concerned are either not present in the Euro-Mediterranean region, or only present to a limited extent and submitted to official control measures. The sequence of presentation is as for the text volume, i.e. insects, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, parasitic plants. Within each chapter, the pest illustrations appear in alphabetical order. An index including scientific names and synonyms is included at the end of the book. Accompanying text is presented in both English and French. Although it has not been possible to illustrate every listed quarantine pest, this book provides a unique collection that will help phytosanitary inspectors, plant health officers, and others working in the field of plant quarantine, or plant protection in general, to recognize and identify quarantine pests. The book is published by EPPO in association with CABI, and is available for sale exclusively through CABI.
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Yours casually: It’s a match! Seelenverwandtschaft und die wahre Liebe? Alles Quatsch, wenn man Sienna fragt. Sich erneut verlieben? Darauf kann Rafael für den Rest seines Lebens verzichten. Auf der Suche nach unverbindlichem Sex lernen sich Sienna und Rafael über eine Dating-App kennen und landen im Bett. Mit Rafael kann Sienna endlich herausfinden, was ihr wirklich gefällt, und er muss sich bei ihrer Vorgeschichte keine Sorgen machen, dass sie sich in ihn verlieben könnte. Beide sind sich einig: Das muss wiederholt werden! Natürlich nicht, ohne ein paar Regeln festzulegen: keine Dates, keine tiefen Gespräche und vor allem keine Gefühle. Klingt doch eigentlich ganz einfach … Sex in the City: Eine Fast-Paced Young Adult Romance in New York. Female Empowerment meets New Adult. Keine Geduld für „Slow Burn“? Hier geht es erst zur Sache, die Gefühle kommen später. Hochromantisch: Die wahre Liebe findet dich, ob du willst oder nicht. Von online zu offline, von New York nach Italien. Lovestory der erfolgreichen Imprint-Autorin Francesca Peluso.
A time comes when every child starts wondering about their body, asking their parents “awkward” questions. In this book, children and their parents, together with a curious boy named Max, will learn about the boys’ private parts and about the right way to treat one’s privacy and intimacy, about hygiene and safety, about illnesses and self-care, and, most importantly, about good behavior and respect. The book approaches the subject in an interesting and fun way, and is beautifully illustrated by Anna Oliynyk. From 3 to 12 years, 7681 words Rightsholders: mybookshelf.publishing@gmail.com
The dog Zhuka lives at a gas station with her brother Sirius.They are fed by a nice woman, but one day she disappears. Miserable times await the dogs, because winter is coming, and workers at the gas station decide to get rid of them and take them out as soon as possible. Who knows what would have happened to them if one day a car with a family didn’t stop on the roadside and gave them shelter and love. The story told by Zhuka – the first picture book by the Ukrainian illustrator Grasya Oliyko – is an ingenuous and moving story that will touch the strings of both children’s and adult’s hearts. From 3 to 6 years, 799 words Rightsholders: Ivan Fedechko; ivan.fedechko@starlev.com.ua