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      • Lake Press Pty Ltd.

        Lake Press is one of Australia's largest independent publishers of books for children.  We specialise in high quality illustration and authorship, with books from babies through to teens.  Our categories include board books, activity books, picture storybooks, activity kits and non-fiction.  We have partners throughout the world, and our books are regularly published in up to 32 languages.

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      • United States Institute of Peace

        TheUnited States Insitute of Peace was created by the US congress as a federally funded presscreatingworks toprevent and resolve global conflict by providing education and resources to work towards peace.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Order and conflict

        Anthony Ascham and English political thought (1648–50)

        by Peter Lake, Marco Barducci, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book provides a careful and systematic analysis of Anthony Ascham's career and writings for the first time in English. During the crucial period between the Second Civil War and the establishment of the English Republic, when he served as official pamphleteer of the Parliament and the republican government, Ascham put forward a complex argument in support of Parliament's claims for obedience which drew on the political thought of Grotius, Hobbes, Selden, Filmer and Machiavelli. He combined ideas taken from these authors and turned them into a powerful instrument of propaganda to be deployed in the service of the political agenda of his Independent patrons in Parliament. This investigation of Ascham's works brings together an intellectual analysis of his political thought and an exploration of the interaction between politics, propaganda and political ideas.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2001

        The boxmaker's revenge

        'Orthodoxy', 'Heterodoxy' and the politics of the parish in early Stuart London

        by Peter Lake, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book is based on a story. Its main protagonists are a London clergyman, Stephen Denison, and a lay sectmaster and prophet, John Etherington. The dispute between the two men blew up in the mid-1620s, but its reverberations can be traced back to the 1590s and continued to 1640. Through Denison the book analyses the tensions and contradictions within the 'religion of protestants' that dominated great swathes of the early Stuart church. Through Etherington, it eavesdrops on a London puritan underground that has remained largely hidden from view and which, while it was related to, indeed, parasitic upon, was not coterminous with, the order and orthodoxy-centred puritanism of Stephen Denison. By placing the Denison/Etherington dispute in its multiple contexts, the book becomes a study of puritan theology and intra-puritan theological dispute; of lay clerical relations and of the politics of the parish; and thus of the social history of parish and puritan religion in London. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2001

        Cromwell's major-generals

        Godly government during the English Revolution

        by Christopher Durston, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        The first full-scale study of the rule of Cromwell's major-generals over England and Wales during 1655 and 1656. This is a period which had a dramatic impact upon contemporaries and has remained a powerful symbol of military rule down to the present day. Contains chapters on the three most important aspects of the major-generals' work: the collection of the decimation tax; the attempt to improve the security of the regime; and the struggle to build the 'Godly Nation'. Concludes with an investigation of the 1656 election and the major-generals subsequent unexpected fall from power. Fills a major gap in the historiography of Cromwellian England. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2002

        Leicester and the court

        Essays on Elizabethan politics

        by Simon Adams, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        Now back in print, this comprehensive collection of essays by Simon Adams brings to life the most enigmatic of Elizabethans--Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Adams, famous for the unique depth and breadth of his research, has gathered here his most important essays looking at the Elizabethan Court, and the adventures and legacy of the Earl. Together with his edition of Leicester's accounts and his reconstruction of Leicester's papers, Adams has published much upon on Leicester's influence and activities. His work has reshaped our knowledge of Elizabeth and her Court, Parliament, and such subjects of recent debate as the power of the nobility and the noble affinity, the politics of faction and the role of patronage. Sixteen essays are found in this collection, organized into three groups: the Court, Leicester and his affinity, and Leicester and the regions. This volume will be essential reading for academics and students interested in the Elizabethan Court and in early modern British politics more generally. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Westminster 1640–60

        A royal city in a time of revolution

        by Peter Lake, J. F. Merritt, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book examines the varied and fascinating ways that Westminster - traditionally home to the royal court, the fashionable West End and parliament - became the seat of the successive, non-monarchical regimes of the 1640s and 1650s. It first explores the town as the venue that helped to shape the breakdown of relations between the king and parliament in 1640-42. Subsequent chapters explore the role Westminster performed as both the ceremonial and administrative heart of shifting regimes, the hitherto unnoticed militarisation of local society through the 1640s and 1650s, and the fluctuating fortunes of the fashionable society of the West End in this revolutionary context. Analyses of religious life and patterns of local political allegiance and government unveil a complex and dynamic picture, in which the area not only witnessed major political and cultural change in these turbulent decades, but also the persistence of conservatism on the very doorstep of government.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        Charitable hatred

        Tolerance and intolerance in England, 1500–1700

        by Alexandra Walsham, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        Charitable Hatred offers a challenging new perspective on religious tolerance and intolerance in early modern England. Setting aside traditional models charting a linear progress from persecution to toleration, it emphasises instead the complex interplay between these two impulses in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The book examines the intellectual assumptions that underpinned attitudes towards religious minorities and the institutional structures and legal mechanisms by which they were both repressed and accommodated. It also explores the social realities of prejudice and forbearance, hostility and harmony at the level of the neighbourhood and parish. Simultaneously, it surveys the range of ways in which dissenting churches and groups responded and adapted to official and popular intolerance, investigating how the experience of suffering helped to forge sectarian identities. In analysing the consequences of the advancing pluralism of English society in the wake of the Reformation, this study illuminates the cultural processes that shaped and complicated the conditions of coexistence before and after the Act of Toleration of 1689. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2013

        The 1630s

        Interdisciplinary essays on culture and politics in the Caroline era

        by Peter Lake, Ian Atherton, Julie Sanders, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This is an exciting collection of essays on the rule of Charles I at a time of fundamental importance to English history. It combines the work of historians with academics from literary studies to provide an interdisciplinary examination of the culture and political life of the decade. The chapters focus on issues in politics, religion, the monarchy and culture, as well as literature and art history. Essays examine everything from the King's correspondence to the role of consort queens at court and opposition to the King in libel, satire and on the stage. Many historians assert that it was Charles's inept and dangerous policy of 'personal rule' which was responsible for putting the country on the road to civil war. This book will be invaluable for students and lecturers seeking to better understand the causes of the conflict. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2001

        Aspects of English Protestantism C.1530–1700

        by Nicholas Tyacke, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        During the sixteenth century, England underwent a religious revolution. This book examines the reverberations of this Protestant Reformation, which continued to be felt until at least the end of the seventeenth century. Brings together twelve essays by Nicholas Tyacke about English Protestantism, which range from the Reformation itself, and the new market-place of ideas opened up, to the establishment of freedom of worship for Protestant nonconformists in 1689. For this collection the author has written a substantial introduction, and updated the essays by incorporating new research. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2008

        Political passions

        Gender, the family and political argument in England, 1680–1714

        by Rachel Weil, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        Ideas about marriage, gender and the family were central to political debate in late Stuart England. Newly available in paperback, this book shows how political argument became an arena in which the proper relations between men and women, parents and children, public and private were defined and contested. Using sources that range from high political theory to scurrilous lampoons, she considers public debates about succession, resistance and divorce. Weil examines the allegedly fraudulent birth of the Prince of Wales in 1688, the uses to which Williamite propagandists put the image of the paradoxically sovereign but obedient Mary II, anxieties about the influence of bedchamber women on Queen Anne, the political self-image of the notorious Duchess of Marlborough, the relationship of feminism and Tory ideology in the polemical writings of Mary Astell and the scandal novels of Delariviere Manley. Solidly grounded in current historical scholarship, but written in an engaging manner accessible to non-specialists, this book will interest students of literature, gender studies, political culture and political theory as well as historians. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2012

        The politics of the public sphere in early modern England

        Public Persons and Popular Spirits

        by Peter Lake, Peter Lake, Steve Pincus, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book uses the notion of the public sphere to produce a new view of the history of England in the post reformation period, tracing its themes from the 1530s to the early eighteenth century. The contributors, who are all leaders in their own fields, bring a diverse range of approaches to bear on the central theme. The book aims to put the results of some of the most innovative and exciting work in the field before the reader in accessible form. Each chapter stands alone in representing an important contribution to its own area of study and sub-period as well as to the overall argument of the book. Politics, culture and religion all feature prominently in the resulting analysis, which should be of interest to students and academics of early modern English history and literature. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        Courtship and constraint

        Rethinking the making of marriage in Tudor England

        by Diana O'Hara, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        The first study of early modern English courtship as a subject in its own right. New historical and anthropological insights into the making of marriage, and an arresting and exciting contribution to the history of the family. Takes the interpretation of the English church court material to a new level of sophistication. Explores new or neglected subjects such as the use of gifts or tokens and the role of go-betweens in English courtship. The fresh and wholly original perspectives on English courtship offered here should redirect and revitalise the history of marriage in early modern England. ;

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